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Elytis Odysseus: more books (51) | |||
41. Dr.Tarek Said's Homepage-Nobel Prize Winners nobel Prize in Literature GOLDING 1982 GABRIEL GARCIA MARQUEZ 1981 ELIAS CANETTI 1980CZESLAW MILOSZ 1979 odysseus elytis ( odysseus ALEPOUDHELIS ) 1978 ISAAC http://www.geocities.com/tsaid3/nobel.html | |
42. Odysseus Elytis Swedish Academy The Permanent Secretary Press Release The nobel Prize forLiterature 1979. odysseus Alepoudhélis (pseudonym odysseus elytis). http://www.mikrokamari.fi/kreikka/odysseus elytis.htm |
44. Nobel Prize Winners nobel Prize Winners for Literature. Year, Author, Country. 2000, Gao Xingjian, China.1999, Guenter Grass, Germany. 1980, Milosz, Czeslaw, US. 1979, elytis, odysseus, Greece. http://www.chilibsys.org/librarianship/bookstore/nobel.html | |
45. Winners Of The Nobel Prize In Literature the greatest writers of our age never won a nobel Prize MARQUEZ 1981 ELIAS CANETTI1980 CZESLAW MILOSZ 1979 odysseus elytis (odysseus ALEPOUDHELIS), 1978 http://www.scaruffi.com/fiction/nobel.html | |
46. Lioness Den's Nobel Reading Project 1980 Czeslaw Milosz The Collected Poems, 19311987. 1979 odysseus elytisTheCollected Poems of odysseus elytis. 1978 Isaac Bashevis SingerThe Slave. http://www.lionessden.com/ldnp/index3.html | |
47. Babelguides: Nobel's Pricy Prize nobel's pricy prize. Last month Imre Kertesz from Hungary won the nobel Prizein Literature. 1979, Greece, odysseus elytis (odysseus Alepoudhelis). http://www.babelguides.com/story/2002/11/1/121613/256 | |
48. Nobel Prize Winners The first nobel Prize was awarded in 1901. 2001, Sir VS Naipaul, Great Britain.2000, Gao Xingjian, France. 1980, Milosz, Czeslaw, US. 1979, elytis, odysseus, Greece. http://www.twicesoldtales.com/udist/biblioref/nobel.html | |
49. Nobel Prize Winners 1981, Canetti, Elias, Bulgaria. 1980, Milosz, Czeslaw, US. 1979, elytis,odysseus, Greece. 1978, Singer, Isaac Bashevis, US. 1977, Aleixandre, Vicenta,Spain. http://www.twicesoldtales.com/biblioref/nobel.html | |
50. LiteraryCritic.com -- Nobel Prize nobel Prize winners 1901 Armand, René François. (France) titles1902 - Mommsen, Theodor. (USA) titles 1979 - elytis, odysseus. http://www.literarycritic.com/nobel.htm | |
51. Nobel Prize Winning Authors 1980, Czeslaw Milosz, PolandUnited States, Poetry. 1979, odysseus elytis(odysseus Alepoudhelis), Greece, Poetry. 1943 -1940, No nobel Award, http://www.appleandoakpress.com/id45.htm | |
52. Greek Poetry Links By Katerina Sarri elytis ODUSSEAS ELUTHS odi`seas e`litis Odysseas elytis, nobel 1979 orodysseus Elytes, Elitis elytis nobel Literature 1979 elytis, odysseus. http://users.otenet.gr/~bm-celusy/poetrylinks.html | |
53. Archives - E Translate this page elytis, odysseus « nobel passé à la postérité, odysseus elytisest mort à Athènes », article de Mirel Bran, n o 67, été 1997. http://www.nuitblanche.com/ARCHIVES/E/E.HTM | |
54. GREEK POETRY RESOURCES of Odysseas elytis; odysseus elytis Winner of the; 1979 nobel Prize inLiterature; elytis Drinking the Sun of Corinth; DEATH AND RESURRECTION http://www.webexpert.net/vasilios/gpoetry.htm |
55. Nobel Prize Winners For Literature nobel Prize Winners for Literature. Year, Author, Country*, LiteraryArea. 1980, Milosz, Czeslaw, US, poet. 1979, elytis, odysseus, Greece,poet. http://www.worksonline.org/awards/nobel.htm | |
56. Lauréats Du Prix Nobel De Littérature Translate this page Lauréats du Prix nobel. 1980 Czeslaw Milosz (émigré aux États-Unis)(1911-) (Pologne). 1979 elytis odysseus (1911-1996) (Grèce). http://perso.wanadoo.fr/calounet/prix_litteraires/laureats_nobel.htm | |
57. Odyseas Elytis His nobel lecture. His biography odysseus elytis, penname for odysseusAlepoudhiéis, was born in 1911 at Herakleion in Crete. http://www.antibaro.com/culture/mg/elytis.html |
58. Nobel Lecture Di Odysseus Elitis nobel LECTURE. ART PAGE, HOME. odysseus elytis. nobel LECTURE. December 8, 1979 MayI be permitted, I ask you, to speak in the name of luminosity and transparency. http://space.tin.it/arte/gkouts/nobel-EN.htm | |
59. Life And Work Of Odysseus Elytis LIFE AND ART OF odysseus elytis. by French Surrealism and especially Paul Eluardelytis started to published George Seferis works he won the nobel Prize for http://space.tin.it/arte/gkouts/information.htm | |
60. Elytis, Odysseus : Top : Arts : Literature : Authors : E : Elytis, Odysseus elytis, odysseus odysseus elytis, nobel Literature Laureate 1979,his works in translation, brief biography and nobel Lecture. http://www.nascaramerica.com/Top/Arts/Literature/Authors/E/Elytis,_Odysseus/ | |
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