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Laxness Halldor Kiljan: more detail | |||||||
41. BPL - Booklists - Nobel Prize Winners JAZZ. FIC MORRISON, TONI. LECTURE AND SPEECH OF ACCEPTANCE, UPON THE AWARDOF THE nobel PRIZE FOR LITERATURE. 1955 halldor kiljan laxness (Iceland). http://www.bpl.org/research/AdultBooklists/nobel.htm | |
42. Harapan's Bookshelf: Nobel Prize (Literature) nobel Prize for Literature last updated on 02/02/25. Link Official Website of nobelFoundation 1999. Guntar Grass, Germany. 1955. halldor kiljan laxness. Iceland. http://www.harapan.co.jp/english/e_books/E_B_nobel_lit_e.htm | |
43. Ibiñagabeitia Proiektua Translate this page El aguardiente es el principio de la vida. halldor kiljan Gudjonsson laxness(Islandia, 1902-1998). Preinio nobel de Literatura, 1995. Luz del mundo. http://www.armiarma.com/andima/barz/barz0520.htm | |
44. Jornal De Poesia - Disseram Translate this page Lista do nobel - iniciou em 1901 França) 1953 W. Churchill (Reino Unido) 1954 Ernest Hemingway (EUA) 1955 halldor kiljan laxness (Islândia) 1956 http://www.secrel.com.br/jpoesia/1lista.html | |
45. RaiNet - News Translate this page Tutti i premiati a partire dal 1901 Un secolo di nobel per la letteratura. Un secolodi nobel per la letteratura. 2002 Imre Kertesz. 1955 halldor kiljan laxness. http://www.rai.it/RAInet/news/RNw/pub/articolo/raiRNewsArticolo/0,7605,33968^sci | |
46. Islanda Literaturo halldor (kiljan) laxness (1902 1997) estas la plej elstara islanda verkisto dela 20a jarcento. en dekojn da lingvoj kaj en 1955 li ricevis nobel-premion. http://www.ismennt.is/vefir/esperant/lat3/literaturo.html | |
47. English Definition Of Laxness - WordReference.com Source The Collins English Dictionary © 1998 HarperCollins Publishers laxnesslaxsn s n. halldor kiljan (hald ur). nobel prize for literature 1955. http://www.wordreference.com/English/definition.asp?en=laxness |
48. Untitled laxness, halldor kiljan (1902 1998) nobel 1955 Atomiasema. WSOY, 1955 Islanninkello. 2.p. WSOY, 1956 Jäätikön jumalat. WSOY, 1970 Kivinen paratiisi. http://www.jns.fi/palvelut/kirjasto/VIslanti.htm | |
49. Independent People: An Epic Epic by Authors JA Thompson , Brad Leithauser , halldor kiljan laxness ReleasedFebruary laxness Ranks with Homer Haldor laxness, the nobel laurette and http://www.history-europe.com/Independent_People_An_Epic_0679767924.html | |
50. The Fish Can Sing Can Sing by Authors Magnus Magnusson , halldor kiljan laxness Released January amplydemonstrates why its author, halldor laxness, won the nobel Prize for http://www.history-europe.com/The_Fish_Can_Sing_1860466877.html | |
51. Nobel_Prize.html Octavio Paz1990 nobel Laureate in Literature 18811958) 1955?··? halldor kiljan laxness (, 1902 http://homepage1.nifty.com/awards/Nobel_Prize.html | |
52. Omar Pérez: Nuevo Boom De Literatura Nórdica. Translate this page halldor kiljan laxness. países nórdicos tuvieron una edad oro de la literaturaa comienzo del siglo pasado Los noruegos Björnson (Premio nobel 1903), Ibsen http://www.letras.s5.com/operezcol.htm | |
53. National Book Development Council Of Singapore In his will, Swedish scientist Alfred nobel stipulated that a portion of Camus France1956 Juan Ramon Jimenez Spain 1955 halldor kiljan laxness Iceland 1954 http://www.nbdcs.org.sg/Resources/BookPrizes/Nobel.htm | |
54. "Lista Dobitnika Nobelove Nagrade Za Knjizevnost" ALPHABETICAL LISTING OF nobel PRIZE LAUREATES IN LITERATURE. Name Year Awarded. Lagerloef,Selma Ottilia Lovisa, 1909. laxness, halldor kiljan, 1955. http://www.geocities.com/ns_poet/Nobel.htm | |
55. ENERO Translate this page 1. LU. PREMIOS nobel. SIR CYRIL NORMAN HINSHELWOOD. QUIMICA-56. 28. 1. MA. PREMIOSnobel. halldor kiljan laxness. LITERATURA-55. 29. 1. MI. PREMIOS nobel. A HUGO T.THEORELL. http://www.geocities.com/catalogo_once1/9701enero.htm | |
56. Agora Translate this page Ganadores del Premio nobel Nombre. Año. Agnon, Shmuel Yosef. 1966. 1951. Lagerloef,Selma Ottilia Lovisa. 1909. laxness, halldor kiljan. 1955. Lewis, Sinclair. 1930. http://elfaro.net/anteriores/2001/102901/secciones/agora/premiosnobe1.asp | |
57. University Of Washington: Icelandic Studies literary heritage of Iceland found in the saga literature and in recent Icelandliterature, including the nobel Prize winning author halldor kiljan laxness. http://depts.washington.edu/scand/iceland.html | |
58. TDS; Passports, Visas, Travel Documents - Iceland Pages Icelandic settlers. The bestknown Icelandic writer in this centuryis the nobel Prize winner halldor kiljan laxness. The literacy http://www.traveldocs.com/is/people.htm | |
59. Guardian Unlimited Books | Top 10s | Hallgrimur Helgason People by halldor kiljan laxness The greatest Icelandic novel and surely one ofthe best books of the 20th century, this 1934 tale by the nobel Prize winner http://books.guardian.co.uk/top10s/top10/0,6109,762459,00.html | |
60. Untitled Document and artistically unique contribution to the modern American nobel, USA, William renewedthe great narrative art of Iceland, Iceland, halldor kiljan laxness, male. | |
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