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         Meyerhof Otto Fritz:     more detail
  1. Biography - Meyerhof, Otto Fritz (1884-1951): An article from: Contemporary Authors by Gale Reference Team, 2003-01-01

41. Nobel Prize In Medicine 1922 - Heidelberg Medical School
nobel Prize in Medicine 1922. otto fritz meyerhof. 1884 1951. forhis discovery of the fixed relationship between the consumption
Nobel Prize in Medicine 1922
Otto Fritz Meyerhof
"for his discovery of the fixed relationship between the consumption of oxygen and the metabolism of lactic acid in the muscle"
Presentation Speech by Professor J. E. Johansson, Chairman of the Nobel Committee for Physiology or Medicine of the Royal Caroline Institute
Your Majesty, Your Royal Highnesses, Ladies and Gentlemen.
development of heat , or even with combustion . Now as it is impossible to regard the muscle as a heat-engine, how is it possible to fit these phenomena into the course of action?
This problem has been successfully solved by the two investigators to each of whom the Professorial Staff of the Caroline Institute has this year resolved to award half of the Nobel Prize for 1922 in Physiology or Medicine, namely Professors Archibald Vivian Hill of London and Otto Meyerhof of Kiel . These two men have each worked independently and to a large extent with different methods. Hill has analysed, by means of an extremely elegant thermoelectrical method, the time relations of the heat production of the muscle; and Meyerhof has investigated by chemical methods the oxygen consumption by the muscle and the conversion of carbohydrates and lactic acid in the muscle. Both have made use of the same kind of experimental material, namely the surviving muscle excised from a frog - in fact, the classical frog muscle preparation.
several periods, the last

42. University Of Heidelberg - The Medical Faculties Of Heidelberg And Mannheim
In 1910 and 1922 respectively, the Heidelberg medical professors Albrecht Kosseland otto fritz meyerhof were awarded the nobel Prize for medicine.

University A Tradition to the Future
The Medical Faculties of Heidelberg and Mannheim History
Research, teaching, medical care

Studying medicine and dentistry
Founded in 1386, the University of Heidelberg has boasted a Faculty of Medicine from the outset. Until 1482 instruction was purely theoretical. lt was entrusted to one single teacher and revolved entirely around the writings of the three major authorities of the day, Hippocrates, Galen and Avicenna. History
In 1482 a second chair of medicine was established, followed by a third in 1522. The reforms engineered by Elector Ottheinrich (from 1558 onwards) gave the Faculty of Medicine a new lease of life, thanks mostly to the influence of Thomas Erastus , who brought humanistic methods to bear on the study of medicine. This involved a division of the curriculum into therapy, pathology and physiology, and also provided instruction for the students in practical medical skills. In 1593 the Botanical Gardens were set up for pharmacological purposes and in 1600 the practical training of students was extended care of patients at the hospital. [Click for an enlarged view] The establishment of a chemical laboratory in 1686 by physician, anatomist and physiologist Johann Conrad

43. The Nobel Lauriates Of Germany.
otto fritz meyerhof 1922 nobel Laureate in Medicine for his discovery of the fixedrelationship between the consumption of oxygen and the metabolism of lactid
Here are more German Nobel Lauriats, including the year and field that they won.
1936 Nobel Laureate in Physics
for his discovery of cosmic radiation
1923 Nobel Laureate in Chemistry
for his invention of the method of micro-analysis of organic substances
1927 Nobel Peace Prize Laureate
1989 Nobel Laureate in Physics
for the development of the ion trap technique. ROBERT HUBER 1988 Nobel Laureate in Chemistry for the determination of the three-dimensional structure of a photosynthetic reaction centre. HARTMUT MICHEL 1988 Nobel Laureate in Chemistry for the determination of the three-dimensional structure of a photosynthetic reaction centre. OTTO LOEWI 1936 Nobel Laureate in Medicine for their discoveries relating to chemical transmission of nerve impulses. CARL FERDINAND CORI 1947 Nobel Laureate in Medicine for their discovery of the course of the catalytic conversion of glycogen KARL VON FRISCH 1973 Nobel Laureate in Medicine for their discoveries concerning organization and elicitation of individual and social behaviour patterns.

