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         Briand Aristide:     more books (46)
  1. Madame Jourdan, ou, La dame de l'ile Milliau (French Edition) by Yves Lales, 2001
  2. Three men tried: Austen Chamberlain, Stresemann, Briand, and their fight for a new Europe; by Edgar Stern-Rubarth, 1939
  3. Tributes by Hon. Chauncey M. Depew as president of the Pilgrims Society to Admiral Lord Beatty,: At the banquet given him by the Pilgrims Society, Waldorf-Astoria, ... Lawyers Club of New York, December 17, 1921 by Horace Elisha Scudder, 1921

1925 The prize money for 1924 was allocated to the nobel Institute's Special Fund. Theprize was divided equally between briand, aristide, France, 18621932.
The Nobel Peace Prize
The prize was divided equally between:
Dunant, Jean Henri, Switzerland, 1828-1910. Founder of the Red Cross (Comité
International de la Croix-Rouge),
Geneva. Initiator of the Geneva Convention;
Passy, Frédéric, France, 1822-1912. Founder and President of the first French peace society
(Ligue internationale et
permanente de la paix, later known as Société Francaise pour l'arbitrage entre nations).
The prize was divided equally between:
Ducommun, Élie, Switzerland, 1833-1906. Hon. Secretary of the Permanent International
Bureau (BureauInternational Permanent de la Paix), Bern; and Gobat, Charles Albert, Switzerland, 1843-1914. Secretary General of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (Unioninterparlementaire), Bern. Hon. Secretary of the Permanent International Peace Bureau (Bureau International Permanent dela Paix), Bern.
Cremer, Sir William Randal, Great Britain, 1838-1908. Member of Parliament. Secretary of the InternationalArbitration League.
Institut de Droit International (Institute of International Law), Gent, Belgium (a scientific society founded in 1873).

62. Index
) aristide briand. http// 1926nobel Peace Prize Laureate aristide briand 4. Altiero Spinelli.
    School of History
HI313 - VISIONS OF EUROPE: Internet Resources
1. General Resources
Time Magazine - special edition on 'Visions of Europe'
Europe? Which Europe? ...and the word Europe does not mean "European Union" fromPaul Treanor.
Competing Visions of Europe from Paul Treanor.
The home page of JEF, the Young European Federalists.
‘Some quotations to ponder’ from the founding “fathers” of Europe.
Pro Europa: a lodge of literati
Europa - the European Union’s server
2. Charlemagne
3. Napoleon Bonaparte

63. Ficha 2
Translate this page Bourgeois, Léon VA (1920). briand, aristide (1926). En Luxemburgo, hasta el 1/1/1999no había ningún premio nobel. flechai.gif (1005 bytes), Ficha 2 (a).
Ficha 2 (a) Listado de PREMIOS NOBEL europeos* Completar el trabajo con los nuevos premios Nobel que se otorguen. ALEMANIA LITERATURA Mommsen, Theodor (1902) Eucken, Rudolf C. (1908) Heyse, Paul (1910) Hauptmann, Gerhart (1912) Mann, Thomas (1929) Sachs, Nelly (1966) Böll, Heinrich (1972) QUIMICA Fischer Emil H. (1902) Baeyer, Adolf von (1905) Buchner, Eduard (1907) Ostwald, Wilhelm (1909) Wallach, Otto (1910) Willstätter, Richard (1915) Haber, Fritz (1918) Nernst, Walther H. (1920) Zsigmondy, Richard (1925) Wieland, Heinrich O. (1927) Windaus, Adolf (1928) Fischer, Hans (1930) Bosch, Carl (1931) Bergius, Friedrich K.R. (1931) Kuhn, Richard (1938) Butenandt, Adolf (1939) Hahn, Otto (1944) Diels, Otto Paul H. (1950) Alder, Kurt (1950) Staudinger, Hermann (1953) Ziegler, Karl (1963) Eigen, Manfred (1967) Fischer Ernst O. (1973) Wittig, Georg (1979) Deisenhofer, Johann (1988) Huber, Robert (1988) Michel, Hartmut (1988) FÍSICA Röntgen, Wilhelm C. (1901) Lenard, Philipp (1905) Braun, Karl F. (1909) Wien, Wilhelm (1911) Laue, Max von (1914) Planck, Max Karl E.L. (1918)

