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         Greengard Paul:     more books (34)
  1. Advances in Second Messenger and Phosphoprotein Research, Volume 23. by Paul Greengard, 1991
  2. Advances in Cyclic Nucleotide Research, Volume 13. by Paul Greengard, 1980
  3. Advances in Cyclic Nucleotide Research (Advances in Second Messenger and Phospho by Paul Greengard; Editor-Alan Robison, 1980-01-01
  4. Ciencia: Los Nobel de la comunicación.(TT: Science: The Nobel of communication.): An article from: Siempre! by René Anaya, 2000-10-26
  5. NOTICIARIO CULTURAL.(TT: Cultural news.): An article from: Siempre! by José Gordon, 2000-10-19

41. The Johns Hopkins Gazette October 16, 2000
paul greengard at the Biophysics Department's 50th anniversary celebration in greengarddidn't know it then, but he'd of science's highest awards a nobel Prize
October 16, 2000
VOL. 30, NO. 7
Nobel Prize Awarded to One of Hopkins' First Ph.D.'s in Biophysics
By Michael Purdy

Five decades ago, Paul Greengard was facing a tough decision. Greengard had just earned an undergraduate degree in physics and was planning to go on to graduate school, but he was worried that a graduate degree in physics would inevitably lead to work in the atomic weapons industry. Greengard, a veteran who had served in the Navy in World War II, found the prospect unsettling. He had heard word, though, of a unique new graduate program at the University of Pennsylvania. The program was in a new discipline of sciencebiophysicsthat was cross-pollinating physics and biology by applying the principles of atomic physics and other areas of physical research to problems in biology. Paul Greengard at the Biophysics Department's 50th anniversary celebration in June 1999. Greengard didn't know it then, but he'd just set his feet on a path that would lead to The Johns Hopkins University, and, 50 years later, to one of science's highest awards: a Nobel Prize. Early last week, Greengard, now the director of the Laboratory of Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience at Rockefeller University, learned that the Nobel Prize committee in Stockholm had named him one of three co-recipients of the prize in physiology or medicine. All were cited for the insights they have developed into the basic workings of the brain and the nervous system.

42. Krieger School Of Arts & Sciences
ve been guilty myself, in many instances, of thinking, when some new exciting ideacomes along, This can't be right, says nobel laurete paul greengard PhD '53
, Spring 2002
UPDATE Archive
Eye on Alumni
A Nobel Gesture This Eye on Alumni introduces readers to Paul Greengard, winner of the 2000 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. Greengard, who in 1953 earned his PhD in the School of Arts and Sciences' young Department of Biophysics (in 1957 to be named the Thomas C. Jenkins department; see May '99 UPDATE In October, UPDATE interviewed Greengard in his lab at The Rockefeller University in New York City. His Bernese mountain dog, Meesh, at his side (Meesh is a regular at Rockefeller), Greengard talked about his work in the lab, about winning the Nobel Prize, and about using the reward to further an ideal.
"I've been guilty myself, in many instances, of thinking, when some new exciting idea comes along, "This can't be right," says Nobel laurete Paul Greengard PhD '53. (Photo courtesy of The Rockefeller University) Who: Paul Greengard PhD '53
What: Vincent Astor Professor and head of the Laboratory of Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience at The Rockefeller University; Director, Zachary and Elizabeth M. Fisher Center for Research on Alzheimer's Disease at Rockefeller; winner of the 2000 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine.

43. 3 Share Nobel Prize In Medicine For Studies Of The Brain
Don Hogan Charles/ The New York Times. Dr. paul greengard of New York, oneof the three recipients of the nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine.
October 10, 2000
3 Share Nobel Prize in Medicine for Studies of the Brain
By NICHOLAS WADE Don Hogan Charles/ The New York Times Dr. Paul Greengard of New York, one of the three recipients of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine.
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Nobel Assembly Statement

Don Hogan Charles/ The New York Times Dr. Eric R. Kandel of New York is also one of the three recipients of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine.
hree scientists who have made important contributions to understanding the long-term changes in the brain that underlie memory and mood were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine yesterday. Dr. Arvid Carlsson of the University of Gothenberg in Sweden and two New Yorkers, Dr. Eric R. Kandel of Columbia University and Dr. Paul Greengard of Rockefeller University, will share prize money of nine million Swedish crowns, or $914,700. Dr. Carlsson, 77, discovered that dopamine was an important chemical signal in the region of the brain that controls movement, a discovery that laid the basis for finding that the agent is depleted in patients with Parkinson's and that the disease could be treated with the drug L- dopa. Dr. Kandel, 70, has worked to understand the changes that take place in brain cells when memories are formed. Dr. Greengard, 74, has focused on unraveling the intricate cascade of events that occurs inside a neuron after a signal is received.

