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         Hartwell Leland H:     more detail
  1. Genetics: From Genes to Genomes. Leland H. Hartwell ... [Et Al.] by Leland Hartwell, 2006-11
  2. The Harvey Lectures Series 90 by Ronald M. Evans, Christine Guthrie, et all 1996-06
  3. Genetics: From Genes to Genomes (Stony Brook University Custom Edition, BIO 320 General Genetics) by Leroy Hood, Michael L. Goldberg, Ann E. Reynolds, Lee M. Silver, Ruth C. Veres Leland H. Hartwell, 2008
  4. Genetics: From Genes to Genomes w/ Genetics: From Genes to Genomes CD-ROM by et. al. Leland H. Hartwell, 1999-09-23
  5. Customized Version of Genetics From Genes to Genomes by Leroy Hood, Michael L. Goldberg, Ann E. Reynolds, Lee M. Silver, Ruth C. Veres, Robert J. Brooker Leland H. Hartwell, 2008

21. NIH Record--10/30/2001--NIH Grantees Win Nobel Prizes
Two longtime NIH grantees have won nobel Prizes Dr. leland H. hartwell was awardedthe 2001 nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his discovery of genes
Front Page Previous Story Next Story NIH Grantees Win Nobel Prizes Hartwell, president and director of the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle and professor of genetics at the University of Washington, also in Seattle, received the award jointly with Dr. Paul M. Nurse and Dr. R. Timothy Hunt, both of the Imperial Cancer Research Fund in London. Dr. Leland Hartwell Saccharomyces cerevisiae In 1990, NIGMS gave Hartwell a MERIT award, which provides investigators who have demonstrated superior competence and outstanding productivity with long-term, stable support to foster their continued research contributions. Hartwell has also received funding from the National Cancer Institute and the National Center for Research Resources. Of the 79 American Nobel laureates in physiology or medicine since 1945, 60 either worked at or were funded by NIH before winning the prize. During the same period, 123 scientists worldwide have won that prize, 70 with support from or work experience at NIH prior to receiving the honor. Sharpless, who is the W.M. Keck professor of chemistry at the Scripps Research Institute in La Jolla, received half of this year's chemistry award for his work on "chirally catalyzed oxidation reactions." Sharing the other half of the prize for their work on "chirally catalyzed hydrogenation reactions," are Dr. William S. Knowles of St. Louis (formerly of Monsanto Co.), and Dr. Ryoji Noyori of Nagoya University, Chikusa, Nagoya, Japan.

22. Nobel Prizes 2001
Germany Carl E. Wieman USA The nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for theirdiscoveries of key regulators of the cell cycle leland H. hartwell USA R
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on the Nobel Prize:

Nobel Minds

2001 Awards

John Nash

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Moon phase Popular Science Highlights:
IG Nobel 2002 The invention of :-) West Nile Virus Asteroid Impact? ... Book: Russell Read also: Nobel Prize Women in Science : Their Lives, Struggles, and Momentous Discoveries by Sharon Bertsch McGrayne NOBEL PRIZES 2001 - Summary The Nobel Prize in Chemistry "for their work on chirally catalysed hydrogenation reactions" William S. Knowles USA Ryoji Noyori Japan "for his work on chirally catalysed oxidation reactions" K. Barry Sharpless USA The Nobel Prize in Physics "for the achievement of Bose-Einstein condensation in dilute gases of alkali atoms, and for early fundamental studies of the properties of the condensates" Eric A. Cornell USA Wolfgang Ketterle Germany Carl E. Wieman USA The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine "for their discoveries of key regulators of the cell cycle" Leland H. Hartwell USA R. Timothy (Tim) Hunt Great Britain Sir Paul M. Nurse Great Britain

23. NOBEL PRIZE For Medicine 2001
leland H. hartwell, (photo) R This year's nobel Laureates in Physiology or Medicinehave made seminal discoveries concerning the control of the cell
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on the Nobel Prize:

