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         Philosophy:     more books (100)
  1. A New Basis for Chemistry: A Chemical Philosophy by Thomas Sterry Hunt, 2010-04-20
  2. Answers to the practical questions and problems contained in the fourteen week courses: in physiology, philosophy, astronomy, and chemistry (old and new edition) by Joel Dorman Steele, 2010-09-08
  3. Of Minds and Molecules: New Philosophical Perspectives on Chemistry
  4. Chemistry: The Impure Science by Bernadette Bensaude-Vincent, Jonathan Simon, 2008-10-16
  5. Scarcity's Ways: The Origins of Capital: A Critical Essay on Thermodynamics, Statistical Mechanics and Economics (Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science) by M.S. Macrakis, 2010-11-02
  6. Compendium of Quantum Physics: Concepts, Experiments, History and Philosophy
  7. Mixture and Chemical Combination: And Related Essays (Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science) by Pierre Duhem, 2010-11-02
  8. The Meaning of Quantum Theory: A Guide for Students of Chemistry and Physics (Oxford Science Publications) by Jim Baggott, 1992-05-21
  9. The Concept of Evidence (Oxford Readings in Philosophy) by Peter Achinstein, 1984-01-12
  10. Quantum Description of High-Resolution NMR in Liquids (International Series of Monographs on Chemistry) by Maurice Goldman, 1991-05-09
  11. Tools and Modes of Representation in the Laboratory Sciences (Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science)
  12. Methodological Aspects of the Development of Low Temperature Physics 1881-1956: Concepts Out of Context(s) (Science and Philosophy) by K. Gavroglu, Yorgos Goudaroulis, 1988-12-31
  13. Nineteenth-Century Attitudes: Men of Science (Chemists and Chemistry) by S. Ross, 1991-07-31
  14. Annals of Philosophy, Or, Magazine of Chemistry, Mineralogy, Mechanics, Natural History, Agriculture, and the Arts, Volume 2 by Thomas Thomson, 2010-03-09

61. Philosophy Of Chemistry Journal
HYLE philosophy of chemistry. An International Journal for the philosophy ofchemistry. HYLE is dedicated to all philosophical aspects of chemistry.
HYLE: Philosophy of Chemistry
The former Bulletin of the German Working Group "Philosophy and Chemistry" has been extended to an online journal published at the University of Karlsruhe, Germany: HYLE. An International Journal for the Philosophy of Chemistry HYLE is dedicated to all philosophical aspects of chemistry. Detailed informations concerning scientific concept, subscription, and contributing to HYLE are available on the homepage. The former issues (1.1995, 2.1996) as well as a preview of 3.1997 are available. There is also a Collected Bibliography "Philosophy of Chemistry" (more than 1500 titles) including articles on the history of theories, ideas, and concepts of chemistry. Web sites containing related links, new publications, and current activities in the philosophy of chemistry are in progress. Dr. Joachim Schummer

62. ChemCourses.Com - General Chemistry Philosophy And Practice
Second Semester General chemistry philosophy and Practice KennesawState University Dr. Matthew E. Hermes. Introduction We believe
Second Semester General Chemistry
Philosophy and Practice
Kennesaw State University
Dr. Matthew E. Hermes Introduction: We believe our students can best gain deep understanding of chemical principles if we develop our General Chemistry course as a hierarchy of concepts. We begin with three fundamentals:
  • That chemical principles can be taught as a series of concepts linked with each other into concept maps That we should separate chemical principles into those describing matter and those that describe physical and chemical transformations of matter and emphasize descriptive concepts first. That case studies, such as ChemCases.Com , of contemporary products and events that relate chemical principles to critical, responsible decision making offer students a vehicle for high levels of chemical cognition.
  • We based the second semester General Chemistry course taught at Kennesaw State University in Spring 1999 on these principles. A group of twelve mature students achieved remarkable academic and personal growth as result of this course. Concept - An idea or generalized notion
    Concept Map - Concepts linked by the expression of their overall relationships Background Principal Investigator
    Laurence I. Peterson, Dean