44. Paul Greengard
Translate this page paul greengard é o 21º laureado com o prêmio nobel da UniversidadeRockefeller, um dos primeiros centros mundiais de pesquisa.

45. Nobel De Medicina Los Cerebros Que Estudian El Cerebro
Translate this page El Premio nobel de Fisiología y Medicina 2000 fue otorgado a tres investigadores-Arvid Carlsson, paul greengard y Eric Kandel- que se han asomado a los

nobel Prize. nobel prize. nobel prize. nobel, Alfred. OPAC. Oracle 91. Particlephysics. paul Ehrenfest. paul greengard. PHOBOS detectors. Photons. Pieter Zeeman.
INDEX A.F. Ioffe AACR-II Accelerator network Alan G. MacDiarmid ... / Contents

47. Kurier Elektroniczny Medycyny Praktycznej - Nobel 2000 W
nobel 2000 w dziedzinie fizjologii i medycyny. Nalezy podkreslic, ze wprawdzieArvid Carlsson, paul greengard i Eric Kandel dokonali odkryc na polu badan

48. EMF Announcements
Scientific Advisory Board member Eric R. Kandel and Senior Scholar awardeepaul greengard share nobel Prize, Eric R Kandel, paul greengard.

49. Science News: Nobel 2000
00) Three neuroscientists will share this year's nobel Prize for Carlsson, Departmentof Pharmacology, University of Gothenburg; paul greengard, Laboratory of
Nobels to Brain Researchers
By Sean Henahan , Access Excellence
Washington, DC Three neuroscientists will share this year's Nobel Prize for medicine for their pioneering studies of neurotransmitters, research that led the way to a better understanding of neurological diseases and the developments of treatments for Parkinson's disease and depression. The new laureates are Arvid Carlsson, Department of Pharmacology, University of Gothenburg; Paul Greengard, Laboratory of Molecular and Cellular Science, Rockefeller University, New York; and Eric Kandel, Center for Neurobiology and Behavior, Columbia University, New York. Each of the awardees was recognized for his specific contributions to the understanding of how nerve cells communicate. In particular, the scientists all helped elucidate one type of signal transduction known as slow synaptic transmission. The neurotransmitter dopamine plays a key role in this process. Some of the drugs that were developed thanks to the research in this area include L-Dopa, a standard treatment for Parkinson's disease, and the antidepressant fluoxetine (Prozac). Dr. Carlsson is credited for the critical discovery that dopamine is a transmitter in the brain that plays an essential role in muscle movement. He has also mad important discoveries regarding the pathogenesis of schizophrenia. Dr. Greengard's research elaborated the mechanism of action of dopamine and other transmitters. He determined that a neurotransmitter interacts with a cell surface receptor, triggering a cascade of reactions that activate regulatory proteins. Phosphorylation and dephosphorylation of these proteins changes their shape and function, facilitating the transmission of signals through the nervous system. Dr. Kandel, for his part, made important discoveries regarding the modification of the efficiency of synapses, providing important new information on short and long-term memory.

50. Nobel 2000
nobel 2000. caly swiat dowiedzial sie, ze tegoroczna nagrode Nobla w dziedziniefizjologii i medycyny otrzymali Arvid Carlsson, paul greengard i Eric