44. Today's Colloquia
otto fritz meyerhof Born on this day, 1884; Ob. 1951. nobel Prize in Physiologyor Medicine, 1922 for his discovery of the fixed relationship between the
Today's Colloquia
Saturday 19 April 2003
Nothing in database for today
Chemical History
Glenn T Seaborg
Born on this day, 1912. Nobel Prize in Chemistry, 1951 "for his discoveries in the chemistry of the transuranium elements". He made the first public announcement of the synthesis of new elements on a children's television programme.
The week ahead
Sunday 20 April 2003
Monday 21 April 2003
Tuesday 22 April 2003
Wednesday 23 April 2003
Thursday 24 April 2003
Inorganic Colloquia
Brian Heaton (University of Liverpool, UK)
Catalytic mechanisms of important industrial reactions from in situ NMR studies.
Friday 25 April 2003
Please note that this list is generated automatically. You are advised to check the original announcements to confirm this information

45. Nobel Prize For Physiology Or Medicine
nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine. University, for his discovery relating tothe production of heat in the muscle ; and otto fritz meyerhof (*1884, +195

46. Winners Of The Nobel Prize In Medicine Or Physiology
Taken from The nobel Prize Internet Archive. 2000. otto fritz meyerhof for hisdiscovery of the fixed relationship between the consumption of oxygen and the
Nobel Prize in Medicine or Physiology Taken from - The Nobel Prize Internet Archive
The prize was awarded jointly to: A RVID C ARLSSON ... REENGARD and E RIC K ANDEL for their discoveries concerning signal transduction in the nervous system. The prize was awarded to: G ÜNTER B LOBEL , for the discovery that proteins have intrinsic signals that govern their transport and localization in the cell. The prize was awarded jointly to: R OBERT F F ... GNARRO and F ERID M URAD for their discoveries concerning nitric oxide as a signalling molecule in the cardiovascular system. S TANLEY B P ... RUSINER for his discovery of Prions - a new biological principle of infection The prize was awarded jointly to: P ETER C D ... OHERTY and R OLF M Z ... INKERNAGEL for their discoveries concerning the specificity of the cell mediated immune defence. The prize was awarded jointly to: E DWARD B L ... OLHARD and E RIC F W ... IESCHAUS for their discoveries concerning the genetic control of early embryonic development. The prize was awarded jointly to: A LFRED G G ... ILMAN and M ARTIN R ODBELL for their discovery of G-proteins and the role of these proteins in signal transduction in cells.

47. October 6 - Today In Science History
(search), Died 6 Oct 1951 (born 12 Apr 1884) otto fritz meyerhof was a German biochemistand corecipient, with Archibald V. Hill, of the 1922 nobel Prize for
OCTOBER 6 - BIRTHS Thor Heyerdahl Born 6 Oct 1914; died 18 Apr 2002.
Norweigan ethnologist and adventurer who organized and led the famous Kon-Tiki (1947) and Ra (1969-70) transoceanic scientific expeditions. Both expeditions were intended to prove the possibility of ancient transoceanic contacts between distant civilizations and cultures. The Kon Tiki voyage from Peru to Polynesia was a 101-day, 4,300-mile drifting voyage on the 40-square-foot raft, a replica of pre-Inca vessels. He wished to show that Polynesia's first settlers could have come from South America. Few scholars at the time, and almost none today, endorsed the idea. They discount the Heyerdahl hypothesis largely on linguistic, genetic and cultural grounds, all of which point to the settlers having come from the west, not the east. Ernest Walton Born 6 Oct 1903; died 25 Jun 1995.
Ernest Thomas Sinton Walton was an Irish physicist, who was corecipient, with Sir John Douglas Cockcroft of England, of the 1951 Nobel Prize for Physics for the development of the first nuclear particle accelerator, known as the Cockcroft-Walton generator. Meghnad N. Saha

48. April 12 - Today In Science History
otto fritz meyerhof was a German biochemist and corecipient, with Archibald V.Hill, of the 1922 nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine for research on the
APRIL 12 - BIRTHS Otto Meyerhof
Born 12 Apr 1884; died 6 Oct 1951.
Otto Fritz Meyerhof was a German biochemist and corecipient, with Archibald V. Hill, of the 1922 Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine for research on the chemical reactions of metabolism in muscle. In 1940 he emigrated to America. Meyerhof demonstrated that the production of lactic acid in muscle tissue, formed as a result of glycogen breakdown, was effected without the consumption of oxygen (i.e., anaerobically). The lactic acid was reconverted to glycogen through oxidation by molecular oxygen, during muscle rest. This line of research was continued by Gustav Embden and Carl and Gerty Cori who worked out in greater detail the steps by which glycogen is converted to lactic acid - the Embden-Meyerhof pathway. Richard B. Goldschmidt Born 12 Apr 1878; died 24 Apr 1958.
Richard B(enedict) Goldschmidt was a German-born U.S. zoologist and geneticist, formulator of the theory that chromosome molecules are the more decisive factors in inheritance (rather than the qualities of the individual genes). His experimental work in genetics led to the discovery of genetics as the cause of geographical variation among animals. Sir James Mackenzie
(source) Born 12 Apr 1853; died 26 Jan 1925.