    63. From Chemical Philosophy To Theoretical Chemistry
    Mary Jo Nye From Chemical philosophy to Theoretical chemistry Dynamics of Matterand Dynamics of Disciplines, 18001950 Publication Date March 1994.
    Entire Site Books Journals E-Editions The Press
    Mary Jo Nye
    From Chemical Philosophy to Theoretical Chemistry
    Dynamics of Matter and Dynamics of Disciplines, 1800-1950
    Publication Date: March 1994 Subjects: Science Physical Sciences Physics Rights: World Clothbound
    Available Now Description About the Author
    DESCRIPTION (back to top) How did chemistry and physics acquire their separate identities, and are they on their way to losing them again? Mary Jo Nye has written a graceful account of the historical demarcation of chemistry from physics and subsequent reconvergences of the two, from Lavoisier and Dalton in the late eighteenth century to Robinson, Ingold, and Pauling in the mid-twentieth century. Using the notion of a disciplinary "identity" analogous to ethnic or national identity, Nye develops a theory of the nature of disciplinary structure and change. She discusses the distinctive character of chemical language and theories and the role of national styles and traditions in building a scientific discipline. Anyone interested in the history of scientific thought will enjoy pondering with her the question of whether chemists of the mid-twentieth century suspected chemical explanation had been reduced to physical laws, just as Newtonian mechanical philosophers had envisioned in the eighteenth century. ABOUT THE AUTHOR (back to top)
    Mary Jo Nye is George Lynn Cross Research Professor of the History of Science at the University of Oklahoma and author of Science in the Provinces (California, 1986), and

    64. Programme: Doctor Of Philosophy In Chemistry (CUHK Chemistry)
    Doctor of philosophy in chemistry, CHEM Homepage. Further Qualificationsfor Admission In addition to the general qualifications
    Doctor of Philosophy in Chemistry
    Further Qualifications for Admission:
    In addition to the general qualifications required for admission to a Ph.D. programme, candidates should possess a Master's degree in Chemistry or in a related field from a recognized university and may be required to sit for Advanced Chemistry in the Graduate Record Examinations* conducted by the Educational Testing Service, Princeton, N.J., U.S.A.. Students who are not graduates of this University may be required to take TOEFL within the first year of their studies.
    * Applicants with M.Phil. degrees may apply for exemption from taking this examination.
    The programme is research-oriented. A student registered as a full-time student is required to present a seminar on his/her research once every year and to attend research seminars organized by the Division. For completion of the Ph.D. degree programme, a student must submit a thesis based on his/her research for examination by a thesis committtee and pass a final oral examination defending his/her thesis. The minimum residence requirement is two years, and it normally takes three years to complete the programme.
    First Year:
      (1) Courses in Chemistry and courses offered by other Departments as approved by the Division
      (2) Seminar
      (3) Research
    Second Year:
      (1) Tutorial course and literature survey arranged with the supervisor
      (2) Seminar
      (3) Research
    Third Year:
      (1) Tutorial course and literature survey arranged with the supervisor

    65. Programme: Master Of Philosophy In Chemistry (CUHK Chemistry)
    Master of philosophy in chemistry, CHEM Homepage. Further Qualificiationsfor Admission In addition to the general qualifications
    Master of Philosophy in Chemistry
    Further Qualificiations for Admission:
    In addition to the general qualifications required for admission to the Graduate School, candidates should have majored in Chemistry or related fields. Students who are not graduates of this University may be required to take TOEFL within the first year of their studies.
    Examination Subject:
    Applicants who graduated from overseas universities may be required to take Advanced Chemistry in the Graduate Record Examinations conducted by the Educational Testing Service, Princeton, N.J., U.S.A..
    Full-time Programme:
    The courses offered to students are varied according to their interest and research project. The study plan for each student will be arranged by his/her research supervisor, following the guideline set up by the Chemistry Division. A candidate normally takes two years to complete the programme.
    First year:
      (1) Courses in Chemistry and courses offered by other Departments as approved by the Division
      (2) Seminar
      (3) Research
    Second year:
      (1)Tutorial course and literature survey arranged with the supervisor
      (2) Seminar
      (3) Research towards a Master's thesis
    Degree Requirements:
    First Year:
      Course work 6 units
      Seminar 1 unit
      Research 5 units
    Second Year:
      Guided studies 2 units

