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         Gabor Dennis:     more books (51)
  1. A SPACE-CHARGE LENS FOR THE FOCUSING OF ION BEAMS. by Dennis. Nobel Laureate in Physics. GABOR, 1947
  2. Innovations: Scientific, Technological, and Social by Dennis Gabor, 1970
  3. Technology and Human Values by John Wilkinson, Gerald Sykes, et all 1966
  4. Inventing education for the future (University of California, Los Angeles. Institute of Government and Public Affairs. MR-59) by Dennis Gabor, 1965
  5. A NEW THERMIONIC GENERATOR. by Dennis. (Nobel Laureate in Physics) GABOR, 1961-01-01
  6. Beyond the Age of Waste (Pergamon international library of science, technology, engineering and social studies) by Dennis Gabor, 1978-08
  7. VELOCITY OF ELECTRON PULSES. by L. L. D. L. Richards and Dennis Gabor Nobel Laureate in Physics. WHYTE, 1954-01-01
  8. Innovations: Scientific, technological and social (Science and engineering policy series) by Dennis Gabor, 1970
  9. Thoughts on the future (MR-179) by Dennis Gabor, 1972
  10. Innovations: Scienctific, Technological, and Social by Dennis Gabor, 1970
  11. A WILSON CLOUD CHAMBER WITH TIME AND MARKING OF PARTICLE TRACKS. by Dennis. (Nobel Laureate in Physics) and B. Hampton GABOR, 1957
  12. THEORY OF COMMUNICATION. Published in Journal I.E.E., Volume 93, Part III, No. 26, November 1946. by Dennis (SIGNED). Nobel Laureate in Physics. GABOR, 1946-01-01
  13. Beyond the age of waste: A report to the Club of Rome (Pergamon international library of science, technology, engineering and social studies) by Dennis Gabor, 1978
  14. A NEW MICROSCOPIC PRINCIPLE. In Nature Vol. 161, No. 4098. Pages 777-778. Also in this volume are three important medical papers: PRE-ERYTHROCYTIC STAGE IN MAMMALIAN MALARIA PARASITES, PURIFICATION OF ANTI-PERNICIOUS ANEMIA FACTORS FROM LIVER, and CUARE-LIKE ACTION OF POLYETHYLENE BIS-QUARTERNARY AMMONIUM SALTS. by Dennis. Nobel Laureate in Physics. ( H. E. Shortt, E. Lester Smith, and W. D. M. Paton and E. J. Zaimis) GABOR, 1948-01-01

41. Antoine Henri Becquerel
dennis gabor held over one hundred patents for his inventions, but he was not wasrecognized for his important scientific work; he received the nobel Prize in
Gabor, Dennis Biography On June 5, 1900, Dennis Gabor was born to Bertalan and Adrienne Gabor in Budapest, Hungary. Dennis' father, an industrialist in mining, inspired and encouraged his young son to work in technology by telling him of great men like Thomas Edison and taking him to the Museum of Technology in Budapest. At the age of 15, Dennis' love for physics developed. He taught himself the work of modern scientists until he went to the university. He learned about Gabriel Lippmann's method of color photography, which later played a significant role in his work. Dennis built a laboratory at home with his younger brother, George, trying to recreate modern experiments.
It wasn't until after serving in World War I for the Hungarian army that Gabor was able to attend the Technical University in Budapest. Unfortunately physics was not a realistic option at that time in Hungary, so he pursued a degree in electrical engineering. In 1921 he moved to Berlin to continue to study at the Technische Hochschule. This was convenient for Gabor because close by was the University of Berlin, where he could find many other brilliant scientists, including Albert Einstein. Although Gabor spent most of his time working in applied physics, in 1927 he received his doctorate in electrical engineering. The same year, he entered the professional world as a research scientist for the electrical firm Siemens and Halske. This is where he claims to have made his first successful inventions.

