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         Belo Carlos Felipe Ximenes:     more detail

61. Appel Des Nobels De La Paix
Translate this page Les Lauréats du Prix nobel de la Paix . Desmond Mpilo Tutu, Adolfo Pérez Esquivel,Yasser Arafat, Monseigneur carlos felipe ximenes belo, José Ramos-Horta
Que la première décennie du nouveau millénaire, les années 2001 à 2010, soit déclarée " Non-violence " ;
Qu'au début de la décennie, l'année 2000 soit déclarée "Année de l'Éducation à la Non-violence" ;
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62. ZENIT, 25 De Junio De 1998
Translate this page han sido las promesas realizadas por el nuevo presidente indonesio, BJ Habibie, alobispo de Dili, monseñor carlos felipe ximenes belo, premio nobel de la Paz
ZENIT, 25 de junio de 1998 EL MUNDO VISTO DESDE ROMA



El gran debate entre Roma y Lutero Puntos por aclarar CARD. MOREIRA NEVES, PREFECTO DE LA CONGREGACION PARA LOS OBISPOS


Via Della Stazione di Ottavia, 95 00135 Roma

63. Untitled
Translate this page 11 de octubre ¤ El obispo católico carlos felipe ximenes belo y el activista enel exilio José Ramos Horta fueron galardonados con el Premio nobel de la Paz
La Jornada 12 de octubre de 1996 PREMIOS NOBEL DE LA PAZ Afp, Ansa, Ap, Dpa y Reuter, Oslo, 11 de octubre El comité del Nobel dijo que su decisión de reconocer a ambas personalidades pretende ``honrar la contribución sostenida a la causa de un pequeño pueblo oprimido'', y recompensar la labor de Ximenes Belo y Ramos Horta en su lucha por una solución pacífica en Timor Oriental. Ximenes Belo es el administrador apostólico de Dili, capital de la ex colonia portuguesa, quien ha fungido como mediador entre el Frente Timorense de Liberación Nacional (FTLN) y las autoridades indonesias. El religioso mantiene al día la lista de combatientes independentistas desaparecidos. Asimismo, ha propuesto celebrar en el territorio anexado a Indonesia un referéndum auspiciado por Naciones Unidas para crear un estatus especial para Timor Oriental, y ha criticado a guerrilleros del FTLN Nacional cuando éstos han cometido atrocidades contra soldados. En 1985, el cura denunció que timorenses habían sido esterilizados a la fuerza por autoridades de Indonesia. El religioso manifestó la esperanza de que ganar el Nobel ayude a que los militares y el gobierno de Indonesia comprendan que el pueblo de Timor Oriental tiene una religión y cultura diferente. Agregó que lo soldados indonesios tratan el territorio timorense como un feudo en el que hacen lo que quieren y restringen la libertad de movimientos de los ciudadanos.

64. Ministro: Comunicados De Prensa
Translate this page de 2002 Hoy llega a Santiago el Vicario Apostólico, Obispo de Timor Oriental yPremio nobel de la Paz, Monseñor carlos felipe ximenes belo, invitado por el
Seleccione... Volver a inicio Asuntos Políticos Asuntos Consulares Asuntos Económicos Asuntos Administrativos Prensa Misiones en el Exterior Novedades Acerca de este Ministerio Cualquier consulta relacionada con esta sección, puede hacerla llegar a la Dirección de Prensa y Difusión al siguiente correo electrónico: PREMIO NOBEL DE LA PAZ LLEGA HOY A SANTIAGO
Dirección de Prensa y Difusión Miércoles 28 de agosto de 2002
Hoy llega a Santiago el Vicario Apostólico, Obispo de Timor Oriental y Premio Nobel de la Paz, Monseñor Carlos Felipe Ximenes Belo, invitado por el Consejo Académico y el Instituto Asiático y del Pacífico de la Universidad Santo Tomás.
Asimismo, el Presidente de la República lo recibirá en audiencia el lunes 2 de septiembre.
Monseñor Ximenes Belo ha desarrollado una destacada trayectoria en favor de la paz y defensa de los derechos del pueblo de Timor Oriental.
Los contactos que mantuvo con Su Santidad Juan Pablo II y el Secretario General de Naciones Unidas, entre diversos líderes y jefes de estado mundiales, contribuyeron eficazmente para lograr la independencia de Timor Oriental, que se verificó el 20 de mayo del presente año.
Sus esfuerzos en favor de la reconciliación, le valieron la entrega del Premio Nobel de la Paz en 1996, que le fue otorgado junto con el actual Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores de su país, José Ramos Horta.

