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21. PERSONAGGI DELLA STORIA ELETTRICA #6 Translate this page robert andrews millikan - Morrison, Illinois,1868 - San Marino, California1953. Fisico statunitense. Premio nobel 1923. Guglielmo Marconi. http://www.museoelettrico.com/storia/persg1850_1900.html | |
22. Premi Nobel Per La Chimica millikan robert andrews; millikan robert andrews; MoseleyHenry; Mulliken robert Sanderson; Natta Reina; Newton Issac; nobel Alfred; nobel http://www.itchiavari.org/chimica/tabelle/biografie.html | |
23. Zientzia Eta Teknologiaren Ataria millikan, robert andrews. 1923an Fisikako nobel Saria eman zioten elektroiaren kargaaurkitu izana omenduz eta bere karreran zehar egindako dibulgaziolana bide http://www.zientzia.net/artikulua.asp?Artik_kod=2467 |
24. HTML REDIRECT nobel Lecture Autobiography (in English) Biography (in German) Obituary from millikan,robert andrews, USA, b. 1868, d. 1953, California Institute of Technology http://www.slac.stanford.edu/library/nobel.html | |
25. Sigma Xi: The Scientific Research Society: 2000 Forum Proceedings: In The Case O In the Case of robert andrews millikan. to tell the story of the case against robertA. millikan millikan was the founder, first leader, first nobel Prizewinner http://www.sigmaxi.org/meetings/archive/forum.2000.millikan.shtml | |
26. Sigma Xi: The Scientific Research Society: AmSci Summary Archive andrews millikan robert andrews millikan earned the nobel Prize for Physics in1923, largely for his pioneering measurements of the charge of the electron. http://www.sigmaxi.org/about/news/archive.jan01.shtml | |
27. Robert Andrews Millikan millikan, robert andrews Dictionary of Scientists R 925 B52 Who Did What R 920.02W622 Dictionary of Scientific Biography R 925 D56 nobel Prize Winners http://www.punahou.edu/libraries/cooke/millikan.html | |
28. Robert Andrews Millikan Translate this page robert andrews millikan Ganhou o Prêmio nobel de Física (1923) por seus estudossobre a medida da carga do elétron e sobre o efeito fotoelétrico. http://www.sobiografias.hpg.ig.com.br/RoberAnd.html | |
30. Nobel Prize Winners At The University Of Chicago nobel Prize Winners at the University of Chicago. SORTED BY PRIZE (as ofOctober 11, 2000) 3, 1923, robert andrews millikan (X 94), Physics. http://www-news.uchicago.edu/releases/00/001011.nobel-winners.shtml | |
31. Pictures Gallery Of The Nobel Prize Winners In Physics Translate this page The nobel Prize in Physics. 1998. robert B. Laughlin Horst L. Störmer DanielC. Tsui 1997. 1923. robert andrews millikan 1922. Niels Henrik David Bohr 1921. http://www.th.physik.uni-frankfurt.de/~jr/physpicnobel.html | |
32. Robert Andrews Millikan Translate this page robert andrews millikan. Morrison (Ill.) 22.3.1868 - Pasadena (Cal.)19.12.1953. Il cosmica). Premio nobel per la fisica del 1923. http://www2.enel.it/home/enelandia/storia_nj/person/millikan.htm |
33. Millikan, Robert Andrews: 1868-1953 robert andrews millikan died in San Marino, California in December of 1953, after ForFurther Study robert millikan Biography From nobel Archives. http://www.light-science.com/millikan.html | |
34. Untitled robert andrews millikan, b. Morrison (18681953), an American physicist, determinedthrough an oil on the photoelectric effect, he received the nobel Prize for http://www.phy.hr/~dpaar/fizicari/millikan.html | |
35. Robert Andrews Millikan The American physicist robert andrews millikan, b. Morrison, Ill., Mar. as well asfor his work on the photoelectric effect, he received the nobel Prize for http://www.phy.hr/~dpaar/fizicari/xmillika.html | |
36. Ryerson Physical Laboratory, 1894 Working with Michelson was robert andrews millikan, who was appointed to an assistantshipin Two years after leaving the University, his nobel Prize in physics http://physics.uchicago.edu/ryerson_history.html | |
37. Millikan millikan, robert andrews (szül. San Marino, Kalifornia), amerikai fizikus; 1923banfizikai nobel-díjjal tüntették ki az elemi elektromos töltésre és a http://www.kfki.hu/~cheminfo/hun/olvaso/bh/bh4/millikan.html |
38. Atomfizikusok német fizikus. Képek Lenard. millikan, robert andrews (18681953),nobel-díjas amerikai fizikus. Képek millikan. Pauli, Wolfgang http://www.szulocsatorna.hu/fizika/atom/tartalom/fizikus/fizikus.htm | |
39. Nobel-díjasok 1923 millikan, robert andrews (18681953, USA) az elektromosság elemi töltésévelés a Charles Thomson (1869-1959, Anglia) Compton a nobel-díjat a http://www.szulocsatorna.hu/fizika/atom/nobel.htm | |
40. Physics Themes Geography History History Prize Winners nobel Prize Physics.Year, Winners. 1923, millikan, robert andrews. 1924, Siegbahn, Karl Manne Georg. http://www.cartage.org.lb/en/themes/GeogHist/histories/prizewinners/nobelprize/p |
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