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41. Uncataloged Microfilm -- S 2 stamitz, anton. Concerto pour alto viola principal, violons 1 et 2 D major. 2stamitz, anton. Concerto pour alto viola principal, violons 1 et 2 G major. http://www.lib.unc.edu/music/film/films.html |
42. Viola Fan CD List 2 Jiri Malat (cond) Kurpfaelzisches Kammerorchester stamitz, Johann Concerto forViola and string orchestra in G major (1505) stamitz, anton Concerto for http://www.vfcjapan.com/cdlisttop.html | |
43. Konzert Fur 2 Flote / Anton Stamitz The summary for this Japanese page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.muramatsuflute.com/japanese/j-music-comment/2-fl p/s/stamitz_a-konzer |
44. Klassik.com - Johann Stamitz Und Die Mannheimer Schule Translate this page Böhmen) stammende Johann Wenzel stamitz, Ignaz Holzbauer, Franz Xaver Richter undChristian Cannabich, später auch die Söhne stamitz´ anton und Carl sowie http://www.klassik.com/de/magazine/people/stamitz/mannheim.htm | |
45. Concertos For Organ And Orches - Johann Wenzel Anton Stamitz - Online Shop Tips Translate this page - Concertos For Organ And Orches - Johann Wenzel anton stamitz. . Concertos ForOrgan And Orches Concertos For Organ And Orches Johann Wenzel anton stamitz http://www.allscout-kultur.de/klassik/Concertos_For_Organ_And_Orches_Johann_Wenz | |
46. Stamitz: Sinfonia Johann (or Juri) Václav anton stamitz (171757) was one of severalleaders and composers for the Mannheim orchestra. He is important http://www.asu.edu/cfa/classnotes/music/reynolds/MHL342/cla/stamitz.html | |
47. Classical Net - Composer Data - Anniversaries Composers 200th Anniversary . ( 4/12/1716 - 6/08/1796 ) GIARDINI, Felice de' ( 11/27/1750- 10/27/1796 ) stamitz, anton Thadaus Johann Nepomuk 150th Anniversary -. http://www.classical.net/music/composer/dates/comp8.html | |
48. Classical Net - Recommended Recordings - Late Concertos 1856 1941 ) SOLERE, Etienne ( 1753 - 1817 ) SPOHR, Louis ( 1784 - 1859 ) +STALDER,Joseph Franz Xaver Dominik ( 1725 - 1765 ) stamitz, anton Thadaus Johann http://www.classical.net/music/recs/latconc.html | |
49. NAWM 92, 7:27: Johann Wentzel Anton Stamitz (1717-57), Sinfonia A 8 In E-flat Ma NAWM 92, 727 Johann Wentzel anton stamitz (171757), Sinfonia a 8 in E-flat major(La melodia germanica¸no. 3). TG=theme group. S=subject. MM. Keys. Themes. http://www.arts.arizona.edu/mus330b/nawm92.htm | |
50. Anton Stamitz - CD Shop Musica Bona Online shop of the Czech classical music - CD Shop - Czech Composers- anton stamitz. 1957), anton stamitz (1750-1789/1809). Look http://www.musicabona.com/cdshop1/stamitz01.html | |
51. Anton Stamitz - Magasin De CDs Musica Bona Magasin online de la musique classique tcheque - Magasin de CDs - Compositeurstcheques - anton stamitz. anton stamitz (1750-1789/1809). http://www.musicabona.com/cdshop4/stamitz01.html | |
52. CNIDR Search [aby5543] Author Rampal, Jean Pierre. prf. Title Flute concerti by Johann, Carl,and anton stamitz sound recording. cnd. stamitz, anton, b. 1750. http://www.dlib.indiana.edu/cgi-bin/var/bib?aby5543 |
53. PHONE-SOFT INTERNET-VERZEICHNIS ÖSTERREICH:STAMITZ, ANTON Translate this page TOP-LINK, UP-LINK, DISCUSSION, SEARCH, INDEX, HELP. stamitz, anton. www.neuverlieben.com- Lerne Deinen Traumpartner kennen WLW Produkt-Suche. http://www.phone-soft.at/cyber-world/o7111.htm | |
54. PHONE-SOFT INTERNET-VERZEICHNIS ÖSTERREICH:KOMPONISTEN stamitz, anton; stamitz,CARL; stamitz, JOHANN; STOCKHAUSEN, KARLHEINZ; STRAUS, OSCAR; STRAUSS http://www.phone-soft.at/cyber-world/o0155.htm | |
55. Composers ~ Sl MAR 1901)Eng; STALDER, Joseph Franz Xaver (17251765); STALHEIM, Jostein(1960 - ); stamitz, anton (1750 -1789); stamitz, Carl (SHTAH http://members.tripod.com/~musiclassical/compsl.html | |
56. Classical Music - Sheet Music Translate this page Sperger, Johann Matthias (1750-1812) Spohr, Ludwig (1784-1859), Stalder, Joseph FranzXaver Dominik (1725-1765) stamitz, anton Thadaus Johann Nepomuk (1750-1796 http://www.byronhoyt.com/composers/s.html | |
57. Composers Translate this page de (c1490-1562) Shostakovich, Dimitri (1906-1975) Sibelius, Jean + (1865-1957) Smetana,Bedrich (1824-1884) Spohr, Louis (1784-1859) stamitz, anton (1750-?1809 http://www.expressionsofworship.com/Composers.htm | |
58. ClassicMp3 Translate this page Spontini, Gaspare (1774-1851), Go. stamitz, anton (1750-1809), Go. stamitz,Carl (1745-1801), Go. stamitz, Johann Wenzel anton (1717-1757), Go. http://www.geocities.com/tinastefan00/komponisten_rz_inhalt.htm | |
59. Carl Ditters Von Dittersdorf Johann Wenzel anton stamitz, one the most influential figures in European music duringthe midEighteenth Century, was born in Nemecky Brod (German Deutschbrod http://www.artaria.com/Composer/FullBios/JStamitz_Full.htm | |
60. Johan Stamitz Brief biography with link to extended life. Includes list of works and links to other composers.Category Arts Music Composition Composers S stamitz, Johann......Johann stamitz (17171757) Johann Wenzel anton stamitz was one the mostinfluential figures in European music during the mid-18th century. http://www.artaria.com/Composer/JStamitz.htm | |
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