42. Dennis Gabor
Translate this page dennis gabor (1900 - 1979). gabor es reconocido fundamentalmente por la invenciónde la holografía, técnica que En 1971 recibió el Premio nobel de Física.
Dennis Gabor (1900 - 1979) (Budapest, 1900 - Londres, 1979)
Los autores: e

43. 20th Century Awards- 1971
nobel Prize for Physics. gabor, dennis, Great Britain, Imperial College of Scienceand Technology, London, b. 1900 (in Budapest, Hungary), d. 1979 for his
Nobel Prize for Chemistry HERZBERG, GERHARD, Canada, National Research Council of Canada, Ottava, b. 1904 ( in Hamburg, Germany), d. 1999: "for his contributions to the knowledge of electronic stucture and geometry of molecules, particularly free radicals" Nobel Prize for Literature
Literature NERUDA, PABLO, (pen-name of BASOALTO, NEFTAL RICARDO REYES), Chile, b. 1904, d. 1973: "for a poetry that with the action of an elemental force brings alive a continent's destiny and dreams"
Nobel Prize for Peace
BRANDT, WILLY, Federal Republic of Germany, b. 1913: Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany, initiator of West Germany's Ostpolitik, embodying a new attitude towards Eastern Europe and East Germany.
Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine
SUTHERLAND, EARL W. JR., U.S.A., Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, b. 1915, d. 1974: "for his discoveries concerning the mechanisms of the action of hormones"
Nobel Prize for Physics
GABOR, DENNIS, Great Britain, Imperial College of Science and Technology, London, b. 1900 (in Budapest, Hungary), d. 1979: "for his invention and development of the holographic method" Academy Awards Best Picture "Patton"

44. Dennis Gabor
Translate this page dennis gabor (1900-1979) dennis gabor Físico e ingeniero húngaro, nacionalizadobritánico y premiado con el nobel Nació el 5 de junio de 1900 en Budapest Gabor

45. Gábor Dénes Emlékülés és Holográfia Szimpózium - Május 30-iki állapot
dennis gabor was born on 5 th of June 1900 in Budapest. His most well known inventionis holography for which he received the nobel Prize for physics in 1971.
Dennis Gabor Memorial Conference and Symposium on
Holography and High Resolution Measurement Techniques
including Information Processing and Precision Measurement Techniques th June, 2000
Budapest, Hungary Tájékoztató a sajtó számára Download info sheet
This event is a two day international scientific memorial session to commemorate the 100 th anniversary of the birth of Dennis Gabor and at the same time technical symposium on the newest results in holography and high resolution measurement techniques. Honorary Chairman: Norbert Kroó, General Secretary of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences Venue: Main Building of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest Roosevelt tér 9. Joint Commemoration: A live video conference enables the participants to celebrate together with the audience of a parallel event to be held at the Imperial College in London Accompanying Events: The Second World Meeting of Hungarian Information Technology Specialists 5-9 June 2000, organized by the Dennis Gabor College in Budapest International Hologram Exhibition: ‘Portrait Holography and Holograms of Museum Art Objects, June 5- July 5 2000, organized by the Mai Manó House of Photographers, Hungarian Museum of Photography, Curatorium of the NOVOFER International Dennis Gabor Award.

46. Accès Général
778. gabor, dennis Holography 194871 , dans Les Prix nobel en 1971,Stockholm, Suède, PA Norstedt Soner, 1972, p.180. GARG, Pankaj

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G GABOR, Dennis "A New Microscopic Principle", dans Nature , volume 161, 1948, p.777-778. GABOR, Dennis "Holography 1948-71", dans Les Prix Nobel en 1971 GARG, Pankaj K. "Abstraction Mechanisms in Hypertext", dans Communications of the ACM Special Issue , volume 31, numéro 7, 1988, p.862-870. GARG, Pankaj K. "Abstraction Mechanisms in Hypertext", dans Hypertext '87: Applications, Systems, Issues , Chapel Hill, États-Unis (Caroline du Nord), The University of North Carolina, 1987, p.375-395. GARG, Pahkaj K. et Walt Scacchi "On Designing Intelligent Hypertext Systems for Information Management in Software Engineering", dans Hypertext '87: Applications, Systems, Issues , Chapel Hill, États-Unis (Caroline du Nord), The University of North Carolina, 1987, p.409-432. GAY, Geri "Structuring Interactive Multimedia Fiction", dans Emily Berk, Joseph Devlin (dirs) Hypertext/Hypermedia Handbook , New York, États-Unis, Intertext Publications/McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, Inc., 1991, p.165-178. GENETTE, Gérard Palimpsestes La littérature au second degré , Paris, France, Éditions du Seuil, 1982.

