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21. UCL - International Institute Of Cellular And Molecular Pathology christian de duve received the nobel Prize in Medicine or Physiology in 1974,and in that same year he founded the International Institute of Cellular and http://www.icp.ucl.ac.be/deDuve.html | |
22. Prix Nobel Belges Translate this page top, christian de duve (1917). Biochimiste. Prix nobel de physiologieet médecine en 1974. S'intéresse au métabolisme des glucides http://belgium.gov.be/abtb/history/fr_308030.htm |
23. LES PRIX NOBEL SCIENTIFIQUES BELGES Translate this page christian de duve est né le 2 octobre 1917 à Thames Ditton, Grande-Bretagne. Ilreçoit en 1974 le prix nobel de médecine et de physiologie (avec A. Claude http://belgium.gov.be/abtb/science/fr_60202.htm |
24. The Nobel Conference® At Gustavus Adolphus College Alberta, Canada christian R. de duve Professor, christian de duve Institute of Biochemistryand Cytology, Rockefeller University, New York nobel Laureate in http://www.gustavus.edu/events/nobel/ | |
25. Nobel Conference® - Gustavus Adolphus College And The Nobel Foundation nobel Laureates Holding Honorary degrees from Gustavus Adolphus College 2003 Oscar ofScience Leon Cooper Doctor of Laws christian de duve - Doctor of http://www.gustavus.edu/events/nobel/nobelfoundation/degrees.html | |
26. [Intercage] [lalibre] Le Testament De Christian De Duve Translate this page exemple, élever des chevaux de course, ou obtenir des variétés de maïs à meilleurrendement.´ christian de duve se distingue du prix nobel Jacques Monod http://lists.collectifs.net/pipermail/intercage/2002-October/000154.html | |
27. W.I.F. Council Members christian de duve, nobel Laureate (Physiology or Medicine) Prof. Dr. christiande duve MSc MD Agrege de l'Enseignement Superieur Dr.hc.mult. http://www.ineed.easynet.co.uk/wif/members/deduve.htm | |
28. Popular-Science Vital Dust by christian de duve, christian de duve. more. Improbable Research, The2002 IG nobel Prizes were awarded in a ceremony at Harvard University. http://www.popular-science.net/origins/origins-life.html | |
29. Heineken Prizes christian de duve, who is the University of Louvain (Doctor of Medicine in 1941),after which he specialized in chemistry at the nobel Institute, Stockholm http://www.knaw.nl/heinekenprizes/lau_bio/1973.htm | |
30. Christian De Duve - CIRS Translate this page duve, christian de deduve@icp.ucl.ac.be. Professeur Fondateur de l'Institut dePathologie cellulaire (ICP). Prix nobel de Médecine (1974). Spécialité http://www.cirs.net/investigadores/medicine/DUVE.htm | |
31. In The News: Christain DeDuve Lectures On The Origins And Evolution Of Life At U On Thursday, April 5th, nobel laureate christian de duve gave a free public lectureat UC San Diego, sponsored by the NASA Specialized Center of Research and http://www.arn.org/docs/news/deduveUCSD040501.htm | |
32. Nobel Laureates - 7. Lectures And Nobel Laureates - NIH 1998 Almanac Content nobel Laureates. christian de duve, Belgium (shared with A. Claude, Belgium,and GE Palade, USA), .do, 1974, NICHD, NIGMS, NHLBI, NIA. http://www.nih.gov/about/almanac/1998/lectures/nobel.html | |
33. NIH: About: NIH Almanac: Nobel Laureates nobel Laureates Read about the NIH Scientists who have won nobel prizes. Laureate,Field, Year, Supporting NIH Institute(s). christian de duve, Belgium (shared http://www.nih.gov/about/almanac/nobel/ | |
34. Famous Belgians - Christian De Duve christian de duve. christian de duve is a For this work he shared the nobel Prizein Physiology or Medicine with Albert Claude and George Palade in 1974. http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/Tielemans/hp153.htm |
35. Famous Belgians - The Complete List of Belgium (189496) de Clercq, Guy, water skier de decker, Pierre, prime ministerof Belgium (1855-57) de duve, christian, winner of the 1974 nobel Prize for http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/Tielemans/hp104.htm |
36. Nobel Laureates Of The Rockefeller University 1999 Günter Blobel Physiology or Medicine Günter Blobel received the 1999 NobelPrize in Physiology or 1974 Albert Claude; christian de duve; George E http://www.rockefeller.edu/pubinfo/pastnobel_2.php | |
37. Nobel Laureates Affiliated With The Rockefeller University Back to RU Home, nobel Laureates Affiliated with The Rockefeller University. AlbertClaude, christian de duve, and George E. Palade (1974), Physiology or http://www.rockefeller.edu/nobel.html | |
38. Premios Nobel De Fisiología Y Medicina Translate this page AÑO, PREMIOS nobel OTORGADOS EN FISIOLOGÍA Y MEDICINA. 1974, Claude,Albert (EEUU) de duve, christian (Bélgica) Palade, George E. (EEUU). http://fcmjtrigo.sld.cu/nobel.htm | |
39. Christian De Duve Was A Pioneering Researcher In The Field Of Subcellular Bioche christian de duve was a pioneering researcher in the field of subcellular biochemistryalong In 1974 de duve was joint winner of the nobel Prize for http://research.mednet.ucla.edu/pmts/germline/Biography/cbcd.htm | |
40. BioFinder Kategorien Suche duve, christian de Addendum; M. Ehrlich, Paul;Eijkman, christian; Einthoven, Willem; Ernst Ruska (1906-1988) nobel prize winner http://www.biologie.uni-hamburg.de/b-online/library/biofinder/135.html | |
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