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21. Odysseus Elytis which also published George Seferis's works he won the nobel Prize for 2); OdysseusElytis Analogies of Light by I. Ivask (1981); Books Abroad (Autumn 1975 http://www.kirjasto.sci.fi/elitis.htm | |
22. Elytis, Odysseus. The American Heritage® Dictionary Of The English Language: Fo 2000. elytis, odysseus. SYLLABICATION El·y·tis. PRONUNCIATION l t s.DATES 19111996. Greek poet. He won the 1979 nobel Prize for literature. http://www.bartleby.com/61/89/E0098900.html | |
23. Elytis, Odysseus. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001 elytis, odysseus. of odysseus Alepoudelis (äl´´ p ´d l s) (KEY) , 191196,Greek poet, b. Iraklion In 1979 he was awarded the nobel Prize for Literature. http://www.bartleby.com/65/el/Elytis-O.html | |
24. Jeffrey Carson, The Collected Poems Of Odysseus Elytis The first collection in any language including Greek- of the completepoetry of nobel laureate odysseus elytis. JEFFREY CARSON http://www.parosweb.com/paros/culture/artists/carson/paros-g1.html | |
25. Elytis, Odysseus Information Sites elytis, odysseus odysseus elytis, nobel Literature Laureate 1979,his works in translation, brief biography and nobel Lecture. http://booksorg.com/Authors/E/Elytis,Odysseus/ | |
26. Odysseus Elytis @ Catharton Authors Websites The nobel Prize in Literature 1979. The Life and Works of odysseuselytis a new course at Rutgers. odysseus elytis sci.fi. Message Boards http://www.catharton.com/authors/2350.htm | |
27. Elytis, Odysseus elytis, odysseus , pseud. of odysseus Alepoudelis äl ApOO'delEs , 191196, Greekpoet, b. Iraklion In 1979 he was awarded the nobel Prize for Literature. http://www.infoplease.com/cgi-bin/id/A0817221 | |
28. Jhupbooks.com | Literature & Literary Theory | The Collected Poems Of Odysseus E In awarding odysseus elytis the 1979 nobel Prize in literature, the Swedish Academydeclared that he had been selected for his poetry, which, against the http://www.press.jhu.edu/press/books/titles/s97/s97elco.htm | |
29. Nobel Prize For Literature, 1901-2002 nobel Prize for Literature, 19012002. Year, 1953). 1979, odysseus elytis(odysseus Alepoudhelis, 1911-1996), Greece, The Axion Esti (1959). http://www.hycyber.com/CLASS/nobel.html | |
30. Elytis, Odysseus elytis, odysseus 1911, Greek poet. Strongly influenced 1959; tr.1974). In 1979 he was awarded the nobel Prize in Literature. http://www.slider.com/enc/17000/Elytis_Odysseus.htm | |
31. Nobel Prize Alphabetical Alphabetical Listing of nobel Laureates 19012000. Click on a link and see theshort biographical notes on this site Name, Year Awarded. elytis, odysseus, 1979. http://literature.school.dk/frame_NobelPrize05.htm | |
32. Arts/Literature/Authors/E/Elytis,_Odysseus Arts / Literature / Authors / E / elytis, odysseus. nobel Lecture Literature 1979 nobel lecture by odysseus elytis. URL http http://www.arts-entertainment-recreation.com/Arts/Literature/Authors/E/Elytis,_O | |
33. Lynn Public Library - Nobel Prize Winners - Literature WINNERS OF THE nobel PRIZE FOR LITERATURE. Click on the links below tofind their works in the catalog. 1979 elytis, odysseus (Greek). http://www.noblenet.org/lynn/nobellist.htm | |
34. Argus Aktuella Länkar [www.aktuella.nu] Easton (eng) Ellison, Harlan (eng) Ellison, Ralph (eng) Ellroy, James (eng) Elmer,Martin (dan) Elton, Ben (eng) elytis, odysseus (nobel 1979) (eng) Emerson http://www.argus.nu/aktuella/index.php?forfattare=E&visa=forfattaree.php |
35. Foreign Press On Odysseas Elyths Greece odysseus elytis, a nobel Prizewinning poet known for his sensuous lyricsabout the Greek islands and the nation's turbulent history, died Monday. http://hcs.harvard.edu/~hhs/forelyths.html | |
36. Odysseus Elytis Nel Mondo Greco Translate this page odysseus elytis. Premio nobel per la letteratura 1979 Pseudonimo del poeta neoellenicoodysseus Alepudhelis, nato a Iraklion (Creta) il 2 novembre 1911, ha http://digilander.libero.it/mondogreco/elytis.htm | |
37. LitWeb.net biblion.com Pulitzer Prize Booker Prize nobel Prize. biblion.com. ELLIN StanleyELLISON Ralph Waldo ELUARD Paul elytis odysseus EMERSON Ralph Waldo. http://www.biblion.com/litweb/e.html |
38. The Nobel Prize Links 1979 odysseus elytis (odysseus Alepoudhelis) Greece, Poetry (19111996)Language Greek nobel Lecture Works in Translation. 1976 http://www.bookawards.bizland.com/nobel_prize_links.htm | |
39. Nobel Prize For Literature Laureates Polish. 1979 odysseus elytis (odysseus Alepoudhelis) Greece, Poetry(19111996) Greek nobel Lecture Works in Translation. 1978 http://www.bookawards.bizland.com/nobel_prize_literature.html | |
40. Prêmio Nobel Translate this page A primeira edição do Prêmio nobel de Literatura ocorreu em 1901. O primeirolaureado foi o poeta francês Sully Prudhomme . 1979 elytis odysseus (Pseu. http://www.geocities.com/slprometheus/html/arq1.htm | |
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