65. Constancio Pinto
Bishop carlos felipe ximenes belo received an honorary degree from Yale. Theawarding of the nobel Peace Prize to the two East Timorese has heightened
`I have come a long way, but East Timor has come further'
Constancio Pinto of East Timor, who has one more semester left before graduating, says he never dreamed he'd see the day when one of his countryman would be speaking at Brown
By Richard P. Morin
S ix years ago Indonesian soldiers captured Constancio Pinto and placed a gun to his head. They beat him so badly that he begged them to end his life. Even though he did not reveal information about the resistance movement in East Timor, the soldiers let him go after several days of imprisonment. Pinto left East Timor soon after, leaving behind his wife and family to tell the world of his people's struggle to escape Indonesian oppression. After a brief stay in Portugal, Pinto came the United States and then to Brown, where he is only one semester away from completing an undergraduate degree in development studies. Ramos-Horta delivered an Ogden Lecture at Brown Sunday, May 25. Bishop Carlos Felipe Ximenes Belo received an honorary degree from Yale. The awarding of the Nobel Peace Prize to the two East Timorese has heightened attention to the situation in East Timor, something Pinto has tried to do since he left his homeland under the cover of darkness.

66. José Ramos-Horta/Ogden Lecture
of the committee that selects recipients for the nobel Peace Prize. In 1996, RamosHortaand East Timorese Bishop carlos felipe ximenes belo received the award
Nobel laureate offers insight into struggle in East Timor
"I must say, with due respect and humility, that from 1975 onward, the United States was an accomplice" to Indonesia's "crime of genocide"
By Tracie Sweeney
J "I must say, with due respect and humility, that from 1975 onward, the United States was an accomplice" to Indonesia's "crime of genocide" by providing to the Indonesian government weapons and military training, Ramos-Horta said, even while asserting in the United Nations that East Timor had a right to self-determination. Ramos-Horta made his assertions to the Salomon Center audience who came to hear his Ogden Memorial Lecture May 25. It was such willingness to speak out that brought Ramos-Horta to the attention of the committee that selects recipients for the Nobel Peace Prize. In 1996, Ramos-Horta and East Timorese Bishop Carlos Felipe Ximenes Belo received the award for "their sustained and self-sacrificing contributions for a small but oppressed people" in East Timor, a country that was invaded by Indonesia in 1975. Since then, at least 200,000 East Timorese have been executed or starved to death due to the Indonesian occupation. B ut Ramos-Horta's lecture offered more than just criticism. Saying that he was just "a man of great energy but modest intelligence," he offered praise for "the

LIVING nobel PRIZE WINNERS. (Not Yet Photographed by JMS). WINNER, Year Won,Country. Joseph Rotblat, 1995, UK. carlos felipe ximenes belo, 1996, East Timor.
NOBEL PEACE PRIZE WINNERS (Photographed by JMS) WINNER YEAR WON COUNTRY BIRTHDATE * Henry Kissinger USA May 27 * Betty Williams Ireland May 22 * Mother Teresa India Aug 27 * Lech Walesa Poland Sep 29 * Desmond Tutu South Africa Oct 07 * Elie Wiesel USA Sep 30 * Oscar Arias Costa Rica Sep 13 * Dalai Lama Tibet Jun 06 * Mikhail Gorbachev USSR Mar 02 Rigoberta Menchu Guatemala Jan 09 * Nelson Mandela South Africa Jul 18 * Shimon Peres Israel Aug 16 Jose Horta East Timor Dec 26 * Jody Williams USA Oct 09 David Trimble (share) Ireland Oct 15 John Hume (share) Ireland Jan 18 Kofi Annan Ghana Apr 08 * Photographed 3 times or more LIVING NOBEL PRIZE WINNERS (Not Yet Photographed by JMS) WINNER Year Won Country Norman Borlaug USA Mairead Corrigan Ireland Adolfo Perez Esquivel Argentina Aung San Suu Kyi Burma F.W. de Klerk South Africa Yasser Arafat Palestine Joseph Rotblat UK Carlos Felipe Ximenes Belo East Timor Kim Dae Jung South Korea Home Page 1 Page 2 Page 3

