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41. Huglings Jackson Lectures 1945. Dr. Stanley Cobb. 1946. Dr. otto loewi (nobel Prize in Medicine, 1936). 1947.Sir Henry Dale (nobel Prize in Medicine, 1936). 1948. Dr. Derek DennyBrown. 1949. http://www.mni.mcgill.ca/hughlings_lectures.html | |
42. DICCIONARIO DE TERMINOLOGIA MEDICA Translate this page loewi, otto (1873-1961), Premio nobel de Medicina en 1936. MACLEOD,John James Richard (1876-1935), Premio nobel de Medicina en 1922. http://www.iqb.es/Diccio/N/Lista.htm | |
43. Nobel Peace Prize? JEWISH nobel WINNERS. 1908 Paul Erlich 1914 - Robert Barany 1922 - otto Meyerhof1930 - Karl Landsteiner 1931 - otto Warburg 1936 - otto loewi 1944 - Joseph http://www.toojewish.com/contrib/misc/sillynobel.html |
44. Brain, Nobel Prize, Neuroscience, ³ú, ½Å°æ°úÇÐ, µÎ³ú, ³ëº§»ó Game Beauty Free Screen nobel Prize Neuroscience 1936 Dale, Henry HallettBritish Chemical transmission (nerves) 1936; loewi, otto German, Amer. http://aids.hallym.ac.kr/d/kns/tutor/nobeltxt.html | |
45. MBL :: Inside The MBL :: News :: Nobel Laureates Affiliated with MBL All Laureates were awarded the nobel Prize in 1936, otto loewi,Corporation Member, Discovery relating to the chemical transmission of nerve http://www.mbl.edu/inside/what/news/nobel/ | |
46. Nobel Prizes In Medicine And Physiology nobel Prizes in Medicine and Physiology. WP Murphy (USA) GH Whipple (USA) 1935 H.Spemann (Germany) 1936 Sir HH Dale (United Kingdom) otto loewi (Austria, 1873 http://userpage.chemie.fu-berlin.de/diverse/bib/nobel_medizin_e.html | |
47. The Nobel Prize nobel Prize winners Literature 1910 Paul Heyse 1927 - Henri Bergson 1958 - Boris 1930- Karl Landsteiner 1931 - otto Warburg 1936 - otto loewi 1944 - Joseph http://www.rsballard.com/weblog/files/nobel.htm | |
48. Intellectual Output From The Arab World JEWISH nobel WINNERS 0.2% OF WORLDS POPULATION 14,000,000 million Jews. Meyerhof1930 Karl Landsteiner 1931 - otto Warburg 1936 - otto loewi 1944 - Joseph http://masada2000.org/nobel.html | |
49. The Nobel Prize Winners of the nobel Prize in Medicine 1901 Emil A. von Behring (18541917 1936 HenryDale (1875-1968) British otto loewi (1873-1961) Born Germany; Naturalised http://www.tallpoppies.net.au/florey/explorer/nobel/main-content.html | |
50. What Is The Nobel Prize? Winners of the nobel Prize in Medicine Source Brown 1901 Emil A. von 1936 HenryDale (18751968) British otto loewi (1873-1961) Born Germany; Naturalised http://www.tallpoppies.net.au/florey/researcher/nobel/main-content.html | |
51. Jewish Laureates Of Nobel Prizes : Sciforums.com Laureates of nobel Prize in Biomedical Sciences Year nobel Laureate Country of differentiatedfunctions of single nerve fibers USA 1936 loewi, otto for their http://www.sciforums.com/archive/47/2002/01/2/3820 | |
52. Jewish Nobel Prize Winners Jewish nobel Prize Winners. Disclaimer Meyerhof; 1930 Karl Landsteiner;1931 - otto Warburg; 1936 - otto loewi; 1944 - Joseph Erlanger; http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/6271/tmrjewishnobel.html | |
53. Dr.Tarek Said's Homepage-Nobel Prize Winners nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine JEAN FRANÇOIS HEYMANS 1937 ALBERT SZENTGYARGYIVON NAGYRAPOLT 1936 SIR HENRY HALLETT DALE otto loewi 1935 HANS http://www.geocities.com/tsaid3/nobel.html | |
54. Loewi loewi, otto (szül. New York), német születésû amerikai orvos és farmakológus,1936ban Sir Henry Dale-lel megosztva élettani-orvosi nobel-díjat kapott http://www.kfki.hu/~cheminfo/hun/olvaso/bh/bh3/loewi.html |
55. Nobel For Medicine: All Laureates 1936 Sir Henry Hallett Dale, otto loewi 1935 Hans Macleod 1922 Archibald Vivian Hill,otto Fritz Meyerhof The nobel Prize A History of Genius, Controversy http://www.popular-science.net/nobel/med-list.html | |
56. 1Up Info > Loewi, Otto (Medicine, Biographies) - Encyclopedia loewi, ottol ´ Pronunciation Key, 18731961, American physiologist and pharmacologist,b transmission of nerve impulses he shared the 1936 nobel Prize in http://www.1upinfo.com/encyclopedia/L/Loewi-Ot.html | |
57. Premio Nobel De Medicina - Wikipedia Translate this page Ver enlace http//www.nobel.se/medicine/laureates/index.html. 1937 Albert vonSzent-Györgyi Nagyrapolt 1936 Sir Henry Hallett Dale, otto loewi 1935 Hans http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Premio_Nobel/Medicina | |
58. AldeaEducativa.com | Contenidos Y Consultas Educativas Translate this page Ilustres. Premios nobel de 1936. Anderson, Carl D. Por su descubrimientoa la transmisión química del impulso nervioso. loewi, otto. http://www.aldeaeducativa.com/aldea/Nobel1e.asp?Which=1936 |
59. Wissenschaftskalender - DO 25. DEZEMBER 2003 (Textversion) Translate this page Links. otto loewi 1 http//www.kfunigraz.ac.at/ekpwww/loewi-e.html. ottoloewi 2 http//www.nobel.se/medicine/laureates/1936/loewi-bio.html. http://www.bmbwk.gv.at/cgi-bin/kalender.cgi?1225&txtonly |
60. Curricula Vitarum And thirteen years later, on 29. October 1936, otto loewi and SirHenry Dale received the nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine. http://www.uni-marburg.de/pharmacology/curic.html | |
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