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De Hevesy George: more books (15) | ||
21. Nobel Prize In Chemistry Since 1901 Translate this page nobel Prize in Chemistry since 1901 Year, Winners. 1901, Hoff, Jacobus HenricusVan't. 1943, de hevesy, george. 1944, Hahn, Otto. 1945, Virtanen, Artturi Ilmari. http://www.planet101.com/nobel_chemistry_hist.htm | |
22. GK- National Network Of Education Kuhn, Richard, 1938. Butenandt, Adolf Friedrich Johann, 1939. Ruzicka, Leopold,1939. de hevesy, george, 1943. Hahn, Otto, 1944. Virtanen, Artturi Ilmari, 1945. http://www.indiaeducation.info/infomine/nobel/nobelarchive.htm | |
23. George De Hevesy The discoveries of george de hevesy have done as hevesy not only performed the firstradiotracer studies on studies, which earned him the 1943 nobel Prize in http://www.orcbs.msu.edu/radiation/radhistory/georgedehevesy.html | |
24. A HAFNIUM-TORTENET ES HEVESY GYORGY NOBEL-DIJA id. hely 70. 9 Az 1936os kémiai nobel-díj dokumentumai - A Svéd TudományosAkadémia Levéltára 10 JD COCKROFT george de hevesy 1885-1966- Biogr. Mem. http://www.kfki.hu/fszemle/archivum/fsz0105/pallo.html | |
25. Tous Les Prix Nobel De Chimie Prix nobels, Alfred nobel. A. Kurt Alder. Dudley R. Herschbach. Gerhard Herzberg.george de hevesy. Jaroslav Heyrovsky. Sir Cyril Norman Hinshelwood. http://membres.lycos.fr/xjarnot/Chimistes/Prix_Nobel_alphabetique.html |
26. Prix Nobel De 1940 à 1944 Translate this page 1941 Aucun prix nobel n'a été attribué. 1942 Aucun prix nobel n'a été attribué.1943 george de hevesy (1885 - 1966). 1944 Otto Hahn (1879 - 1968). http://membres.lycos.fr/xjarnot/Chimistes/Nobel_1940.html |
27. Nobel Prizes In Chemistry 3. PRIZE YEAR. nobel CHEMISTS. SUPERVISOR. Ph.D. UNIVERSITY. DATES. Age (years).Age at Prize. 1950. 1904 1999. 95. 67. 1943. hevesy, george de. Georg Meyer. 1908.Freiburg. http://www.chem.yorku.ca/NAMED/NOBEL/CHEM/ | |
28. Vendégváró.hu - Magyarország - Magyar Nobel-díjasok - Kincsestár, Hungarik hevesy György george de hevesy (1885. augusztus 1., Budapest - 1966. július 05.,Freiburg im Breisgau). Az 1943. évi kémiai nobel-díjat 1944-ban kapta a http://vendegvaro.hu/vv-main.php?objref=463&objtype=50 |
29. PREMIOS NOBEL EN QUIMICA Translate this page PREMIOS nobel EN QUIMICA. NOMBRE. AÑO. NOMBRE. AÑO. Hoff, Jacobus Henricus Van't.1901. Buchner, Eduard. 1907. de hevesy, george. 1943. Rutherford, Lord Ernest. 1908. http://galeon.hispavista.com/labquimica/sopacademico/pnobel/nobel.htm | |
30. 00068 in the nobel archives The nobel science prizes of World War I Niels Bohr and thenobel prizes Scientific recency george de hevesy's nobel Prize Moniz, lobotomy http://www.uap.co.jp/uap/Publication/SERIES/DATA/00068/ | |
31. Nobel Prize In Chemistry - Wikipedia http//www.nobel.se/chemistry/laureates/index.html. 1938 Richard Kuhn 1939 Adolf FriedrichJohann Butenandt, Leopold Ruzicka 1943 george de hevesy 1944 Otto http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nobel_Prize/Chemistry | |
32. Nobel Prize In Chemistry - Wikipedia Butenandt, Leopold Ruzicka 1943 george de hevesy 1944 Otto B. Mullis, Michael Smith1994 george A. Olah Source http//www.nobel.se/chemistry/laureates/index http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nobel_Prize_in_chemistry | |
33. Nobel Prizes In Chemistry deutsche Version; nobel Prize for Chemistry (with pictures). on polymethylenes andhigher terpenes 1940 1941 - 1942 - 1943 george de hevesy (Hungary, 1885-08 description A listing of nobel Prize winners in chemistry from 1901 to 1999.Category Science Chemistry History http://userpage.chemie.fu-berlin.de/diverse/bib/nobel_chemie_e.html | |
34. Fq - Prémios Nobel Da Química george de hevesy; 1942 Não http://atelier.uarte.mct.pt/fq/quem/nobelqui.htm | |
35. HEVESY DE HEVES GEORGE (1885-1966) Translate this page hevesy de HEVES george (1885-1966). Chimiste suédois dorigine hongroise néà Budapest et mort à Fribourg-en-Brisgau, lauréat du prix nobel de chimie http://histoirechimie.free.fr/Lien/HEVESY.htm | |
36. Prix Nobel De Chimie Translate this page de Chimie Prix nobel, 1901 JH Van't Hoff (NL). 1902 E. Fischer (D). 1903 S. Arrhenius(S). 1904 W. Ramsay (GB). 1905 A. Von Baeyer (D). 1943. george de hevesy (1885 http://histoirechimie.free.fr/Nobel.htm | |
37. Nobel For Chemistry: All Laureates Stanley 1945 Artturi Ilmari Virtanen 1944 Otto Hahn 1943 george de hevesy 1942 The TheNobel Prize A History of Genius, Controversy and Prestige by Burton http://www.popular-science.net/nobel/chem-list.html | |
38. Jewish Nobel Prize Winners - george Charles de hevesy; 1961 - Melvin Calvin; 1962 - Max Ferdinand http://www.us-israel.org/jsource/Judaism/nobels.html | |
39. Prémios Nobel Translate this page . Prémios nobel de Química. 1944 - Otto Hahn (Alemanha), pela descoberta dafissão nuclear. 1943 - george de hevesy (Hungria), pelos trabalhos http://luisperna.com.sapo.pt/nobel_quimica.htm | |
40. NOBEL KÝMYA ÖDÜLLERÝ nobel KIMYA ÖDÜLLERI. 1901. VANT HOFF, JACOBUS. HENRICUS. 1943. de hevesy,george. Macaristan, Stokholm Üniversitesi, Isveç, d. 1885, ö. 1966 http://www.tubitak.gov.tr/nobel/kimya-nodul.html | |
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