64. Nobel Peace Prize Laureates
1925 The prize money for 1924 was allocated to the nobel Institute's Special Fund.1926 The prize was divided equally between briand, aristide, France, 1862
Nobel Peace Prize Laureates The prize was divided equally between:
The United Nations ( U.N.)
and its
Secretary-General, Kofi Annan , Ghana, 1938-
For their work for a better organized and more peaceful world. 2000: Kim Dae Jung, Republic of Korea, 1925-.
For his work for democracy and human rights in South Korea and in East Asia in general, and for peace and reconciliation with North Korea in particular. Doctors Without Borders (Médecins Sans Frontières) In recognition of the organisation's pioneering humanitarian work on several continents. : The prize was divided equally between:
John Hume, Northern Ireland, 1937-;
David Trimble, Northern Ireland, 1944-.
For their efforts to find a peaceful solution to the conflict in Northern Ireland. : The prize was divided equally between:
International Campaign to Ban Landmines (ICBL), and Jody Williams, USA, 1950-. : The prize was divided equally between: Belo, Carlos Filipe Ximenes, East Timor, 1948-; and Ramos-Horta, José , East Timor, 1949-. For their work towards a just and peaceful solution to the conflict in East Timor. : The prize was divided equally between: Rotblat, Joseph

65. Biographies - Bobola To Byrd
briand, aristide (18621932) French statesman. Born March 28, 1862 inNantes, France, he was a nobel Prize winning foreign minister.
BOBAK, Bruno ( - ) Canadian painter - Canada CAN1998I08 BOBOLA, Andrzej ( - ) Polish Catholic priest - Poland POL1994E03 BOCAINA, Francisco de Paula Viocente de Acevedo Barao de (1856-1938) - Brazilian politician. Born on October 8, 1856 in Lorena, State of Sao Paulo, he was one of the prominent leaders of the Conservative Party in the Brazilian Empire. The owner of several railroads, he promoted the colonization of his native state, Sao Paulo, especially by the settlement of immigrants. He introduced Special Delivery mail in Brazil. On May 7, 1887 he was knighted by Emperor Pedro II and granted the title of Baron de Bocaina. He died in Sao Paulo on October 17, 1938 - Brazil 842 BOCAIUVA, Quintino Antonio Ferreira de Sousa (1836-1912) Brazilian politician and journalist. Born in Rio de Janeiro on December 4, 1836, although orphaned at the age of twelve, he was still able to register two years at the Law School of Sao Paulo, but was forced out by lack of funds and poor health. H earned a living as a typographer and later as a proofreader. In Sao Paulo he directed the academic newspaper, Acaiaba. In 1870, the Paraguayan War having ended, he founded with other politicians the Republican Party. After the Republic was proclaimed in 1889, he served as Minister of Foreign Affairs in the provisional government. As a journalist he was a collaborator or writer for the newspapers Acaiaba A Hora Diario do Rio de Janeiro; Correio Mercantil; O Globo; A Republica

66. BRIAND Aristide
Translate this page briand aristide. aristide briand (1862-1932) est né a Nantes. Il participera àla création de la Société des Nations et reçoit le pris nobel en 1926. celebres/briand.htm
BRIAND Aristide Aristide Briand (1862-1932) est né a Nantes. Il fut avocat et journaliste à St Nazaire et se fera connaître par ses idées socialistes et révolutionnaires. Il sera élu député en 1902 et sera plusieurs fois ministre (justice, affaires étrangères, culte). Il participera à la création de la Société des Nations et reçoit le pris Nobel en 1926. PAGE PRECEDENTE RETOUR AU SOMMAIRE

67. Aristide Briand (1862 - 1932)
Translate this page News, aristide briand (1862 - 1932) Avocat et journaliste, briand est également l'instigateurdu Pacte briand-Kellogg, qui 1926, il reçut le Prix nobel de la
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Aristide Briand (1862 - 1932)
Artisan du rapprochement franco-allemand avec Gustav Stresemann
" Je pense qu'entre les peuples de l'Europe, il doit exister une sorte de lien fédéral […] qui peut être bienfaisant "

