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121. Department Of Speech Music And Hearing - TMH Department of speech, Music and Hearing. (Site is in English.)Category Science Social Sciences Academic Departments Europe...... General Information Staff Seminars Publications Software Vacancies Education Upcoming Events speech Communication technology speech Signal http://www.speech.kth.se/ |
122. Science, Technology And Responsibility speech on science, technology and responsibility given to the Royal Society in London by John Browne, Group Chief Executive British Petroleum Company PLC. http://www.bp.com/centres/press/s_detail.asp?id=39 |
123. Wearable Computing - Earthlink.net Link collection including special topics such as biopotential technology and speech input. http://home.earthlink.net/~wearable/ |
124. IBM To Offer Speech Products IBM is planning a partnership with Applied Language Technologies, a closely held speechsoftware company in Boston, as it continues to seek business uses for voice-recognition technology, according to reports. News.com http://www.news.com/News/Item/0,4,24616,00.html?st.ne.fd.mdh |
125. Students' Free-speech Rights Extend To The Internet Article from the Electronic School (the awardwinning quarterly technology magazine for K-12 school leaders.) http://www.electronic-school.com/199903/0399ewire.html#1 |
126. Center For Democracy And Technology Promotes democratic values and constitutional liberties in the digital age. With expertise in law, technology, and policy, CDT seeks practical solutions to enhance free expression and privacy in global communications technologies. Includes email subscription service to allow individuals to keep abreast of laws and rulings on free speech. http://www.cdt.org/speech/ |
127. Technology Issues For Educators Teams of educators participating in an online course developed a set of white papers on how new information and communication technologies affect schools. They produced educators' guides to Access Issues, Credibility and Web Evaluation, Free speech versus Censorship, Privacy, Commercialism, Intellectual Property, Copyright, Plagiarism, Computer Crime and technology Misuse. http://lrs.ed.uiuc.edu/wp/ |
128. VoiceTalk Home Automation Products Computer Voice technology provides solutions for voice recognition and speech dictation including home automation products like Hal2000 http://voicetalk.com |
129. Center For Spoken Language Understanding Oregon Graduate Institute of Science and technology has created a public resource for experimenters. You can download some trial software for fooling around with speech recognizers. This stuff is not in the category of offthe-shelf consumer items from Dragon, IBM etc. But it could be great fun. http://cslu.cse.ogi.edu/ |
130. K. U. Leuven Master in Artificial Intelligence program in Belgium. Information about the program and its options in engineering and computer science, speech and language technology, and cognitive science. http://www.cs.kuleuven.ac.be/cwis/education/MAI/ |
131. Aquatic Ape Theory And Speech Origins A Hypothesis Paper by Marc J. M. Verhaegen, published in Speculations in Science and technology. http://allserv.rug.ac.be/~mvaneech/Fil/Verhaegen_Language_SpeculationsScienceTec |
132. Voice Applications, Inc. Knowledgeable and unhyped web site explaining business applications of speech and voice technology. http://www.voiceio.com |
133. Survey Of The State Of The Art In Human Language Technology A 1996 highlevel review of spoken/written input, analysis and understanding, generation, speech output, discourse and dialogue, document processing, multiple languages and modes, transmission and storage, mathematical methods, other resources, how to evalate an NLP program. http://cslu.cse.ogi.edu/HLTsurvey/ |
134. OHSU Northwest Clinic For Voice And Swallowing Oregonbased center offering care for voice professionals, treatment for all voice disorders, advanced technology for vocal cord imaging and vocal analysis, and a team approach with experienced otolaryngologists and speech pathologists. http://www.ohsu.edu/som-Otolaryn/voice.html |
135. International Conference On Spoken Language Processing (ICLSP 2002) September 1620, 2002 Denver, Colorado. Theme Interdisciplinary speech Science technology from Von Kempelen's speaking machine to millennium. Includes speakers, travel information inclusive of discounted air tickets, online registration, fees, accommodation, program, workshops, special sessions, tutorials, and important dates. http://www.icslp2002.org/home.html |
136. AcSys Biometrics Corp. Provider of neural technology applications for the financial, manufacturing, security and medical sectors. Owns exclusive worldwide HNet license for face and speech recognition applications. http://www.acsysbiometrics.com |
137. ISCA SIG Speech And Language Technology For Minority Languages The ISCA (International speech Communication Association) Special Interest Group on speech and Language technology for Minority Languages has the overall aim of promoting research and development in the field of speech and language technology for lesserused languages. http://www.cstr.ed.ac.uk/download/briony/SALTMIL/aims.html |
138. Red Hat Legislative Alert SSSCA Red Hat strongly opposes the bill because it encroaches on freedom of speech, it could have harmful effects on open source software, and its definition of digital technology is far too broad. http://www.redhat.com/opensourcenow/article2.html |
139. Cochlear Worldwide Makers of the Nucleus 24 Cochlear Implant System, the world leader in C.I. technology and sales, which includes the ESPrit, the first behindthe-ear speech processor. http://www.cochlear.com/ |
140. Agent Reader Multilingual text to speech reader using Microsoft Agent technology, agenda, macro recorder, ads/popup killer and over 15 integrated productivity utilities. http://www.aldostools.com/agentreader.html |
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