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         Hull Cordell:     more books (100)
  1. Addresses and Statements By the Honorable Cordell Hull in Connection With His Tr by Honorable Cordell Hull, 1935-01-01
  2. Democratic National Committee Chairs: Howard Dean, Chris Dodd, Henry M. Jackson, Terry Mcauliffe, Tim Kaine, Ed Rendell, Cordell Hull
  3. United States Presidential Candidates, 1928: Herbert Hoover, Al Smith, William Z. Foster, Norman Thomas, Cordell Hull, James Eli Watson
  4. Memoirs of Cordell Hull Volume 1
  5. HULL, CORDELL: An entry from Macmillan Reference USA's <i>Encyclopedia of the Great Depression</i> by DAVID B. WOOLNER, 2004
  6. Addresses and statements by the Honorable Cordell Hull, Secretary of State of the United States of America: In connection with his trip to South America, ... States, Montevideo, Uruguay (Publication) by Cordell Hull, 1935
  7. Pickett County, Tennessee: Byrdstown, Tennessee, Dale Hollow Reservoir, Cordell Hull Birthplace State Park
  8. The Memoirs Of Cordell Hull V1, Part One by Cordell Hull, 2010-09-10
  10. Addresses and Statements by the Honorable Cordell Hull Secretary of State of the United States of America in connection with his trip to South America to attend the Inter-American Conference Buenos Aires, Dec 1-23 1936 by Cordell Hull, 1936
  11. The Memoirs of Cordell Hull. 2 Vols by cordell hull, 1948-01-01
  12. La Paix Future Selon M. Cordell Hull
  14. The Memoirs Of Cordell Hull V2, Part Two by Cordell Hull, 2010-09-10

41. The World At War
The World at War Biography cordell hull. hull was awarded in the nobel PeacePrize in 1945 for his work in fathering the United Nations.
Cordell Hull
American Statesman
Born: October 2, 1871 Tennessee
Died: July 23,1955 Bethesda, Maryland Though his exact birthplace is in dispute (one source gives it as Overton County, another as Star Point, Pickens County) we can be certain he was among the last American politicians who could truthfully claim to have first seen the light of day in a log cabin. His character was every bit as roughhewn as those of two other sons of the Appalachian frontier, Abraham Lincoln and Andrew Jackson. This son of a lumberjack and moonshiner was an excellent student and gained admission to the Tennessee bar before he was 20. He became a circuit court judge and in 1906 made his first run for Congress winning the seat by 17 votes. The Harding landslide swept this strong advocate of the League of Nations from office in 1920 but two year he regained his old seat and held on to it until 1931 when he entered the Senate. Hull concentrated on tariff reform during his brief Senate tenure which ended in 1933 when Franklin Roosevelt appointed him Secretary of State. Hull was influential in gaining Congressional approval for Roosevelt’s foreign policies particularly in the areas of trade and Latin American relations. The depression was at its peak and Hull’s response was to push for a reversal of the high tariff policies which had produced disastrous effects on American exports. He first broached the subject at an Inter-American Conference in Montevideo in December, 1933 where it was given a favorable response. He was instrumental in the passage of the Reciprocal Trade Agreements Act by Congress in March 1934. The act led to tariff reduction talks with several of America’s trading partners before it was replaced by the General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs (GATT) in 1948.

42. Cordell Hull And The "Creatures"
In 1945 the Norwegian nobel Committee presented cordell hull the 1945 nobel Prizefor Peace in recognition of his life's work, including his work in helping to
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43. ClubCaminantes - Premios Nobel - Paz, El Club De Los Caminantes
Translate this page PREMIOS nobel, nobel DE LA PAZ. 1901-1925 1926-1950 1951-1975 1976-2000.1926. 1945. hull, cordell (Estados Unidos). Antiguo Secretario de Estado.

