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21. Bigchalk: HomeworkCentral: Pérez Esquivel, Adolfo (1980) (I-P) World Book Online Article on perez esquivel, adolfo; Biography (nobel Site); BriefBiography; Brief Profile; Pérez esquivel, Adolpho (Columbia Encyclopedia). http://www.bigchalk.com/cgi-bin/WebObjects/WOPortal.woa/Homework/High_School/Reg | |
22. PeaceJam NW Nobel Peace Laureates To find out about more nobel Laureates, please visit the National PeaceJamwebsite at www.peacejam.org. adolfo perez esquivel PeaceJam '00. http://www.peacejamnw.org/laureates.html | |
23. REFORMANET/Adolfo Perez Esquivel nobel Peace Prize laureate adolfo perez esquivel,Latin Americanhumanrights group Servicio, Paz y Justicia . http://lmri.ucsb.edu/pipermail/reformanet/2003-March/010532.html | |
24. Rhodes: News Releases: Argentine Nobel Laureate To Speak, Lead PeaceJam At Rhode (Memphis, Tenn.)1980 nobel Peace Prize Laureate adolfo perez esquivel of Argentinawill speak on Human Rights and Justice for All at 8 pm Friday, April 19 http://www.rhodes.edu/Visitor/info/releases/2002-0411-peacejam.shtml | |
25. Esquivel Translate this page (1931-) Escultor, Premio nobel de la En los 60's adolfo perez esquivel comenzó atrabajar con organizaciones populares involucradas en el movimiento pacifista http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Studio/8543/07adolfope.html | |
26. Fermiamo La Guerra All'Iraq Translate this page febbraio 2003. Appello del premio nobel adolfo perez esquivel di adolfoperez esquivel (premio nobel per la pace) - 07 febbraio 2003. 41 http://www.fermiamolaguerra.it/news/mondo.htm |
27. Fermiamo La Guerra All'Iraq Translate this page news./altre news dal mondo. Appello del premio nobel adolfo perez esquiveldi adolfo perez esquivel (premio nobel per la pace) - 07 febbraio 2003. http://www.fermiamolaguerra.it/news/esquivel.htm | |
28. Informe De Adolfo Perez Esquivel A Los Embajadores De La Union Europea Translate this page a los embajadores de la Unión Europea por el presidente del Servicio de Paz y Justiciade Buenos Aires y Premio nobel de la Paz, adolfo Pérez Esquivelen la http://www.derechos.org/serpaj/ju1.html | |
29. Accion De La Cadena De Acciones De Derechos Humanos - Derechos Human Rights Translate this page derechos humanos. adolfo perez esquivel Premio nobel de la Paz Cadenade Acciones de Derechos Humanos. Derechos Humanos en Argentina. http://www.derechos.org/ddhh/acciones/arg2.html | |
30. Nobel Winners: Give Iraq A Break BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP) Two nobel peace laureates urged President Clinton and madeby Mairead Corrigan Maguire of Ireland and adolfo perezesquivel of Argentina http://iraqaction.org/oldsite/nobel.html | |
31. Augustana College nobel Peace Prize Recipient adolfo perez esquivel Visits 1980 nobel Peace Prizerecipient adolfo perez esquivel, a human rights activist from Argentina will http://www.augustana.edu/front/bottom45.htm | |
32. Shawn Dispatch - June 9, 1999 who won the nobel Peace prize in 1980, adolfo Pérez esquivel makes a So how do youget to be a nobel Peace Prize Laureate? The Team lunches with adolfo perez. http://www.worldtrek.org/odyssey/latinamerica/060999/060999shawnadolfo.html | |
33. [AlterPresse - Haiti] Amérique Latine : Journées De Résistance Continentale Translate this page La cérémonie a eu lieu en présence de plusieurs responsables d'organisations,de réseaux et aussi du Prix nobel de la Paix argentin adolfo perez esquivel. http://medialternatif.comunica.org/alterpresse/article.php3?id_article=149 |
34. Dos Mundos Bilingual Newspaper Translate this page BUENOS AIRES (IPS) nobel Peace Prize laureate adolfo perez esquivel isurging his fellow Argentines to join in a vigil to occur Saturday (Feb. http://www.dosmundos.com/editions/Vol23-02-13/news/intl-D.htm | |
35. Norges Fredsråd - Fredskultur 1 perez, Yasser Arafat, Elie Wiesel, Mairead CorriganMaguire, adolfo perez esquivel,Desmond Tutu Secretariat for the Appeal of the nobel Peace Laureates BP http://www.nowar.no/norsk/fredskultur1.html | |
36. Línea Abierta Programs For March 2001 nobel Peace Prize winner adolfo perez esquivel recently visited Los Angeles, wherehe criticized the US bombing of Iraq, the migrant deaths at the border and http://www.radiobilingue.org/Lineaprevprogmarch2001.htm | |
37. Www.radiohc.org/Distributions/Radio_Havana_English/.2001/2001_apr/Radio_Havana_C Granma is entitled Cuba The Revolutionary Island, Between Love and Hate. Writtenby the 1980 nobel Peace Prize Winner, adolfo perez esquivel, the editorial http://www.radiohc.org/Distributions/Radio_Havana_English/.2001/2001_apr/Radio_H |
38. Www.radiohc.org/Distributions/Radio_Havana_Francais/.2000/2000_mai/Radio_Havane_ Translate this page QUI ETUDIENT A CUBA ELEVENT LEUR VOIX EN FAVEUR DE NOTRE PAYS SUR LAQUESTION DESDROITS DE L'HOMME -LE PRIX nobel DE LA PAIX adolfo perez esquivel REMERCIE LES http://www.radiohc.org/Distributions/Radio_Havana_Francais/.2000/2000_mai/Radio_ | |
39. Letter To Bush By Adolfo Esquivel : Vancouver Indymedia and dignity and don't hesitate in sacrificing at the altar of the god Moloch, yourgod of destruction and death. adolfo perez esquivel is a nobel Prize Winner. http://vancouver.indymedia.org/news/2003/04/41919.php | |
40. Boston Globe Online / Table Of Contents a dingy and unmarked door sits the winner of the 1980 nobel Peace Prize Above all,adolfo perez esquivel is an activist, an advocate who seeks, in his own words http://www.boston.com/globe/search/stories/nobel/1981/1981g.html | |
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