68. Gene@Star - Famous Genealogy
. briand aristide ( 1862 1932 ) aristide briand (March 28, 1862-March 7, 1932 Inthe next year Kellogg joined briand in the ranks of nobel Peace Prize

69. Tötrénelem
Filmrészlet. briand, aristide (18621932). törekedett. 1926-ben Stresemannnémet külügyminiszterrel együtt nobel-békedíjat kapott.
Ki kicsoda?
Bánffy Miklós
, gróf (1873-1950) író, politikus. Erdélyi arisztokrata családból származik. Különbözõ állami és közéleti tisztségek betöltése után 1921.április 14-tõl 1922.december 19-ig külügyminiszter volt Bethlen István kormányában. Õ vezette a marienbadi csehszlovák-magyar tárgyalás okat. Részt vett a genovai nemzetközi gazdasági konferencián , itt felvette a kapcsolatot Csicserin szovjet-orosz külügyi népbiztossal. 1923-tól visszavonult a politikai élettõl. 1926-ban visszatért Erdélybe, fõszerkesztõje lett az Erdélyi Helikonnak. Zene, festészet, színpadi rendezés és szépirodalom egyaránt érdekelte. Több erdélyi író könyvét illusztrálta. Jelentõs szépírói tevékenységet is végzett. Legnagyobb vállalkozása nagyszabású regénytrilógiája: az Erdélyi történet (Megszámláltattál …, És híjával találtattál…, Darabokra szaggattatol…) Beneš, Eduard (1884-1948) cseh politikus. Az I. világháború idején -svájci emigrációban - csatlakozott Tomás Masarykhoz, akivel erõteljes propagandát folytatott a Habsburg birodalom ellen, a Csehszlovák Köztársaság megteremtése érdekében. Az emigráns Csehszlovák Nemzeti Tanács fõtitkára lett. Az I. világháború után az új csehszlovák állam külügyminisztere 1935-ig, 1921-22 között miniszterelnöke is. Kezdeményezésére jött létre a kisantant . 1935-tõl 1938-ig köztársasági elnök - a müncheni egyezmény után lemondott és Angliába emigrált. Londonban emigráns kormányt alakított, melyet a szövetségesek elismertek. A II. világháború alatt a Szovjetunióval való együttmûködés híve. 1945-tõl 1948-ig ismét a Csehszlovák Köztársaság elnöke. Kinevezte a kommunista Gottwald-kormányt, majd súlyos betegen lemondott.

70. The Nobel Peace Price
Peace. List of all the nobel Peace Prize winners from 1901 to 1995. nobelPeace Prize Winners. to briand, aristide, France, 1862 1932.
The Nobel Peace Price
  • The Nobel prizes
  • Why did Alfred Nobel entrust to Norway to award the Peace Prize?
  • The stages leading to the announcement of the Peace Prize
  • The main task of the Nobel Institute ...
  • Bibliography
    The Nobel prizes
    October is the month when the names of the Nobel prize winners are made known to the world. The winners are the people who have proved worthy to be honoured that year for their significant contributions in the fields of physics, chemistry, medicine, literature and work for peace. In addition, a Nobel memorial prize was established in 1968 The Bank of Sweden Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel. Since 1969, this prize has been awarded at the same time as the five Nobel Prizes. Many other similar prizes are of course given by other institutions all over the world, but the Nobel prizes have maintained a unique position since the first one was awarded in 1901. There are many reasons for this, but probably one of the most important is the general trust in the thoroughness of the investigations and deliberations undertaken by highly qualified persons before each award is made. In his will of 1895 Alfred Nobel stipulated that the scientific prizes and the prize for literature should be awarded by Swedish institutions. But the decision regarding the peace prize he left to a committee appointed by the Norwegian parliament, the Storting.
  • 71. Nobel Prize For Peace
    nobel Prize for Peace. Lange (Norway) 1922 Fridtjof Nansen (Norway) 1925 Sir AustenChamberlain (UK) and Charles G. Dawes (US) 1926 aristide briand (France) and