Nobel Minds

2001 Awards

John Nash

Women Nobel Prize
Prize Amounts

Moon phase Popular Science Highlights:
IG Nobel 2002 The invention of :-) West Nile Virus Asteroid Impact? ... Book: Russell Read also: Nobel Prize Women in Science : Their Lives, Struggles, and Momentous Discoveries by Sharon Bertsch McGrayne NOBEL PRIZE for medicine 2001 Key regulators of the cell cycle Leland H. Hartwell, (photo) R. Timothy (Tim) Hunt and Paul M. Nurse All organisms consist of cells that multiply through cell division. An adult human being has approximately 100 000 billion cells, all originating from a single cell, the fertilized egg cell. In adults there is also an enormous number of continuously dividing cells replacing those dying. Before a cell can divide it has to grow in size, duplicate its chromosomes and separate the chromosomes for exact distribution between the two daughter cells. These different processes are coordinated in the cell cycle. This year's Nobel Laureates in Physiology or Medicine have made seminal discoveries concerning the control of the cell cycle. They have identified key molecules that regulate the cell cycle in all eukaryotic organisms, including yeasts, plants, animals and human. These fundamental discoveries have a great impact on all aspects of cell growth. Defects in cell cycle control may lead to the type of chromosome alterations seen in cancer cells. This may in the long term open new possibilities for cancer treatment.

24. MIT Nobel Prize Winners
from MIT win 2001 nobels in 5 fields MIT news release, October 12, 2001; Thesesof MIT Alumni nobel Prize Winners leland H. hartwell, shared Medicine

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56 MIT-related Nobel Prize winners
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Fifty-six current or former members of the MIT community have won the Nobel Prize . They include 22 professors, 23 alumni (including three of the professors), 13 researchers and one staff physician. Twenty-five of the Nobel Prizes are in physics, ten in chemistry, eleven in economics, eight in medicine/physiology, and two in peace. Eight Nobel prizes were won by researchers who helped develop radar at the MIT Radiation Laboratory. Nobelists who are current members of the MIT community are Drs. Horvitz (2002), Ketterle (2001), Molina (1995), Sharp (1993), Friedman (1990), Tonegawa (1987), Solow (1987), Modigliani (1985), Ting (1976) Samuelson (1970), and Khorana (1968). H. Robert Horvitz

25. Awards And Honors: Nobel Prize
GellMann, Murray - Physics, 1969; hartwell, leland H. - shared Medicine/Physiology,2001;
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Nobel Prize Pulitzer Prize Alan T. Waterman Award -Student Honors- Fulbright Fellows Marshall Scholars Rhodes Scholars -MIT Only- Levitan Prize Nobel Prize Nobel Foundation Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences Current faculty: 7

26. Nobel E-Museum
2002 Sydney Brenner, H. Robert Horvitz, John E. Sulston. 2001 - leland H. hartwell,Tim Hunt, Sir Paul Nurse. Conflict Map. The nobel Literature Radio.
2002 - Raymond Davis Jr., Masatoshi Koshiba, Riccardo Giacconi 2001 - Eric A. Cornell, Wolfgang Ketterle, Carl E. Wieman 2000 - Zhores I. Alferov, Herbert Kroemer, Jack S. Kilby 1999 - Gerardus 't Hooft, Martinus J.G. Veltman ... 1998 - John Hume, David Trimble Find a Laureate Search this site "Nonviolence is a powerful and just weapon. Indeed, it is a weapon unique in history, which cuts without wounding and ennobles the man who wields it." Laser Challenge The Transistor Chirality - Chemistry 2001 Pavlov's Dog ... Tell us what you think about this site! Last modified April 17, 2003
The Official Web Site of The Nobel Foundation

27. Canoa - Sociedad - Una Investigación Sobre El Cáncer Merecedor Del Nobel De Me
Translate this page El médico estadounidense leland H. hartwell y los británicos Timothy Hunt y PaulM. Nurse fueron los galardonados con el Premio nobel de Medicina 2001 por
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Televisión ... Castilla-La Mancha Más servicios Tráfico Tiempo Portales Asociados Chile Colombia EE.UU Portada Sociedad Sociedad HISTORIA DE ALFRED NOBEL EL PREMIO DE LA PAZ Un estudio sobre el cáncer merecedor del Nobel El galardón está dotado, como las demás modalidades, con 10 millones de coronas suecas (16 millones de pesetas). El médico estadounidense Leland H. Hartwell y los británicos Timothy Hunt y Paul M. Nurse fueron los galardonados con el Premio Nobel de Medicina 2001 por sus descubrimientos sobre la regulación del ciclo celular, que permitirá conocer mejor el proceso del cáncer, según informó la Fundación Nobel . Su estudio "puede abrir nuevas vías para el tratamiento de las enfermedades cancerígenas" CANOA "Los tres galardonados de este año han realizado grandes descubrimientos sobre el mecanismo de control del ciclo celular y han identificado las moléculas claves que los dirigen, cuyo funcionamiento es el mismo que el de las levaduras, las plantas, los animales y el hombre"