Foros Chat Top 10 ... PREMIOS NOBEL
NOBEL DE LA PAZ Briand, Aristide (Francia) Primer Ministro. Negociador del Tratado de Locarno y del Pacto Briand-Kellogg. Stresemann, Gustav (Alemania) Anteriormente Canciller (Reichs-kanzler) y Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores. Negociador del tratado de Locarno.
Buisson, Ferdinand (Francia) Anteriormente, profesor de la Universidad de La Sorbonna, en París. Fundador y presidente de la Liga de los Derechos Humanos. Quidde, Ludwig (Alemania) Historiador y profesor de la Universidad de Berlin. Miembro de la Asamblea Constituyente alémana de 1919. Delegado a numerosas conferencias de paz.
No se concedió El monto en metálico fue asignado al fondo especial de esta categoría del premio
Kellogg, Frank B. (Estados Unidos) Antiguo Secretario de Estado. Negociador del pacto Briand-Kellogg.

44. The Norwegian Nobel Institute - List Of Laureates
Onethird of the prize money for 1943 was transferred to the Main Fund, and two-thirdsto the nobel Institute's Special 1945 hull, cordell, USA, 1871-1955.


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program Library ... Staff Nobel Peace Prize Laureates Skip to : The prize was divided equally between: Dunant, Jean Henry, Switzerland, 1828-1910. Founder of the Red Cross (Comité International de la Croix-Rouge), Geneva. Initiator of the Geneva Convention; and Passy, Frédéric, France, 1822-1912. : The prize was divided equally between: Ducommun, Élie, Switzerland, 1833-1906. Hon. Secretary of the Permanent International Peace Bureau (Bureau International Permanent de la Paix), Bern; and Gobat, Charles Albert, Switzerland, 1843-1914. Secretary General of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (Union interparlementaire), Bern. Cremer, Sir William Randal

45. Untitled
1945 hull receives the nobel Peace Prize for his key work in helping to createthe United Nations Organization. 1950 - Publishes his Memoirs of cordell hull.
Cordell Hull (1871-1955) Secretary of State (1933-1944) founding father of the United Nations Organization questioned the Allied policy of forcing unconditional surrender on Germany
Deeply influenced by the political outlook of Woodrow Wilson and a firm believer in the removal of tariffs and trade barriers. 1933 - As Secretary of State, Hull sponsors the Montevideo Conference. 1934 - Later succeeds in persuading Congress to pass the Reciprocal Trade Agreements Act which sets pattern for tariff reduction and later leads to the 1944 General Agreements on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) summit. In the 1930s, Hull is the master organizer of President Roosevelt's Latin American Good Neighbor Policy and an advocate of the principle of non-intervention in the affairs of smaller nations. 1941 - Hull stands up for the rights of China and other nations against Japan's war of aggression throughout East Asia. During World War II - Hull opposes the Allied policy of strict unconditional surrender towards Germany, arguing that it will only reinforce the Nazi regime's hold on power and leave the German people and armed forces with no other option but to continue fighting. 1943 - At Moscow Conference of Foreign Ministers (Vyashlev Molotov, Athony Eden, Cordell Hull), Hull secures unanimous Allied pledge to carry on duty of guarding international peace and security in the postwar era which leads to the creation of the United Nations Organization.

46. Nobel Prize In Peace Since 1901
nobel Prize in Peace since 1901 Year, Winners. 1901, Dunant, Jean Henri; Passy,Frederic. 1945, hull, cordell. 1946, Balch, Emily Greene; Mott, John Raleigh.
Nobel Prize in Peace since 1901 Year Winners Dunant, Jean Henri; Passy, Frederic Ducommun, Elie; Gobat, Charles Albert Cremer, Sir William Randal Institute Of International Law Suttner, Bertha Sophie Felicita Von Roosevelt, Theodore Moneta, Ernesto Teodoro; Renault, Louis Arnoldson, Klas Pontus; Bajer, Fredrik Beernaert, Auguste Marie Francois; Constant, Paul Henribenjamin Balluet D'estournelles De Permanent International Bureau Asser, Tobias Michael Carel; Fried, Alfred Hermann Root, Elihu Fontaine, Henri La International Committee Of The Red Cross Wilson, Thomas Woodrow Bourgeois, Leon Victor Auguste Branting, Karl Hjalmar; Lange, Christian Lous Nansen, Fridtjof Chamberlain, Sir Austen; Dawes, Charles Gates Briand, Aristide; Stresemann, Gustav Buisson, Ferdinand; Quidde, Ludwig Kellogg, Frank Billings Soederblom, Lars Olof Nathan Addams, Jane; Butler, Nicholas Murray Angell, Sir Norman Henderson, Arthur Ossietzky, Carl Von Lamas, Carlos Saavedra Cecil, Lord Edgar Algernon Robert Gascoyne Refugees, Nansen International Office For International Committee Of The Red Cross Hull, Cordell