47. HOLOPHILE, INC., The History And Development Of Holography, Hologram, Holograms,
Illustrated history of the invention and development of holographic imaging.Category Science Physics Education Light and Optics Holography...... new medium. In 1971 Dr. dennis gabor was awarded the nobel Prize inPhysics for his discovery of holography in 1947. In 1972 Lloyd
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Spectral Imagery
History of Holography

H olography dates from , when British/Hungarian scientist Dennis Gabor developed the theory of holography while working to improve the resolution of an electron microscope. Gabor, who characterized his work as "an experiment in serendipity" that was "begun too soon," coined the term hologram from the Greek words holos, meaning "whole," and gramma, meaning "message." Gabor's first paper on holography evoked immediate response from scientists worldwide. Among those who made important contributions to the development of the technique were G.L. Rogers, A.B. Baez, H. El-Sum, P. Kirkpatrick and M.E. Haine. In these early years, the mercury arc lamp was the most coherent light source available for making holograms. Because of the low coherency of this light, it was not possible to produce holograms of any depth, thus restricting research. Dispite equipment limitations, these researchers identified many of the properties of holography and further elaborated on Gabor's theory. Most important, they extended their understanding of the process and its potential to another generation of scientists. Gabor's holography was limited to film transparancies using a mercury arc lamp as the light source. His holograms contained distortions and an extraneous twin image. Further development in the field was stymied during the next decade because light sources available at the time were not truly "coherent" (monochromatic or one-color, from a single point, and of a single wavelength).

48. Dennis Gabor
dennis gabor. Macar çalisti. 1948'de buldugu ve daha sonra gelistirdigiholografi yöntemiyle 1971 nobel fizik ödülünü elde etti.
Dennis Gabor Macar asýllý Ýngiliz fizikçisi, 1900 yýlýnda Budapeþte'de doðdu, 1979 yýlýnda öldü. Budapeþte ve Berlin Politeknik okullarýnda yüksek öðrenimini tamamladý. Sonra Alman teknik araþtýrma laboratuarýnda özellikle Berlin Siemens ve Halske firmalarýnda çalýþtý. 1933'de Ýngiltere'ye gitti çeþitli firmalarda araþtýrmacý olarak çalýþtý. 1949'da Londra'da ki Ýmperial College of Science adn Technology'de uygulamalý elektronik fizik profesörü oldu. Ayrýca Stamford'da ki araþtýrma laboratuarlarýnda çalýþtý. 1948'de bulduðu ve daha sonra geliþtirdiði holografi yöntemiyle 1971 Nobel fizik ödülünü elde etti. Gabor'un katot osilografisi, manyetik mercekler, gazlarda boþalma ve bilgi kuramý ile ilgili çalýþmalarý vardýr. Ayrýca 1963 yýlýnda "Geleceði Yaratalým " adýnda bir kitap yazmýþtýr. Hologram Ýlkesi: 1947 yýlýnda D. Gabor tarafýndan ortaya atýldý. Uygulamaya geçiþi ancak 1963 yýlýnda baþlayabildi. Hologram bir cisim tarafýndan yayýlan veya daðýtýlan bir dalganýn, bu cisimle ilgisi olmayan ve karþýlaþtýrma dalgasý denilen bir dalga ile üst üste gelmesinden doðan giriþimleri kaydeden bir fotoðraf plaðýndan meydana gelir. Bu iki dalganýn giriþim yapmasý, bunun için de ayný ýþýk noktasýndan çýkmasý ve kaynaðýn mümkün olduðu kadar tek renkli olmasý gereklidir. Bu sebeple tek renkli ve ýþýk þiddeti yüksek olan lazer, bu yeni teknikte hýzlý ilerlemeler saðladý. Bir hologram elde etmek için, bir lazer demeti yarý saydam bir ayna ile ikiye bölünür; aynadan yansýyan ýþýnlar merceklerden geçmeden, bir fotoðraf kliþesini aydýnlatýr; aynanýn içinden geçen ýþýnlar ise fotoðrafý çekilecek nesnenin üzerine düþer. Nesne bu ýþýklarýn bir kýsmýný kýrar ve kýrýlan ýþýnlar da ayný þekilde fotoðraf kliþesini aydýnlatýr. Gelen bu iki demetin fazlarý ayný deðildir ve kliþe üzerinde, giriþim saçaklarýndan, çok ince ve küçük bir að meydana gelir.