    66. Center For Green Chemistry> Philosophy
    philosophy Our research group has a multidisciplinary collection of students fromChemistry, ECOS, Biology, Biochemistry, Psychology and Computer Sciences.
    philosophy Our research group has a multidisciplinary collection of students from Chemistry, ECOS, Biology, Biochemistry, Psychology and Computer Sciences. It is our belief that new, innovative, breakthrough technologies are going to be required in order to provide society with materials and processes that will not harm human health or the environment. By applying the principles of Green Chemistry in a broad spectrum of applications, we aim to contribute sustainable alternatives for industry's use.
    We recognize the value of diversity in research. We have found that by identifying overlap of disciplines leads to dramatically different ways of doing things. Examples of some of our projects include solar energy devices, drug delivery systems, immunosuppression pharmaceuticals, anticancer compounds, antibiotics, microelectronics, holography and renewable plastics. All researchers in our group participate in K-12/community outreach initiatives in environmental and science/math education. We have an active program to visit or host groups of people to illustrate Green Chemistry as a proactive vehicle for pollution prevention. We are committed to bringing the benefits of environmentally benign research to the nonscience community. From a technical perspective, most of our work involves understanding how molecules organize and react in natural systems. We are learning how plants acquire light energy, how cell membranes maintain fluid properties, how minerals acquire colors and shapes, how DNA is damaged under sunlight, and other things... We believe that if one wants to build a material that is environmentally benign and safe, drawing inspiration from nature is a good starting point - because they have already evolved within a sustainable ecosystem.

    67. Departmental Philosophy
    chemistry Department, points to the number of open office doors in the Seaver chemistryLaboratory in explaining the department's philosophy The tradition of
    Departmental Philosophy
    Professor Wayne Steinmetz, who has taught for over 20 years in Pomona's Chemistry Department, points to the number of open office doors in the Seaver Chemistry Laboratory in explaining the department's philosophy: "The tradition of the department and and the faculty is access. I think there's a misconception that all learning takes place in the classroom." The Chemsistry Department is very flexible in allowing the students to meet the requirements for the concentration. Students may focus on their upper-division work in any of the subfields of chemistry, but may also elect to focus in geology, biochemistry via our Molecular Biology program, Chemical Physics, or Public Policy and Analysis. The beginning student has three tiers to choose from when they begin their study of chemistry. For students who have AP or equivalent experience, there is the opportunity to take an accelarated course that covers general chemistry in one semester. For mathematically underprepared students, a small section of about 35 students is offered. The remainder are in a typical General Chemistry course that divides into five separate labs, each taught by a professor. Historically, the Chemistry Department has placed emphasis on enabling students to research with faculty, both in the summer and during the academic year. Students who engage in such work have the opportunity for extended, one-on-one interaction with faculty while conducting original scientific experiments. Student involvement in research does not go unrecognized in this department; over the last three decades, over 100 students have co-authored research articles with their professors. Six to 10 students typically serve as research assistants to chemistry faculty each summer.

    68. Chemistry Program | Philosophy
    Why is it advantageous to study chemistry at Bard? The advantages of smallclasses with individual attention to students is well recognized.
    Why is it advantageous to study Chemistry at Bard? The advantages of small classes with individual attention to students is well recognized. More challenging material can be introduced in class and in the laboratory when dedicated professionals are involved and interested in student progress. This is particularly true in science where universities use graduate students to lead "discussion sessions" and to supervise laboratories. These students have widely varied backgrounds, alternate interests and undeclared priorities. Large classes also require computer grading of exams which become multiple choice, short answer tests that encourage this type of knowledge. What is less commonly noted is the related effect of large classes on student attitudes. At the "Ivy Schools", the majority of entering students declare themselves to be "premedical" students. The basic science courses therefore become the obstacle courses where some fixed percentage of students will receive the grades needed to continue in the program and gain eventual admission to medical school. (The percentage of entering "pre-meds" who make it to medical school is very small.) This situation causes two great problems: (1) The competition between students for the top grades causes animosity, resentment and counterproductive behavior in many of these students, and (2) the grade, rather than the understanding and enjoyment of the material, becomes the goal.

    69. Doctor Of Philosophy In Chemistry
    Doctor of philosophy in chemistry. The requirements for completionof the Doctor of philosophy degree in chemistry are 1. A minimum
    Doctor of Philosophy in Chemistry
    The requirements for completion of the Doctor of Philosophy degree in chemistry are: 1. A minimum of ninety (90) credits of course work. A grade of "C"or higher must be obtained in all courses with a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher. The courses must include: a) At least nine credits of chemistry courses in at least two of the five major areas of chemistry (Analytical, Biochemistry, Inorganic, Organic, and Physical) as listed below:
    CHM 5156 Advanced Chromatograhy CHM 6157 Advanced Analytical Chemistry
    CHM 5506 Physical Biochemistry
    CHM 5440 Kinetics and Catalysis CHM 5650 Physical Inorganic Chemistry
    CHM 5250 Organic Synthesis Elucidation CHM 5260 Physical Organic Chemistry
    CHM 5490 Physical Spectroscopy CHM 6430 Advanced Thermodynamics CHM 6461 Statistical Thermodynamics CHM 6480 Quantum Mechanics CHM 5423 Atmospheric Chemistry Courses not listed above may be counted in one of the five areas with prior departmental approval.

