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Belo Carlos Felipe Ximenes: more detail |
81. Belo, Carlos Filipe Ximenes child of Domingos Vaz felipe and Ermelinda Vatican appointed carlos Filipe ximenesbelo as Apostolic administrative policies, Bishop carlos belo has encouraged http://www.cartage.org.lb/en/themes/biographies/mainbiographies/b/belo/belo.htm | |
82. Missioni Translate this page lungo, ma che vale la pena di mandare a memoria per esteso, trattandosi di MonsignorCarlos felipe ximenes belo, lArcivescovo di Dili Premio nobel per la http://www.gianfrancopaglia.com/Pagine/Timor.htm | |
83. Untitled So it has been this year, with the award of the nobel Peace Prize jointly to BishopCarlos felipe ximenes belo, the apostolic administrator of East Timor, and http://www.catholic.net/rcc/Periodicals/Igpress/CWR/CWR1296/easttimor.html | |
84. U.S. Catholic Bishops - Social Development & World Peace The news today of the awarding of this year's nobel Peace Prize to Bishop CarlosFelipe ximenes belo, SDB, and to Mr. Ramos Horta, is a cause for true rejoicing http://www.usccb.org/sdwp/international/belstat.htm | |
85. Laureats Du Prix Nobel De La Paix Translate this page LES LAUREATS DU PRIX nobel DE LA PAIX Conférence de presse tenue le ARLOS FELIPEXIMENES belo 1996 Évê de l'Est Timor, FX carlos belo travaille, avec http://membres.lycos.fr/jecmaus/Laureats.html | |
86. The Michigan Daily Online DILI, Indonesia (AP) Days after winning the nobel Peace Prize, Bishop carlos FelipeXimenes belo recharged his mission yesterday with a strident condemnation http://www.pub.umich.edu/daily/1996/oct/10-15-96/news/news15.html | |
87. Belo-E BISHOP belo AND RECONCILIATION. Extracts from an interview with Bishop CarlosFelipe ximenes belo, SDB, Bishop of Dili Diocese and nobel Peace Laureate. http://www.easttimor-reconciliation.org/Belo_Interview-E.htm | |
88. Ëàóðåàòû Íîáåëåâñêèõ ïðåìèé ìèðà nobel Peace Prize Winners 19971901. 1996 The prize was awarded jointly to CARLOSFELIPE ximenes belo and JOSE RAMOS-HORTA for their work towards a just and http://orel.rsl.ru/archiv/nob_w.htm | |
89. August 24: Tuesday Front Page Text (index.htm) CATHOLIC OF THE CENTURY one of the modern crusaders for freedom Bishop CarlosFelipe ximenes belo, the 51 year-old recipient of the 1996 nobel Peace Prize http://www.dailycatholic.org/issue/archives/1999Aug/159aug24,vol.10,no.159txt/ | |
90. Nobel Peace Laureats Speak Out With Deepest Respect The nobel Peace Prize Laureates Signed by Mairead carlos FelipeXimenes belo Jose RamosHorta Norman Borlaug Oscar Arias Sanchez UNICEF http://www.casi.org.uk/discuss/2000/msg00186.html | |
91. East Timor Nobel Laureate, In S.F., Speaks Out For Jews (6-20-1997) Last year in his acceptance speech, East Timor's Bishop carlos felipe XimenesBelo, a corecipient of the nobel Prize with Ramos-Horta, said that 200,000 http://www.jewishsf.com/bk970620/sfeast.htm | |
92. MDO - World Nation Briefs - 10/15/1996 DILI, Indonesia (AP) Days after winning the nobel Peace Prize, Bishop CarlosFelipe ximenes belo recharged his mission Monday with a strident condemnation http://www.mndaily.com/daily/1996/10/15/world_nation/wn15a.ap/ | |
93. Human Rights Internet - The Human Rights Databank original 1895 legacy, and shared equally among the 5 nobel prizes. 1996 carlos FelipeXimenes belo, and José RamosHorta (see East Timor section that follows http://www.hri.ca/doccentre/docs/handbook97/nobel.shtml | |
94. Peace2.htm Patronage The eighteen nobel Peace Prize Laureates Oscar Arias, carlos FelipeXimenes belo, Norman Borlaug, Mairead CorriganMaguire, The XIV. http://www.globalmeditations.com/peace2.htm | |
95. Peace 1996 The nobel Peace Prize 1996 Press Release Presentation Speech carlos Filipe XimenesBelo nobel Symposia. José RamosHorta Curriculum Vitae nobel Symposia. http://www.nobel.se/peace/laureates/1996/ | |
96. Friedens-Nobelpreis-Gewinner http://www.webstein.ch/peace/peacenob.html | |
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