68. International Kids Club World Peace World Love
The following people or organizations are recipients of the nobel PEACE PRIZE 1996The prize was awarded jointly to carlos felipe ximenes belo and JOSE RAMOS
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About The Nobel prize for PEACE The Nobel prize.
What is it?

Nobel prizes were created by the will of Alfred Nobel, a notable Swedish chemist. He was the inventor of dynomite. The prize is awarded by the Norwegian NOBEL Committee to the person or persons who bestowed the "greatest benefit on mankind" each year. Six Nobel prizes are awarded in 6 different subjects Peace, Physics, Chemistry, Medicine, Economics and Literature. They have been awarded to a variety of people for a variety of reasons since 1901. See the list that follows! This year (2001) marks the centennial for the PEACE prize! 100 years of PEACE: Nobel Peace Prize Winners 1901-2000 The following people or organizations are recipients of the NOBEL PEACE PRIZE: KIM DAE JUNG for his work for democracy and human rights in South Korea and in East Asia in general, and for peace and reconciliation with North Korea in particular.

69. CPLP - Documentos
Translate this page Recordando que o único Prêmio nobel da Paz atribuído até hoje a de Timor-Leste,Dr. José Ramos Horta, e ao Bispo Dom carlos felipe ximenes belo, por sua
DOCUMENTOS Home Documentos
Tendo em conta as disposições da Convenção sobre os Direitos da Criança (1989), da Declaração Mundial sobre a Sobrevivência, Proteção e Desenvolvimento da Criança e o Plano de Ação adotados na Cúpula Mundial pela Criança (Nova York, 1990), bem como do documento "Um Mundo Adequado para as Crianças", resultante da Sessão Especial da Assembléia das Nações Unidas sobre a Criança (2002); Tendo em mente o compromisso assumido na Declaração sobre "Cooperação, Desenvolvimento e Democracia na Era da Globalização", firmada por ocasião da III Conferência de Chefes de Estado e de Governo da CPLP (Maputo, 2000), em desenvolver mecanismos para fortalecer a sociedade civil e apoiar as famílias; DECLARAM: Volta Topo

70. ClubCaminantes - Premios Nobel - Paz, El Club De Los Caminantes
Translate this page PREMIOS nobel, nobel DE LA PAZ. Por su trabajo orientado a una solución pacíficadel conflicto de Timor Oriental. ximenes belo, carlos felipe (Indonesia).

Foros Chat Top 10 ... PREMIOS NOBEL
NOBEL DE LA PAZ Williams, Betty (Irlanda del Norte) Fundadores del Movimiento de Paz de Irlanda del Norte (posteriormente denominado, Comunidad de la Gente de Paz). Corrigan, Mairead (Irlanda del Norte) Fundadores del Movimiento de Paz de Irlanda del Norte (posteriormente denominado, Comunidad de la Gente de Paz).
Amnistía Internacional Londres, Gran Bretaña. Una organización mundial en pro de los derechos de los prisioneros de conciencia.
Beguin, Menajem (Israel) Primer Ministro, por el acuerdo conjunto de paz entre Israel y Egipto. Sadat, Anwar al- (Egipto) Presidente de la República arabe de Egipto. Premio otorgado por el acuerdo conjunto de paz entre Israel y Egipto.
Madre Teresa de Calcuta (India) Lider de la Orden de las Misioneras de la Caridad.