49. ClubCaminantes - Premios Nobel - Fisica, El Club De Los Caminantes
Translate this page PREMIOS nobel, FISICA. 1901-1925 1926-1950 1951-1975 1976-2000. 1951. Universidadde Grenoble. Grenoble, Francia. 1971. gabor, dennis (Gran Bretaña).

Foros Chat Top 10 ... PREMIOS NOBEL
Cockcroft, John D. Por su trabajo pionero en la transmutación del nucleo atómico por partículas atómicas artificialmente aceleradas. Establecimiento de Investigación de la Energia Atómica. Harwell Didcot, Gran Bretaña Walton, Ernest T.S. (Irlanda) Por su trabajo pionero en la transmutación del nucleo atómico por partículas atómicas artificialmente aceleradas. Universidad de Dublin. Dublin, Irlanda
Bloch, Felix (Estados Unidos) Por el desarrollo conjunto de nuevos métodos para medidas magneticas nucleares de precisión, y sus descubrimientos derivados de las aplicación de estos métodos. Universidad de Stanford. Stanford, CA, Estados Unidos Purcell, Edward M. (Estados Unidos) Por el desarrollo conjunto de nuevos métodos para medidas magneticas nucleares de precisión, y sus descubrimientos derivados de las aplicación de estos métodos.

50. Nobel Prize Winners : Physics
nobel Prize Winners in Physics. Year, Article, Country*, Achievement.1901, ferrimagnetism. 1971, gabor, dennis, UK, invention of holography.
Nobel Prize Winners in Physics
Year Article Country* Achievement Röntgen, Wilhelm Conrad Germany discovery of X rays Lorentz, Hendrik Antoon The Netherlands investigation of the influence of magnetism on radiation Zeeman, Pieter The Netherlands investigation of the influence of magnetism on radiation Becquerel, Henri France discovery of spontaneous radioactivity Curie, Marie France investigations of radiation phenomena discovered by Becquerel Curie, Pierre France investigations of radiation phenomena discovered by Becquerel Rayleigh (of Terling Place), John William Strutt, 3rd Baron U.K. discovery of argon Lenard, Philipp Germany research on cathode rays Thomson, Sir J.J. U.K. researches into electrical conductivity of gases Michelson, A.A. U.S. spectroscopic and metrological investigations Lippmann, Gabriel France photographic reproduction of colours Braun, Ferdinand Germany development of wireless telegraphy Marconi, Guglielmo Italy development of wireless telegraphy Waals, Johannes Diederik van der The Netherlands research concerning the equation of state of gases and liquids Wien, Wilhelm