    70. HJG: Hyle. International Journal For Philosophy Of Chemistry
    Title Hyle. International Journal for philosophy of chemistry. Abbreviation Hyle.Continues Mitteilungsblatt des Arbeitskreises Philosophie und Chemie (1995).
    WWW-Virtual Library The History Journals Guide
    by Stefan Blaschke - Periodicals Directory -
    The History Index Home Complete Index Electronical Index Chronological Index ... Announcements Journal Information Contact Search Last updated: 2002-03-20. Title: H yle. International Journal for Philosophy of Chemistry Abbreviation: H yle Continues: Mitteilungsblatt des Arbeitskreises Philosophie und Chemie (1995) Description: Dedicated to all philosophical aspects of chemistry dealing with epistemological, methodological, foundational, and ontological problems of chemistry and its subfields; the peculiarities of chemistry and relations to technology, other scientific and non-scientific fields; aesthetical, ethical, and environmental matters in chemistry; as well as philosophically relevant facets of the history, sociology, linguistics, and education of chemistry; published in electronic form (for free) and in print form (with costs). Editor(s): Joachim Schummer, e-mail: Publishers: Institute of Philosophy University of Karlsruhe Start-End-Date: Frequency: biannually (online edition), annually (print edition)

    71. Searchalot Directory For Philosophy Of Chemistry
    Top Society philosophy philosophy of Science philosophy of chemistry (12). Environmentalphilosophy Dr. Jagadeesh, Dept. of chemistry, Govt.
    Home Search News Email Greetings Weather ... Global All the Internet About AltaVista AOL Search Ask Jeeves BBC Search BBC News Business Dictionary Discovery Health Dogpile CheckDomain CNN Corbis eBay Education World Employment Encyclopedia Encarta Excite Fast Search FindLaw FirstGov Google Google Groups Infomine iWon Librarians Index Looksmart Lycos Metacrawler Microsoft Northern Light Open Directory SearchEdu SearchGov Shareware Teoma Thesaurus Thunderstone WayBackMachine Webshots WiseNut Yahoo! Yahoo! Auctions Yahoo! News Yahooligans Zeal Sponsored Links Top Society Philosophy Philosophy of Science : Philosophy of Chemistry Related Web Sites
    • The Philosophy of Computational Quantum Chemistry - From Dr. Buyong Ma , Ph.D Dissertation of University of Georgia, March, 1995 on the subject of the philosophy of computational quantum chemistry.
    • The Erlenmeyer Colloquies for the Philosophy of Chemistry - A series of annually conferences on topics related with epistemological problems of chemistry and with philosophical problems that arise from the impact of pure and applied chemistry on everyday life.
    • Research projects: Philosophy of Chemistry - From the home page of Joachim Schummer, who teaches the subject at the Institute of Philosophy, University of Karlsruhe, Germany. The text elaborates pecularities of chemistry in various philosophical aspects and in comparison to other sciences and technologies.

    72. Philosophy Forums - Philosophy Of Chemistry
    Search Home. philosophy Forums philosophy philosophy of Science philosophy of chemistry. philosophy of chemistry chemistry, like

    73. Philosophy Of Science Resources
    Resource page supplementing Bruce Janz' philosophy of science course.Category Society philosophy philosophy of Science...... chemistry and philosophy; HYLE (International Journal of the philosophyof chemistry) Links; philosophy of chemistry; philosophy of
    Philosophy of Science Resources
    Contact Webmaster B. Janz's Web Pages GO TO PAGE B. Janz Home Page Aesthetics and Visual Culture African Philosophy African Places Continental Philosophy Resources Culture and Ethnicity in Philosophy CIRLA Jacob Boehme Resource Page Metaphysics Resource Page Mysticism Links Philosophy and Contemporary Culture Philosophy in the World's Religions Philosophy of Science Links Philosophy, Technology, and the Environment Place Research The Reasoning Page Useful Philosophy Links Who's Who in the History of Mysticism Search Engines AUGUSTANA LINKS Augustana University College NEOS Library System AUC Philosophy Department AUC Teaching Resources PERSONAL PAGES Biographical Info Miscellaneous Links Courses Taught CV Search all of B. Janz's Web Pages This is a resource page to support , taught at Augustana University College . The resources here range further than the traditional topics in philosophy of science to include sites pertaining to ethical issues, sites in philosophy of mind and cognitive science, and sites dealing with social issues surrounding science as well.
    This site started from Dey Alexander's Philosophy in Cyberspace , Peter Suber's Guide to Philosophy on the Internet , and Tom Stone's Episteme Links , but gathers links from many places. The courses section started from Andrew Carpenter's