49. Laureáti Nobelovy Ceny Za Fyziologii A Lékaøství
Jejich plné znení je uverejnováno v publikaci Les Prix nobel. 1922, Sir ArchibaldVivian Hill. 1922, otto fritz meyerhof. 1923, Frederick Grant Banting.
Laureáti Nobelovy ceny za fyziologii a lékaøství OLOMOUC, ALDA 1999 ISBN 80-85600-69-2 Struktura stránky: Na poèátku byl dynamit - struèný životopis Alfreda Bernharda Nobela a historie Nobelovy nadace - Nobelova cena za fyziologii a lékaøství Laureáti Nobelovy ceny za fyziologii a lékaøství Recenze knihy Kniha - Laureáti Nobelovy ceny za fyziologii a lékaøství Alfred Bernhard Nobel 21. 10. 1833 Stockholm - 10. 12. 1896 San Remo Na poèátku byl dynamit Alfred Bernhard Nobel (21. 10. 1833 Stockholm – 10. 12. 1896 San Remo) patøil k nejvýznamnìjším vynálezcùm devatenáctého století. Pøihlásil na tøistapadesát patentù ve všech státech svìta a málokdo se dožil uplatnìní svých vynálezù jako právì on. Jeho vynálezy byly výsledkem práce Nobelových laboratoøí v Nìmecku, Francii, Skotsku, Itálii a Švédsku. Své objevy realizoval v devadesáti továrnách a firmách dvaceti zemí pìti kontinentù. Pocházel z rodiny švédského chemika a podnikatele, ale rodina záhy odešla do Ruska, kde jeho otec díky vynálezùm protipìchotních a vodních min dosáhl velmi rychle váženého postavení. Alfred Nobel je znám pøedevším jako vynálezce smutnì proslaveného dynamitu (1867), ale obrovskou senzaci zpùsobil také jeho testament, který napsal na sklonku svého života 27. listopadu 1895 v Paøíži. Vyøízení pozùstalosti se protáhlo až do roku 1900, nebo nìkteøí zákonní dìdicové se snažili zpochybnit její platnost, a potíže nastaly také kvùli Nobelovu skuteènému bydlišti a váhavému postoji institucí, které mìly podle závìti pøevzít odpovìdnost pøi udílení penìžitých odmìn. Založení Nobelovy nadace a pøedpisy pro instituce oprávnìné udìlovat ceny schválil švédský král 29. èervna 1900 a první Nobelovy ceny byly udìleny již o rok pozdìji.

50. Nobelprijs Voor De Fysiologie Of Geneeskunde - Wikipedia NL
Zie ook nobelprijs en Alfred nobel. Bron http// 1922Archibald Vivian Hill (GB), otto fritz meyerhof (Dui).

51. Premios Nobel De Fisiología Y Medicina
Translate this page 1922, Hill, Archibald V. (Gran Bretaña) meyerhof, otto (Alemania Henry Hallett (GranBretaña) Loewi, otto (EEUU 1953, Lipmann, fritz A. (EEUU) Krebs, Hans Adolf

52. David Barzilai - Biography
physician in my immediate family, my great grandfather (Moshe meyerhof)’s cousinis 1922 nobel Prize recipient in Medicine, otto fritz meyerhof (18841951).
My Family 1922 Nobel Prize recipient in Medicine Otto Fritz Meyerhof Known for his unusually holistic and interdisciplinary approach to studying metabolism (integrating physiology, biology, chemistry, physics, and pathology), Meyehof received the Prize “for his discovery of the fixed relationship between the consumption of oxygen and the metabolism of lactic acid in the muscle." Later, Meyerhof would direct the newly created Kaiser Wilhelm Institute of Medical Research at Heidelberg, where his lab would elucidate more than one third of the intermediates of glycolysis (a.k.a. the Embden-Meyerhof pathway A more complete history of Meyerhof is found here
Click here to learn more about my family. My own academic interests evolved from mathematics and physics, to biology (grade school through high school), and from the microscopic (basic science) to the macroscopic (health services research, public health, and health policy) during college. My biological and medical interests culminated in matriculation at Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine in Fall, 1998, which had just established the first federally funded M.D.-PhD. in Health Services Research/Epidemiology

