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         Hess Victor Franz:     more detail
  1. Hochschullehrer (Innsbruck): Victor Franz Hess, Adolf Windaus, Hans Fischer, Fritz Pregl, Karl Rahner, Andreas Maislinger (German Edition)
  2. Hochschullehrer (New York City): Hannah Arendt, Victor Franz Hess, Marshall Mcluhan, Günther Anders, Charles Socarides, Roman Vishniac (German Edition)
  3. Hochschullehrer (Universität Graz): Erwin Schrödinger, Joseph Schumpeter, Ernst Mach, Ludwig Boltzmann, Paul Guldin, Victor Franz Hess (German Edition)

61. Cosmos
Translate this page O físico austríaco victor franz hess descobriu em 1911-1912 que hess, que fez medidasem balões que alcançaram de altura, recebeu o prêmio nobel de 1936
window.defaultStatus="ASTROAMADOR - A sua fonte de informação sobre Astronomia" Asteróides Cometas Constelações Estrelas ... Galáxias Cosmo s Cosmos
Cosmologia O Universo como um Todo Apesar de fortes restrições, o homem teve aos poucos que abandonar a noção de que tinha qualquer posição central no Universo, e no começo deste século reconheceu que vivemos num planeta nada excepcional, em torno de uma estrela nada excepcional, localizada quase na extremidade de uma galáxia normal. Esta galáxia faz parte de um grupo de galáxias, o Grupo Local, localizado na periferia de um grande aglomerado de galáxias. Mesmo este cúmulo, é pequeno em relação aos grandes cúmulos de galáxias que podemos observar em outras partes do Universo. Nossa localização no Universo é portanto insignificante.
Aglomerado de Galáxias de Virgem
O Paradoxo de Olbers: O enigma da escuridão da noite
Uma das constatações mais simples que podemos fazer é que o céu é escuro, à noite. É estranho que esse fato que à primeira vista parece tão compreensível para qualquer pessoa, tenha dado tanto o que pensar durante tanto tempo. Aparentemente a primeira pessoa que reconheceu as implicações cosmológicas da escuridão noturna foi Johannes Kepler, em 1610. A questão foi retomada por Edmund Halley no século XVIII e pelo médico e astrônomo Heinrich Wilhelm Mattäus Olbers em 1826, quando passou a ser conhecida como paradoxo de Olbers. Olbers também descobriu os dois planetas menores Palas (1802) e Vesta (1807).

62. CIENCIA HOY 35 - ARTICULO - El Proyecto Pierre Auger - 1
Translate this page victor franz hess, descubridor de los rayos cósmicos, en un globo estadounidensede origen austriaco Víctor franz hess, que ganó el nobel en 1936, y
Volumen 5 - Nº35 - 1996 Revista de Divulgación Científica y Tecnológica de la
Asociación Ciencia Hoy ARTICULO

Laboratorio Tandar, Comisión Nacional de Energia Atómica
Ignoramos qué son, de dónde vienen y cómo se aceleran, pero sabemos desde hace treinta
años que lo capa superior de la atmósfera es bombardeada por un enjambre de partículas
llamadas rayos cósmicos, y que algunas de ellas están dotadas de energias insospechadas.
Científicos de una veintena de paises trabajan activamente en la instalación de dos
observatorios gigantes, uno en el hemisfério sur y otro en el norte, extendidos sobre una
superficie de 3000km cada uno, capaces de detectar eficientemente dichos partículas. En noviembre de 1995, en una reunión realizada en la sede de la UNESCO, la Argentina fue elegida sede del componente austral de este ambicioso proyecto. El físico francés Pierre Auger, descubridor de los chubascos de radiación cósmica, cuyo nombre lleva el experimento que explica esta nota. Victor Franz Hess, descubridor de los rayos cósmicos, en un globo aerostático usado para mediciones de altura.

63. EXPLORIT Science Center
1833, Bert, Paul. 1833, nobel, Alfred Bernhard. 1834, Mendeleeff, Dmitri Ivanovich. 1883,Haworth, Walter N. 1883, hess, victor franz. 1883, Warburg, Otto Heinrich.
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64. ORF ON Science - Nobelpreise: 1901-2001
Translate this page sowie Max Ferdinand Perutz (1962), den Physik-nobelpreis victor franz hess (1936)und Sie regte Alfred nobel zur Stiftung eines Friedenspreises an und erhielt
suchen in... Science weltweit Nickname weitere... Autoren Peter Biegelbauer Andre Gingrich Herbert Hrachovec Werner Lenz Konrad Paul Liessmann Hans Michael Maitzen Siegfried Mattl Frank Rattay Birgit Sauer Franz Seifert Philipp Steger Helge Torgersen Otto Urban Reinhold Wagnleitner Manfried Welan Franz Witzeling Anton Zeilinger Sachgebiete Gesellschaft Kosmos Leben Medizin und Gesundheit Technologie Umwelt und Klima Wissen und Bildung Neues aus der Welt der Wissenschaft ORF ON Science News Wissen und Bildung Gesellschaft Nobelpreise: 1901-2001
Komplizierter Nachlass

