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61. ELSNET's Directory Of Language And Speech Technology Experts ELSNET's Directory of Language and speech technology Experts. Findlanguage and speech technology experts all over the world, and http://www.elsnet.org/experts.html | |
62. ELSNET's Directory Of Language And Speech Technology Organisations ELSNET's Directory of Language and speech technology Organisations.Find language and speech technology organisations all over the http://www.elsnet.org/organisations.html | |
63. Speech: TECHNOLOGY-LED ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT In The Post-Bubble, Post-9/11, Post- TECHNOLOGYLED ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT in the Post-Bubble, Post-9/11, Post-Enron AmericaRemarks by Bruce P. Mehlman Assistant Secretary for Technology Policy http://www.ta.doc.gov/Speeches/BPM_020404_EconDev.htm | |
64. Prof Moreshwar R Bhujade, CSE IIT Bombay Home Page Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay Computer Architecture and Operating systems, Fault tolerent Distributed Algorithms, Neural networks, Speech/Image Processing, speech technology for Indian languages http://www.cse.iitb.ernet.in/~mrb/ |
65. Intel(r) Speech Technology Resource Directory speech technology Resource Directory. speech technology Developers. Audiopoint,Inc. 3955 Pender Drive Fairfax, VA 22030 Product(s), Phone, 703279-4400. http://resource.intel.com/programs/3373web.asp | |
66. Polderland Software voor taal en spraaktechnologie. Informatie over de technologie, producten, diensten en verschil Category World Nederlands Computers Spraaktechnologie......Polderland Language speech technology. Polderland, de specialist in taaltechnologie.Polderland is specialist op het gebied van taaltechnologie. http://www.polderland.nl/ | |
67. SRC - Speech Recognition & Digital Dictation Solutions SRC is a leading Euopean provider of highperformance speech technology solutions for telephony and desktop to the corporate marketplace. http://www.src.co.uk | |
68. Laboratory Of Speech Technology For Rehabilitation (LSTR) New Search Home Icon toolbar Readme , Laboratory of speech technologyfor Rehabilitation (LSTR). Head Dr András Arató, Ph.D. http://www.kfki.hu/cnc/lstr/lstr.html | |
69. Speech Technology: 'Hey, Im Talkin To You!': ZDNet Australia: News & Tech: C speech technology 'Hey, Im talkin to you!' By Oliver Weidlich,Performance Technologies Group 12 October 2001. TalkBack! It http://www.zdnet.com.au/newstech/communications/story/0,2000024993,20261133,00.h | |
70. Philips Speech Processing - Telephony Develops large vocabulary natural language understanding software as well as VoiceXML and SALT based speech technology for multimodal applications. http://www.speech.philips.com/telephony |
71. Available Technologies: Speech Technology one Recent developments in speech technology have led to significantimprovements in quality and accuracy and a reduction in prices. http://trace.wisc.edu/docs/missing_links/ml5.htm | |
72. Deaf Children Learn To Talk Using Speech Technology From OGI DEAF CHILDREN LEARN TO TALK USING speech technology FROM OGI SCHOOLOF SCIENCE ENGINEERING June 3, 2002. Computer serves as friendly http://www.ogi.edu/news/2002/speech.shtml | |
73. Simex Telecommunications - Home Software and hardware solutions for speech technology, voice over IP, computer telephony, DSP. Consulting and project management for telecommunication projects in Eastern Europe. http://www.simex-telecom.de | |
74. Loquorum - Custom Speech Applications speech technology. Speech Applications depend on a number of very advanced technologiesText To Speech (TTS) where written text is converted into speech; http://www.loquorum.com/speechtechnology.html | |
75. ILSP - Structure - Department Of Speech Technology Department of speech technology. Members of the department. The department developsbasic technology which will be used in speechenabled applications. http://www.ilsp.gr/voice_eng.html | |
76. Telephony Voice User Interface Conference Revealed That "The Future Is Now" For Main findings of second annual Telephony Voice User Interface Conference in Scottsdale, AZ. Numerous companies discussed their implementations of speech technology for call center applications. http://www.kprinc.com/2000/pr008.htm | |
77. Intel(R) Telecom Services - Speech Technology Primer speech technology Primer. After attending the speech technology Primer, you'll beready to take the next step in developing your speechenabled application. http://www.intel.com/network/csp/products/8397web.htm | |
78. Maori Speech Technology System Unveiled CommWeb.com Maori speech technology System Unveiled. The world's firstinteractive dialogue system to interpret and pronounce Maori http://www.commweb.com/article/COM20020117S0007 | |
79. ASRMarket Study Of Text-to-Speech Technology Markets 1995 - 2005 ASRNews, the speech recognition newsletterMarket Study of textto-speech technologymarkets 1993 - 1998. Text-to-speech technology Markets 1996-2006 http://www.asrnews.com/texttot.htm | |
80. Parlance Corporation - Home Of The NameConnector Service Their NameConnector utilizes speech technology to enable callers to dial one number, say the name and get connected to anyone in the enterprise. http://www.nameconnector.com | |
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