28. Les Nouvelles - Le Prix Nobel Partagé En Trois  (09/10/2001 )
Translate this page attribué le prix nobel de phsyologie et de médecine 2001 à un Américain et àdeux Britanniques. Suède. 09/10/2001 - L'Américain leland H. hartwell et les
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Centre de recherche sur le cancer Fred Hutchinson

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29. Biomedia - Noticias
Translate this page Cancer Research Fund de Londres y el estadounidense leland H. hartwell del FredHutchinson Cancer Research Center han ganado el premio nobel de Medicina del

Dossier Búsqueda Agenda ... Suscripciones
Premio Nobel 2001 de Medicina
Maria Roura Biomedia (Barcelona). Los investigadores británicos R. Timothy Hunt y Paul M. Nurse del Imperial Cancer Research Fund de Londres y el estadounidense Leland H. Hartwell del Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center han ganado el premio Nobel de Medicina del año 2001 por sus descubrimientos clave sobre la regulación del ciclo celular (el proceso por el cual se dividen las células ), de gran importancia para esclarecer también las bases moleculares del cáncer. Según el director del Instituto Karolinska , estos hallazgos están a punto de ser aplicados al diagnóstico de tumores y podrían, a largo plazo, abrir nuevos caminos para la terapia oncológica. El llamado ciclo celular , en el que trabajan los tres investigadores, es el mecanismo por el que las células se reproducen, se dividen. Todas las células de cualquier organismo vivo se reproducen para sustituir las que van muriendo. En un momento dado las células se activan: crecen, se identifican con un código genético (DNA ), lo duplican y se dividen en dos células hijas iguales. En el caso de algunas enfermedades, sobre todo en el cáncer, pero también en otras como la arteriosclerosis, se da una división incontrolada de células malignas, lo que produce la enfermedad.

30. Biomedia - Destacamos
Translate this page en la red Instituto nobel http// Página web de la Real AcademiaSueca de Ciencias http// leland H. hartwell http//www.fhcrc

Dossier Búsqueda Agenda ... Suscripciones
Reconocimiento a los trabajos pioneros sobre la regulación de la división celular
Sergio Moreno Biomedia (Barcelona). Todos los seres vivos estamos hechos de células . Las organismos más sencillos, como las levaduras, son células solitarias que se propagan por división en dos. Los organismos mas complejos, como nosotros, estamos formados por un gran número de células que se agrupan para llevar a cabo funciones especializadas. Un ser humano, por ejemplo, está formado por 10 billones de células, las cuales se han generado por divisiones reiteradas y sucesivas de una única célula, el zigoto. El premio Nobel de Fisiología o Medicina de este año ha recaído en los científicos Lee Hartwell, Tim Hunt y Paul Nurse por descubrir las bases moleculares de la división celular. ¿Cómo se regula la división celular? ¿Cuáles son las moléculas implicadas? Éstas debieron ser las preguntas que se hicieron, a principios de los años setenta, Lee Hartwell y Paul Nurse cuando abordaron este tema preguntando a la célula cuáles eran los genes esenciales implicados en su división. Para ello aislaron, de manera independiente (Lee Hartwell en Seattle, Estados Unidos, y Paul Nurse en Edimburgo, Reino Unido) mutantes que no se dividían, lo cual permitió identificar un número de genes conocidos como

31. Hot Issue - ³ëº§ÀÇÇлó ¼ö»ó
NIH Grantee leland hartwell Wins nobel Prize for Breakthroughs in Understanding theCell Cycle (NIH news). Publications (Full Text, PDF file). leland H. hartwell.
Leland H. Hartwell (61)

Overview of Accomplishments

Awards and Honors

Biographical Sketch
R. Timothy (Tim) Hunt (58)
Laboratory Research
Paul M. Nurse (52)
Laboratory Research

