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81. Adolfo Pérez Esquivel - Biography adolfo Pérez esquivel was born in Buenos Aires in 1931. Despite the opposition hehas encountered, Pérez esquivel insists that the From Les Prix nobel 1980. http://www.nobel.se/peace/laureates/1980/esquivel-bio.html | |
82. Peace 1980 The nobel Peace Prize 1980. adolfo Pérez esquivel. Argentina. adolfo Pérezesquivel Biography nobel Lecture Acceptance Speech nobel Symposia. 1979, 1981. http://www.nobel.se/peace/laureates/1980/ | |
83. Extrait Du Témoignage Que Donnera Adolfo Perez Esquivel, Prix Nobel De La Paix Translate this page Extrait du témoignage que donnera adolfo perez esquivel, Prix Nobelde la Paix 1980, pour le colloque Gandhi. La non-violence en http://perso.wanadoo.fr/yann.forget/CollGandhi/APerezEsquivel.html | |
84. Perez Esquivel.html Translate this page Figure significative che hanno ispirato il pensiero pacifista e nonviolento. ADOLFOPEREZ esquivel (1931-vivente). Riceve il Premio nobel per la pace nel 1980. http://www.peacelink.it/faq/pace/perez.html | |
85. Grandes Pacifistas - Adolfo Pérez Esquivel fue encarcelado en En 1980 le fue concedido el Premio nobel de la Paz por http://www.nalejandria.com/utopia/AdolfoPerezEsquivel-esp.htm | |
86. Paz; Translate this page El galardón de la Paz, una sorpresa para la dictadura argentinaADOLFO perez esquivel, EL nobel IGNORADO Oscar Arias González. http://www.todoeshistoria.com.ar/00011/paz.htm | |
87. Hispanos Famosos nobel Peace Prize, 1980. adolfo Pérez esquivel was honored as a spokesman of arevival of respect of human rights having shone a light through the darkness http://coloquio.com/famosos/perezesq.html | |
88. Perez Esquivel, Adolfo. The American Heritage® Dictionary Of The English Langua 2000. perez esquivel, adolfo. SYLLABICATION Pe·rez Es·qui·vel. He won the 1980Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts to promote human rights in Latin America. http://www.bartleby.com/61/67/P0186750.html | |
89. Cadernos Do Terceiro Mundo Translate this page Foi também na luta pelos direitos humanos que surgiu adolfo perez esquivel, prêmioNobel da Paz de 1980 e uma das maiores lideranças mundiais nesse terreno http://www.uol.com.br/cadernos/pesquisa-public/cadernos/cadernos_238_01.htm | |
91. Universidad Nacional De San Luis Translate this page adolfo perez esquivel visitará la UNSL (04/09/2002) El Martes 17, el Premio Nobelde la Paz adolfo Pérez esquivel inaugurará una Cátedra Libre de la http://www.unsl.edu.ar/notante.html?subsecc=inst.php3 |
92. Appello Per La Revoca Del Premio Nobel Per La Pace Assegnato A H Translate this page people who really fought for Peace and Justice, such as Rigoberta Menchu and AdolfoPerez esquivel We think that he cant be no more a nobel Laureate for http://www.peacelink.it/tematiche/latina/nobel/index.php3 | |
93. Legislative WorkHOW TO DO LEGISLATIVE WORKLearn How To Lobby Your Elected Offici Some who support the amnesty campaign Bishop Desmond Tutu (nobel Laureate) AdolfoPerez esquivel (nobel Laureate) David Dinkins, Former Mayor NYC Puerto Rican http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/Lobby/9272/legislative.htm | |
94. [Alai-amlatina] Perez Esquivel: Guerra Hacia Ningun Lado http://listas.ecuanex.net.ec/pipermail/alai-amlatina/2001q4/000436.html | |
95. LASNET Archive 1995: *Carta De Perez Esquivel Sobre Argentina** Translate this page http://lanic.utexas.edu/la/region/news/arc/lasnet/1995/0399.html | |
96. CIPFE.org/Foro Abierto Del CIPFE Translate this page de los Estados Unidos. Buenos Aires, 11 de Septiembre de 2001 AdolfoPerez esquivel, Argentino, Premio nobel de la Paz. OPINAN http://www.cipfe.org/pe.htm | |
97. La Repubblica/mondo: Porto Alegre, Parlano I Nobel 'Possibile Un Mondo Senza Gue http://www.repubblica.it/online/mondo/porto/nobel/nobel.html | |
98. Argentine http://www.globenet.org/dial/05_archives/html_05pays/argentine/ | |
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