53. Harapan's Bookshelf: Nobel Prize In Physiology Or Medicine
Link Official Website of nobel Foundation Physiology or Medicine his discovery relatingto the production of heat in the muscle; otto fritz meyerhof for his
Search Now: Search: English Books Japanese Books Both Keywords:
Japanese customer service Shipping Information Are you in Japan? Are you interested in Japan? English Books in Japan Books in Japanese Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine
last updated on Link: Official Website of Nobel Foundation: Physiology or Medicine Robert F. Furchgott, Louis J. Ignarro and Ferid Murad for their discoveries concerning nitric oxide as a signalling molecule in the cardiovascular system STANLEY B. PRUSINER for his discovery of Prions - a new biological principle of infection PETER C. DOHERTY and ROLF M. ZINKERNAGEL for their discoveries concerning the specificity of the cell mediated immune defence. EDWARD B. LEWIS CHRISTIANE NÜSSLEIN-VOLHARD and ERIC F. WIESCHAUS for their discoveries concerning the genetic control of early embryonic development. ALFRED G. GILMAN and MARTIN RODBELL for their discovery of G-proteins and the role of these proteins in signal transduction in cells. RICHARD J. ROBERTS

54. Behind The Name Nobel Prize Winners By Category
Behind the Name the etymology and history of first names. nobel Prize Winners byCategory. Archibald Vivian Hill, 1922, Medicine, otto fritz meyerhof, 1922, Medicine,

55. Sigma Xi: The Scientific Research Society: Nobel Laureates
Archibald V. Hill 1922 otto F. meyerhof 1933 Thomas H P. Murphy 1934 George H. Whipple1936 otto Loewi 1943 Kendall 1952 Selman A. Waksman 1953 fritz A. Lipmann
Overview Leadership Organization News ... Contact Us About: Overview
1907 Albert Michelson
1921 Albert Einstein
1923 Robert A. Millikan
1925 James Franck
1927 Arthur H. Compton
1936 Carl D. Anderson
1937 Clinton J. Davisson 1938 Enrico Fermi 1939 Ernest O. Lawrence 1943 Otto Stern 1944 Isidor Isaac Rabi 1945 Wolfgang Pauli 1946 Percy Williams Bridgman 1952 Felix Bloch 1952 Edward M. Purcell 1955 Polykarp Kusch 1955 Willis E. Lamb, Jr. 1956 John Bardeen 1956 Walter H. Brattain 1956 William Shockley 1957 Chen Ning Yang 1958 Igor Y. Tamm 1959 Owen Chamberlain 1959 Emilio G. Segre 1960 Donald A. Glaser 1961 Robert Hofstadter 1963 Eugene P. Wigner

56. Nobel Prize Winners Of The Kaiser Wilhelm/Max Planck Society
point to the laureates in the nobel emuseum. otto meyerhof (1884-1951), 1922 (Medicine), for his discovery of fritz Haber (1868-1934), 1918 (Chemisty), for the
Nobel Prize Winners of the Kaiser Wilhelm / Max Planck Society
The links point to the laureates in the Nobel e -museum
1995 (Medicine) "for the discoveries concerning the genetic control of early embryonic development" Paul J. Crutzen
1995 (Chemisty) "for the work in atmospheric chemistry, particularly concerning the formation and decomposition of ozone" Erwin Neher
1991 (Medicine) "for their discoveries concerning the function of single ion channels in cells" Bert Sakmann
Johann Deisenhofer

1988 (Chemisty) "for the determination of the three-dimensional structure of a photosynthetic reaction centre" Robert Huber
Hartmut Michel

Ernst Ruska

1986 (Physics) "for his fundamental work in electron optics, and for the design of the first electron microscope" Klaus von Klitzing
1985 (Physics) "for the discovery of the quantized Hall effect"

57. Nobelpreisträger
Translate this page Desinfektionsmittel, 1922, meyerhof, otto fritz, 1884 - 1951, 1924 -1929, KWI, Glykolyse, Gewebsatmung, ATP (mit Karl Lohmann), 1931, Warburg,
der Naturwissenschaften in Berlin

