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61. Fisica Applicata - Guida Di SuperEva Translate this page hertz gustav (Ebreo). Fisico Premio nobel 1925 per le ricerche sulla eccitazionee ionizzazione degli atomi sottoposti a bombardamento ci elettroni. http://guide.supereva.it/fisica_applicata/interventi/2000/08/9267.shtml | |
62. Életrajzok gustav Ludwig hertz (18871975) nobel-díjas (1925) német fizikus, H.hertz unokaöccse. Híres kísérletében J.Franck-kal közösen http://www.tfk.elte.hu/tanszekek/fizika/webfiz/erajz/hertz.htm | |
63. Colegio Don Bosco Altamira Translate this page sistema Publicar archivos. Premios nobel de 1925. Franck, James. sobre elátomo. Universidad de Goettingen. Goettingen, Alemania. hertz, gustav. http://www.aldeae.net/donbosco/aldea/Nobel1e.asp?Which=1925 |
64. 20th Century Year By Year 1925 nobel Prizes. Physics FRANCK, JAMES, Germany, Goettingen University, b. 1882, d.1964; and hertz, gustav, Germany, Halle University, b. 1887, d. 1975 for http://www.multied.com/20th/1925.html | |
65. IEEE-USA Today's Engineer Another brother was a successful musician, his sister married a prominent artist,and a nephew, gustav hertz, would win the nobel Prize for physics in 1925. http://www.todaysengineer.org/Oct02/heritage.htm | |
66. History For Sale - Nobel Prize Autographs sample of the autographs you'll find in our nobel Prize category Maxim, Albert Sabin,Thomas Huxley, Charles Duryea, Charles Mayo, gustav hertz, Auguste Lumiere http://www.historyforsale.com/html/display.asp?page=62 |
67. THE BLACKLISTED JOURNALIST Email Page,FREAKY!,JEWS V. ARABS: NOBEL WINNERS,CONFU * * JEWISH nobel WINNERS 0.2 Michelson 1908 Gabriel Lippmann 1921 - Albert Einstein1922 - Niels Bohr 1925 - James Franck 1925 - gustav hertz 1943 - gustav http://www.bigmagic.com/pages/blackj/column73m2.html | |
68. Nobel Prizes 1960 Peter Brian Medawar 1998 - Ferid Mourad JEWISH nobel WINNERS 0.2 Albert Einstein1922 - Niels Bohr 1925 - James Franck 1925 - gustav hertz 1943 - gustav http://www.col.fr/judeotheque/archive.doc/Nobel prize winners- Muslims Jews.htm | |
69. Franck-Hertz Experiment In 1914, James Franck and gustav hertz performed an experiment which demonstratedthe existence of excited states in mercury atoms nobel Prize in physics, 1925 http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/FrHz.html | |
70. VBS - MyEurope - Nobel Prizes Denmark. Niels Henrik David BOHR (1922). Aage Niels BOHR (1975; son of NielsBOHR, nobel Prize in Physics 1922). James FRANCK and gustav hertz (1926). http://www.univie.ac.at/Romanistik/Sprachwst/site/spratscher/vbs_myEurope_spring | |
71. Phys Nobel List Translate this page Selective List of nobel Prize Winners in Physics and Chemistry. 1930 Sir ChandrasekharaVenkata Raman 1925 James Franck, gustav Ludwig hertz 1923 Robert http://bengal.missouri.edu/~kosztini/courses/phys215-03/Phys_Nobel_List.html | |
72. Premios Nobel De La Física Translate this page PREMIOS nobel DE LA FÍSICA SIGLO XX 1901 Wilhelm Rontgen. 1925 James Franck.gustav hertz. 1950 Cecil Powell, 1975 Aage Bohr. Ben Mottelson. James Rainwater. http://rsta.pucmm.edu.do/ciencias/fisica/nobel/premios_nobel_de_la_fÃsica.htm | |
73. 1925 Translate this page Premio Nóbel de la Física 1925. gustav L. hertz (Compartido con James Franck)por descubrir el efecto Franck-hertz en choques electrón-átomo. http://rsta.pucmm.edu.do/ciencias/fisica/nobel/1925 b.htm | |
74. Selos Translate this page Heinrich hertz, 42kb, gustav hertz, 55kb. Johannes Kepler, 110kb, gustav Robert Kirchhoff,54kb. Mendelev, 49kb, Robert Millikan, 49kb. Isaac Newton, 56kb, Alfred nobel, 79kb. http://www.fisica.ufpb.br/~romero/port/selos.htm | |
75. Nobel Peace Prize Winners ARAB/ISLAMIC nobel WINNERS, JEWISH nobel WINNERS. Gabriel Lippmann 1921 Albert Einstein1922 - Niels Bohr 1925 - James Franck 1925 - gustav hertz 1943 - gustav http://www.mainframe.org/humour/political_nobelprize.htm | |
76. The Nobel Prize For Physics (1901-1996) The following is a complete listing of nobel Prize awards, from the first award in 1925James Franck Impact of an electron upon an atom gustav hertz 1926 Jean http://physics.hallym.ac.kr/education/faq/nobel.html | |
77. University Of Chicago News: Nobel Laureates The nobel Prize in Physics 1925 with gustav hertz for their discoveryof the laws governing the impact of an electron upon an atom.. http://www-news.uchicago.edu/resources/nobel/physics.html | |
78. Nobel Prize Winners In Physics xray spectroscopy. 1925, James Franck. gustav hertz. 1882-1964. 1887-1975.for their research on electron-atom collisions. 1926, Jean http://empl.ksc.nasa.gov/nobelwin.htm | |
79. Nobel Edouard Guillaume, Albert Einstein, Niels Henrik David Bohr, Robert Andrews Millikan,Karl Manne Georg Siegbahn, James Franck, gustav Ludwig hertz, Jean Baptiste http://www.kalendarium.pl/kalendarium/html/tabela.htm | |
80. NOBEL-PRIZE&LEGALIZED JEWISH FRAUDULENCE -- Balkan History, News, Info And Discu nobelPRIZE LEGALIZED JEWISH FRAUDULENCE - I prepare a Literature; 1910 - Paul Heyse 1922- Niels Bohr 1925 - James Franck 1925 - gustav hertz 1943 - gustav http://www.voy.com/64474/1/253.html | |
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