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41. Jewish Nobel Prize Winners - gustav hertz; 1943 - gustav Stern; 1943- Otto Stern; 1944 - Isidor Issac Rabi; http://www.us-israel.org/jsource/Judaism/nobels.html | |
42. Famous Physicists Worked on theory of white dwarf and neutron stars. nobel 1983. Cherenkov,Pavel, Copernicus, . Herschel, Frederick, hertz, gustav, hertz, Heinrich, http://www.raiderracing.com/feynman/physicists.htm | |
43. Gustav Ludwig Hertz Translate this page Físico alemão nascido em Hamburgo, sobrinho de Heinrich hertz, pesquisador emfísica Ganhou o Prêmio nobel de Física (1925), juntamente com James Franck http://members.tripod.com/alkimia/biografias/hertz.htm | |
44. Nobel Peace Prize? JEWISH nobel WINNERS. Abraham Michelson 1908 Gabriel Lippmann 1921 - Albert Einstein1922 - Niels Bohr 1925 - James Franck 1925 - gustav hertz 1943 - gustav http://www.toojewish.com/contrib/misc/sillynobel.html |
45. Premio Nobel De Fiziko - Vikipedio Fiziko Premio nobel de Fiziko Premio nobel. La Premio nobel de Fiziko estas disdonataekde 1901. 1924 Karl Manne SIEGBAHN. 1925 James FRANCK kaj gustav hertz. http://eo.wikipedia.org/wiki/Premio_Nobel_de_Fiziko | |
46. Buildings Integral To The Former Life And/or Persecution Of Jews In Hamburg gustav hertz gustav Ludwig hertz (22.07.1887, Hamburg 30.10.1975 He was a nephewof Heinrich hertz. who, with James Franck, received the nobel Prize for http://www.rrz.uni-hamburg.de/rz3a035/hertz.html | |
47. Der Elektronenstoßversuch Von Franck Und Hertz Translate this page gustav Ludwig hertz hertz war Professor für Physik in Halle, Berlin und 1975, Todhertz'. zur Biografie finden Sie unter anderem auf der nobel-Seite Zurück zur http://uploader.wuerzburg.de/gym-fkg/schule/fachber/physik/facharb/feineis/biogr | |
48. SunSITE India : 2001 Nobel Phycics Prize nobel Prize in Physics Eric A. Cornell Wolfgang Ketterle Carl E. Wieman the RabiPrize of the American Physical Society (1997), the gustavhertz Prize of the http://sunsite.iisc.ernet.in/nobel2001/phy2001_bio.html | |
49. The Nobel Prize nobel Prize winners Literature 1910 Paul Heyse 1927 - Henri Bergson 1958 Einstein1922 - Niels Bohr 1925 - James Franck 1925 - gustav hertz 1943 - gustav http://www.rsballard.com/weblog/files/nobel.htm | |
50. Intellectual Output From The Arab World JEWISH nobel WINNERS 0.2% OF WORLDS POPULATION 14,000,000 million Jews. Albert Einstein1922 Niels Bohr 1925 - James Franck 1925 - gustav hertz 1943 - gustav http://masada2000.org/nobel.html | |
51. FÝZÝK NOBEL ÖDÜLLERÝ FIZIK nobel ÖDÜLLERI. 1901. RÖNTGEN, WILHELM CONRAD. 1964; ve.hertz, gustav. Almanya, Halle Üniversitesi, d. 1887, ö. 1975 http://www.tubitak.gov.tr/nobel/fizik-nodul.html | |
52. GUSTAV LUDWIG HERTZ - AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED 12/22/1941 thanks for the bouquet of flowers you sent me on the occasion of my wife's death. gustav hertz (18871975) and James Franck shared the 1925 nobel Prize in http://www.galleryofhistory.com/archive/1_2003/scientists/GUSTAV_LUDWIG_HERTZ.ht | |
53. Tet Translate this page 1925 AD, hertz gustav (1887-1975), Ses travaux de physicien (Prix nobel de 1925)portent sur la luminescence propriété des corps qui émettent de la lumière http://discipline.free.fr/tet.htm | |
54. Nobel Prizes In Physics nobel Prizes in Physics. charge 1924 Karl MG Siegbahn (Sweden, 1886 1978) 1925James Franck (Germany, 1882-08-20 - 1964-05-21) gustav hertz (Germany, 1887-07 http://userpage.chemie.fu-berlin.de/diverse/bib/nobel_physik_e.html | |
55. Sommaire Des Expériences nobel de physique 1925 gustav Ludwig hertz;The Franck-hertz Experiment 12 p. format PDF ; The Franck http://www.phy.ulaval.ca/20924/sommaire.html | |
56. Jewish Laureates Of Nobel Prizes : Sciforums.com governing the impact of an electron upon an atom Germany 1925 hertz, gustav fortheir carried out with their aid Poland Jewish Laureates of nobel Prize in http://www.sciforums.com/archive/47/2002/01/2/3820 | |
57. Pictures Gallery Of The Nobel Prize Winners In Physics Translate this page The nobel Prize in Physics. 1998. Robert B. Laughlin Horst L. Störmer Daniel C.Tsui 1997. Jean Baptiste Perrin 1925. James Franck gustav Ludwig hertz 1924. http://www.th.physik.uni-frankfurt.de/~jr/physpicnobel.html | |
58. Wanadoo Translate this page PRIX nobel. Année. Discipline. Nom. Pays. 1901. CHIMIE. Van't Hoof (Jacobus Henricus). Franck(James). Allemagne. 1925. PHYSIQUE. hertz (gustav). Allemagne. 1926. CHIMIE. http://perso.wanadoo.fr/christian.fabien/prix nobel.htm | |
59. Biografieseite Der Abteilung Vorlesung Translate this page hertz, gustav Ludwig. hertz, Heinrich Rudolf. Hooke, Robert. M. Mach, Ernst. Magnus,Heinrich gustav. Maxwell, James Clerk. N. Newton, Sir Isaac. nobel, Alfred Bernhard. http://www.ph.tum.de/~kressier/Bios/biografie.html | |
60. The Nobel Prize For Physics (1901-1998) announcement is to watch the nobel Foundation web site at http//www.nobel.se 19251914 James Franck Impact of an electron upon an atom gustav hertz 1926 Jean http://math.ucr.edu/home/baez/physics/Administrivia/nobel.html | |
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