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61. Nobel Prize For Literature nobel Prize for Literature. Winners, 19012002 2002, Imre Kertész, Hungary. 2001,V. S. Naipaul, British writer, born in Trinidad. 1921. anatole france. france. 1920. http://www.plsinfo.org/recommend/nobel.htm | |
62. Nobel Prize Winners For Literature The nobel Prize for Literature is presented to the person who shall Poems 1922 JacintoBenaventa, Spain, Dramas 1921 anatole france, france, Novels 1920 http://www.weberpl.lib.ut.us/nobel.htm | |
63. WAG: Nobel Prize For Literature Newbery Medal. PEN/Faulkner. Pulitzer Prize. nobel Prize for Literature. 19012001. 1922,Jacinto Benavente, Spain. 1921, anatole france, france. 1920, Knut Hamsun, Norway. http://www.thewag.net/nobel.htm | |
64. Nobelova Cena Za Literaturu Alfred Bernhard Filip nobel (18331896) védský chemik, prumyslník avynálezce. 1920 HAMSUN Knut. 1921 france anatole. 1922 BENAVENTE Jacinto. http://literatura.kvalitne.cz/xo.htm | |
65. The Nobel Prize For Literature In his will, Swedish scientist Alfred nobel stipulated that a portion of his estatebe awarded to the person who shall have produced in the anatole france. http://www.oregoncity.lib.or.us/lists/Nobel-Prize-Lit.htm | |
66. Lauréats Du Prix Nobel De Littérature Translate this page Lauréats du Prix nobel. 2002 Imre Irlande). 1922 Jacinto Benavente (1866-1954)(Espagne). 1921 anatole france (1844-1924) (france). 1920 http://perso.wanadoo.fr/calounet/prix_litteraires/laureats_nobel.htm | |
67. QuoteGallery.com _ Home Quotations by Author anatole france, anatole france (18441924)French novelist and nobel laureate. View all quotes by anatole france http://www.quotegallery.com/asp/apcategories.asp?author=Anatole France |
68. France, Anatole HUTCHINSON ENCYCLOPEDIA. france, anatole. French writer. His works are marked bywit, urbanity, and style. He was awarded the nobel Prize for Literature in 1921. http://www.tiscali.co.uk/reference/encyclopaedia/hutchinson/m0001408.html | |
69. Press Last News Translate this page A la muerte del famosísimo académico y premio nobel anatole france suentierromovilizó a la muchedumbre más numerosa (¡y fervorosa!) de este siglo. http://www.arrabal.org/news21.html | |
70. Nobel Prize For Literature Selected by the Swedish Academy, for the nobel Foundation 1922 Jacinto Benavente,Spain; 1921 anatole france, france; 1920 Knut Hamsun, Norway; http://www.kjm.org/nobel_lit.htm | |
71. Lynn Public Library - Nobel Prize Winners - Literature WINNERS OF THE nobel PRIZE FOR LITERATURE. Click on the links below tofind their works in the catalog. 1921 france, anatole (French). http://www.noblenet.org/lynn/nobellist.htm | |
72. Creative Quotations From Anatole France (1844-1924) was considered the ideal French man of letters; won the nobel Prize for Search herefor anatole france photos, websites, books, posters more Click here for http://www.creativequotations.com/one/106.htm | |
73. Viale Michelangelo And Anatole France anatole france, whose real name was Jacques anatole François Thibault, was bornin Paris in 1844. He was awarded the nobel prize for Literature in 1921. http://enrico2.firenze.net/afrance.html | |
74. Anatole FRANCE Translate this page anatole france a pris parti dans les luttes politiques qui ont divisé la franceà la Prix nobel de Littérature (1921).Mort le 12 octobre 1924. http://www.academie-francaise.fr/immortels/base/academiciens/fiche.asp?param=482 |
75. Anatole France már megöregedett Sully Prudhomme lesz a legelso irodalmi nobeldíjas költoipályáját a Verlaine-nel csaknem egyidos - akkor 22 éves - anatole france. http://www.hmg.hu/irok/xxszazad/euproza/france.htm | |
76. Nobel Prize For Literature Winners (Reference) The estate of Alfred Bernhard nobel (18331896), the Swedish Carl Spitteler (Switzerland)1920 Knut Hamsun (Norway) 1921 anatole france (france) 1922 Jacinto http://teachervision.com/lesson-plans/lesson-1630.html |
77. ICARITO Translate this page Imre Kertesz, nobel de Literatura 2002. Los nobel de Literatura en la historia.AÑO, PREMIO nobel. 1920, Hamsun, Knut (Noruega). 1921, france, anatole (Francia). http://icarito.tercera.cl/enc_virtual/castella/nobel/pnobeles.htm | |
78. Nobel Award Winners nobel AWARD LIST Year. Winners, Country. 2000, Gao Xingjian, China. 1922,Jacinto Benavente, Spain. 1921, anatole france, france. 1920, Knut Hamsun,Norway. http://terrellcountylibrary.tripod.com/nobel.htm | |
79. ANATOLE FRANCE Translate this page Mort de sa première femme, il recueille son petit-fils. Prix nobel delittérature. 1922 12 octobre 1924 mort d'anatole france. 1927 http://andre.bourgeois.9online.fr/anatole_france Biographie.htm | |
80. The Alfred B. Nobel Prize Winners: Literature Advertisement. nobel Prize Winners for Literature. 1920, Knut Hamsun,Norway. 1921, anatole france, france. 1922, Jacinto Benavente, Spain. http://history1900s.about.com/library/misc/blnobellit.htm | |
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