71. The Patrin Web Journal - Roma (Gypsies) Awarded Human Rights Prize
RamosHorta and East Timorese Bishop carlos felipe ximenes belo were jointlyawarded the nobel Prize for Peace in 1996. Other past recipients include
French German Italian Portuguese Spanish
Roma Awarded Human Rights Prize T he world's Roma (Gypsies) were awarded the 1997 Rafto Prize For Human Rights , October 8, to heighten awareness of this marginalized people and its suffering, the Rafto Foundation for Human Rights said. Ian Hancock , accepted the prize on behalf of the Roma, along with an award for 25,000 Norwegian kroner, on November 1, in Bergen, Norway. T he award is given annually in memory of Norwegian economic history professor and human rights activist Thorolf Rafto who died in 1986. "This award goes to the Gypsies, who have not obtained ordinary human rights for many hundreds of years in any country," stated Rafto Foundation chairman Arnljot Stroemme Svendsen. There are more than 12 million Roma in Europe and the United States. Many Roma in central Europe are denied equal access to education and social services, the foundation said. In many countries, Roma are often subject to violent racist attacks. Recently, the Roma have attempted to leave the Czech Republic for Canada to escape discrimination and ethnic persecution. As many as 1.5 million Roma were murdered during the Holocaust in Europe.

72. Bishop Carlos Belo Winner Of The 1996 Nobel Prize In Peace
carlos FILIPE ximenes belo. 1996 nobel Peace Prize Laureate for worktowards a just and peaceful solution to the conflict in East Timor.
1996 Nobel Peace Prize Laureate
    for work towards a just and peaceful solution to the conflict in East Timor.
    Residence: East Timor
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73. Carlos Felipe Ximenes Belo - Wikipedia
carlos felipe ximenes belo (born February 3, 1948), the fifth child da Costa Lopesin 1983, carlos Filipe ximenes Bishop belo's courageous labours on behalf of
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Carlos Felipe Ximenes Belo
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Carlos Felipe Ximenes Belo (born February 3 ), the fifth child of Domingos Vaz Filipe and Ermelinda Baptista Filipe, was born in the village of Wailakama, near Vemasse, on the north coast of East Timor . His father, a schoolteacher, died two years later. His childhood years were spent in Catholic schools at Baucau and Ossu, before he proceeded to the Dare minor seminary, outside Dili , from which he graduated in . From until , apart from periods of practical training ( ) back in East Timor and in Macau , he was in Portugal and Rome where, having become a member of the Salesian Society, he studied philosophy and theology before being ordained a priest in

74. The Nobel Prize
On 11 October 1996, the nobel Prize Committee announced its decision to award BishopCarlos felipe ximenes belo and Jose Ramos Horta, in two equal parts, the
Press Statement
On 11 October 1996, the Nobel Prize Committee announced its decision to award Bishop Carlos Felipe Ximenes Belo and Jose Ramos Horta, in two equal parts, the Nobel Prize for Peace for 1996.
The Indonesian Government has always shared Bishop Belo's determination to enhance the welfare and well­being of the people of East Timor and to ensure that they live in peace in an atmosphere of religious freedom and tolerance. The growth in the number of adherents of the Catholic religion and other religions in East Timor as well as the dramatic increase in the number of churches in the province attest to this fact. The Nobel Prize Committee has also stated that Bishop Belo has "tried to create a just settlement based on his people's right to self­determination." On this matter, it is pertinent to note that Bishop Belo himself, in his pastoral letter of August 1994, took the position that he opposed referendum in East Timor as he believed that it would lead to renewed civil war in the province. Bishop Belo has also supported endeavours at reconciliation among the East Timorese, a process that the Indonesian Government has wholeheartedly encouraged, supported and promoted. It is no wonder therefore that his claims to being a spokesman for the people of East Timor has been firmly and repeatedly rejected by the overwhelming majority of the East Timorese people.