(ScienceNow) Cell Researchers Receive Nobel Prize ( U.S., British researchers share Nobel Prize in medicine ( Seattle Cancer Researcher Wins Nobel Prize ( Nobel Prize winners 'in shock' ( Three Win Nobel Prize in Medicine ( Nobel Prize In Physiology Or Medicine Goes To Discovers Of Key Regulators Of The Cell Cycle
( Nobel Prize for cancer breakthrough ( NIH Grantee Leland Hartwell Wins Nobel Prize for Breakthroughs in Understanding the Cell Cycle
(NIH news)
Publications (Full Text, PDF file) Leland H. Hartwell Dynamic Interaction of DNA Damage Checkpoint Protein Rad53 with Chromatin Assembly Factor Asf1 (2001, Molecular Cell) Differential toxicities of anticancer agents among DNA repair and checkpoint mutants of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (2000, Cancer Res) The Saccharomyces cerevisiae RAD9, RAD17, RAD24 and MEC3 Genes Are Required for Tolerating Irreparable,

32. SunSITE India : 2001 Physiology Or Medicine Prize
2001 nobel Prize nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine leland H.hartwellR.Timothy Hunt Sir Paul M.Nurse Biography leland H. hartwell.
2001 Nobel Prize
Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine Leland H.Hartwell R.Timothy Hunt Sir Paul M.Nurse Biography Leland H. Hartwell Leland H. Hartwell, born October 30, 1939 Address: Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, 1100 Fairview Avenue North, D1-060, Seattle, WA 98109-1024, USA Academic Education and Appointments: 1961 B.S. California Institute of Technology 1964 Ph.D. Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1965-68 Associate Professor, University of California 1997 President and Director, Fred Huthcinson Cancer Research Center Selected Honours and Awards: 1987 Member of the US National Academy of Sciences 1991 General Motors Sloan Award 1992 Gairdner Foundation International Award 1994 Genetics Society of America Medal 1998 The Albert Lasker Basic Medical Research Award R. Timothy (Tim) Hunt

33. SunSITE India : 2001 Nobel Prize Announcements
2001 nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. leland H.hartwell(USA),R.Timothy(Tim)Hunt(Great Britain) and Paul M.Nurse(Great Britain) for their discoveries of
SunSITE India
2001 Nobel Prize Announcements
2001 Nobel Prize in Literature V.S.Naipaul of Great Britain has been awarded the 2001 Nobel Prize in Literature for having united perceptive narrative and incorruptible scrutiny in works that compel us to see the presence of suppressed histories Report Official Press Release Biography 2001 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine Leland H.Hartwell(USA),R.Timothy(Tim) Hunt(Great Britain) and Paul M.Nurse(Great Britain) for their discoveries of "key regulators of the cell cycle". Report Official Press Release Biography 2001 Nobel Prize in Physics Eric A.Cornell(USA),Wolfgang Ketterle(Germany) and Carl E.Weiman won the 2001 Physics Nobel Prize for the achievement of Bose-Einstein condensation in dilute gases of alkali atoms, and for early fundamental studies of the properties of the condensates Report Official Press Release Biography
2001 Nobel Prize in Chemistry William S.Knowles(USA),Ryoji Noyori(Japan) for their work on chirally catalysed hydrogenation reactions and K.Barry Sharpless(USA)

34. Le Nobel De Médecine Attribué à Une équipe Anglo-américaine
Translate this page Le prix nobel de physiologie et médecine 2001 a été attribué lundi conjointementà leland H. hartwell (USA), R. Timothy (Tim) Hunt (Grande-Bretagne) et,,824965,00.html
Les trois laur©ats du prix Nobel de physiologie/m©decine 2001 ont fait des d©couvertes majeures sur le m©canisme de contr´le du cycle cellulaire. Leurs travaux ouvrent de nouvelles voies dans la lutte contre le cancer. OAS_AD('Top'); Accueil Astro Bourse Cin©ma ... SCIENCES
L'©pid©mie de pneumonie atypique...
Je ne me sens pas concern©(e) Cela m'inqui¨te Vos derniers avis A L'ANTENNE LE SITE DU 13H LCI LIVE TOUS LES JT EN VIDEO Accueil TF1 ... SCIENCES Le Nobel de m©decine attribu©   une ©quipe anglo-am©ricaine
Les trois laur©ats du prix Nobel de physiologie/m©decine 2001 ont fait des d©couvertes majeures sur le m©canisme de contr´le du cycle cellulaire. Leurs travaux ouvrent de nouvelles voies dans la lutte contre le cancer. Mis en ligne le 09 octobre 2001 Pour aller plus loin Les 100 ans du prix Nobel On trouve de tout sur la liste Nobel Le prix Nobel de physiologie et m©decine 2001 a ©t© attribu© lundi conjointement   Leland H. Hartwell (USA), R. Timothy (Tim) Hunt (Grande-Bretagne) et Paul M. Nurse (Grande-Bretagne) pour leurs d©couvertes concernant "la r©gulation du cycle cellulaire" qui a des applications directes dans la lutte contre le cancer.