47. | Contenidos Y Consultas Educativas
Translate this page Nacionales Efemérides Venezolanos Ilustres. Premios nobel de 1945. Pauli,Wolfgang. corriente idealista en Latinoamérica. hull, cordell.

48. Ki Kicsoda? - Hull
cordell hull, hull, cordell (18711955). Amerikai jogász, politikus. Rooseveltaz ENSZ atyjának nevezte. 1945-ben megkapta a nobel-békedíjat.
HULL, Cordell (1871-1955)
Amerikai jogász, politikus. 1930-ban szenátorrá válsztották. 1933 és 1944 között külügyminiszter. Jelentõs szerepe volt a háború elõtti amerikai-japán tárgyalások lebonyolításában. Az eredménytelen megbeszéléseket háború követte. 1943-ban a Moszkvában megrendezett külügyminiszteri konferencián elõmozdította a szövetségesek egységes fellépését. 1944 novemberében rossz egészségi állapota miatt visszavonult, utóda Stettinius lett. Mivel nagy szerepe volt az elõkészítésben, megjelent az ENSZ alakuló konferenciáján San Francisco-ban. Roosevelt

49. Hull, Cordell
Translate this page hull, cordell (1871-1955). Homme politique américain (Olympus, Overton County,Tennessee, 1871 — Bethesda, Maryland, 1955). (Prix nobel de la paix, 1945.).
Hull, Cordell Homme politique américain (Olympus, Overton County, Tennessee, 1871 — Bethesda, Maryland, 1955). Membre du parti démocrate et secrétaire d'Etat de Roosevelt de 1933 à 1944, il joua un grand rôle dans la création de l'ONU. (Prix Nobel de la paix, 1945.)

50. ±è´ëÁß ´ëÅë·É ³ëº§ÆòÈ­»ó ¼ö»ó
nobel Peace Prize Laureates / Number of nobel Laureates by Nation nobel PeacePrize Laureates Year, Laureate, Nationality. 1945, hull, cordell, USA.

51. Cordell Hull
the master plan for the birth place of cordell hull. the condition that existed whenMr. hull lived there. its' most prized possession is the nobel Peace Prize
Byrdstown, Tennessee This project, designed by Michael Emrick Associates with Sparkman and Associates as consulting architects, was the development of the master plan for the birth place of Cordell Hull. Mr. Hull was the Secretary of State during the Roosevelt Administration and is known as the father of the United Nations.
During the initial phase of the project the historic log cabin where Mr. Hull was born was reconstructed. The original structure had been altered through several additions and was in a state of great disrepair. The cabin was completely disassembled and rebuilt to reflect the condition that existed when Mr. Hull lived there.
On the same site during the second phase, a museum was constructed to house artifacts of his life work. This project was designed by Archistructures, Inc. with Sparkman and Associates as consulting architects. The inspiration for the design of the museum and also its' most prized possession is the Nobel Peace Prize Mr. Hull was awarded when he served as Secretary of State. The restoration of his birth place and the construction of the museum are part of a master plan for the development of the entire site.