75. 1996 Nobel Peace Prize
On 10 October 1996, the nobel Prize Committee announced its decision to award BishopCarlos felipe ximenes belo and Jose Ramos Horta, in two equal parts, the
The following is the Press Release of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
the Republic of Indonesia in response to the awarding of the 1996 Nobel Peace Prize to Jose Ramos Horta
On 10 October 1996, the Nobel Prize Committee announced its decision to award Bishop Carlos Felipe Ximenes Belo and Jose Ramos Horta, in two equal parts, the Nobel Prize for Peace for 1996.
The Indonesian Government has always shared Bishop Belo's determination to enhance the welfare and well-being of the people of East Timor and to ensure that they live in peace in an atmosphere of religious freedom and tolerance. The growth in the number of adherents of the Catholic religion and other religions in East Timor as well as the dramatic increase in the number of churches in the province attest to this fact.
The Indonesian Government, however, has been astounded and surprised at the reason given for the award to Bishop Belo and to Ramos Horta. It has been announced that the award was for their "sacrifices for the oppressed people of East Timor." This is not true for in no way are the people of East Timor being oppressed. The Indonesian Government has always given the highest priority to the social and economic welfare of
the people of East Timor. The record shows that it was only when East Timor integrated itself with Indonesia that the East Timorese began to enjoy universal suffrage, adequate political representation in decision-making centres of government, and real opportunities for socio-economic upliftment so that they could break away from the stagnation that had been the result of centuries of exploitation by the former colonial power. In fact

76. Belo, Carlos Filipe Ximenes
carlos ximenes belo, 1995. 3, 1948, Wailacama, East Timor), Roman Catholic bishopof Dili who, with José RamosHorta, received the 1996 nobel Prize for Peace
Belo, Carlos Filipe Ximenes
Carlos Ximenes Belo, 1995 (b. Feb. 3, 1948, Wailacama, East Timor), Roman Catholic bishop of Dili who, with , received the 1996 Nobel Prize for Peace for their efforts to bring peace to East Timor (Timor Timur), which has been under Indonesian control since 1975. Belo was ordained a bishop in 1983. As spiritual leader of a territory that is overwhelmingly Catholic, he became one of the primary spokesmen of the Timorese people. He denounced the brutal tactics and oppressive policies of the Indonesian government despite at least two attempts on his life, in 1989 and 1991. Following a massacre of peaceful demonstrators in Dili in 1991, Belo successfully campaigned for reforms in the military and the dismissal of two generals. A strong believer in nonviolent resistance, Belo sought peaceful means to settle the troubles in his homeland. In an open letter written in July 1994, he outlined his concern for the people of East Timor and proposed that the Indonesian government reduce its military presence, expand the civil rights of citizens, and allow East Timor to hold a democratic referendum on self-determination or, barring that, grant East Timor special territorial status.

77. EAST TIMOR - 1997
were several days of rioting against Indonesian rule coinciding with the return ofCarlos felipe ximenes belo to the island from the nobel Prize ceremonies in
Statement: The situation in East Timor is a war of national liberation in exercise of the right to self-determination. Background: East Timor was a Portuguese colony for over 300 years. In 1975, as Portugal was preparing to grant independence to the territory, the Indonesian army mounted an invasion, annexed East Timor (in 1976), and has occupied the territory ever since. The U.N. has never recognized its sovereignty. Indonesia has waged a brutal counterinsurgency campaign of political imprisonment, arbitrary arrest, murder and rape against the resistance movement. In 1991 the U.N. Special Rapporteur on Torture visited Indonesia and East Timor and found torture commonplace. During the occupation, up to 200,000 Timorese (approximately one-third of the population) have died of disease, starvation or have been murdered. Since the occupation, there have been several public massacres. Most recently, in November 1991, soldiers fired on a peaceful demonstration of approximately 2000 in the Santa Cruz cemetery of Dili. Up to 270 people may have died and another 200 have "disappeared." There is evidence that some of the wounded taken to a military hospital were deliberately killed. The United Nations Special Rapporteur on Extra-Judicial, Summary or Arbitrary Executions found reasons to believe that the killings were a planned military operation. Ten low-ranking members of the security forces were charged with disobeying orders and one with assault or cutting off of the ears of a demonstrator. Six senior officers were found guilty of misconduct. Although no officers were charged with serious assault or murder, thirteen civilians participating in the protest were sentenced to terms up to life imprisonment.

