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101. AVIOS The Applied Voice Input/Output Society (AVIOS) is a research group dedicated to real world applications using speech technology. http://www.avios.com/ |
102. HP Carly Fiorina Speech Technology, Business And Our Way Of Life CARLY FIORINA MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA SEPTEMBER 26, 2001 TECHNOLOGY, BUSINESSAND OUR WAY OF LIFE WHAT'S NEXT Thank you. Good evening, everyone. http://www.hp.com/hpinfo/execteam/speeches/fiorina/minnesota01.html |
103. Broca Networks About Speech Technology Speech dictation systems are extremely basic use of speech technology. ASR softwareis only one component of a complete speech technology solution. http://www.brocanetworks.com/speechtech/index.php |
104. InfoQuick Software Technology Corp. Focus on speech technology research and development in Chinese language, including TTS and ASR. http://www.infoquick.com.cn |
105. Speech Technology Equals Self Service Plus Security For Password BiometriTech Expo 03. speech technology Equals Self Service PlusSecurity For Password Reset Applications. By Heather Howland May http://www.biometritech.com/features/phonetic.htm |
106. Speech To Speech Technology - Speech-to-speech Dictionary UT103 was developed on the basis of the unique speech-to-speech technologywhich can be implemented in a number of professional fields. http://www.universal-translator.net/plans.html |
107. Tech Report HPL-2002-43 Speech Technology And Localisation speech technology and Localisation. Tucker, Roger CF; Hickey, Marianne; Haddock,Nick. Abstract This paper addresses two aspects of speech technology. http://www.hpl.hp.com/techreports/2002/HPL-2002-43.html |
108. ZanderWeb Specializing in providing ecommerce solutions to small and medium sized enterprises, and offering speech recognition and text-to-speech technology. Located in Oxfordshire, United Kingdom. http://www.zanderweb.co.uk/ |
109. Department Of Computer Science Research programmes in Software engineering; Bioinformatics; System level integration. Research institutes in AI applications; Adaptive and neural computation; Communicating and collaborative systems; Computing systems architecture; Perception, action and behaviour; Representation and reasoning; Foundations of computer science. Research centres in Human communication; Neuroscience; Advanced knowledge technology; Dependability; speech technology. http://www.dcs.ed.ac.uk/ |
110. MS Takes Stake In Speech Firm Microsoft (MSFT) has invested $45 million in Belgian speech technology firm Lernout Hauspie (LHSPF) with the intent of enabling Windows to recognize and respond to spoken commands. News.com http://www.news.com/News/Item/0,4,14147,00.html?st.ne.fd.mdh |
111. CLASS Collaboration In Language And Speech Language And Technology European Union program promoting cooperative development of language technology. Administrative information, associated projects, publications in DOC format. http://www.class-tech.org/ |
112. Speech Analysis A detailed paper describing some of the technology of speech recognition. http://svr-www.eng.cam.ac.uk/~ajr/SA95/ |
113. CINI-Communication Independence For The Neurologically Impaired Founded by speech pathologists, people with ALS and family members, this nonprofit organization disseminates information about the communication technology that may help them. http://www.cini.org |
114. Language Technology Dedicated to the market for innovation in language and speech technologies in Europe and beyond. To be held at the Hotel Schweizerhof, Berlin, Germany on 2627 September, 2002. Online registration, overview, program, speakers, topics, audience, exhibitions, presentations, information on travel and accommodation. http://www.lang-tech.org/ |
115. Anovea Authentication Technology Inc. speaker authentication technology design of complete, custom authentication solutions using speech, fingerprint and other biometric modalities for enterprise computing, ecommerce and telephony markets. http://www.anovea.com |
116. The Campaign To Have Copyright Interests Trump Technology And Consumer Rights speech by Gary Shapiro, President of the Consumer Electronics Association, to the Optical Storage Symposium. http://www.techlawjournal.com/intelpro/20020917.asp |
117. Sunny Beach Technology, Inc. Makers of Personal Receptionist, interactive voice telephony software for voice modems or telephony cards. The software uses touch tone and speech recognition and textto-speech generation to interact with callers. http://www.sunny-beach.net |
118. Authority Technology Design, application and sales of consumer voice and speech ICs. http://www.atech.com.tw |
119. Printacall Manufactures communications technology for deaf, hearing impaired and speech impaired people. http://www.printacall.com.au |
120. DesktopMates Animated human like characters that live on your desktop as your personal interactive companion and assistant capable of speech and doing tasks for you using Microsoft Agent technology. http://desktopmates.com/ |
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