und Richtigstellungen dankbar!) KWI - Kaiser-Wilhelm-Institut
KWG - Kaiser-Wilhelm-Gesellschaft
MPI - Max-Planck-Institut
MPG - Max-Planck-Gesellschaft
FHI - Fritz-Haber-Institut der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft
LH - Landwirtschaftliche Hochschule
Jahr Name Vorname Leben von/bis in Berlin von/bis Arbeitsplatz einige Arbeitsgebiete Bemerkung von Laue Max Felix Theodor KWI-Physik 2. Direktor Planck Max Karl Ernst Ludwig UB Einstein Albert UB, KWI-Physik Direktor des KWI Erwin UB Wellenmechanik Ruska Ernst August Friedrich FHI, TU, FU Elektronenmikroskop
Jahr Name Vorname Leben von/bis in Berlin von/bis Arbeitsplatz einige Arbeitsgebiete Bemerkung van't Hoff Jacobus Henricus UB Stereochemie, Kinetik, Thermodynamik Fischer Hermann Emil UB Buchner Eduard LH Richard Martin KWI, UB Chlorophyll, Carotin, u.a. Farbstoffe, Synthese von Betain, Lecithin, Cocain Haber Fritz KWI Haber-Bosch-Verfahren... Nernst Walther Hermann UB Verteilungssatz, 3. Hauptsatz, Kalorimetrie, Elektrochemie Wieland Heinrich Otto Debye Petrus Josephus Wilhelmus UB, KWI-Physik

58. MBL Inside The MBL News Nobel Laureates
All Laureates were awarded the nobel Prize in 1953, fritz Lipmann, Lecturers, CoenzymeA and 1922, otto meyerhof, Library Reader, Relationship between consumption of

59. +SALUD
Translate this page 1922, otto fritz meyerhof La importancia del oxígeno en la producciónde energía. 1914, Robert Bárány Síntoma de un Premio nobel.
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+Salud Inforsalud Mejor prevenir Vivir en forma El médico de familia Hipersalud +Salud: Miscelánea





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Medicamentos y enfermedad
Con receta médica ... Publicidad Historia de la Medicina Los Premios Nobel de Medicina
"Lo que queda de mi fortuna constituirá un fondo cuyos intereses serán distribuidos cada año en forma de premios entre aquéllos que durante el año precedente hayan realizado el mayor beneficio a la humanidad." Alfred Nobel Walter Rudolf Hess y Antonio C. Egas Moniz. Funcionamiento del cerebro y el control de las psicosis Paul Hermann Müller ... ©2000-2001 Todos los derechos reservados de Canal Salud makeAD('','/SITE=ES.HEALTH/AREA=NEWS.HEALTH.HOME/POS=L/LANG=ES/AAMSZ=120x60',120,60); Ultima hora Los 10 Hospitales + OMS Organización Panamericana de Salud Las 10 Webs + makeAD('','/SITE=ES.HEALTH/AREA=NEWS.HEALTH.HOME/POS=TR/LANG=ES/AAMSZ=120x600',120,600);

60. +SALUD
Translate this page Nacido en Hannover, Alemania, en 1884, otto fritz meyerhof siempre estuvo muy influidopor sus trabajos, posteriormente galardonados con el Premio nobel de 1922
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El Premio Nobel
+Salud Inforsalud Mejor prevenir Vivir en forma El médico de familia Hipersalud +Salud: Miscelánea - Historia de la Medicina




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Organización Panamericana de Salud
Las 10 Webs + ... Publicidad 1922: Otto Fritz Meyerhof La importancia del oxígeno en la producción de energía
Nacido en Hannover, Alemania, en 1884, Otto Fritz Meyerhof siempre estuvo muy influido por su madre, debido a una enfermedad que le dejó en cama durante una larga temporada. Durante su reposo obligatorio se aficionó a la lectura, escribió poesía y desarrolló sus dotes artísticas, que hasta entonces le eran desconocidas. Una vez recuperado, cursó los estudios de Medicina en Friburgo y Estrasburgo, obteniendo el doctorado en Heidelberg en 1909. En su juventud trabajó en el Instituto de Fisiología de Kiel y en el de Fisiología y Biología Wilhelm Kaiser de Berlín, institución de la cual sería director durante nueve años. Fue precisamente en esta ciudad donde comenzó sus trabajos, posteriormente galardonados con el Premio Nobel de 1922. Hacia una nueva vida Una tarea conjunta Hacia una nueva vida El investigador, de origen judío, tuvo que emigrar a Francia cuando se produjo el ascenso del nazismo. Posteriormente, cuando París fue ocupado por el ejército alemán, tuvo que huir de nuevo y, tras pasar una temporada en España y Portugal, tomó rumbo a Estados Unidos, donde ejerció de profesor de Química Fisiológica, al tiempo que continuó sus trabajos sobre el consumo de oxígeno por el músculo y la conversión de carbohidratos y ácido láctico del músculo.

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