O nas
Tu jeste¶: Sygna³y - Inne
Nobel 2000
Na pocz±tku pa¼dziernika ca³y ¶wiat dowiedzia³ siê, ¿e tegoroczn± nagrodê Nobla w dziedzinie fizjologii i medycyny otrzymali Arvid Carlsson, Paul Greengard i Eric Kandel - naukowcy, którzy odkryli mechanizm przekazywania sygna³ów pomiêdzy komórkami uk³adu nerwowego.
Miliony komórek nerwowych mózgu cz³owieka tworz± niezwykle skomplikowan± sieæ neuronaln±. Komórki tej sieci ³±cz± siê specjalnymi wypustkami w miejscach, które nosz± nazwê synaps. B³ony komórkowe neuronów tworz±cych synapsê s± rozdzielone przez w±sk± szparkê - szczelinê synaptyczn±. Pobudzona komórka nerwowa wydziela do szczeliny synaptycznej cz±steczki neuroprzeka¼ników, które ³±cz± siê z receptorami umieszczonymi w b³onie drugiej komórki nerwowej i uruchamiaj± szlak przekazywania sygna³u. W ten sposób neurony porozumiewaj± siê ze sob±.
Zrozumienie mechanizmu przesy³ania impulsów w uk³adzie nerwowym ma ogromne znaczenie dla biologii i medycyny. Odkrycia trzech nowych laureatów Nobla pozwoli³y naukowcom lepiej zrozumieæ dzia³anie mózgu i stworzyæ nowe leki, które s± z powodzeniem stosowane w terapii chorób neurologicznych i psychiatrycznych. Arvid Carlsson
Arvid Carlsson (pracownik Wydzia³u Farmakologii uniwersytetu w Gothenburg) udowodni³, ¿e dopamina jest wa¿nym neuroprzeka¼nikiem wykorzystywanym przez niektóre komórki mózgu do przekazywania sygna³ów w synapsach. Wcze¶niej uwa¿ano, ¿e dopamina s³u¿y tylko do produkcji innego neuroprzeka¼nika - noradrenaliny. Carlsson odkry³, ¿e niektóre czê¶ci mózgu (przede wszystkim pewne zwoje podstawne) s± szczególnie bogate w dopaminê, chocia¿ nie wytwarzaj± du¿o noradrenaliny, i stwierdzi³, ¿e w tych miejscach to dopamina mo¿e byæ g³ównym przeka¼nikiem synaptycznym. ¯eby to udowodniæ, podawa³ zwierzêtom laboratoryjnym zwi±zek chemiczny, który wywo³uje zaburzenia w magazynowaniu ró¿nych neuroprzeka¼ników (miêdzy innymi dopaminy). Okaza³o siê, ¿e zwierzêta poddane dzia³aniu tej substancji trac± zdolno¶æ do wykonywania spontanicznych ruchów. L-dopa (zwi±zek chemiczny, z którego w mózgu powstaje dopamina) przywraca³a tym zwierzêtom prawid³owe funkcje ruchowe.

51. Nobel E-Museum
2000 Arvid Carlsson, paul greengard, Eric R. Kandel. 1999 - Günter Blobel. Searchthis site. Marie Curie was the first to receive a nobel Prize twice.
2002 - Raymond Davis Jr., Masatoshi Koshiba, Riccardo Giacconi 2001 - Eric A. Cornell, Wolfgang Ketterle, Carl E. Wieman 2000 - Zhores I. Alferov, Herbert Kroemer, Jack S. Kilby 1999 - Gerardus 't Hooft, Martinus J.G. Veltman ... 1998 - John Hume, David Trimble Find a Laureate Search this site "Nonviolence is a powerful and just weapon. Indeed, it is a weapon unique in history, which cuts without wounding and ennobles the man who wields it." Laser Challenge The Transistor Chirality - Chemistry 2001 Pavlov's Dog ... Tell us what you think about this site! Last modified April 17, 2003
The Official Web Site of The Nobel Foundation

52. - Brain Disorder Pioneers Win Nobel Prize - October 9, 2000
The 50strong nobel Assembly, at Sweden's Karolinska Institute, which makes theaward, said Arvid Carlsson, paul greengard and Eric Kandel will share a prize
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Davos protesters face tear gas
TOP STORIES Thousands dead in India; quake toll rapidly rising Israelis, Palestinians make final push before Israeli election Davos protesters face tear gas MORE ... MORE MARKETS 4:30pm ET, 4/16 DJIA NAS SPORTS Jordan says farewell for the third time ... LOCAL EDITIONS: Europe change default edition MULTIMEDIA: video video archive audio multimedia showcase ... more services E-MAIL: Subscribe to one of our news e-mail lists Enter your address: DISCUSSION: chat feedback CNN WEB SITES: Europe AsiaNow Spanish ... Korean Headlines TIME INC. SITES: Go To ... People Money Fortune EW CNN NETWORKS: CNN anchors transcripts Turner distribution SITE INFO: help contents search ad info ... jobs WEB SERVICES:
Brain disorder pioneers win Nobel Prize

53. - IT And Plastics Pioneers Win Nobel Prizes - October 10, 2000
The announcement follows the award of the nobel Prize for Physiology or Arvid Carlsson,paul greengard and Eric Kandel's research on how brain cells transmit
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Thousands dead in India; quake toll rapidly rising

