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Braun Carl Ferdinand: more detail |
21. The Nobel Prize For Physics (1901-1996) The following is a complete listing of nobel Prize awards, from of interference 1909Guglielmo Marconi Wireless telegraphy carl ferdinand braun 1910 Johannes http://physics.hallym.ac.kr/education/faq/nobel.html | |
22. The Nobel Prize For Physics (1901-1996) The following is a complete listing of nobel Prize awards, from the first awardin 1901. 1909, Guglielmo Marconi carl ferdinand braun, Wireless telegraphy. http://physics.hallym.ac.kr/education/faq/nobel_html.html | |
23. Nobel Prize Winners In Physics techiniques. 1909, Guglielmo Marconi. carl ferdinand braun. 18741937.1850-1918. for their development of wireless telegraphy. 1910, http://empl.ksc.nasa.gov/nobelwin.htm | |
24. Nobel Prize Winners In Physics, 1901-2000 nobel Prize Winners in Physics, 19012000. 19001910192019301940195019601970198019902000 GuglielmoMarconi. carl ferdinand braun. 1874-1937. http://empl.ksc.nasa.gov/nobelwintext.htm | |
25. Www.npac.syr.edu/textbook/kidsweb/physics/nobel.txt I. Chase The following is a complete listing of nobel Prize awards of interference1909 Guglielmo Marconi Wireless telegraphy carl ferdinand braun 1910 Johannes http://www.npac.syr.edu/textbook/kidsweb/physics/nobel.txt | |
26. Nobel For Physics: All Laureates Johannes Diderik van der Waals 1909 Guglielmo Marconi, carl ferdinand braun 1908Gabriel The nobel Prize A History of Genius, Controversy and Prestige by http://www.popular-science.net/nobel/phy-list.html | |
27. Premi Nobel Fisica Translate this page 1911, WILHELM WIEN. 1910, JOHANNES DIDERIK VAN DER WALLS. 1909, GUGLIELMO MARCONI- carl ferdinand braun. 1908, GABRIEL LIPPMANN. 1907, ALBERT ABRAHAM MICHELSON. http://www.econofisica.com/premi nobel fisica.htm | |
28. Prêmio Nobel De Física Lista dos ganhadores do Prêmio nobel de Física. Wilhelm Wien 1910 Johannes Diderikvan der Waals 1909 Guglielmo Marconi, carl ferdinand braun 1908 Gabriel http://www.ahistoriadafisica.hpg.ig.com.br/nobel.htm | |
29. Ufficio Scientifico Dell'Ambasciata D'Italia In Ungheria Translate this page Premi nobel Italiani. Fisica 1909. Il premio é stato attribuito congiuntamentea. MARCONI, GUGLIELMO, Italia (1874 - 1937) ea braun, carl ferdinand, Germania http://www.ambitalia.hu/nobel.htm | |
30. Nobel Prizes In Physics [UWA Physics] The following is a complete listing of nobel Prize awards in of interference 1909Guglielmo Marconi Wireless telegraphy carl ferdinand braun 1910 Johannes http://www.physics.uwa.edu.au/Misc/nobel.html | |
31. VBS - MyEurope - Nobel Prizes Denmark. Niels Henrik David BOHR (1922). Aage Niels BOHR (1975; son of Niels BOHR,nobel Prize in Physics 1922). carl ferdinand braun (1910). Wilhelm WIEN (1911). http://www.univie.ac.at/Romanistik/Sprachwst/site/spratscher/vbs_myEurope_spring | |
32. Dr.Tarek Said's Homepage-Nobel Prize Winners Heike 1912 Dalen, Nils Gustaf 1911 Wien, Wilhelm carl Werner Otto der Waals, JohannesDiderik 1909 Marconi, Guglielmo braun, Karl ferdinand 1908 Lippmann http://www.geocities.com/tsaid3/nobel.html | |
33. Prenob Translate this page Prêmios nobel da Física Ano. Nome. Motivo. Guglielmo Marconi. carl ferdinand braun.Por suas contribuições para o desenvolvimento do telégrafo sem fio. 1910. http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/Hall/1250/prenob.htm | |
35. Physics Guide A GUIDE TO PHYSICS. Physics nobels. nobel Prize Winners in Physics, 19012000. 1909,Guglielmo Marconi. carl ferdinand braun. 1874-1937. 1850-1918. http://www.aguidetophysics.com/Physics Nobels.htm | |
36. PREMIOS NOBEL DE FISICA Translate this page PREMIOS nobel DE FISICA. AÑO, PREMIADO. 1901, WILHELM CONRAD ROENTGEN. 1909,GUGLIELMO MARCONI - carl ferdinand braun. 1910, JOHANNES DIDERIK VAN DER WAALS. http://es.geocities.com/historalia/premios_nobel_fisica.htm | |
37. The Nobel Lauriates Of Germany. carl ferdinand braun 1909 nobel Laureate in Physics in recognition oftheir contributions to the development of wireless telegraphy. | |
38. CNN.com 1911 Wilhelm Wien. 1910 Johannes Diderik van der Waals. 1909 Guglielmo Marconi,carl ferdinand braun. 1908 Gabriel Lippmann. 1907 Albert Abraham Michelson. http://www.cnn.com/SPECIALS/2001/nobel.100/physics.html | |
39. ÅôÞóéïò Ïäçãüò Ðåñéïäéêþí ôçò ÖõóéêÞò S?d?a( nobel Foundation) st? site http//www.nobel.se interference 19091901 Guglielmo Marconi Wireless telegraphy carl ferdinand braun 1910 1873 http://www.physics4u.gr/indexnobel.html | |
40. Behind The Name Nobel Prize Winners By Category Behind the Name the etymology and history of first names. nobel Prize Winnersby Category. Linus carl Pauling, 1962, Peace, ferdinand braun, 1909, Physics, http://www.behindthename.com/namesakes/nobelchro.html |
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