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81. Speech Technology speech technology. Despite many important advances in speech recognition the technologyis still brittle, preventing its proliferation in the HCI community. http://www-white.media.mit.edu/vismod/demos/conversation/node6.html | |
82. Unisys | Building On Expertise In Speech Technology And Unified Messaging, Unisy Home. Building on Expertise in speech technology and Unified Messaging,Unisys Launches Highly Scalable and Global Voice Portal Solutions. http://www.unisys.com/about__unisys/news_a_events/06038148.htm | |
83. Speech Technology - Interactive Sensory System Division The SPEECH area covers three projects DITELO, MUNST e SHINE, sharing thesame objective of R D in the field of speech recognition technology. http://ssi.itc.it/speech.htm | |
84. LINGUIST List 14.345: Speech Technology: Chair, The U/of Edinburgh Tue Feb 4 2003. Jobs speech technology Chair, The U/of Edinburgh. Message1 Jobs speech technology Chair, The University of Edinburgh, UK. http://www.linguistlist.org/issues/14/14-345.html | |
85. Home Pages Related To Phonetics And Speech Sciences List of web sites related to phonetics and speech sciences meetings, research centers, electronic newsletters, journals and publishers http://fonsg3.let.uva.nl/Other_pages.html#Meetings | |
86. LINGUIST List 14.356: Speech Technology: Asst Profs (2), U/Amsterdam Wed Feb 5 2003. Jobs speech technology Asst Profs (2), U/Amsterdam. Message1 Language Typology and speech technology Lecturer, U/of Amsterdam. http://www.linguistlist.org/issues/14/14-356.html | |
87. Speech Technology And Applied Research Expertise In Speech Production, Speech Pe speech technology. speech technology experience in Speech,; speech technology,;speech synthesis,; textto-speech,; speech-to-text,; Text to speech synthesis,; http://www.starspeech.com/ | |
88. Microsoft Speech - Licensing Microsoft Speech Technology Licensing Microsoft speech technology. Microsoft Speech SDK version5.1 EULA. There is a new End User License Agreement (EULA) in http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=296&clcid=0x409 |
89. - Speech Technology The technological breakthrough and the market demands in speech technology reacheda point where the education and training of a growing number of employees http://www.hltcentral.org/page-320.0.shtml | |
90. HCIRN > Resources > Speech Technology International Journal of speech technology. The International Journalof speech technology is a research journal that focuses on http://www.hcirn.com/res/period/speech.html | |
91. Forum Find Search Results... forum find Computers speech technology http://www.forumfind.com/directory.php/search::cat/category::81336/ | |
92. Babel - Infovox AB | Text To Speech Technology What is Infovox TextTo-Speech ? Text-to-speech is a technology that enablesthe automatic processing of written text to produce speech output. http://www.infovox.se/tinfo.htm | |
93. Babel - Infovox AB | Text To Speech Technology world of Information Technology. BrightSpeech can be easily integrated into telecomservers and multimedia applications making it an ideal speech solution for http://www.infovox.se/tproducts.htm | |
94. Start Page speech technology Research links Companies involved in speech technology Conferencesworldwide Research For students Terminology within speech technology. http://portal.bibliotekivest.no/market.htm | |
95. Adam Orion Industries Welcomes You - Please Contact Us With Your Questions Developers of speech technology to be intergrated with proprietary software in the property management industry. http://www.aoieps.com | |
96. Speech & Hearing - Recommended Books In Speech Technology Library Section on speech technology. Beginners. Intermediate. cover, From AcademicPress. International Journal of speech technology. From Elsevier BV. http://www.speechandhearing.net/library/sptech.html | |
97. K.U.Leuven-ESAT-PSI Speech Group Site of the Leuven research group on speech technology (speech recognition, speech coding, speech modification, etc.) http://www.esat.kuleuven.ac.be/~spch/ | |
98. Speech Technology Free Subscription speech technology Magazine is recognized worldwide as the leading source of informationon speech technology solutions that are changing communications and http://internet.tradepub.com/free/st/ | |
99. Conquest Integrated Technologies India Provides software solutions and services for DSP, VOIP, speech technology, image processing and embedded systems, digital imaging, digital video and communication, compression techniques , security networking, and parallel processing. Company offices in the US and India. http://www.citilindia.com |
100. SiliconStrategies.com - Speech Technology Loses Its Kooky Luster phone, PDA, car and consumer gadget. speech technology loses its kookyluster. By Nicolas Mokhoff EE Times (10/31/02 0630 pm EST). http://www.siliconstrategies.com/story/OEG20021031S0046 | |
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