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41. Faculty Profile: Herbert Kroemer herbert kroemer shared the 2000 nobel Prize in physics for developing semiconductorheterostructures used in high-speed and optoelectronics. http://www.catalog.ucsb.edu/2002cat/profiles/kroemer.htm | |
42. Sigma Xi: The Scientific Research Society: Nobel Laureates About Sigma Xi » Overview » nobel Laureates Lewis Perl 1995 Frederick Reines 1996David M. Lee 1997 William D. Phillips 2000 herbert kroemer 2002 Raymond http://www.sigmaxi.org/about/overview/nobel.shtml | |
43. Untitled of Laureates to attend the meeting linked to the www.nobel.se webpage Ivar Huber,Robert Josephson, Brian Von Klitzing, Klaus kroemer, herbert Lamb, Willis http://www.phys.vt.edu/~ucn/Lindau2001/laureate.html | |
44. Alferov Kroemer Kilby Translate this page Jaurès Alferov et herbert kroemer et Jack Kilby Le 94ème prix nobel de Physiquea été conjointement attribué pour une moitié au Russe Jaurès Alferov http://www.cegep-st-laurent.qc.ca/depar/physique/hisAlfe.htm | |
45. Professor Herbert Kroemer Professor herbert kroemer. Professor herbert kroemer 2000 nobel PhysicsLaureate. ECE Department and Materials Department Room 4107 http://www.punjabilok.com/science/herb_kroem.htm | |
46. FIZIKAI NOBEL-DIJ - 2000 évi Fizikai nobeldíjjal azokat a tudósokat és feltalálókat Technikai Intézet,Szentpétervár, Oroszország), és herbert kroemer (Kaliforniai Egyetem http://www.kfki.hu/fszemle/archivum/fsz0102/belez.html | |
47. Nobel Prize Laureates In 2000, AFOSR supported Dr. herbert kroemer (see Figure 3) who was cowinnerof the nobel Prize in physics for his work in developing semiconductor http://www.afrlhorizons.com/Briefs/Mar02/OSR0109.html | |
48. KROEMER UCSB professor herbert kroemer was at the top of his profession whenhe found out he shared the nobel Prize in physics last year. http://www.tls-tautenburg.de/presse/kroemer.html | |
49. Physics Today December 2000 the 2000 nobel Prize in Physics to Zhores Alferov, director of the Ioffe PhysicoTechnicalInstitute in Saint Petersburg, Russia; herbert kroemer of the http://www.physicstoday.com/pt/vol-53/iss-12/p17.html | |
50. Terra - Cultura Y Ciencia- Libros - Premios Nobel Translate this page Biografía herbert kroemer nació en Alemania tecnológicos, las heteroestructuraspropuestas por kroemer años antes Sueca le concedió el Premio nobel, por el http://cultura.terra.es/cac/libros/nobel/portada.cfm?idpersona=410&idpremio=199 |
51. Solid-state Insights Yield Physics Nobel (References And Sources): Science News about Zhores I. Alferov, Jack Kilby, and herbert kroemer and the research that earnedthe 2000 nobel Prize in Physics, see the following Web site http//www http://www.sciencenews.org/20001014/fob6ref.asp | |
52. GSMBOX - Premio Nobel Per La Fisica Ad Alferov, Kroemer E Kilby Translate this page Il premio nobel per la fisica è stato assegnato quest'anno al russo ZhoresI. Alferov ed agli statunitensi herbert kroemer e Jack Kilby. http://it.gsmbox.com/news/mobile_news/all/16385.gsmbox | |
53. Welcome To The Institute The 2000 nobel Prize in Physics honored three IEEE members for their work in informationand communication technology. herbert kroemer and Zhores I. Alferov http://www.spectrum.ieee.org/INST/apr2001/fnobel.html | |
54. Premio Nobel 2000 - Diario De Yucatán Translate this page Zhores I. Alferov y los estadounidenses herbert kroemer y Jack Kilby, pioneros delas nuevas tecnologías de la información, el Premio Nóbel de Física 2000. http://www.yucatan.com.mx/especiales/nobel2000/11100001.asp | |
55. Nobel Laureates Aided Information Age I. Alferov (see SPIE Member Zhores Alferov awarded nobel Prize, SPIE Scene), directorof the AF Ioffe PhysicoTechnical Institute, and herbert kroemer, Univ. http://www.spie.org/web/oer/december/dec00/nobel.html | |
56. CNN.com - IT And Plastics Pioneers Win Nobel Prizes - October 10, 2000 herbert kroemer is a Germanborn researcher at the University of California at SantaBarbara Petersburg, is the first Russian to win a nobel prize since Mikhail http://www.cnn.com/2000/WORLD/europe/10/10/sweden.nobel/ | |
57. Since 1901 The Nobel Prize Is Annually Awarded For Achievements The nobel Prize in Physics Laureates. 2001 - Eric A. Cornell, WolfgangKetterle, Carl E. Wieman. 2000 - herbert J. kroemer, Zhores I. Alferov. http://www.aro.army.mil/accomplish/nobel/nobelprize02.htm | |
58. Techweb > News > Nobel Prize > Nobel Committee Honors Fathers Of Digital Age > O Two of the fathers of the Internet, honored with nobel prizes this week (stock TXN),who invented the integrated circuit, and Professor herbert kroemer of the http://www.techweb.com/wire/story/TWB20001012S0014 | |
59. Herbert Kroemer Translate this page O cientista de origem alemã herbert kroemer desenvolveu semicondutores kroemer ensinoufísica na Universidade de Boulder Volte para o especial Prêmio nobel, http://www.terra.com.br/mundo/2000/10/11/063.htm |
60. Nobel E-Museum 2001 Eric A. Cornell, Wolfgang Ketterle, Carl E. Wieman. 2000 - Zhores I. Alferov,herbert kroemer, Jack S. Kilby. Conflict Map. The nobel Literature Radio. http://nobel.sdsc.edu/ | |
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