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41. C'est Du Belge ! - Christian De Duve Translate this page christian de duve. Médecin et biochimiste. Thames Ditton, Angleterre 1917. belge.Il reçut le prix nobel de médecine en 1974, avec Albert Claude et George Emil http://califice.net/belge/notes/deduve.html | |
42. Home Radio Television Local Contact Search Help A dozen nobel Prize scientists are in Toronto to give talks about how and why theydo science, and what the consequences are and christian de duve says that http://radio.cbc.ca/programs/ideas/old-ideas/nobel.html | |
43. AldeaEducativa.com | Contenidos Y Consultas Educativas Translate this page Premios nobel de 1974. Hayek, FA von. Por su descubrimiento de la organizaciónfuncional y estructural de la célula. de duve, christian. http://www.aldeaeducativa.com/aldea/Nobel1e.asp?Which=1974 |
44. The New York Review Of Books: AN APPEAL TO GENERAL JARUZELSKI nobel Prize winner, Medicine, 1958; Rene Dubos, Pulitzer Prize winner, 1969, bacteriologist,environmental scientist; christian de duve, nobel Prize winner http://www.nybooks.com/articles/6684 | |
45. Duve duve, christian René de (szül. 1917. okt. Munkájáért 1974ben Albert Claude-dalés George Palade-dal megosztva orvosi-élettani nobel-díjat kapott. http://www.kfki.hu/~cheminfo/hun/olvaso/bh/bh1/duve.html |
46. ClubCaminantes - Premios Nobel - Medicina, El Club De Los Caminantes Translate this page PREMIOS nobel, MEDICINA. Por su descubrimiento de la organización funcionaly estructural de la célula. de duve, christian (Bélgica). http://caminantes.metropoliglobal.com/web/nobel/medicina3.htm | |
47. Institut De Pathologie Cellulaire C. De Duve Translate this page christian de duve Tours 74-75. photo Rockefeller University New-York.christian de duve (1917 ) Biochimiste belge, prix nobel (1974). http://www.md.ucl.ac.be/celil/icp.html | |
48. Scientific Discovery June - August 1998 - Supplement New Honorary Members nobel Laureate Prof.Dr. christian Rene de duve Grand CrossOrder of Leopold 11, MD MSc Dr. hc mult., Agrege de lEnseignement Superieur http://www.thewif.org.uk/nlett/8/pages.html |
49. International Recognition Of Croatia, Nobel Prize An Appeal by 104 nobel Laureates. FOR PEACE IN CROATIA. Gerard debreu, economics,1983; Jean Duasset, medicine, 1980; christian de duve, medicine, 1974; http://www.hr/darko/etf/nobel.html | |
50. Ficha 2 Translate this page flecha.gif (1003 bytes). Completar el trabajo con los nuevos premios nobel quese otorguen. ALEMANIA. Heymans, Corneille (1938). de duve, christian (1974). PAZ. http://www.euro.mineco.es/guiadidactica/guia4/FCHAU2.htm | |
51. Dictionnaire Des Personnalités Translate this page duve (christian de) - 1917 Biochimiste, professeur à l'Université catholique deLouvain et Prix Francqui en 1960 et prix nobel de physiologie et de médecine http://www.brabantwallon.be/histoire/alphabetique.html | |
52. Manifeste "Choisir L'avenir" Translate this page de Beys Xavier, UCL de Bruycker Phitippe, ULB de Coninck Gérard, ULg de Cuyper Jacques,UCL Vicomte de duve christian, UCL - prix nobel de médecine de Heusch http://www.synec-doc.be/pol/choisirlavenir/sign.html | |
53. IW Books - Life Evolving christian de duve won the nobel Prize in 1974 for his work on the organizationof the cell. One of the bestknown pioneers of cell http://www.innovationwatch.com/books/bks_0195156056.htm | |
54. Academy Honors 17 Distinguished Scientists the National Institutes of Health and corecipient of a nobel Prize for christiande duve, christian de duve Institute of Cellular Pathology, Brussels, Belgium; http://www.nyas.org/press/pr_010924.html | |
55. Untitled christian de duve is a Belgian researcher who discovered the lysosomes in 1949,and who obtained the nobel Prize in Medicine in 1974 with Claude and Palade. http://www.geocities.com/florecitafolmer/deduve.htm | |
56. Dr.Tarek Said's Homepage-Nobel Prize Winners nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine GAJDUSEK 1975 DAVID BALTIMORE , RENATO DULBECCO HOWARD MARTIN TEMIN 1974 ALBERT CLAUde , christian de duve GEORGE E http://www.geocities.com/tsaid3/nobel.html | |
57. Cultura Y Temas De Actualidad :Índice De IDENTIFICADORES Translate this page nobel de LITERATURA PREMIO nobel de MEDICINA PREMIO nobel de QUIMICA RENE RENACIMIENTORENAULT RENAULT, MARY RENdeLL, RUTH RENE de duve, christian RENFE RENOIR http://www.eurosur.org/DOCE/indices/cultu/I4PER_PR.html | |
58. PERSEUS BOOKS GROUP - Search Results - Vital Dust Biography christian de duve shared the 1974 nobel Prize for Biology or Medicinewith Albert Claude and George Palade for their discoveries concerning the http://www.perseusbooksgroup.com/perseus-cgi-bin/display/0-465-09045-1 | |
59. Notas Científicas Translate this page de Origen de la Vida, efectuada en Oaxaca, México, cerró con la participacióndel Premio nobel en Medicina de 1974, christian de duve, quien dio a conocer http://www.amc.unam.mx/Agencia_de_Noticias/Notas_Cientificas/np_asp25_nobel.html | |
60. Ëàóðåàòû Íîáåëåâñêèõ ïðåìèé ïî ôèçèîëîãèè Alphabetical listing of nobel prize laureates in Physiology and Medicine. Name.Year Awarded. Dausset, Jean, 1980. de duve, christian, 1974. delbruck, Max, 1969. http://orel.rsl.ru/archiv/nob_med.htm | |
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