51. The Cybernetics Society: Calendar Of Meetings 1988
dennis gabor MEMORIAL LECTURE. Unification of Fundamental Forces. ProfessorAbdus Salam FRS, nobel Laureate in Physics, Imperial College London and the
Calendar of Meetings This page last updated 23 February 2003 Back to "Proceedings and Publications"
19 January. "Can a Robot be Programmed to Understand Natural Language?" Professor R.A. Kowalski FCybS, Imperial College, London. 16 February. "Quantum Theory and the Relationship of Mind and Matter." Professor David Bohm, FCybS, Birkbeck College, University of London. 15 March. "Chemical Cybernetics." Dr B. Warburton FCybS, School of Pharmacy, University of London. 26 April. DENNIS GABOR MEMORIAL LECTURE.
"Unification of Fundamental Forces." Professor Abdus Salam FRS, Nobel Laureate in Physics,
Imperial College London and the Institute of Theoretical Physics, Italy. 17 May. "The Analytical Engine." Dr Graham Woyka FCybS, Hon. Secretary, The Cybernetics Society. 14 June. "Do Geophysiological Effects Steer Living Organisms to their Goals?" Professor James E Lovelock FRS, University of Reading. 12 July. "Definition of Intelligence:towards Cybernetic Medicine." Dr H.A. Fatmi FCybS, King's College, London. 17 September. ANNUAL CONFERENCE: "Recent Advances in Cybernetics".

52. Nobel Prize Winners In Physics
nobel Prize Winners in Physics. gabor, dennis, Great Britain, Imperial Collegeof Science and Technology, London, * 1900 (in Budapest, Hungary), + 1979
Nobel Prize Winners in Physics
Physics 1901
R~NTGEN, WILHELM CONRAD, Germany, Munich University,* 1845, + 1923: "in recognition of the extraordinary services he has rendered by the discovery of the remarkable rays subsequently named after him".
Physics 1902
The prize was awarded jointly to: LORENTZ, HENDRIK ANTOON, the Netherlands, Leyden University, * 1853, + 1928; and ZEEMAN, PIETER, the Netherlands, Amsterdam University, * 1865, + 1943: "in recognition of the extraordinary service they rendered by their researches into the influence of magnetism upon radiation phenomena".
Physics 1903
The prize was divided, one half being awarded to: BECQUEREL, ANTOINE HENRI, France, äcole Polytechnique, Paris, * 1852, + 1908: "in recognition of the extraordinary services he has rendered by his discovery of spontaneous radioactivity"; the other half jointly to: CURIE, PIERRE, France, äcole municipale de physique et de chimie industrielles, (Municipal School of Industrial Physics and Chemistry), Paris, * 1859, + 1906; and his wife CURIE, MARIE, n»e SKLODOWSKA, France, * 1867 (in Warsaw, Poland), + 1934: "in recognition of the extraordinary services they have rendered by their joint researches on the radiation phenomena discovered by Professor Henri Becquerel".

Translate this page nobel per la FISICA Solvay 1927 1901. Röentgen, Wilhelm C. (Germania). 1902. Néel,Louis Eugène F. (Francia). 1971. gabor, dennis (Gran Bretagna). 1972.
NOBEL per la FISICA Solvay 1927 Röentgen, Wilhelm C. (Germania) Lorentz, Hendrik A. (Paesi Bassi) Zeeman, Pieter (Paesi Bassi) Curie, Pierre (Francia) Curie, Marie (Francia) Becquerel, Antoine H. (Francia) Rayleigh, John W. (Gran Bretagna) Lenard, Philipp (Germania) Thomson, Joseph John (Gran Bretagna) Michelson, Albert A. (USA) Lippmann, Gabriel (Francia) Marconi, Guglielmo (Italia) Braun, Karl F. (Germania) Waals, Johannes D. van der (Paesi Bassi) Wien, Wilhelm (Germania) Dalén, Nils Gustaf (Svezia) Kamerlingh Onnes, Heike (Paesi Bassi) Laue, Max von (Germania) Bragg, William H. (Gran Bretagna) Bragg, William L. (Gran Bretagna) Non assegnato Barkla, Charles G. (Gran Bretagna) Planck, Max Karl E.L. (Germania) Stark, Johannes (Germania) Guillaume, Charles E. (Francia) Einstein, Albert (USA) Bohr, Niels Henrik D. (Danimarca) Millikan, Robert A. (USA) Siegbahn, Karl M.G. (Svezia) Franck, James (Germania) Herz, Gustav (Germania)