Israelis, Palestinians make final push before Israeli election

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Davos protesters face tear gas
TOP STORIES Thousands dead in India; quake toll rapidly rising Israelis, Palestinians make final push before Israeli election Davos protesters face tear gas MORE ... MORE MARKETS 4:30pm ET, 4/16 DJIA NAS SPORTS Jordan says farewell for the third time ... LOCAL EDITIONS: Europe change default edition MULTIMEDIA: video video archive audio multimedia showcase ... more services E-MAIL: Subscribe to one of our news e-mail lists Enter your address: DISCUSSION: chat feedback CNN WEB SITES: Europe AsiaNow Spanish ... Korean Headlines TIME INC. SITES: Go To ... People Money Fortune EW CNN NETWORKS: CNN anchors transcripts Turner distribution SITE INFO: help contents search ad info ... jobs WEB SERVICES:
IT and plastics pioneers win Nobel prizes
STOCKHOLM, Sweden Three Russian and U.S. scientists and inventors have won the 2000 Nobel Prize in physics for their work in laying the foundations of information technology.

54. La Repubblica/cultura_scienze Il Nobel Per La Medicina A 3
Translate this page il primo nobel per la medicina del Terzo Millennio a tre pionieri degli studi sulcervello. Arvid Carlsson, dell'università di Goteborg, paul greengard, della

55. : Trio Share Medicine Nobel
Arvid Carlsson, paul greengard and Eric Kandel won the nobel Prize in medicinefor their discoveries concerning how messages are transmitted in the nervous
December 17, 2000 Good Morning America World News Tonight Downtown Primetime ...
GO TO: Select a Topic Health Index HOMEPAGE HEALTH FEATURE
Swedish Professor Arvid Carlsson, of the University of Goteborg, Sweden, is seen in this 1969 file photo. Carlsson was named the 2000 Nobel Prize winner in medicine, together with Americans Paul Greengard and Eric Kandel. (AP Photo) The Prize Trio Share Medicine Nobel The Associated Press
S T O C K H O L M, Oct. 9
The three Nobel laureates will share the $915,000 prize for their pioneering discoveries concerning one way brain cells send messages to each other, according to the award citation.
Carlsson, 77, is with the University of Goteborg in Sweden, Greengard, 74, is with Rockefeller University in New York and Kandel, 70, is an Austrian-born U.S. citizen with Columbia University in New York. More to Come
The awards culminate Friday with the coveted peace prize in Oslo, Norway.
Greengard was awarded for his discovery of how dopamine and other chemical messengers shuttle messages between brain cells. Kandel was cited for his research on the biology of memory, showing the importance of changes in the synapse, a tiny gap between brain cells where messages are transmitted. Suspense Over Literature
The Swedish Academy, which traditionally keeps the date of the literature prize secret until a couple days before it announces the winner, has not set a time yet, but it is always a Thursday, usually in October.

56. Premio Nobel De Medicina - Wikipedia
Translate this page enlace http// 2001 Leland H. Hartwell,R. Timothy Hunt, paul M. Nurse 2000 Arvid Carlsson, paul greengard, Eric R
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Premio Nobel de Medicina
(Redirigido desde Premio Nobel/Medicina Ver enlace:
Leland H. Hartwell R. Timothy Hunt Paul M. Nurse ... Harold E. Varmus Sir James W. Black Gertrude B. Elion George H. Hitchings Susumu Tonegawa ... Barbara McClintock for transposon work. Sune K. Bergström Bengt I. Samuelsson John R. Vane Roger W. Sperry ... Earl W. Sutherland, Jr. Sir Bernard Katz Ulf von Euler Julius Axelrod Max Delbrück ... Feodor Lynen Sir John Carew Eccles Alan Lloyd Hodgkin Andrew Fielding Huxley Francis Harry Compton Crick ... Georg von Békésy Sir Frank Macfarlane Burnet Peter Brian Medawar Severo Ochoa Arthur Kornberg ... Dickinson W. Richards

57. Nobel Lectures In Physiology Or Medicine
Berzelius laboratoriet, Stockholm Ondemand videos of the lectures Arvid Carlsson,paul greengard, Eric R Kandel. Copyright© 2000 The nobel Foundation
The 2000 Nobel Lectures in Physiology or Medicine
A Half-Century of Brain Neurotransmitter Research: Impact on Neurology and Psychiatry
by Arvid Carlsson
The Neurobiology of Dopamine Signaling
by Paul Greengard
Molecular Biology of Memory Storage: A Dialogue Between Genes and Synapses
by Eric Kandel
Friday, December 8, 2000 between 1:50 and 4:15 p.m.,
at Karolinska Institutet, Berzelius laboratoriet, Stockholm
On-demand videos of the lectures:
Arvid Carlsson
Paul Greengard Eric R Kandel

