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121. WWW Spain Nature, Ecology, Environment http://www.gospain.org/WWW_Spain/wwwsp10.htm |
122. Ecology Asia Provides articles, news and links related to wildlife, ecology and environment. http://www.ecologyasia.com/index.htm |
123. Archive Of Fishery And Marine Research international journal on marine research Aims Scope aquatic environment living resources population dynamics biology, physiology and chemistry of fish and shellfish fish, benthos and plankton ecology, parasitology, taxonomy pertinent to fishery, ecotoxicology, fishery oceanography, fishery technology and aquatic pollution http://www.urbanfischer.de/journals/frame_template.htm?/journals/archfish/fisher |
124. Research By Discipline Ecology/Environment ecology The Ascendent Perspective Robert E. Ulanowicz, 1997. Commission on Geosciences,environment, and Resources. Effects of Past Global Change on Life, 1995. http://www.earthscape.org/rmain/rsites/ecen.html |
125. Biochemical Systematics And Ecology Publishes in the areas of the application of biochemistry to problems relating to systematic biology of organisms (biochemical systematics) and of the role of biochemistry in interactions between organisms or between an organism and its environment (biochemical ecology). http://www.elsevier.com/gej-ng/10/12/38/show/toc.htt |
126. Policy By Discipline Ecology/Environment Acceptable Risk? Making Decisions in a Toxic environment Lee Clarke, 1991. Chanceand Change ecology For Conservationists William Holland Drury Jr., edited by http://www.earthscape.org/pmain/psites/ecen.html |
127. Christian Ecology Link UK organisation for Christians concerned about care of the environment. Includes CEL's Millennium Certificate, current events information, resources and prayer guide. http://www.christian-ecology.org.uk/ |
128. Freelance Traveller - The Lab Ship - Xenobiology 101 - Ecology, Welcome to Freelance Traveller, Freelance Traveller. The Lab Ship. Xenobiology101 Part 4 ecology, environment, and Evolution. by Robert O'Connor. http://www.freelancetraveller.com/features/science/xbio4.html |
129. Indian Institute Of Ecology And The Environment Information resource and training in ecology. http://www.universityindia.edu/ |
130. Hall Kids Science - Science, Nature, How It Works, Ecology, Kid's Books on Science, Nature, How it Works, ecology, environment, Experiments,Math, Astronomy, Physics, Electronics. Science, Nature http://hallkidsscience.com/books.shtml |
131. Ecology Action Center Promoting environmental stewardship in McLean County by educating people about the environment and coordinating communication among environmental groups. http://www.ecologyactioncenter.org/ |
132. E. Ecology/Environment Wisconsin.gov banner link link link. E. ecology/environment. Main Menu Order Form Feedback ECB Home E. ecology/environment. http://explore.ecb.org/ecbschema/plsql/itvstd3?sectionid=95 |
133. OC Interfaith Coalition For The Environment Works to bring together faith, ecology, and community activism. A resource center for latest news in the faith communities work in environmental justice and earth healing. http://ocice.org |
134. Environment Conservation From The Treetops The Emerging Science Of Canopy Ecolog Article by H. Bruce Rinker explaining why the research is important, findings, and a list of forest canopy walkways and platforms. http://www.actionbioscience.org/environment/rinker.html |
135. Ecology And The Environment Links to ecological, environmental and nature information relating to the village. Maintained in cooperation with the Glen Ellyn Environmental Commission. http://www.glen-ellyn.com/environmental/index.html |
136. The Scientist - Ecology/Environment The Scientist 42222, Nov. 12, 1990, '); //. News. ecology/environment.By Peter D. Moore. Department of Biology King's College London, UK. http://www.the-scientist.com/yr1990/nov/articles3_901112.html |
137. Ecological Research And Global Ecology - The Woods Hole Research Center The Woods Hole Research Center addresses the great issues of environment through scientific research and education and through applications of science in public affairs. http://www.whrc.org/whrc.htm |
138. The Scientist - Ecology/Environment The Scientist 520, Jan. 21, 1991, '); //. News. ecology/environment. ByNone. PETER D. MOORE Department of Biosphere Sciences King's College London, UK. http://www.the-scientist.com/yr1991/jan/articles_910121.html |
139. China Scientific Book Services Books on biology, ecology, environment, zoology, botany, and insects. English and Chinese version. http://www.hceis.com/ |
140. Bullfrog Films A source of ecology and environment-related videos and films for all grade levels. http://www.bullfrogfilms.com |
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