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61. Nobel Prize Winners Support Basque Peace Initiative adolfo perez esquivel (1980); and Jose RamoHorta of East Timor. Other signatoriesinclude Portuguese novelist Jose Saramago, winner of the 1998 nobel http://www.tibet.ca/wtnarchive/2001/10/2_1.html | |
62. Jubilee 2000 Debt News: NOBEL PEACE PRIZE WINNER SAYS DEBT IS 'MASSIVE VIOLATION Enforced repayment of foreign debt is a massive and systematic violation of humanrights according to adolfo perez esquivel, who won the nobel Peace Prize in http://www.jubilee2000uk.org/jubilee2000/news/nobel2901.html | |
63. Nobel Prizes nobel Prizes report in alphabetic order; if you click upon a name you will be connectedwith relative page of nobel Prizes Archive. esquivel, adolfo perez, 1980. http://web.tiscali.it/no-redirect-tiscali/LG_WebPace/nobel.htm | |
64. Premi Nobel relative pagine dell'Archivio dei Premi nobel. esquivel, adolfo perez, 1980. http://web.tiscali.it/no-redirect-tiscali/LG_WebPace/premi.htm | |
65. Carta De Pérez Esquivel A George Bush : Uruguay Indymedia Translate this page Sí puedo decirte que te arrepientas de tus crímenes y repares el Mal que haces.adolfo perez esquivel. PREMIO nobel DE LA PAZ. comenta este artículo. http://uruguay.indymedia.org/news/2003/04/12268.php | |
66. O Farol - O Povo Argentino Está Se Assumindo Como Protagonista E Construtor De Translate this page O reconhecimento internacional à sua luta silenciosa, espelhado no nobel, veioquando ele ainda estava sob liberdade vigiada adolfo perez esquivel - Nada. http://www.farolbrasil.com.br/arquivos/re_esquivel.htm | |
67. Freelance Spain Biography - Juan Carrero along with his wife Susana, whom he'd met at the L'Arch community in France, andan Argentinian friend, future nobel Peace Prizewinner adolfo perez esquivel. http://www.spainview.com/biog17.html | |
68. Www.ThinkCentre.org - News For A Vibrant Political Society About The Author. adolfo perez esquivel is a nobel Prize Winner. Back, FeaturesLetter to Bush by adolfo esquivel (Strategic Pastoral Action ) http://www.thinkcentre.org/article.cfm?ArticleID=2034 |
69. Merton Retreat 2000 Public Health; adolfo perez esquivel nobel Peace Prize Laureate fromArgentina; Barbara Mikulski US Senator from Maryland; Helen Prejean http://www.newdimensions.org/special-series/merton2000.html | |
70. The Peace Maker SiTe - Nobel Laureates Statement adolfo perez esquivel, nobel Peace Prize 1980. Desmond Mpilo Tutu, nobelPeace Prize 1984. adolfo perez esquivel, nobel Peace Prize 1980. http://www.peacemaker.st/Peace_Laureates.html | |
71. Según Adolfo Pérez Esquivel Translate this page actual lo unico que hace es tratar de contenerla pero sin dar solucion a losproblemas, dijo hoy el Premio nobel de la Paz 1981, adolfo perez esquivel. http://www.abogarte.com.ar/perezycrisis.htm | |
72. THE NOBEL PEACE PRIZE, AN INSTRUMENT AT THE SERVICE OF THE PEOPLE Participating in these were, amongst other Africans, the most important leaders ofthe Rwandan resistance, and the nobel Peace Laureate adolfo perez esquivel. http://www2.minorisa.es/inshuti/instrum.htm | |
73. Premio Nobel De Paco - Vikipedio (Alidirektita el Premio nobel de paco). Jenaj personoj (kaj institucioj) ricevisla Premion nobel de Paco 1979 Patrino Teresa. 1980 adolfo perez esquivel. http://eo.wikipedia.org/wiki/Premio_nobel_de_paco | |
74. Premio Nobel De Paco - Vikipedio El Vikipedio, la libera enciklopedio. Jenaj personoj (kaj institucioj) ricevisla Premion nobel de Paco 1979 Patrino Teresa. 1980 adolfo perez esquivel. http://eo.wikipedia.org/wiki/Premio_Nobel_de_Paco | |
75. PeaceJam.org -- Recent News students who learn peacemaking from the masters - the world's nobel Peace Prize haveincluded the Dalai Lama, Desmond Tutu and adolfo perez esquivel, who led http://www.peacejam.org/peacelesson.shtml | |
76. From The News 9, 1999; 1104 am EST BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP) Two nobel peace laureates was made byMairead Corrigan Maguire of Ireland and adolfo perezesquivel of Argentina http://www.casi.org.uk/discuss/1999/msg00183.html | |
77. The Western Herald - WMU To Host Peace Conference For further information on PeaceJam and adolfo perez esquivel, visit the PeaceJamFoundation's Web site at www.peacejam.org and The nobel Foundation at www http://www.westernherald.com/vnews/display.v/ART/2003/03/11/3e6d55d075737 | |
78. Coalicion Contra La Impunidad - Fiscalia De Nuremberg Iniciara Investigaciones por el Premio nobel de la Paz adolfo perez esquivel, representantes de http://www.desaparecidos.org/arg/coalicion/nur.html | |
79. Feature Story - PSU International Newsletter The laureates that participated in the conference are adolfo perez esquivel, architect,sculptor and nobel Peace Prize winner in 1980 for championing human http://www.intl.pdx.edu/Newsletter/Feature/Conference.htm | |
80. Arrêter Le Commerce De La Terreur: Sur Nous Translate this page du soutien des personnes suivantes, couronnées par le Prix nobel de la of NuclearWar, Mairead Maguire, Rigoberta Menchu, adolfo perez esquivel, Jose Ramos http://www.arias.or.cr/fundarias/cpr/armslaw/workgrpFR.html | |
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