Alfred Nobel starb am 10. Dezember 1896 im Alter von 63 Jahren; die Abwicklung des Nachlasses entpuppte sich als schwierige Aufgabe. Erst 1901 war es so weit, dass die ersten Nobelpreise in Physik, Chemie, Medizin, Literatur und der Friedensnobelpreis vergeben wurden.
Der letzte Wille von Alfred Nobel
Bekanntgaben ab Montag
Die Verleihung der Preise erfolgt traditionellerweise am 10. Dezember, dem Todestag Alfred Nobels. Dotierung: 14 Millionen Schilling
Die Nobelstiftung
Von Medizin ...

65. Nicolas Rivière - Site Perso.
PRIX nobel DE prize section 1939 Ernest Orlando Lawrence 1938 Enrico Fermi 1937 ClintonJoseph Davisson, George Paget Thomson 1936 victor franz hess, Carl David
Vous êtes ici Accueil Sciences Nobel Nobel : 100 ans d'histoire Accueil Sciences Détente Programmation ... Trouver sur le site
Si vous souhaitez faire une suggestion ou proposer des sujets, donnez votre avis dans la section " à propos de ". Cliquez sur un domaine pour découvrir les lauréats:
P RIX NOBEL DE... Physique Chimie Médecine Litérature ... Economie P HYSIQUE
Eric A. Cornell, Wolfgang Ketterle, Carl E. Wieman

Zhores I. Alferov, Herbert Kroemer, Jack S. Kilby

Gerardus 't Hooft, Martinus J.G. Veltman

Robert B. Laughlin, Horst L. Störmer, Daniel C. Tsui
Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen

William S. Knowles, Ryoji Noyori, K. Barry Sharpless

Alan J. Heeger, Alan G. MacDiarmid, Hideki Shirakawa

Ahmed H. Zewail

Walter Kohn, John A. Pople
... Jacobus Henricus van 't Hoff M EDECINE Leland H. Hartwell, R. Timothy (Tim) Hunt, Sir Paul M. Nurse Arvid Carlsson, Paul Greengard, Eric R. Kandel Günter Blobel Robert F. Furchgott, Louis J. Ignarro, Ferid Murad ... Emil Adolf von Behring L ITERATURE Sir V.S. Naipaul

66. Scientists: Physical Sciences
Arthur Stanley; Encke, Johann franz; Eudoxus of nobel, Alfred Bernhard; Oersted,Hans Christian; Ostwald Henry, Joseph; Hertz, Heinrich Rudolf; hess, victor Francis;
Notable Scientists: Physical Sciences Astronomers, astrophysicists, chemists, and physicists Jump to a category: Astronomers Astrophysicists Chemists Physicists
Astronomical Calendar

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67. Harapan's Bookshelf: Nobel Prize In Physics
Link Official Website of nobel Foundation Physics victor franz hess for his discoveryof cosmic radiation ;CARL DAVID ANDERSON for his discovery of the
Search Now: Search: English Books Japanese Books Both Keywords:
Japanese customer service Shipping Information Are you in Japan? Are you interested in Japan? English Books in Japan Books in Japanese Nobel Prize in Physics last updated on Link: Official Website of Nobel Foundation: Physics Physics 1998 Robert B. Laughlin and Daniel C. Tsui for their discovery of a new form of quantum fluid with fractionally charged excitations. Physics 1997 STEVEN CHU, CLAUDE COHEN-TANNOUDJI and WILLIAM D. PHILLIPS for development of methods to cool and trap atoms with laser light. Physics 1996 DAVID M. LEE DOUGLAS D. OSHEROFF and ROBERT C. RICHARDSON for their discovery of superfluidity in helium-3. Physics 1995 MARTIN L. PERL for the discovery of the tau lepton FREDERICK REINES for the detection of the neutrino. Physics 1994 BERTRAM N. BROCKHOUSE for the development of neutron spectroscopy ; CLIFFORD G. SHULL

