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Laxness Halldor Kiljan: more detail | |||||||
21. Nobel Prize Winners 1957, Camus, Albert, France. 1956, Jimenez, Juan Ramon, Spain. 1955, laxness,halldor kiljan, Iceland. 1954, Hemingway, Ernest, US. 1953, Churchill, Winston,England. http://www.twicesoldtales.com/biblioref/nobel.html | |
22. Nobel Prize Alphabetical Alphabetical Listing of nobel Laureates 19012000. Click on a link and seethe short biographical notes on this site laxness, halldor kiljan, 1955. http://literature.school.dk/frame_NobelPrize05.htm | |
24. GK- National Network Of Education Churchill, Sir Winston Leonard Spencer, 1953. Hemingway, Ernest Miller, 1954.laxness, halldor kiljan, 1955. Jimenez, Juan Ramon, 1956. Camus, Albert, 1957. http://www.indiaeducation.info/infomine/nobel/nobelarchive.htm | |
25. Poesía Y Literatura - Premios Nobel De Literatura Premios nobel de Literatura. Vea en orden alfabético. Año. Nombre. 1954, Hemingway,Ernest Miller. 1955, laxness, halldor kiljan. 1956, Jimenez, Juan Ramon. http://www.angelfire.com/nj/poesia/prznbly.html | |
26. Poesía Y Literatura - Premios Nobel De Literatura Premios nobel de Literatura. Vea en orden cronológico. Año. Nombre. 1909, Lagerloef,Selma Ottilia Lovisa. 1955, laxness, halldor kiljan. 1930, Lewis, Sinclair. http://www.angelfire.com/nj/poesia/prznbl/prznbla.html | |
27. Nobel Prize For Literature prestigious award, visit the official website of the nobel Foundation Camus (France)1956 Juan Ramon Jimenez (Spain) 1955 halldor kiljan laxness (Iceland) 1954 http://www.rarebooks.org/nobelprz.htm | |
28. STACEY'S Bookstore-Nobel Prize For Literature official website of the nobel Foundation is http//www.nobel.se Albert Camus France1956 Juan Ramon Jimenez - Spain 1955 halldor kiljan laxness - Iceland 1954 http://www.staceys.com/favorites/awards/nobel.html |
29. Powell's Books Award Winners The Nobel Prize Previous nobel laureates 2001 V. S. Naipaul England 2000 Gao Xingjian Camus France1956 Juan Ramon Jimenez Spain 1955 halldor kiljan laxness Iceland 1954 http://www.powells.com/prizes/nobel.html | |
30. Powell's Books - Literature-L New $13.00 Trade Paper, Paradise Reclaimed by halldor kiljan laxness PublisherComments In time for the centenary of Icelands nobel laureate and author of http://www.powells.com/subsection/LiteratureL.26.html |
31. Nobel Prize In Literature From 1901 nobel Prize in Literature Year, Prize Winners. 1901, Prudhomme, Sully. 1954, Hemingway,Ernest Miller. 1955, laxness, halldor kiljan. 1956, Jimenez, Juan Ramon. http://www.planet101.com/nobel_lit_history.htm | |
32. BookWeb: Literary Award Winners: Nobel Prize For Literature: 1950 To Present Swedish chemist, which is held in trust by the nobel Foundation Albert Camus (France)1956 Juan Ramon Jimenez (Spain) 1955 halldor kiljan laxness (Iceland) 1954 http://www.bookweb.org/news/awards/1290.html | |
33. Nobel Prize Winners For Literature The nobel Prize for Literature is presented to the person who France, Novels 1956JR Jimenez, Spain, Poems 1955 halldor kiljan laxness, Iceland, Novels http://www.weberpl.lib.ut.us/nobel.htm | |
34. Nobel Literature Included is an Interactive Learning Studio of lesson plans based on the nobel Prizethemes Peace, Physics, Chemistry, and 1955 halldor kiljan laxness (Iceland http://library.hilton.kzn.school.za/English/Nobel Lit.htm | |
35. Nobel Award Winners nobel AWARD LIST Year. Winners, Country. 2000, Gao Xingjian, China. 1956, JuanRamon Jimenez, Spain. 1955, halldor kiljan laxness, Iceland. 1954, Ernest Hemingway,US. http://terrellcountylibrary.tripod.com/nobel.htm | |
36. GLBA > Awards > The Nobel Prize In Literature most outstanding work in an ideal direction, The nobel Prize in Camus (France)1956 Juan Ramon Jimenez (Spain) 1955 halldor kiljan laxness (Iceland) 1954 http://www.books-glba.org/br_nobel.php | |
37. Villanova Library - Award Winning Books For more information about the nobel Prize and its winners, visit Thenobel Prize Internet Archive website 1955 halldor kiljan laxness. http://www.wecdsb.on.ca/132/library/book-awards/nobel.htm | |
38. Nobel Prize For Literature nobel Prize for LiteratureWinners, 19011997. 1997, Dario Fo, Italy. 1996, WislawaSzymborska, Poland. 1956, JR Jimenez, Spain. 1955, halldor kiljan laxness, Iceland. | |
39. Islanti WSOY, 1977. Nimi islanniksi Napóleon Bonaparti. (nobel -kirjailijat3 maailmankirjallisuuden mestarit). Silli / halldor kiljan laxness suom. http://www.islanti.fi/kulttuuri/kaanokset.htm | |
40. Ëàóðåàòû Íîáåëåâñêèõ ïðåìèé ïî ëèòåðàòóðå Alphabetical listing of nobel prize laureates in Literature. Name. Year Awarded. Lagerloef,Selma Ottilia Lovisa, 1909. laxness, halldor kiljan, 1955. http://orel.rsl.ru/archiv/nob_lit.htm | |
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