    74. The Doctor Of Philosophy Degree In Chemistry & Biochemistry
    chemistry AND BIOchemistry 4.2.1 THE DOCTOR OF philosophy DEGREE In addition to thegeneral requirements outlined in 1.5.2, the following requirements must be
    The Doctor of Philosophy Degree Course Listing Departmental Website Ungraduates


    Course Descriptions

    Undergraduate Course Planning
    Graduate Students


    Course Descriptions

    Ph.D. Degree
    M.Sc. Degree

    Welcome to the Course Information Page for the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at the University of Windsor. This page is an unofficial guide to all of the Undergraduate and Graduate Courses offered in our department. Visit some of the course webpages or check the 2002-2003 Undergraduate Calendar and 2002-2004 Graduate Calendar for more information. The department main page is located at Please report broken links and changes to The Doctor of Philosophy Degree CHEMISTRY AND BIOCHEMISTRY 4.2.1 THE DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY DEGREE In addition to the general requirements outlined in 1.5.2, the following requirements must be met by all students proceeding to the Ph.D. degree: Course Work: Candidates must complete successfully at least eight courses, includ

    75. Alice Bailey & Djwhal Khul - Esoteric Philosophy - Master Index - CHEMISTRY
    Alice Bailey Djwhal Khul Esoteric philosophy - Master Index - chemistry.chemist, chemistry (page 1 of 1). chemists. Astrology, 133
    Previous Next Up ToC ... chemist CHEMISTRY
    (page 1 of 1) chemists Astrology, 133: to the beginner than a textbook on physics or chemistry ? I think not. What does complicate the Astrology, 133: of the statements made. Yet the beginner in chemistry has to accept the statements of the expert Atom, 22: that lies hidden at the heart of the atom of chemistry , within the heart of man himself, within the Atom, 39: of such a God can, to my mind, be proved from chemistry ."' In the long interview quoted in the Atom, 43: consciousness of man is from that of the atom of chemistry . This thought can again be carried still Atom, 57: word intelligence in connection with an atom of chemistry , for instance, but nevertheless the root Atom, 61: us a logical hypothesis that just as the atom of chemistry is a tiny sphere, or form, with a Atom, 63: the tiny life which functions through an atom of chemistry . It is the great process of becoming, Atom, 67: a purpose also. There is a goal for the atom of chemistry ; there is a point of achievement for the Atom, 68:

    76. Locate An Advisor - Montgomery College, MD
    chemistry (Rockville) Dr. Heyn, 43SW, 301.251.7633 (Organic philosophy(Rockville) Dr. Soderberg, 521MT, 301.251.7428
    Montgomery College Advisors
    Montgomery College Student Development
    Academic Advisors

    (Definitions: Advisors assist students to select the appropriate courses for their academic/career goals. To locate an advisor for a particular discipline or program click on the discipline listed below. To locate a counselor Academic Disciplines /Programs at Montgomery College Accounting English Meteorology Advertising Art ... Return to Advisors Architectural Technology
    Professor Steiner, Fire Science
    Professor Riffe, Applied Geography , Cartography and G.I.S.
    Professor Allison, 218A TC, 301.251.7614
    (Takoma Park) Contact department office, 301.650.1332 (Germantown) Dr. Thompson, Interior Design (Rockville) Professor Heid, 250 TC, 301.738.1718 Management of Construction (Rockville) Professor Parcan