68. Physics Resources From Grau-Hall Scientific
Resources Thermometers Weather Home Links Contact Us nobel Laureates in JosephDavisson, George Paget Thomson(1937); victor franz hess, Carl David
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Solar Spectrum Chart To order call us on our toll free number or email us at grauhall with card info and products desired and a phone number where you can be reached, or send us a snail mail to Grau-Hall Scientific, 6401 Elvas Avenue, Sacramento, CA 95819. Item Description U/M Price Item# Chart - Laminated - Solar Spectrum This hansome wall chart, covering the visible portion of the solar spectrum, shows the location of the more prominent Fraunhofer lines. These darklines, some narrow and some wide, are caused by the absorption of specific frequencies within the atmosphere of the earth or sun. Both colorful and informative, this chart makes an excellant teaching aid for any science classroom. This durable chart (seen above) is printed on heavy paper stock and is fitted with metal binding strips at top and bottom. The upper strip includes tabes suitable for wall haning. Chart dimention is 71cm x 28cm. each Chart - Laminated - Spectrum Analysis This chart shows the visible continuous spectrum of the sun and the emission or bright line spectra of ten relatively common elements. It provides an excellant beginning point to show the student the total individuality of the spectrum of each element. It also presents an opportunity to discuss the general relationship between the number of lines and the number of atomic shell electrons.

69. Winners Of The Nobel Prize In Physics
brought to you by. The nobel Prize Internet Archive 1997 1936. The prize was dividedequally between victor franz hess for his discovery of cosmic radiation.

70. History Of Astronomy: Roughly Sorted Links - Biographies (1)
Nansen Biography of F. Zernike nobel eMuseum Emden, Robert Encke, Johann franz Erastus,Thomas Rudolf) Hertzsprung, Ejnar Hesiod hess, victor Francis Hevelius
History of Astronomy Unsorted and roughly sorted links
Roughly sorted links - Biographies (1)
Please note that the links were found some time ago and may be outdated meanwhile. This list is not a permanent one. Any link may be moved or deleted without special announcement, and also this file may be deleted.
Alexander Friedmann
Jahrbuch fuer die Fortschritte der Mathematik
Dirk Frimout (in German)
Dirk Frimout (in French) ...
? Raleigh, Sir Walter
Ramsden, Jesse
Reber, Grote
Reichenbach, Georg von ...
Wolfgang R. Dick . Created: 20 Aug 2001. Latest update: 20 Feb 2002

71. Winners Of The Nobel Prize In Physics
brought to you by. The nobel Prize Internet Archive. 1997. 1936. The prize was dividedequally between victor franz hess for his discovery of cosmic radiation.
Nobel Prize in Physics Winners 1997-1901
brought to you by The Nobel Prize Internet Archive The prize was awarded jointly to: S TEVEN C HU ... ANNOUDJI and W ILLIAM D P ... HILLIPS for development of methods to cool and trap atoms with laser light. The prize was awarded jointly to: D AVID M L ... SHEROFF and R OBERT C R ... ICHARDSON for their discovery of superfluidity in helium-3. The prize was awarded for pioneering experimental contributions to lepton physics, with one half to: M ARTIN L P ... ERL for the discovery of the tau lepton. and the other half to: F REDERICK R EINES for the detection of the neutrino. The prize was awarded for pioneering contributions to the development of neutron scattering techniques for studies of condensed matter to: B ERTRAM N B ... ROCKHOUSE for the development of neutron spectroscopy C LIFFORD G S ... HULL for the development of the neutron diffraction technique. The prize was awarded jointly to: R USSELL A H ... ULSE and J OSEPH H T ... R. for the discovery of a new type of pulsar, a discovery that has opened up new possibilities for the study of gravitation. G EORGES C HARPAK for his invention and development of particle detectors, in particular the multiwire proportional chamber.

72. Wikipedia: 1936
Translate this page Karl Pearson, statistico. Premi nobel. per la Pace Carlos SaavedraLamas? per la Fisica Carl David Anderson?, victor franz hess?

