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Home - Composers - Sammartini Giovanni Battista |
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Sammartini Giovanni Battista: more books (31) | ||
41. Ccm Composers-classical-music Com : Composers S Samkopf, Kjell; sammartini, giovanni battista; sammartini, Giuseppe; http://composers-classical-music.com/s.htm | |
42. Claves Records, The Swiss Classical Label Translate this page Antonio Salieri - Carlos Salzedo - Giuseppe sammartini - giovanni Felice Sances HenriVieuxtemps - Heitor Villa-Lobos - giovanni battista Viotti - giovanni http://www.claves.ch/98Rahmen/indexen.htm | |
43. Claves Records, The Swiss Classical Label Translate this page Elias Parish-Alvars - Bernardo Pasquini - giovanni battista Pergolesi - Jean AntonioSalieri - Carlos Salzedo - Giuseppe sammartini - giovanni Felice Sances http://www.claves.ch/ | |
44. Giovanni Battista Pergolesi (1710-1736) Library Of Congress Heading sammartini, giovanni battista, 1700 (ca.)1775. Symphony, string orchestra,J. D22, D major References Pergolesi, giovanni battista, 1710-1736. http://www.malaspina.edu/~mcneil/cit/citlcpergolesi.htm | |
45. Early Music Chicago Composers Sainte Colombe Google Web Directory Sainte Colombe; sammartini, giovanni battista(c. 17011775) Dr. Estrella's Dictionary sammartini, giovanni battista http://earlymusichicago.home.attbi.com/composers.htm |
46. Encyclopædia Britannica sammartini, giovanni battista Italian composer who was an important formative influenceon the preClassical symphony and thus on the Classical style later http://search.britannica.com/search?query=Giovanni Battista Moroni |
47. Alessandro Peroni - G.B. Sammartini: Discografia Translate this page giovanni battista sammartini e la musica a Milano nell'età teresiana Quintettie quartetti Ensemble Aglaia Stradivarius, 1997 STR 33426 DDD Due cantate Il http://digilander.libero.it/alessandroperoni/sammartini.html | |
48. Stuttgarter Kammerorchester - Spielplan Translate this page 2002, Osnabrück Heinrich Ignaz Franz Biber Battalia à 10 Luigi Boccerini LaMusica notturna delle Strade di Madrid giovanni battista sammartini Sinfonia F http://www.stuttgarter-kammerorchester.de/english/concerts/default.htm | |
49. TWO FLUTES sammartini, giovanni battista Six Sonatas 2771 Volume I (RAMPAL) .15.00. http://www.themusicstorenyc.com/fluteduets.htm | |
50. NATALE A MILANO Translate this page NATALE A MILANO. giovanni battista sammartini e la Milano del suo tempo. Sabato22 dicembre 2001 concerto nella chiesa di SantAntonio Abate, a Milano. http://www.antelitteram.com/news/arcadia/comunicato.htm | |
51. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Saint-Saëns sammartini, giovanni battista (1700/1 1775) Italian; Milan-based Style/PeriodPre-Classical Best Known For syms.-concs.-chamber music Musical Influences http://www.wku.edu/~smithch/music/comp6.htm | |
52. La Primavera 25 april 2003 20.15 uur Leiden, Waalse kerk, Breestraat 64, giovanni battista sammartinien Giuseppe sammartini Twee broers en hun vriendenkring in Milaan http://www.dse.nl/~laprima/concert.htm | |
53. ResAnet Record 11735222 Monograph COPIES NL stks fol M1001 S98B7 Ser.A v.2 NAME(S) *sammartini,giovanni battista, ca1700-1775 TITLE(S) Ten symphonies / giovanni http://www.amicus.nlc-bnc.ca/wbin/resanet/itemdisp/l=0/d=1/r=1/e=0/h=10/i=117352 | |
54. SIdM - Fonti Musicali Italiane. 6 (2001) Translate this page Three unknown pieces by giovanni battista sammartini, discovered among the musicpreserved in the parish archives, provide the occasion for an analysis of http://www.sidm.it/fmi/fmi0601.html | |
55. Williams College Libraries - New Acquisitions List - Scores sammartini, giovanni battista, 1700 (ca.)1775. CONCERTOS. SELECTIONS. FOUR CONCERTOS/ giovanni battista sammartini ; EDITED BY ADA BEATE GEHANN. http://www.williams.edu/library/Catalog_Records/scores_01-13-03.html | |
56. Rental Catalog S(7) Translate this page Anton Saguer, Louis Saint-Georges, Chevalier de Saint-Saëns, Camille Salieri, AntonioSalmon, Karel sammartini, giovanni battista sammartini, Giuseppe Samson http://www.presser.com/catalogs/Rental/RentalWebS0.html | |
57. Works Marcello, Benedetto (16861739). · Tartini, Giuseppe (1692-1770). ·sammartini, giovanni battista (1701-1775). · Barriere, Jean (1705-1717). http://www.cellistin.com/list/detail/composerbybirth.php | |
58. Baroque Music - Composers Vivaldi Zachau giovanni battista sammartini ~ ~ ~ (1701-75). Italiancomposer, one of the earliest composers of symphonies. An http://baroque-music.com/frames/info/sammartini.shtml | |
59. 226 SAMMARTINI, GIOVANNI BATTISTA, Ca. 1700-1775. 226 sammartini, giovanni battista, ca. 17001775. Sonatas, flutes (2), op. CALLNUMBER M289.S34 1750 227 sammartini, giovanni battista, ca. 1700-1775. http://www.lib.virginia.edu/dmmc/Music/MackaySmith/mackay8.html | |
60. Violinkonzerte Mirijam Contzen Spielt Violinkonzerte - Jpc Translate this page Marian Lapsansky - Peter und der Wolf sammartini,giovanni battista (1701-1775) Sonatenop.7 Nr.1-6 f.Flöte,Violine,Cembalo sammartini,giovanni battista (1701 http://www.jpc-music.com/8835509.htm | |
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