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    Nobel Prize for Peace
    For years not listed, no award was made.
    Henri Dunant (Switzerland); Frederick Passy (France) Elie Ducommun and Albert Gobat (Switzerland) Sir William R. Cremer (U.K.) Institut de Droit International (Belgium) Bertha von Suttner (Austria) Theodore Roosevelt (U.S.) Ernesto T. Moneta (Italy) and Louis Renault (France) Klas P. Arnoldson (Sweden) and Frederik Bajer (Denmark) Auguste M. F. Beernaert (Belgium) and Baron Paul H. B. B. d'Estournelles de Constant de Rebecque (France) Bureau International Permanent de la Paix (Switzerland) Tobias M. C. Asser

    72. Harapan's Bookdhelf: Nobel Peace Prize
    nobel Peace Prize last updated on 02/02/25. Link Official Websiteof nobel Foundation 1997. 1926. aristide briand Foreign Minister.
    Search Now: Search: English Books Japanese Books Both Keywords:
    Japanese customer service Shipping Information Are you in Japan? Are you interested in Japan? English Books in Japan Books in Japanese Nobel Peace Prize last updated on Link: Official Website of Nobel Foundation INTERNATIONAL CAMPAIGN TO BAN LANDMINES (ICBL) and JODY WILLIAMS USA CARLOS FELIPE XIMENES BELO and JOSE RAMOS-HORTA East Timor JOSEPH ROTBLAT and to the PUGWASH CONFERENCES ON SCIENCE AND WORLD AFFAIRS UK YASSER ARAFAT , Chairman of the Executive Committee of the PLO President of the Palestinian National Authority SHIMON PERES , Foreign Minister of Israel YITZHAK RABIN , Prime Minister of Israel. NELSON MANDELA Leader of the ANC. ;FREDRIK WILLEM DE KLERK President of the Republic of South Africa. RIGOBERTA MENCHU TUM , Guatemala. Campaigner AUNG SAN SUU KYI , Burma. Oppositional leader, human rights advocate. MIKHAIL SERGEYEVICH GORBACHEV , President of the USSR THE 14TH DALAI LAMA (TENZIN GYATSO) , Tibet. Religious and political leader of the Tibetan people.

    73. WHKMLA : History Of France, Domestic Policy 1918-1929
    FILES, Biography of Raymond Poincare, from The World at War Biography of EdouardHerriot, from The World at War Biography of aristide briand, from nobel eMuseum
    France 1914-1918
    Domestic Policy France 1929-1939
    Domestic Policy France 1918-1929
    the Economy
    France 1918-1929 : Domestic Policy

    Because of the victorious end of the war, France had seen less of a threat of a revolution than the countries further east. Alsace Lorraine was peacefully reintegrated.
    Unlike in many countries of continental Europe, France's political constitution before and after the war did not differ very much. Universal manhood suffrage had been introduced in 1848; despite the massive involvement of women in the war economy, women would not be given the right to vote until 1944. In 1919 the 8 HOUR WORKDAY was introduced.
    In 1919 the Socialist Party (SFIO) had declared herself against the Bolzhevik Revolution and in favour of multiparty democracy.The Communist Party (PCF) was founded in 1920. The RADICAL PARTY was the third party of the left; it was traditionally anticlerical. The REPUBLICAN PARTY was rather conservative.
    Governments and majorities changed very frequently in the early 1920es; only when RAYMOND POINCARE became prime minister in 1926, did stability set in, a stability to which the foreign policy of ARISTIDE BRIAND (French withdrawal from the Rhineland, 1925-1930) and Poincare's DEVALUATION OF THE FRANC (1928) contributed.
    If the French economy was doing relatively well, there still was significant dissatisfaction - general dissatisfaction in France with the German REPARATIONS, by far not matching French expectations, dissatisfaction on the political left with reform legislation not going far enough, dissatis- faction on the side of those who had invested in war bonds, and, by the devaluation of the Franc, found themselves being 'robbed' of 80 % of their investments (it was of little comfort to them that those who had invested in German, Austro-Hungarian, Russian war bonds had lost everything)..