78. - Frequently Asked Questions
José RamosHorta Bishop carlos felipe ximenes belo were presented with the NobelPeace Prize in 1996 for their sustained efforts to hinder the oppression of
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The Reverend Canon Frederick B. Williams
Claudia Samayoa
Terry McCullough
Myra Julian
Mary Wareham
Arnold Kohen
Robert Van Lierop Ana Yancy-Espinoza Beverly Keene Nawang Rabgyal MEMBERS OF THE PEACEJAM FOUNDATION Archbishop Desmond Tutu was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1984 for his courageous leadership in efforts to find a nonviolent solution to the conflicts over the policy of apartheid in South Africa. Oscar Arias , former President of Costa Rica, was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1987 for his efforts to negotiate a peaceful resolution to the years of conflict and war in Central America. was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1992 for her work as a peaceful advocate of native Indian rights in Central America and for her leadership among indigenous peoples worldwide. The Dalai Lama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1989 for his nonviolent efforts to resolve the Tibetan conflict and for his worldwide role as a man of peace and advocate for the environment.

79. For More Information
You are invited to join them and to become Messenger of the Manifesto 2000. NobelPeace Prize. DALAÏ LAMA, Mgr carlos felipe ximenes belo. Oscar ARIAS SANCHEZ.
For more information
The United Nations General Assembly has proclaimed the year 2000 as the International Year for the Culture of Peace and the decade 2001-2010 International Decade for a Culture of Peace and Non-violence for the children of the World . UNESCO was designated as lead agency for this Decade.
The Manifesto 2000 for a culture of peace and non-violence , was drafted by a group of Nobel Peace Prize , to translate the resolutions of the United Nations into everyday language and to make them relevant to people everywhere. The Manifesto 2000 does not appeal to a higher authority, but instead it is an individual commitment and responsibility.
The Manifesto 2000 was made public in Paris on March 4th 1999, during a press conference at the Eiffel Tower and is open to signatures from the wider public throughout the world. This conference welcomed a certain number of personalities as well as 100 young committed to diffuse this message.
You are invited to join them and to become Messenger of the Manifesto 2000.

80. Uutiset - Ulkomaat: Nobelin Rauhanpalkinto Kahdelle Itä-Timorin Ihmisoikeuspuol
OSLOcarlos felipe ximenes belo ja Jose Ramos-Horta saivat tämän vuoden NorjanNobel-komitea haluaa valinnallaan kiinnittää maailman huomion konfliktiin
Nobelin rauhanpalkinto kahdelle Itä-Timorin ihmisoikeuspuolustajalle OSLO- Carlos Felipe Ximenes Belo ja Jose Ramos-Horta saivat tämän vuoden Nobelin rauhanpalkinnon ponnisteluistaan Itä-Timorin 21 vuotta kestäneen konfliktin oikeudenmukaisen ja rauhanomaisen ratkaisun puolesta.
Norjan Nobel-komitea haluaa valinnallaan kiinnittää maailman huomion konfliktiin, joka on osittain unohdettu.
Indonesia valloitti Itä-Timorin 1975. Kahdenkymmenen vuoden ajan Indonesia on järjestelmällisesti alistanut Itä-Timorin väestöä. Yli itätimorilaisista on menettänyt henkensä nälänhädän, epidemioiden, sodan ja terrorin takia.
Piispa Carlos Belo on Norjan Nobel-komitean perustelujen mukaan toiminut Itä-Timorin väestön tärkeimpänä edustajana.
Belo on omaa henkeään uhaten yrittänyt suojella väestöä vallanpitäjien iskuilta. Hän on pyrkinyt luomaan oikeudenmukaisen järjestelmän samalla kun hän on johdonmukaisesti noudattanut väkivallatonta linjaa ja dialogia Indonesian viranomaisten kanssa.
Ramos-Horta on Nobel-komitean mukaan jo 20 vuoden ajan ajanut Itä-Timorin etuja kansainvälisellä areenalla. Nykyisin Australiassa asuva Ramos-Horta on viime aikoina ponnistellut sovintoneuvottelujen puolesta ja laatinut alueelle rauhansuunnitelman.

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