73. Judith Irwin's Home Page
nobel PRIZES IN PHYSICS RELATED TO ASTRONOMY (1900 2001). The prize was dividedequally between victor franz hess for his discovery of cosmic radiation and
The prize was awarded jointly to: RUSSELL A. HULSE and JOSEPH H. TAYLOR JR. for the discovery of a new type of pulsar, a discovery that has opened up new possibilities for the study of gravitation.
The prize was divided equally between: SUBRAMANYAN CHANDRASEKHAR for his theoretical studies of the physical processes of importance to the structure and evolution of the stars. WILLIAM A. FOWLER for his theoretical and experimental studies of the nuclear reactions of importance in the formation of the chemical elements in the universe.
The prize was divided, one half being awarded to: PYOTR LEONIDOVICH KAPITSA for his basic inventions and discoveries in the area of low-temperature physics and the other half divided equally between: ARNO A. PENZIAS and ROBERT W. WILSON for their discovery of cosmic microwave background radiation.
The prize was awarded jointly to: SIR MARTIN RYLE and ANTONY HEWISH for their pioneering research in radio astrophysics Ryle for his observations and inventions, in particular of the aperture synthesis technique, and Hewish for his decisive role in the discovery of pulsars.
The prize was divided equally between: VICTOR FRANZ HESS for his discovery of cosmic radiation and CARL DAVID ANDERSON for his discovery of the positron.

74. Ëàóðåàòû Íîáåëåâñêèõ ïðåìèé ïî ôèçèêå
Alphabetical listing of nobel prize laureates in Physics. Name. Year Awarded. Alfven,Hannes, 1970. Hertz, Gustav, 1925. hess, victor franz, 1936. Hewish, Antony, 1974.
Alphabetical listing of Nobel prize laureates in Physics
Name Year Awarded Alfven, Hannes Alvarez, Luis W. Anderson, Carl David Anderson, Philip W. Appleton, Sir Edward Victor Bardeen, John Bardeen, John Barkla, Charles Glover Basov, Nicolay Gennadiyevich Becquerel, Antoine Henri Bednorz, J. Georg Bethe, Hans Albrecht Binnig, Gerd Blackett, Lord Patrick Maynard Stuart Bloch, Felix Bloembergen, Nicolaas Bohr, Aage Bohr, Niels Born, Max Bothe, Walther Bragg, Sir William Henry Bragg, Sir William Lawrence Brattain, Walter Houser Braun, Carl Ferdinand Bridgman, Percy Williams Brockhouse, Bertram N. Chadwick, Sir James Chamberlain, Owen Chandrasekhar, Subramanyan Charpak, Georges Cherenkov, Pavel Alekseyevich Chu, Steven Cockcroft, Sir John Douglas Cohen-Tannoudji, Claude Compton, Arthur Holly Cooper, Leon N. Curie, Marie Curie, Pierre Dalen, Nils Gustaf Davisson, Clinton Joseph De Broglie, Prince Louis-Victor De Gennes, Pierre-Gilles Dehmelt, Hans G.

75. Hess, Victor (1883-1964) -- From Eric Weisstein's World Of Scientific Biography
Prize Winners , nobel Prize , Physics Prize v. hess, victor (18831964), hess shared the 1936 nobel Prize in physics with Carl Anderson.
Branch of Science Physicists Nationality American ... Physics Prize
Hess, Victor (1883-1964)

Austrian-American physicist who sent up balloons carrying electroscopes in order to locate the source of background radiation causing ionizations in the atmosphere. Hess believed the radiation would be smaller in the air, but found instead that it increased up to eight times. He suggested that the radiation came from outer space. Millikan named it " cosmic rays " Hess shared the 1936 Nobel Prize in physics with Carl Anderson Anderson (Carl) Millikan
Author: Eric W. Weisstein

76. Victor F. Hess
Today, victor F. hess is best known for his discovery of cosmic the extraterrestrialorigins of the radiation, that hess was awarded the nobel Prize in
Figures in Radiation History
(Victor F. Hess)
Thanks to the following group for allowing us to reprint this information: The Health Physics Society
1313 Dolley Madison Blvd., Suite 402
Mclean, Virginia 22101
Tel: 703-790-1745
Fax: 703-790-2672
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77. Hess, Victor
hess, victor (18831964). Austrian physicist who emigrated to the USA shortlyafter sharing a nobel prize in 1936 for the discovery of cosmic radiation.
Hess, Victor Franz Austrian physicist who emigrated to the USA shortly after sharing a Nobel prize in 1936 for the discovery of cosmic radiation.
Hess was born in Waldstein and educated at Graz. From 1906 to 1920 he worked in Vienna, studying radioactivity and atmospheric ionization. He was professor at Graz 1920-31 and at Innsbruck 1931-38, founding a cosmic-ray observatory on the nearby Hafelekar mountain. After the Nazi annexation of Austria, he emigrated to the USA, becoming professor at Fordham University, New York.
Hess made ten balloon ascents in 1911-12 to collect data about atmospheric ionization. Ascending to altitudes of more than 5,000 m/16,000 ft, he established that the intensity of ionization decreased to a minimum at about 1,000 m/3,000 ft, then increased steadily. By making ascents at night - and one during a nearly total solar eclipse - he proved that the ionization was not caused by the Sun. He concluded that radiation enters the atmosphere from outer space.