35. Le Moustique - Octobre 2001
Translate this page Britanniques Timothy Hunt et Paul Nurse, lauréats du prix nobel de médecine 2001pour leurs recherches sur les cycles cellulaires leland H. hartwell, 61 ans
4 ans déjà !

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Le Moustique !
Éditrice :
Chantal Lefebvre
1913 Rue Neil,
Victoria, C.-B., Tél / fax : 595-2209 / 49 "Toile" : HOME ARCHIVE LIENS FAVORIS ... EMAIL Leland Hartwell Timothy Hunt
et Paul Nurse Leland H. Hartwell Sir Paul Nurse R. Timothy (Tim) Hunt

001 yili nobel Tip Ödülü Amerikali bilim adami leland H. hartwell ileIngiliz bilim adamlari R. Timothy Hunt ve Paul M. Nurse'e verildi.

37. Zientzia Eta Teknologiaren Ataria
aurten. Medikuntzako nobel saria leland H. hartwell, R. Timothy Hunteta Paul M. Nurse biologoentzat izan da. Bizidun zelulanitz

38. CBS News | American, Two Brits Share Nobel | October 7, 2002 08:26:26
the 2001 nobel Prize in medicine on Monday for basic discoveries in cell developmentthat are expected to lead to new cancer treatments. leland H. hartwell, 61
Home America At War U.S. World ... CBS News i-Video October 7, 2002 08:26:26 The Early Show CBS Evening News 48 Hours 60 Minutes ...
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American, Two Brits Share Nobel
STOCKHOLM, Oct. 8, 2001
Leland Hartwell got a congratulatory telephone call from his three-year-old grandson, Christopher. (AP)
"All cancer cells have something wrong with the cycle and these discoveries have laid the foundation for understanding how the cell cycle affects cancer."
Klas Wiman, Karolinska Institute
(AP) An American and two British researchers won the 2001 Nobel Prize in medicine on Monday for basic discoveries in cell development that are expected to lead to new cancer treatments.
Leland H. Hartwell, 61, director of the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle, R. Timothy Hunt, 58, of the Imperial Cancer Research Fund in Hertfordshire, England, and Paul M. Nurse, 52, of the Imperial Cancer Research Fund in London will share the $943,000 award.
The scientists were honored for discovering key regulators of the cell cycle, which is the process cells go through to divide. Cells must grow, duplicate their chromosomes — the tiny DNA segments that contain genes — and distribute these chromosomes to the cells that result from the cell division. Reuters Sir Paul Nurse and Dr. Tim Hunt (L-R) of the Imperial Cancer Research Fund

39. Premio Nobel De Medicina - Wikipedia
Translate this page Ver enlace http// 2001 leland H. hartwell,R. Timothy Hunt, Paul M. Nurse 2000 Arvid Carlsson, Paul Greengard, Eric
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Premio Nobel de Medicina
(Redirigido desde Premio Nobel/Medicina Ver enlace:
Leland H. Hartwell R. Timothy Hunt Paul M. Nurse ... Harold E. Varmus Sir James W. Black Gertrude B. Elion George H. Hitchings Susumu Tonegawa ... Barbara McClintock for transposon work. Sune K. Bergström Bengt I. Samuelsson John R. Vane Roger W. Sperry ... Earl W. Sutherland, Jr. Sir Bernard Katz Ulf von Euler Julius Axelrod Max Delbrück ... Feodor Lynen Sir John Carew Eccles Alan Lloyd Hodgkin Andrew Fielding Huxley Francis Harry Compton Crick ... Georg von Békésy Sir Frank Macfarlane Burnet Peter Brian Medawar Severo Ochoa Arthur Kornberg ... Dickinson W. Richards

40. Cyberpresse Le Nobel De Médecine Récompense Des Avancées En
Translate this page Le prix nobel de physiologie et médecine 2001 a été attribué lundi conjointementà l’Américain leland H. hartwell, et aux Britanniques R. Timothy (Tim

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