nobel Lecture Autobiography (in English) Biography (in German) Obituary from theBoston gabor, dennis, Great Britain, b. 1900 (in Budapest, Hungary), d. 1979
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55. James River Products - Holography History
in holography began. In 1971 Dr. dennis gabor was awarded the nobel Prizein Physics for his work in holography. It was two University
In 1822 Sir Thomas Barton, Deputy Comptroller to the Mint in London, England, was granted English patent #4678-1822, which was described as follows: "A certain process for the application of the prismatic colors to the surface of steel and other metals and using the same in manufacture of various ornaments."
Barton had come up with a commercial application for diffraction gratings 85 years before the first powered airplane flight while employing a ruling engine built by Harrison before 1800! Using ruled (10,000 line/inch) steel dies and a high pressure blanking press, Barton produced buttons for the coats of gentlemen. Six examples of the buttons, as well as the working ruling engine, are today at the Science Museum in South Kensington, London.
Modern holography dates from 1947, when Dennis Gabor, a scientist researching ways to improve the resolution of the electron microscope, develop what he called holography. This was an amazing discovery given that Gabor did not have at his disposal modern laser light sources considered key to modern holography. Some thirteen years later, 1960, the modern laser was invented and serious work in holography began. In 1971 Dr. Dennis Gabor was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics for his work in holography.
It was two University of Michigan researchers who, in 1962, theorized that holography could be used as a three dimensional visual presentation. These individuals, Emmett Leith and Juris Upatnieks, happened upon Gabor's work and decided to apply his theory with the newly invented laser light sources. The result was the first laser transmission hologram of 3-D objects. These transmission holograms produced images with clarity and realistic depth. Unfortunately, these transmission holograms required laser light to view the holographic image.

56. Pictures Gallery Of The Nobel Prize Winners In Physics
Translate this page The nobel Prize in Physics. 1998. Robert B. Laughlin Horst L. Störmer DanielC. Tsui 1997. Steven Chu Schrieffer 1971. dennis gabor 1970. Hannes

57. The All-inclusive Holographic Paradigm (Hermital) - Mountain
Notes (cont.) (Notes 1 through 5 may be found in Part 1) 6. dennis gabor http// 1971 nobel Prize in

58. FOUR WHO CHANGE OUR WORLD By Donna Holman, CPA April 17 2002 V
revert to entropy. dennis gabor, British nobel Prize winner in 1971,offered evidence for the “hologram”. Today, research indicates WHO CHANGE OUR WORLD

59. Dennis Gabor: Awards Won By Dennis Gabor
123Awards hardwork is paid in form of awards. Awards of dennis gabor. OTHERnobel,1971, PHYSICS. Enter Artist/Album. Partner Sites.
hardwork is paid in form of awards Awards of Dennis Gabor OTHER-NOBEL PHYSICS Enter Artist/Album
Partner Sites Biography Search Engine ... privacy

60. Rugby Biographies
gabor, dennis 1900 1979. dennis came to England in 1934 having been born in Hungaryand he invented holography for which he was awarded the nobel Prize for
Notes on
Selected People
Rugby District
These pages contain biographies of various people who lived around Rugby and are of historic interest. They are arranged in alphabetical order of Surname in two groups. :-
  • NATIVES - people born in Rugby
  • INCOMMERS - people who passed through
    NATIVES of Rugby
    BLOXAM. Matthew Holbeche
    Born 12th May 1805. His father was an Assistant Master at Rugby School. He was eduacted at Elborow School and then Rugby School. He was articled to a solicitor in Rugby in 1821 but was not that sucessful once in practice. In 1831 he became Clerk to the Justices and held the post for 40 years. His claim to fame is as an antiquarian on Rugby and the local area. His work was published in two books and many journal articals. Although many of his conclusions are now thought doubtful his collection of archaeological finds still exists. He lived in what is now the Percival Guildhouse, while his brother ran a boarding school next door in what became the public library.
    BROOKE. Rupert 1887 - 1915.

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