78. Victor Franz Hess
Translate this page hess a été le citoyen américain depuis 1944 et vit à New York. De CoursNobel, Physique 1922-1941. victor franz hess est mort en 1964.
Hess, Victor Franz Victor Franz Hess est né le 24 juin 1883, dans le Château Waldstein, près de Peggau dans Steiermark, l'Autriche. Son père, Vinzens Hess, était un forestier dans le Prince O Ttingen-Wallerstein's le service et sa mère était Serafine Edle von Grossbauer-Waldstatt. Il a reçu son éducation entière dans Graz: le Gymnase (1893-1901) et ensuite Graz l'Université (1901-1905), où il a pris le degré de son docteur en 1910.
Il a travaillé, pendant un temps court, à l'Institut Physique à Vienne, où le Professeur von Schweidler l'a amorcé(introduit) dans des découvertes récentes dans le champ(domaine) de radioactivité. Pendant 1910-1920 il était l'Aide sous Stephan Meyer à l'Institut de Recherche de Radium de l'Académie Viennoise de Sciences. En 1919 il a reçu le Prix de Lieben contre sa découverte "des ultra-radiation" (la radiation cosmique) et l'année après qu'est devenu le Professeur Extraordinaire de Physique Expérimentale à l'Université Graz. De 1921 à 1923, on a accordé Hess le congé exceptionnel et travaillé aux Etats-Unis, où il a pris un poste comme le Directeur du Laboratoire de recherches (créé par lui) de la Société de Radium américaine, à l'Orange (NewJersey) et comme le Physicien Consultatif pour le Ministère des Affaires Intérieures américain (le Bureau des mines), Washington le district fédéral de Columbia.

79. History Of The Czech Republic History Of Hungary
Joerg, 1950, Austrian party politician Harrer, Heinrich, 1912-, Austrian mountaineerHess, victor franz, 1883-1964, winner of the 1936 nobel Physics Prize
History of the Czech Republic History of Hungary First posted on November 12th 2002
External Links : Biographies related to Austrian History

For links on general biographical sources, go to Biographies Main Page
Austria Lexicon
, from AEIOU, English version; of the more than 14,000 entries, most are (brief) biographies.
World Statesmen : Austria , by Ben Cahoon; not biographies, but lists of kings, prime ministers etc, since the 18th century; Rulers : Austria , by B. Schemmel; World Rulers : Austria , by Enno Schulz, illustrated; Leaders of Austria, from ZPC , including foreign ministers, party leaders
: Oekumenisches Heiligenlexikon (Ecumenical Lexicon of Saints), Oesterreich (Austria) index; in German; more than 100 entries Printed Reference : Biographies related to Austrian History
This is Just an alphabetical index. Click on the name you look for, and you will be referred to a list of biographies of the respective historical period. Within that list, scroll down for the name you look for.
Adler, Alfred

80. Physics In Philately. Plan Of The Collection
Quantum Theory Nuclear Fussion Hypernuclei Discovery Astronomy and Cosmology NobelPrize Winners Pavel A.Cherenkov victor franz hess Hideki Yukawa, Physical
Plan of the Collection "Physics in Philately"
Development of Physics
Thermodynamics and Kinetic Theory of Gases
Electromagnetic Theory and Optics
New Ideas in Physics on the Turn of the 19th Century
Blackbody Radiation
Linear Spectra of Gases
X-ray Radiation
Quantum Theory Nuclear Fussion Hypernuclei Discovery
Astronomy and Cosmology
Nobel Prize Winners
Pavel A.Cherenkov Victor Franz Hess Hideki Yukawa
Physical Arrangements, Instruments and Measurements
International System of Units (SI) Nuclear Reactors Particle Accelerators Electron Microscopes X-ray Arrangements Detectors Optical Lenses and Mirrors Light Microscopes Lasers Telescopes
Physical Institutes and Societies
International Atomic Energy Agency
Physical Congresses
Applications of Physics
Medicine Space Archeology Telecommunication and Computers
Nuclear Energy
Uranium and Uranium Mining Nuclear Power Plants Nuclear Driven Ships Nuclear Bomb Chernobyl Tragedy
In the future, I am going to present here representative philatelic material. Some examples of stamps from my collection depicting famous physicists are exhibited on Joachim Reinhardt's home page.

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