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61. Library Nobel Laureate Handout microbiology. Prof. walter kohn was awarded the nobel Prize in Chemistryin 1998 for his development of the densityfunctional theory. He http://www.library.ucsb.edu/libwaves/feb01/nobelhandout.html | |
62. Scientific American: The 1998 Nobel Prizes In Science nobel recipient walter kohn developed the computational method knownas densityfunctional theory. It can be used to determine a http://www.sciam.com/article.cfm?articleID=0004665B-D844-1C6A-84A9809EC588EF21 |
63. Nobel.html 1998 walter kohn and John A. Pople walter kohn for his development of nobel Laureatesin Chemistry 19011992 American Chemical Society and Chemical Heritage http://server.ccl.net/cca/documents/dyoung/topics-framed/nobel.shtml | |
64. Walter Kohn - CIRS kohn, walter kohn@itp.ucsb.edu. 1998 nobel Prize in Chemistry. Professorof Physics, Emeritus and Research Professor, UCSB, Santa Barbara. http://www.cirs-tm.org/Chercheurs/Chemistry/KOHN.htm | |
65. Cornell News: Walter Kohn Gives Bethe Lecture EMail lb12@cornell.edu ITHACA, NY walter kohn, professor of the National Academyof Sciences since 1969, kohn was awarded the sun won him a nobel Prize in http://www.news.cornell.edu/releases/Sept96/bethelecture.ltb.html | |
66. Premi Nobel Per La Chimica kohn walter; Kuhn Richard; Langmuir WaltherHermann; Newlands John Alexander Reina; Newton Issac; nobel Alfred; nobel http://www.itchiavari.org/chimica/tabelle/biografie.html | |
67. Press Release The Nobel Prize In Chemistry 1998 The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences has awarded The 1998 nobel Prize in Chemistryin the area of quantum chemistry to walter kohn, University of California http://www.chem.ccu.edu.tw/~consult/chemistry98.html |
68. Palvelut kehittämisessä oli walter kohn ja John A. Pople, joille myönnettiin tästä uraauurtavastatyöstä vuoden 1998 kemian nobelpalkinto. walter kohn ja John http://www.csc.fi/lehdet/atcsc/atcsc5-98/maija2.html | |
69. Walter Kohn walter kohn discusses his experience as a participant at a conference in Rome onthe Unesco Gold Medal, the National Medal of Science and the nobel Prize in http://www.ihc.ucsb.edu/events/past/kohn/ | |
70. Zeal.com - United States - New - Library - Sciences - Chemistry - Chemists - Oth biography. 23. kohn, walter 1998 nobel Autobiography http//www.nobel.se/chemistry/laureates/1998/kohn-autobio.ht Walther http://www.zeal.com/category/preview.jhtml?cid=554801 |
71. Consejo Profesional De Química: Argentina nobel DE QUIMICA 1998 walter kohn de la Universidadde California-Santa Bárbara. 75 años, nacido en Viena. http://www.quimica.org.ar/Premios.html | |
72. Untitled Document walter kohn Professor kohn received his Ph.D. in nuclear physics from Harvard University UnescoGold Medal, the National Medal of Science and the nobel Prize in http://www.srhe.ucsb.edu/lectures/info/kohn.html | |
73. Le Web De L'Humanité Translate this page de la recherche à l'Institut d'analyse de la défense du Pentagone, soutient luiaussi la déclaration, à l'initiative de walter kohn, prix nobel de chimie http://www.humanite.presse.fr/journal/2003/2003-01/2003-01-31/2003-01-31-013.htm | |
74. Newsbulletin walter kohn of the University of California at Santa Barbara and John Pople ofNorthwestern University are winners of the 1998 nobel Prize in chemistry. http://www.lanl.gov/orgs/pa/News/101598text.html | |
75. University Of Toronto What Card-carrying Physicist Won The University of Toronto graduate and nobel laureate walter kohn has said that theorigins of his entire philosophy in mathematics and theoretical physics began http://mirr.whnet.edu.cn/www.newsandevents.utoronto.ca/bios/00/kohn.htm |
76. Daily Nexus Online :: Nobel Winners Oppose U.S. War With Iraq support. The statement was released in a press conference Tuesday morning atthe Santa Barbara home of walter kohn, cowinner of the 1998 nobel Prize in http://www.dailynexus.com/news/1969/4309.html | |
77. The Manila Times Internet Edition | LIFE & TIMES > Nobel Laureates Oppose War Ag Fortyone American nobel laureates have signed a declaration opposing war with Iraq.The declaration was organized by walter kohn, a theoretical physicist at http://www.manilatimes.net/national/2003/mar/11/life/20030311lif4.html | |
78. Yaledailynews.com - Deputy Provost Tied To 1998 Nobel Chem Prize pulls a single sheet of paper from a file at the back of his desk background informationon the 1998 nobel Prize in Chemistry awarded to walter kohn and John http://www.yaledailynews.com/article.asp?AID=67 |
79. Chemistry-Biochemistry University Of Calfornia Santa Barbara Bio Dr. walter kohn was awarded the nobel Prize in Chemistry on October13, 1998 for his development of the densityfunctional theory. http://www.chem.ucsb.edu/people/faculty/kohn/index.shtml | |
80. Nobel Prize In Chemistry - Wikipedia http//www.nobel.se/chemistry/laureates/index.html. Sir Harold Kroto, Richard Smalley1997 Paul D. Boyer, John E. Walker, Jens C. Skou 1998 walter kohn, John A http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nobel_Prize/Chemistry | |
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