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Laxness Halldor Kiljan: more detail | |||||||
61. Jue08.html halldor kiljan laxness ,escritor islandés premio nobel de Literatura 2001. Luka Brajnovic http://www.zyberchema.net/Meses/febrero03/sab08.html | |
62. San Francisco Examiner for a Reykjavik Theatre play, Christianity Under The Glacier, adapted from a popularbook by Icelandic nobel Laureate halldor kiljan laxness, and issued a http://www.examiner.com/ex_files/default.jsp?story=X0411QUARASHIw |
63. Kirjallisuuden Nobelit 1901-1989 KIRJALLISUUDEN nobel PALKINNOT nobelPRISEN I LITTERATUR 1901-1989. 1956 Juan Jimenez(Espanja - Spanien) 1955 halldor kiljan laxness (Islanti - Island) 1954 http://www.akateeminen.com/kirjallisuuspalkinnot/kirjallisuuden_nobelit_1901_198 |
64. Literary Awards - 1949 To 1972 nobel Prize for Literature, Pulitzer Prize for American Fiction, Miles Franklin 1955,halldor kiljan laxness, A Fable William Faulkner, They'd Rather Be Right http://www.menziesera.com/media/books_literary_awards.htm | |
65. My Great Store -- Nobel Prize For Literature Winners of the interest on the endowment made by Alfred nobel, a Swedish chemist, which isheld in trust by the nobel Foundation. 1955 halldor kiljan laxness (Iceland). http://dreamwalkergroup.com/lists_of_lists/lists_nobel.htm | |
66. Nobelpriset - Susning.nu Se även. nobelmuseet; nobel eMuseum. Pristagare. Medicin Axel HugoTheodor Theorell?, Sverige. Litteratur halldor kiljan laxness? År 1954. http://susning.nu/Nobelpriset | |
67. IBGE Teen Translate this page Lista dos prêmios nobel de literatura, desde 1901 1901 - RF Sully Reino Unido)1954 - Ernest Hemingway (EUA) 1955 - halldor kiljan laxness (Islândia) 1956 http://www.ibge.gov.br/ibgeteen/datas/escritor/listas.html | |
68. Www.un.org/esa/gopher-data/conf/fwcw/conf/gov/950912134415.txt Chairperson, Womankind is weaker than mankind has become proverbial in Icelandic it comes from a novel by our nobelwinning author halldor kiljan laxness. http://www.un.org/esa/gopher-data/conf/fwcw/conf/gov/950912134415.txt | |
69. Satiria -- Libros Translate this page Premios nobel de Literatura. AÑO, AUTOR, 1960, Saint John Perse, 1956, Juan RamónJiménez, 1955, halldor kiljan laxness, 1954, Ernest Hemingway, 1953, Winston Churchill, http://www.satiria.com/libros/nobel_3.htm | |
70. Icelandic Canadian Club Of Toronto Foreign Minister halldor Asgrimson made these comments in Halldór kiljan laxnessHalldór laxness 19021998. nobel laureate Halldór kiljan laxness passed away http://icct.info/newsletter/199804.html | |
71. Aftonbladet Nyheter Nobelpriset I Litteratur Sverige 1952 Francois Mauriac, Frankrike 1953 Winston Churchill, Storbritannien1954 Ernest Hemingway, USA 1955 halldor kiljan laxness, Island 1956 Juan http://www.aftonbladet.se/nyheter/0010/11/nobel.html |
72. Sans Titre Translate this page Le prix nobel de littérature depuis sa création, Gao Xingjian Prix nobel de Littérature.1901 Sully Prudhomme (France). 1955 halldor kiljan laxness (Islande). http://sites.nt-logic.com/aube/web3/pages/Gao_nobels.htm | |
73. Brèves Islandaises Translate this page d'halldor kiljan laxness. Né le 23 avril 1902, il est considéré comme un desplus grands romanciers européens du 20e siècle. Il a reçu le prix nobel de http://www.la-boutique-islandaise.com/breves_infos .htm | |
74. Annette Kolodny halldor kiljan laxness, Icelands nobelprize winning novelist, publisheda trilogy of historical novels from 1943-46, called Icelands Bell. http://www.mith2.umd.edu/summit/Proceedings/Kolodny.htm | |
75. Half.com: Independent People Author halldor kiljan laxness, halldor laxness Best Price Synopsis A novel by anIcelandic nobel Prizewinner, about a sheep farmer who wants only to be http://pdxbooks.com/send/hlfu/0679767924 | |
76. Halldór Kiljan Laxness - Biography Halldór kiljan laxness was born in 1902 in Reykjavik, the capital of laxness is alsothe author of the topical and From nobel Lectures, Literature 19011967. http://www.nobel.se/literature/laureates/1955/laxness-bio.html | |
77. Halldór Laxness was the only moral commandment which carried conviction when I was a child. (fromlaxness's nobel acceptance speech). Halldór kiljan laxness was born Halldór http://www.kirjasto.sci.fi/laxness.htm | |
78. Halldor Kiljan Laxness halldor kiljan laxness Born 4/23/02 Birthplace Rekjavik, Iceland. Awarded theNobel Prize in literature in 1955, laxness was a major figure in 20thcentury http://www.allperson.com/allperson/legend/0000000710.asp | |
79. Halldór Laxness - BiblioMonde Translate this page Halldór laxness Halldór kiljan laxness (1902-1998) occupe une position centraledans la vie et a vécu jusquà plus de 95 ans) et son prix nobel obtenu en http://www.bibliomonde.com/pages/fiche-auteur.php3?id_auteur=50 |
80. Comfama - Biblioteca Preguntas Frecuentes 1954 Ernest Hemingway (1899-1961); 1955 halldor kiljan laxness (1902-); 1956 http://www.comfama.com.co/contenidos/app/biblioteca/faqcuentes.asp?pagina=24&Dte |
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