52. Information About U.S. FDC: 5¢ Cordell Hull
To memorialize cordell hull (18711955), US statesman, lawyer, Secretary of Statelonger than any other person (1933-1944), nobel Peace Prize winner 1945.
First Day of Issue: October 5, 1963
Further Information about this issue:
To memorialize Cordell Hull (1871-1955), U.S. statesman, lawyer, Secretary of State longer than any other person (1933-1944), Nobel Peace Prize winner 1945. Known as the "Father of the United Nations," he consistently opposed isolationists in the 1930's, early advocated assistance to Britain but gradually fell to disfavor with President Roosevelt as Roosevelt increasingly assumed the functions of the Secretary of State. Standard Number:
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53. Anecdote Bad Company? Hull Exaggeration Biogra
hull, cordell (18711955), American public official, secretary of state (1933-44),nobel Prize recipient (Peace, 1945) noted for his role in the founding of

54. Biographies - Hua To Hyrtl
hull, cordell (18711955) American lawyer, statesman, author. the United Nations,promoted good neighbor policies and was awarded the nobel Peace Prize, 1945
HUA Luo-Geng ( - ) Chinese mathematician - Chinese People's Republic 2148 HUA To ( 3rd Cent.) Chinese physician, educator - China 1648 HUANG Dao-Po ( - ) Chinese textile expert - Chinese People's Republic 1639 HUANG Hsing (1873-1916) Chinese statesman, marshal - China 320; 322; 342; 414; 419; 433; 438; 622-3; 655; 870; 872; J120-1; 1N15; 2N40; 2N52; 2N77; 2N80-1; 2N87; 2N89; 2N110; 2N112; 3N10; 3N41; 3N51; 4N49; 4N60; 5N43; 5N55; 6N43; 6N56; 7N39; 7N50; 8N33; 8N40-1; 8N47; 8N49; 8N76; 8N78; 8N99; 8N103; China-Formosa 20; China-Northeast. Prov. 11; Chinese People's Republic 2065; China-Sinkiang 110; 112; 147; 157; 160; 197; China-Szechwan 20; 22; China-Yunnan 57; 59 HUANG Xing see HUANG Hsing HUASCAR (1495?-1533) Inca prince - Peru 321-2; 354; 354ab HUBBARD, Jonathan ( - ) Painter - Jersey 1993D01.2 HUBER, Eugen (1840-1923) Swiss lawyer, author, educator, journalist - Switzerland B64 HUBER, Robert ( - ) Nobel Prize winner, chemistry, 1988 - Sierra Leone SIE1995L29.29 HUBERMAN, Bronislaw (1882-1947) Israeli violin virtuoso - Israel 954 HUBERT (655-727) Saint, Flemish bishop, missionary. Patron saint of hunters and trappers. - Belgium 991; B387; Monaco MONE08.6

55. Alfred Nobel
Short profile geared toward middle school students.Category Kids and Teens School Time Scientists nobel, Alfred...... as the United Nations peacekeeping forces, which received the nobel peace prize 1926),Jane Addams (1931), Arthur Henderson (1934), cordell hull (1945), Emily
Alfred Nobel
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Alfred Bernhard Nobel was born in Stockholm, Sweden in 1833. The son of an engineer, he moved in his childhood to Russia, where his father was working on an underwater mine. Alfred studied Chemistry in Paris and worked for a time in the USA before returning to Sweden in 1859.
In 1866 Nobel produced what he believed was a safe and manageable form of nitroglycerin called dynamite. He established his own factory to produce it but in 1864 an explosion at the plant killed Nobel's younger brother and four other workers. Deeply shocked by this event, he now worked on a safer explosive and in 1875 came up with gelignite.
Other inventions followed including ballistite, a form of

56. Cumberland School Of Law
The organization is named for cordell hull, a member of the A native of Overton,Tenn., hull served in the Policy, he was awarded the 1945 nobel Peace Prize hull.htm
Cordell Hull Speakers Forum There is no greater responsibility resting upon peoples and governments everywhere, than to make sure that enduring peace will this time ... at long last ... be established and maintained ...
Cordell Hull, 1871-1955
The Cordell Hull Speakers Forum is a student-governed organization that provides Cumberland and the Birmingham community with the opportunity to hear talks by policy makers, national leaders, renowed legal scholars and distinguished members of the legal profession. Speakers have included former Presidents George Bush and Ronald Reagan, U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno, U.S. Supreme Court Justices Anthony Kennedy and Clarence Thomas, criminal defense attorney F. Lee Bailey, author John Grisham, and ACLU President Nadine Strossen. The organization is named for Cordell Hull, a member of the Cumberland class of 1891. A native of Overton, Tenn., Hull served in the United States House of Representatives and in the United States Senate before serving for 12 years as Secretary of State under President Franklin D. Roosevelt. Instrumental in improving relations with Latin America through implementation of the "Good Neighbor" Policy, he was awarded the 1945 Nobel Peace Prize for his work in establishing the United Nations.

