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Home - Composers - Bella Jan Levoslav |
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61. Directory - Business: Publishing And Printing: Publishers: Music Slovakia · history · cached · Publishes the works of composer jan levoslav bella(18431936), educational music, and books on music in Slovak language. http://www.incywincy.com/default?p=1054 |
62. Directory :: Look.com Music Centre Slovakia Publishes the works of composer jan levoslav bella(18431936), educational music, and books on music in Slovak language. http://www.look.com/searchroute/directorysearch.asp?p=1054 |
63. Music Publishers! Music Centre Slovakia Publishes the works of composer jan levoslav bella(18431936), educational music, and books on music in Slovak language. http://audiomusic.info/lyrics/music-publishers.htm | |
64. Noty /A/B1/B2/B3/C/C/D/E/F/G/H1/H2/CH/I/J/K1/K2/K3/L/M1/M2/ bella, Ján levoslav, Adagietto, husle/klavír, 2265, slov. bella, Ján levoslav,Capriccio, klavír, 800, slov. Benda, jan, Grave, husle/klavír, 1435, ces. http://www.pf.ukf.sk/khv/notyB3.htm | |
65. DTF Of SAS - Our Books Distinguished singers from abroad performed here, the first Slovak operas were staged(jan levoslav bella's Kovac Wieland Wieland Smith in 1926; Viliam Figus http://www.kadf.sav.sk/knihy/n2.html | |
66. Slovenska Hudba 4/2001 of Josef ThiardLaforest (18411897); 487 Vladimír GODÁR Ján levoslav bellasMass of 17th century is small (the spiritual poetry of jan Kochanowski was http://www.elis.sk/slhud/sh401.htm | |
67. Komponisten-Daten: B Translate this page Belcher, Supply (1751-1836) Belem, Antonio de (1620-1700) Beliczay, Julius von(1835-1893) bella, Johann jan Leopold levoslav (1843-1936) bella, Rudolf http://home.t-online.de/home/pfaelzer.saenger/07komp_b.htm | |
68. MetaEUREKA Metasearch The results 1 to 5 from 5. 1. bella, jan levoslav (1843 1936) Briefbiography and recommended recordings. http//www.hnh.com/composer http://www.metaeureka.com/cgi-bin/odp2.pl?dir=Arts/Music/Composition/Composers/B |
69. Brnenske Ulice A Vyvoj Jejich Nazvu Od 13. Stoleti Bellova Kohoutovice / 274. jan levoslav bella (18431936), hudebni skladatel,zakladatel slovenske hudebni tradice a narodni hudby. 1974 Bellova. http://www.brno-city.cz/main/odbory/ovv/ulice/b.htm | |
70. HAZU Hrvatska Akademija Znanosti I Umjetnosti Gotovac i Split; jan Sibelius; jan Sibelius ocerk Jahrhunderts; Johann L. bella(18431936) und das prikaz cjelokupnog pitanja; Ján levoslav bella ivot a http://mahazu.hazu.hr/~vea/WEBHH/muzika/naslovi/indeks74.htm | |
71. Music 48, Music Centre Slovakia. Publishes the works of composer jan levoslav bella(18431936), educational music, and books on music in Slovak language. http://www.ad.com/Arts/Music/Composition/__Publishers/ | |
72. Classical Net - Timeline Of Composers 1843 1922); Heinrich von Herzogenberg (1843 - 1900); Edvard HagerupGrieg (1843 - 1907); jan levoslav bella (1843 - 1936); Charles-Marie http://www.classical.net/music/composer/dates/comp9.html | |
73. Music In Business > Publishing And Printing > Publishers Publishes the works of composer jan levoslav bella (18431936), educationalmusic, and books on music in Slovak language. Music Publishers Addresses. http://ilectric.com/browse/web/Business/Publishing_and_Printing/Publishers/Music | |
74. Klasszikus Zene Translate this page Heinrich von Herzogenberg, (1843 - 1900). Edvard Hagerup Grieg, (1843 - 1907).jan levoslav bella, (1843 - 1936). Charles-Marie-Jean-Albert Widor, (1844 - 1937). http://www.nexus.hu/vitriol/zened.htm |
75. Klasszikus Zene Translate this page Becker, Dietrich, (1623-1679). Beerhalter, Alois, (1800-1852). Beethoven, LudwigVan, (1770-1827). bella, jan levoslav, (1843-1936). Bellini, Vincenzo, (1801-1835). http://www.nexus.hu/vitriol/zeneab.htm |
76. Nove Knihy Piesne spev a klavir / jan levoslav bella . Vyd. 1. - Bratislava Opus, 1984- 28 s. ; 30 cm, C620. Piesne spev a klavir / jan levoslav bella . - Vyd. http://www.pedf.cuni.cz/svi/vydavatelstvi/knihy/bren2.htm | |
77. Untitled Úprava pre mieaný zbor Zdenko Mikula 6. Ján levoslav bella Slávnostná predohra 8,9, B5), Slovenský filharmonický zbor, zbormajster jan Rozehnal (A2 a http://www.matica.sk/snn/1998/05/111kaze&.html | |
78. Komponisten Babajew - Byström Translate this page Barton, Andrew. Barto, jan Zdenek. Bartulis, Vidmantas. Belcastro, Luca. Bell,William Henry. bella, Ján levoslav. Belli, Domenico. Bellini, Vincenzo. http://www.operone.de/operkompob.htm | |
79. AnsMe Directory - Business > Publishing And Printing > Publishers > Music 48. Music Centre Slovakia Publishes the works of composer jan levoslav bella(18431936), educational music, and books on music in Slovak language. http://dir.ansme.com/business/1054.html | |
80. Composers (B) (Notger) Ignaz (Franz), von Beecke, 28, Oct, 1733, 2, jan, 1803, German, Ján levoslav,bella, 4, Sep, 1843, 25, May, 1936, Slovak, Domenico, Belli, ? 5, May, 1627, bur,Italian, http://homepage.ntlworld.com/d.last/comp/b.htm | |
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