    74. WHKMLA : History Of France, Foreign Policy 1918-1929
    BR EXTERNAL FILES, Biography of aristide briand, from the nobel EMuseum Biographyof Georges Clemenceau, by Arthur Montague Biography of Raymond Poincare, by
    France 1914-1918
    Foreign Policy
    France 1929-1939
    Foreign Policy France 1918-1929
    Intellectual Life
    France 1918-1929 : Foreign Policy

    When World War I ended in 1918, France briefly turned into the center of world politics : the peace negotiations, held in suburbs of Paris, are therefore often referred to as the PARIS PEACE CONFERENCE. Here, the TREATIES OF VERSAILLES, OF ST. GERMAIN, OF TRIANON, OF NEUILLY (1919, with Bulgaria), OF SEVRES (1920, with Turkey, never ratified by the latter) were signed. The new LEAGUE OF NATIONS was to establish her headquarters in GENEVA, on Swiss territory, just beyond the French border.
    While some advocated moderate peace conditions for the Central Powers, those who made radical demands (GEORGES CLEMENCEAU, RAYMOND POINCARE and others) prevailed, demands which were echoed by a population which, over a period of four years had undergone tremendous suffering. The Ottoman Empire was completely dissolved, as was Austria-Hungary. The German Emperor had to abdicate; areas with significant ethnic minorities were split off, in part added to other countries, in part placed under allied (mostly French) administration until a plebiscite was to be held. So a stretch of territory on the Lithuanian border (MEMEL, 1919-1923) came under French administration.
    The western allies did not recognize the RSFSR (since 1922 Soviet Union) which they regarded a German creation; after the WHITES, despite being supported by allied interventionist corps, lost to the Red Army, the western countries proceeded in the recognition of breakaway republics (Finland, the Baltic Republics, Poland). France established an alliance with Poland and another which combined the main beneficiaries of the disintegration of Austria-Hungary - the LITTLE ENTENTE (Czechoslovakia, Rumania, Yugoslavia).

    75. Nobel Peace Prize
    1923 Frederick G. Banting of Canada and John JR Macleod of the United Kingdom winthe nobel Prize for their discovery of aristide briand Foreign Minister.
    Nobel Prize
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    WEB SEARCH ... CONTACT Can't find what your looking for here? Try the search engine below or the Din Search Page with over a dozen engines. Search the Web.
    Nobel Peace Prizes
    1919 to 1930
    Year PHYSICS CHEMISTRY MEDICINE LIERATURE ... PEACE Johannes Stark [ Ger No Award Jules Bordet Bel C. Spitteler Swi Woodrow Wilson USA C. Guillaume Fr W. H. Nernst Ger August Krogh Den Knut Hamsun Nor Le`on Bourgeois Fr Albert Einstein Ger F. Soddy UK No Award Anatole France Fr K.H. Branting Swe C.L. Lange Nor Niels Bohr Den F.W. Aston UK A.V. Hill UK O. Meyerhof Ger J. Benavente y Martinez Sp Fridtjof Nansen Nor R. A. Millikan USA Fritz Pregi A Sir Fredrick Banting Can W. B. Yeats Ire No Award K. Siegbahn Swe No Award W. Einthoven Neth W. Raymont Pol No Award James Franck Ger Gustav Hertz Ger R. Zsigmondy Ger No Award G. B. Shaw

    76. …À LA PAIX
    Translate this page Trois artisans de la paix aristide briand, Austen CHAMBERLAIN et Gustav STRESEMANN.En décembre 1926, le prix nobel de la paix est attribué conjointement aux
    AVEC L'ALLEMAGNE… AVEC L'ALLEMAGNE… Quelles sont les raisons de cet apparent revirement d’un homme qui, en 1921, voulait « mettre la main au collet de l’Allemagne » Archives de la SDN
    • en tout premier lieu, les nouveaux rapports de force internationaux , en particulier

    Archives de la SDN voir: Les accords de Locarno (Octobre 1925) , titre le journal Le Matin voir:
    voir: discours sur les accords de Locarno voir: voir: La rencontre de Thoiry (17 septembre 1926) Trois artisans de la paix: Aristide BRIAND, Austen CHAMBERLAIN et
    Attribution du prix Nobel, voir:
    Discours de A. Briand

    Discours de A. Chamberlain

    Discours de G. Stresemann

    ... sommaire

    77. Aristide Briand: Awards Won By Aristide Briand
    123Awards hardwork is paid in form of awards. Awards of aristide briand. OTHERnobel,1926, PEACE. Enter Artist/Album. Partner Sites.
    hardwork is paid in form of awards Awards of Aristide Briand OTHER-NOBEL PEACE Enter Artist/Album
    Partner Sites Biography Search Engine ... privacy

    78. International Kids Club World Peace World Love
    19012000 The following people or organizations are recipients of the nobel PEACEPRIZE 1926 The prize was awarded jointly to aristide briand Foreign Minister
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    About The Nobel prize for PEACE The Nobel prize.
    What is it?