57. Geneva Library UNOG: "the History Of The League Of Nations"
hull, cordell (18711955), American Secretary of State, 1933-44 andwinner of the nobel Peace Prize in 1945. hull was educated in
Hull, Cordell (1871-1955), American Secretary of State, 1933-44 and winner of the Nobel Peace Prize in 1945.

58. Odin - Le Prix Nobel De La Paix
Translate this page paix. Lauréats de prix nobel de la paix. 1901. Fondé en 1863. Prix décernépour 1945 hull, cordell, États-Unis (1871-1955). Ancien

Page d'accueil, version norvégienne
Actualités Informations sur la Norvège Monarchie, gouvernement, régime politique ... Nous écrire Mode normal Imprimer Language
Le prix Nobel de la paix
C'est au mois d'octobre que sont désignés chaque année les lauréats du prix Nobel. Le monde entier apprend alors le nom de ceux qui, par l'importance de leur contribution au progrès de la physique, de la chimie, de la médecine, de la littérature et du travail pour la défense de la paix, se sont montrés dignes de cette haute récompense. En 1968, a été créé un prix Nobel d'économie (prix de la Banque de Suède pour les sciences économiques). Ce prix est, depuis, décerné en même temps que les cinq autres prix Nobel. En dépit du fait que d'autres prix analogues sont décernés par différentes institutions dans le monde entier, c'est le prix Nobel de la paix qui jouit du plus grand prestige. Il a toujours occupé une place à part auprès du public depuis qu'il fut décerné pour la première fois en 1901.
Ce prestige est étroitement lié au sérieux des recherches et des délibérations sur lesquelles les membres hautement qualifiés du Comité Nobel ont su fonder leur décision.
Le testament d'Alfred Nobel, rédigé en 1895, stipulait que les prix scientifiques et celui de littérature seraient décernés par des institutions suédoises, mais il laissait à un comité nommé par le Storting (le Parlement norvégien) le soin d'attribuer le prix de la paix.

59. Nobel Prize For Peace
nobel Prize for Peace. Chelwood (UK) 1938 Office International Nansen pour les Réfugiés(Switzerland) 1944 International Red Cross 1945 cordell hull (US) 1946

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For years not listed, no award was made.
Henri Dunant (Switzerland); Frederick Passy (France) Elie Ducommun and Albert Gobat (Switzerland) Sir William R. Cremer (U.K.) Institut de Droit International (Belgium) Bertha von Suttner (Austria) Theodore Roosevelt (U.S.) Ernesto T. Moneta (Italy) and Louis Renault (France) Klas P. Arnoldson (Sweden) and Frederik Bajer (Denmark) Auguste M. F. Beernaert (Belgium) and Baron Paul H. B. B. d'Estournelles de Constant de Rebecque (France) Bureau International Permanent de la Paix (Switzerland) Tobias M. C. Asser

60. WorldBook General Reference Encyclopedia > History > United States > 1921 - 1945
1. hull , cordell, 18. hull , cordell hull , cordell , cordell hull (18711955);American statesman and recipient of nobel Peace Prize (1945). States/1921 - 1945/Hull

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Cordell Hull
Cordell Hull ... Sign up for: Cordell Hull . 1871-1955. Secretary of State - 1933 to 1944. Start your search on Cordell Hull . ...
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Hull, Cordell, an Encarta Encyclopedia Article Titled "Hull, Cordell"
Hull, Cordell #32;(1871-1955), American statesman, United Nations adviser, and Nobel Peace Prize winner. He was born in Overton (now Pickett) County, Tennessee, and educated in law at Cumberland University. He Found by: HotBot
Biography of Cordell Hull
Examines key aspects of the Secretary of States life, including his role as a founder of the United Nations. Includes an analysis of his legacy.

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