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41. Speech Technology Grows Up Advanced speech technology has moved to the mainstream just ask Bob DuPont ofThrifty Car Rental, who expects to save $1 million next year using voice http://www.nwfusion.com/news/2001/0820apps.html | |
42. Computers: Speech Technology - WorldSearch.com Home » Computers » speech technology. Knowledgeable and unhyped web siteexplaining business applications of speech and voice technology. http://www.worldsearch.com/dp.lisa/en/Computers/Speech_Technology | |
43. KLUWER Academic Publishers | Speech Technology Add to cart. International Journal of speech technology Daryle GardnerBonneau2003, Volume 6 (4 issues) Price 308.00 EUR / 339.00 USD ISSN 1381-2416 http://www.wkap.nl/home/topics/2/9/1/ | |
44. KLUWER Academic Publishers | Robustness In Language And Speech Technology Books » Robustness in Language and speech technology. Robustness inLanguage and speech technology. Add to cart. edited by JeanClaude http://www.wkap.nl/prod/b/0-7923-6790-1 | |
45. Nortel Networks: Speech Technology Portfolio Nortel Networks speech technology Portfolio is a comprehensive offering of speechsolutions built on solid technology and industryleading experience. http://www.nortelnetworks.com/products/04/st/ | |
46. DTalk Speech Components Main Page Dee Talk SAPI speech components from O and A Productions.Category Computers Programming Languages Delphi Components...... If you are new to speech technology then check out the Speech Primerfor a quick overview. Microsoft research announces Story. http://www.o2a.com/dtalk.htm | |
47. PORTSET INTERNET SERVICES INFORMATION speech technology. Portset Systems provides a range of speech technologyin Text to Speech and Automatic Speech Reconigition. Further http://www.portset.co.uk/speechtec.htm | |
48. EE Times - Speech Technology Loses Its Kooky Luster speech technology loses its kooky luster By NicolasMokhoff. EE Times November 1, 2002 (702 am EST), http://www.eetimes.com/at/news/OEG20021031S0046 | |
49. Speech Technology Goes Mobile DESPITE THE RECENT disintegration of premier speech technology company, Lernout Hauspie (L H), the technology that it helped pioneer continues to move http://iwsun4.infoworld.com/articles/hn/xml/01/06/04/010604hnspeech.xml | |
50. Java(TM) Speech API Home Page The Java TM Speech API allows developers to incorporate speech technology into userinterfaces for their Java programming la nguage applets and applications. http://java.sun.com/products/java-media/speech/ | |
51. ThinkQuest Library Of Entries speech technology What if we just could get rid of our keyboards, and treated thecomputer as a normal human, communicating by speech? A futuristic dream? http://library.advanced.org/26451/contents/special/speech.html | |
52. Telenor: Forskning Og Utvikling The speech technology and voice interface research at Telenor R D hasits main focus on telecommunication applications. We conduct http://www.telenor.no/fou/prosjekter/taletek/ | |
53. Welcome To The Homepage Of PSTL Founded in 1981, Panasonic speech technology Laboratory (PSTL), a unit of PanasonicTechnologies Company, is a leading innovator in speech recognition and text http://www.research.panasonic.com/pstl/ | |
54. Asia.internet.com - Speech Technology Gains Momentum In China May 23, 2002 News Archives speech technology Gains Momentum in China.China, currently the largest mobile communications market http://asia.internet.com/asia-news/article/0,,161_1143501,00.html | |
55. Backflip Publisher: ECButton | Folder: Speech Technology Select a Web page from this folder below. Public Directory ECButton speech technology (0) (updated 2002/01/18) Copy Folder. http://www.backflip.com/members/ECButton/10610388 | |
56. Speech Recognition.Net - Homepage A speech technology brokering firm bringing together suppliers of speech technology products, startups, merger candidates, funding sources, marketing or outsourcing services. http://www.speechrecognition.net | |
57. FlexVoice - Text-to-speech Technology Sells FlexVoice (TM), a text-to-speech (TTS) engine. Online demo shows good prosidy.Category Computers speech technology Speech Synthesis...... Best Of AVIOS 2001 FlexVoiceTM is the textto-speech (TTS) technologyfrom Mindmaker that brings speech synthesis to a whole new level. http://www.flexvoice.com/ | |
58. Www.eloq.com/ Similar pages CNN.com Technology - speech technology goes mobile, online - speech technology goes mobile, online. From PC World. by Aoife McEvoy.(IDG) Artificial voice and speech recognition are gaining http://www.eloq.com/ |
59. Speech Technology General. News Group comp.speech Frequently Asked Questions (the definite sourcefor speech technology information). speech technology And Research (SRI). http://www.abiro.com/lab/speech.htm | |
60. Midwest Speech Technology Assocation Midwest speech technology Association. Web Rings. Our web ring provideslinks to members of the Midwest speech technology Association. http://www.midwestspeech.org/ | |
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