    Nobel prizes were created by the will of Alfred Nobel, a notable Swedish chemist. He was the inventor of dynomite. The prize is awarded by the Norwegian NOBEL Committee to the person or persons who bestowed the "greatest benefit on mankind" each year. Six Nobel prizes are awarded in 6 different subjects Peace, Physics, Chemistry, Medicine, Economics and Literature. They have been awarded to a variety of people for a variety of reasons since 1901. See the list that follows! This year (2001) marks the centennial for the PEACE prize! 100 years of PEACE: Nobel Peace Prize Winners 1901-2000 The following people or organizations are recipients of the NOBEL PEACE PRIZE: KIM DAE JUNG for his work for democracy and human rights in South Korea and in East Asia in general, and for peace and reconciliation with North Korea in particular.

    79. La Commune De Pacy Sur Eure
    Translate this page avec l'Allemagne, il signa l'accord de Locarno en 1925 et fut l'animateur de laSDN (Prix nobel de La Paix en 1926).L'arrivée d'aristide briand dans la
    Hôtel de ville Place René Tomasini - 27120 Pacy sur Eure. Tél : 02 . - Fax :
    Office de tourisme de la vallée de l'Eure place Dufay - 27120 Pacy sur Eure. Tél : - Fax :
    Centre social départemental 7 ter, rue Albert Camus. 27120 Pacy sur Eure. Tél :
    Piscine. Rue Albert Camus - 27120 Pacy sur Eure. Tél :
    Communauté de communes de Pacy sur Eure. Hôtel de ville - 27120 Pacy sur Eure. Tél : - Fax :
    Collège Georges Pompidou. 2, av. de Madrie, BP 66. 27120 Pacy sur Eure. Tél : - Fax :
    Bibliothèque municipale Place Dufay - 27120 Pacy sur Eure. Tél :
    Les entreprises et commerces de Pacy sur Eure Aristide Briand
    Homme politique français né à Nantes (1862/1932). Orateur remarquable, il fut onze fois Président du Conseil et quinze fois Ministre des Affaires Etrangères. Partisan d'une politique de réconciliation avec l'Allemagne, il signa l'accord de Locarno en 1925 et fut l'animateur de la S.D.N (Prix Nobel de La Paix en 1926).L'arrivée d'Aristide Briand dans la région de Pacy (en fait, dans la charmante commune de Cocherel) contribue à offrir à Pacy et sa région une certaine notoriété. Il vécut à Cocherel de 1908 jusqu'à sa mort en 1932. La petite histoire raconte que c'est en se perdant dans la fôret d'Houlbec au cours d'une partie de chasse qu'il découvrit la région.

    80. Nobel Peace Prize Winners
    nobel PEACE PRIZE AWARDS, by year. Note awards are only made when there areworthy recipients, not every year. Joint. aristide briand Foreign Minister.
    NOBEL PEACE PRIZE AWARDS , by year. Note: awards are only made when there are worthy recipients, not every year.
    .... Joint , Brussels, Belgium. .... Joint JOHN HUME and DAVID TRIMBLE for their efforts to find a peaceful solution to the conflict in Northern Ireland. .... Joint INTERNATIONAL CAMPAIGN TO BAN LANDMINES (ICBL) and JODY WILLIAMS for their work for the banning and clearing of anti-personnel mines. .... Joint CARLOS FELIPE XIMENES BELO and JOSE RAMOS-HORTA for their work towards a just and peaceful solution to the conflict in East Timor. .... Joint JOSEPH ROTBLAT and to the PUGWASH CONFERENCES ON SCIENCE AND WORLD AFFAIRS for their efforts to diminish the part played by nuclear arms in international politics and in the longer run to eliminate such arms. .... Joint YASSER ARAFAT , Chairman of the Executive Committee of the PLO, President of the Palestinian National Authority. SHIMON PERES , Foreign Minister of Israel. YITZHAK RABIN , Prime Minister of Israel. .... for their efforts to create peace in the Middle East. .... Joint

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