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81. I1393: _____ DIRCKSEN ( - ) Translate this page heinrich isaac SCHROEDER. BIRTH ABT 1770. OCCUPATION m. Aganetha Schroeder. REFN219he. Father isaac SCHROEDER Mother _ _ Family 1 Aganetha SCHROEDER http://www.angelfire.com/ks2/iz/genealogy/html/d0001/g0000040.html | |
82. Alphamusic - Proprium De Translate this page Februar 2003. isaac,heinrich (1450-1517) Proprium de Sancta Cruce CD (Vokalmusikgeistlich) Christophorus, DDD, 01 VÖ-Datum 1.10.2002 Bestell-Nr. http://www.alpha-musikshop.de/154/6161154.html | |
83. Heinrich Isaac: Innsbruck Ich Muss Dich Lassen Translate this page Last updated Feb. 14, 1997 Go to the Libretto Homepage. heinrich isaac.Innsbruck ich muss dich lassen. Innsbruck ich muss dich lassen http://opera.stanford.edu/iu/libretti/innsbruck.html | |
84. Heinrich Isaac The summary for this Japanese page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.asahi-net.or.jp/~HE8T-MED/composer/I/isaac.html | |
85. ETUDES - Missa Paschale, De Heinrich Isaac Translate this page heinrich isaac Missa Paschale Cappella Pratensis. RebeccaStewart. Wim Diepenhorst. Ricercar 206692 MU/750. http://www.jesuites.com/cyberboutik/etudes/e3916/e3916sd1.htm | |
86. Musical Meditations organum; DAGGDOWN MID Downbery down; DAGGDOWA MID Downbery down; ISAINNSVMID isaac, heinrich Innsbruck, ich muß dich lassen; ISAINNSR http://www.spiritual-wholeness.org/music/musicmeditatio.htm | |
87. The PDF Files Musica Viva The annex The PDF Files isaac, heinrichThe PDF Files, isaac, heinrich. http://members.fortunecity.com/franknordberg/pdf/isaac-heinrich/ | |
88. Moeck Music, Autoren IJ Translate this page 4S+ perc, 1. 03610, isaac, heinrich (1450-1517), Carmina zu vier Stimmen,Mönkemeyer, SATB, 3. 00713, isaac, heinrich (1450-1517), Der Hund http://www.moeckmusic.de/Katalog/AutorenI.htm | |
89. AGRICOLA, Alexander Translate this page isaac, heinrich (c.1450-1517) German. Madrigaler http://home.no.net/passang/Komponister/ISAAC_Heinrich/ | |
90. Alphamusic - Missa De Translate this page Februar 2003. isaac,heinrich (1450-1517) Missa de Carminum CD (Vokalmusik geistlich)Corona, ADD, 71 VÖ-Datum 22.10.98 Bestell-Nr. 8693693 2.99 EUR. http://www.alphamusic-shop.com/693/8693693.html | |
91. ULB Düsseldorf, Fachsystematiken Translate this page ante25750. isaac (Israeli) (Fachbibliothek), phic46200. isaac, heinrich,musc37500. isaac, heinrich, musd37500. isaacs, Jorge, roms58250. http://www.ulb.uni-duesseldorf.de/allhtml/system/pi.htm | |
92. Classical And Contemporary Composers isaac, heinrich isaac, heinrich (c. 1450 1517) in ``Composers' Biographiesand their Works''; In Basic Repertoire List. Isang, Yun http://www.kanadas.com/music/composers/I.html | |
93. Redirection Gold-music Adrian Old Dutch Masters; Book 5 By Dufay, Guillaume (c14001474); Brumel, Antoine(c1460-c1515); Obrecht, Jacob (c1450-1505); isaac, heinrich (c1450-1517 http://www.gold-music.com/index.php?pubq=Adrian Ingram |
94. Library By Composer - I isaac, heinrich, Now Rest Beneath Night's Shadow, Bach, Johann Sebastian,101 Chorales, Sac, Gen, Chorale, SATB, A Cappella, 21. isaac, heinrich, http://music.concordia.ab.ca/library/composer/composer-I.htm |
95. Iclassics.com - Classical Music And More Newsletter SignUp Herbert von Karajan Listening To Music Beethoven.com. Heinrichisaac. isaac Missa de Apostolis. Lamentatio - Music for Passiontide circa 1500. http://www.iclassics.com/iclassics/artists_result.jsp?entityId=442 |
96. The Little Book Of Hymns isaac, HeinrichAch Welt, ich muß dich lassen One of Johann Sebastian Bach's arrangements. http://www.musicaviva.com/organ/hymns/all.tpl | |
97. Chitarrata.com - Composer/compositor/compositeur/säveltäjä - Isaac, Henricus de nacimiento/date de naissance/syntymäaika 1450 55 circa. http://www.chitarrata.com/composer.php?composer_id=682 |
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