58. Nobel Prize Laureates
Dr. paul greengard (see Figure 6) received the nobel Prize for physiology and medicinefor his work in signal transduction in the nervous system. The nobel
Nobel Prize Laureates
The Air Force Office of Scientific Research creates a legacy of Nobel Prize-winning research.
AFRL's Air Force Office of Scientific Research, Arlington, VA One of the most highly coveted and recognized awards, the Nobel Prize, recognizes those who contribute significant achievements in the areas of physics, chemistry, physiology or medicine, literature, peace, and economic sciences. The Nobel Foundation was established in 1900 and in 1901 the Nobel Prize became the first international award to be given on an annual basis. Established as outlined in his last will and testament, Dr. Alfred Nobel stated, "...the whole of my remaining realizable estate shall be dealt with in the following way...annually distributed in the form of prizes to those who, during the preceding year, shall have conferred the greatest benefit to mankind." AFOSR funded 26 Nobel Prize laureates in physics, 14 in chemistry, and 6 in physiology and medicine. The selection of Nobel Prize laureates and their respective prize citations readily demonstrates the astute ability of AFOSR program managers to choose world-class researchers to readily address Air Force (AF) requirements and advance AF programs. AFOSR-funded research created many breakthroughs in the area of physics. Drs. Polykarp Kusch and Wills Eugene Lamb shared the 1955 prize for work in "precision determination of the magnetic moment of the electron" and "discoveries concerning the fine structure of the hydrogen spectrum." The early research by these two winners resulted in the development of techniques for microwave interaction with atoms and atomic beams. One important application to the AF, and increasingly within civilian economy, is the cesium beam atomic clock, an essential part of the Global Positioning System (GPS). Without the incredibly accurate time-keeping capabilities of atomic clocks, the GPS would not be possible.

59. Nobel Prize For Medicine 2000
nervous system. This year nobel prize for Medicine has been awardedto a trio, Arvid Carlsson. paul greengard. Eric Kandel. for their
Arvid Carlsson July 04, 2002 Nobel prize for Medicine 2000 The Nobel prize for Medicine has been awarded for research which helped doctors inch towards a treatment for Parkinson's Disease. This disease is a tragic disorder of the nervous system. This year Nobel prize for Medicine has been awarded to a trio Arvid Carlsson Paul Greengard Eric Kandel. for their discoveries concerning how messages are transmitted in the nervous system. The three Nobel laureates made pioneering discoveries concerning one way that brain cells pass messages to each other. Sufferers of Parkinson's include Pope John Paul II, Mohamad Ali and screen actor Micheal J. Fox. Their symptoms were in the form of tremor, slow movement or difficulty in speaking. Among the advance cases of Parkinson's the decline in health is even more terrible to witness. The face becomes expression less because of rigidity. The swallowing becomes less frequent, leading to drooling, Depression, Dementia and death. Working separately the trio made discoveries in to chemical signaling in the brain - the minute substances which are used to send a message from one nerve cell to another.

60. Jewish Nobel Prize Winners
1997- Stanley B. Prusiner; 1998 - Robert F. Furchgott; 2000 - paul greengard;
Jewish Nobel Prize Winners
The Nobel Prizes are awarded by the Nobel Foundation of Sweden to men and women who have rendered the greatest service to humankind. Between 1901 and 1995, 663 Nobel Prizes were handed out. Of these, 140 are Jews or people of Jewish descent.
World Peace
  • 1905 - Adolph Von Baeyer
  • 1906 - Henri Moissan
  • 1910 - Otto Wallach
  • 1915 - Richard Willstaetter
  • 1918 - Fritz Haber
  • 1943 - George Charles de Hevesy
  • 1961 - Melvin Calvin
  • 1962 - Max Ferdinand Perutz
  • 1972 - William Howard Stein
  • Ilya Prigogine
  • 1979 - Herbert Charles Brown
  • 1980 - Paul Berg
  • Walter Gilbert
  • 1981 - Roald Hoffmann
  • 1982 - Aaron Klug
  • 1985 - Albert A. Hauptman

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