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81. Biography Prize Laureate of a daughternobel Prize Laureate. Her oldest daughterIrene joliot-curie won a nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1935. http://www.me.gatech.edu/me/curie/bio.html | |
82. Eden-News nobel fu sua figlia, irene Joliot Curie, nobel per la chimicanel 1935 (col marito Fréderic Joliot, per la scoperta della radioattività http://www.eden-news.it/Scienze/Nobel_Donne.htm | |
83. Irene E Jean-Federic Curie Translate this page de Marie e Pierre Curie, seus pais e sogros, o casal de pesquisadores irene e Jean-FredericJoliot-Curie foram os laureados com o Prêmio nobel de Química de http://www.geocities.com/flordepessegueiro/html/ciencia/irene_e_jeanfrederic.htm | |
84. E24 : Spring 1997 - News of nobel Laureates Pierre and Marie Curie, and the daughter of Frederick Joliot andIrene joliotcurie. Pierre and Marie Curie jointly won the nobel prize for http://best.me.berkeley.edu/~aagogino/e24/curie.html | |
85. Madame Marie Curie The daughter of Marie Curie, irene Joliot Curie, and her husband Frederic IrèneJoliot Curie and her husband Frederic Joliot, won a nobel Prize in http://mdmd.essortment.com/curiemariewher_opu.htm | |
86. CONICIT Mujeres Premio Nobel En Ciencias Exactas Y Medicina Translate this page irene JoIiot-Curie (1897-1956), física francesa. Premio nobel en Química 1935(con Frederic Joliot Curie) en reconocimiento a la síntesis de nuevos http://www.conicit.go.cr/cientificos/mujerecyt.shtml |
87. Search Results For Frederic And Irene Joliot Curie - Encyclopædia Britannica - irene joliot curie with these databases Journals and magazines. Britannica ConciseEncyclopedia. Britannica Student Encyclopedia. The Web's Best Sites. The nobel http://www.britannica.com/search?query=frederic and irene joliot curie&seo |
88. Famous Speeches irene Joliot Curie nobel Lecture December 12, 1935. http://www.education-india.net/inspirationals/curie1935.php | |
89. Nobel Prizes In Nuclear Science Many nobel Prizes have been awarded for nuclear research and Frederic Joliot andIrene joliotcurie, synthesis of several new radioactive elements, 1935 (chem). http://www.lbl.gov/abc/wallchart/chapters/appendix/appendixe.html | |
90. Matematica - News - Altri Eventi Translate this page a Frédéric e irene il premio nobel per la irene è su posizioni politiche analoghe. IrèneJoliot-Curie, direttore del Laboratoire Curie, nel suo ufficio all http://matematica.uni-bocconi.it/donne2003/radiografia.htm | |
91. Tableau Périodique Des éléments Translate this page irene Joliot- Curie. Travaux les plus marquants. Elle découvre radioactivitéartificielle. Ils reçoivent en 1935 le prix nobel de chimie. http://www.periodictableonline.org/dispbiog_fr.cfm?ID=94 |
92. Chadwick, James (1891-1974) -- From Eric Weisstein's World Of Scientific Biograp Then, Chadwick repeated the earlier experiment of Bothe and Frédéric and IréneJoliotCurie by exposing For this, he received the 1935 nobel Prize in physics http://scienceworld.wolfram.com/biography/Chadwick.html | |
93. Joliot-Curie http://www.calstatela.edu/faculty/kaniol/f2000_lect_nuclphys/lect1/joliot-curie. | |
94. Jean Frédéric Joliot & Irène Curie of radioisotopes. The impact was immense, and for this discoverythe JoliotCuries won the 1935 nobel Prize for chemistry. Later http://www.orcbs.msu.edu/radiation/radhistory/joliotcurie.html | |
95. Marie Curie Marie Curie is the most famous woman scientist. Her work with radioactivityled the way for others to follow and constuct new ideas. http://jill_040.tripod.com/ | |
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