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Environmental Monitoring: more books (100) |
141. Southwestern Flowtech And Environmental Ltd. We are a field engineering company specializing in storm, wastewater flow monitoring, pipeline pigging, data collection, reservoir cleaning, fire flow testing and hazardous materials management. http://www.sfeonline.com/ |
142. H2 Environmental Consulting Services Testing and air monitoring for asbestos, lead and mold. Project management, work plans, specifications for contractors on projects for commercial, residential and schools. http://www.h2environmental.com |
143. Northcoast Drilling Grafton, Ohio environmental and Geotechnical drilling firm. Services available include 3/4 to 10 monitoring Wells; Recovery Wells; Double Cased Wells; Nested Wells; Soil Vapor Extraction Wells; Air Sparge Wells; Cluster Wells; Air/Water Rotary; Air/Water Coring; Continuous Split Spoon; CME Continuous Sampling; Well Abandonment; Well Development and Geotechnical Test Borings http://www.northcoastdrilling.com |
144. Baumgartner Environics Provides environmental testing, cleanup and construction, odor monitoring, and control for lagoon and basins via floating geo covers. http://www.bei-ec.com |
145. EnviroLogix, Inc. Rapid immunodiagnostics for environmental, ag/crop, food and beverage, and water quality monitoring, including GMOs, water toxins, pesticides and industrial contaminants. http://www.envirologix.com/ |
146. Pee Dee Environmental South Carolina air quality monitoring firm that specializes in asbestos removal and monitoring. http://www.pdenv.com |
147. 1st Marine Protected Areas Workshop, Trieste, Italy. September 19-20, 2002. The workshop aims to define the state of the art instrumentation used in Marine Protected Areas monitoring systems, compare environmental systems and relate about monitoring protocols applied by research centres. http://web.ogs.trieste.it/work/page2.html |
148. Puget Soundkeeper Alliance An environmental group aimed at protecting and preserving Puget Sound by stopping the discharge of toxic pollution through advocacy and vigilant monitoring. Offers information about enforcement, pollution preventions, news, volunteer opportunities, and resource center. http://www.pugetsoundkeeper.org/ |
149. Rx MS Local, internet or remote accessed system to detect power quality disturbances, measurement of critical electrical parameters related to energy costs, and monitoring of environmental parameters. http://www.rxms.com/epa.htm |
150. Isco, Inc. Designs, manufactures and markets a variety of instruments and equipment for use in scientific research and environmental pollution control monitoring. (Nasdaq ISKO). http://www.isco.com/ |
151. Intermountain Environmental Inc Distrubutor of instrumentation products to assist organizations in monitoring, measuring, and recording environmental events and parameters. http://www.inmtn.com/ |
152. Natural Environment Consultants (UK) Ltd Specialists in flora, fauna, fisheries and aquaculture, plus general environmental work. Main focus Ecological surveys and monitoring, environmental impact assessment (EIA), deskbased studies. http://naturalenvironment.co.uk/ |
153. EMS Index Page Provides air monitoring equipment and air sampling products for use in lead and asbestos testing.Category Business Healthcare Filters and Purifiers Air......Medical Books, Littmann Stethoscopes, Welch Allyn Diagnostic sets, Heine equipment, Gargoyles Eyewear, discount medical student sales, professional uniforms http://www.enviromon.com/ |
154. Monitoring Web Index over wide areas, integrates studies of the global environment, and supports globalenvironmental research. Currently, more than ten monitoring projects are http://www-cger2.nies.go.jp/moni-e/index-e.html |
155. United Nations Environment Programme GEMS/WATER Translate this page United Nations Environment Programme GEMS/WATER GLOBAL ENVIRONMENTMONITORING SYSTEM FRESHWATER QUALITY PROGRAMME, Programme des http://www.cciw.ca/gems/intro.html |
156. EMPACT-Las Vegas, Nevada The Las Vegas Interagency EMPACT Pilot Project will provide public access to clearly communicated, Category Science Environment Air Quality...... http://www.empact-lv.org/ |
157. Marlborough District Council http://www.marlborough.govt.nz/enviromonitoring.html |
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