    chemistry. Associate Professor and Head of the Department H. Clase. The degree ofDoctor of philosophy in chemistry is offered as fulltime or part-time study.
    Associate Professor and Head of the Department H. Clase
    The degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Chemistry is offered as full-time or part-time study. A Master's degree in Chemistry or related area from a recognized university is normally required for entry into the Ph.D. program. Students holding a Bachelor's degree (Honours or equivalent) in Chemistry may be considered for direct admission into the Ph.D. program. Students currently registered in the Memorial Chemistry M.Sc. program for a minimum of three semesters may request transfer into a Ph.D. program. The transfer should be supported by the Supervisor and the Supervisory Committee and subsequent to satisfactory presentation of a written progress report and Ph.D. research proposal. 1. Candidates are normally required to write American Chemical Society (ACS) placement test(s) in the first two weeks of the initial semester of registration in order to determine an appropriate course program. 2. Candidates will be assigned a Supervisory Committee consisting of the Supervisor and at least two other appropriate faculty members appointed by the Dean on recommendation of the Chemistry Deputy Head (Graduate Studies).

    chemistry. Professor and Head of the Department CR Lucas. The degree of Doctorof philosophy in chemistry is offered as fulltime or part-time study.
    Professor and Head of the Department C. R. Lucas The degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Chemistry is offered as full-time or part-time study. A Master's degree in Chemistry or related area from a recognized university is normally required for entry into the Ph.D. programme. Students holding a Bachelor's degree (Honours or equivalent) in Chemistry may be considered for direct admission into the Ph.D. programme. Students currently registered in the Memorial Chemistry M.Sc. programme for a minimum of three semesters may apply for transfer into a Ph.D. programme on the recommendation of the Supervisory Committee and subsequent to satisfactory presentation of a written progress report and Ph.D. research proposal. 1. Candidates are normally required to write American Chemical Society (ACS) placement test(s) in the first two weeks of the initial semester of registration in order to determine an appropriate course programme. 2. Candidates will be assigned a Supervisory Committee consisting of the Supervisor and at least two other appropriate faculty members appointed by the Dean on recommendation of the Chemistry Deputy Head (Graduate Studies).

    79. American Scientist - Scientists' Bookshelf
    chemistry. Why Not a philosophy of chemistry? Of Minds and Molecules New PhilosophicalPerspectives on chemistry. Nalini Bhushan and Stuart Rosenfeld, eds.
    CHEMISTRY Why Not a Philosophy of Chemistry? Of Minds and Molecules: New Philosophical Perspectives on Chemistry. Nalini Bhushan and Stuart Rosenfeld, eds. xvi + 299 pp. Oxford University Press, 2000. $55. Philosophy of physics and philosophy of biology are well-established subdisciplines of the philosophy of science, so why not philosophy of chemistry? I remember posing this question as an undergraduate chemistry major to my first philosophy instructor, a well-known philosopher of science. He pondered the question awhile and answered that he didn’t really know, that perhaps there are no interesting philosophical questions in chemistry. This is a view challenged by Nalini Bhushan and Stuart Rosenfeld in Of Minds and Molecules , a new collection of 15 essays about philosophy of chemistry. The unwarranted neglect of chemistry by philosophers of science came about mostly by historical accident. Early 20th-century philosophy of science was dominated by individuals trained in mathematical logic or physics. In addition, Einstein’s work challenged long-standing ideas about the nature of time and space, directing much philosophical attention toward physics. Since then, philosophers of science have often been drawn to areas characterized by significant foundational disputes or unclear or ambiguous basic concepts—properties generally not attributed to chemistry.

    80. HYLE: An International Journal For The Philosophy Of Chemistry
    HYLE An International Journal for the philosophy of chemistry HYLE is a refereedinternational journal for the philosophy of chemistry edicated to all
    HYLE An International Journal for the Philosophy of Chemistry
    HYLE is a refereed international journal for the philosophy of chemistry edicated to all philosophical aspects of chemistry. Articles deal with epistemological, methodological, foundational, and ontological problems of chemistry and its subfields; the peculiarities of chemistry and relations to technology, other scientific and non-scientific fields; aesthetical,ethical, and environmental matters in chemistry; as well as philosophically relevant facets of the history, sociology, linguistics, and education of chemistry. HYLE offers originalarticles, a forum for discussion and brief communication, and book reviews. Contributions are in English. HYLE is published both in electronic form at least twice a year ( for free ) and in print form as annual volume (with costs) The recent electronic issue (Vol.4, No. 2) of HYLE (TOC see below). Full texts are available for free from the HYLE homepage. There is also an extensive
    BIBLIOGRAPHY (ca 1600 titles) on all philosophical aspects of chemistry. If you like to receive regular e-mail announcements, please subscribe to

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