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         X Malcolm:     more books (101)
  1. The Autobiography Of Malcolm X by Malcolm X, 1965
  2. Malcolm X and Black Pride (Lucent Library of Black History) by Anne Wallace Sharp, 2010-01-29
  3. The Black Book: The True Political Philosophy of Malcolm X, El Hajj Malik El Shabazz by Dr. Y. N. Kly, 1990-10-01
  4. Malcolm and the Cross: The Nation of Islam, Malcolm X, and Christianity by Louis A. Decaro Jr., 2000-03-01
  5. The End of White World Supremacy: Four Speeches By Malcolm X by Malcolm X, 1989-05-31
  6. Betty Shabazz, Surviving Malcolm X by Rickford, 2005-02-01
  7. Malcolm X: Speeches at Harvard
  8. The Geography of Malcolm X: Black Radicalism and the Remaking of American Space by James Tyner, 2005-11-28
  9. Malcolm X: Inventing Radical Judgment (Rhetoric and Public Affairs) by Robert E. Terrill, 2007-04
  10. Malcolm X: A Fire Burning Brightly by Walter Dean Myers, 2004-01-01
  11. On the Side of My People: A Religious Life of Malcolm X by Louis A. Decaro Jr., 1997-08-01
  12. They Had a Dream: The Civil Rights Struggle from Frederick Douglass...Malcolm X (Epoch Biography) by Jules Archer, 1996-02-01
  13. Malcolm X Quotes by Malcolm X, 2010-08-30
  14. Black Religion: Malcolm X, Julius Lester, and Jan Willis by William David Hart, 2010-08-15

61. Webcorp -- Malcolm X Speaks!
malcolm X Speaks! malcolm X rejected King's nonviolent approach (whichcalled for lots of turning the other cheek) and called for
Malcolm X Speaks!
Malcolm X rejected King's nonviolent approach (which called for lots of turning the other cheek) and called for the separation of blacks from mainstream society. After a pilgrimage to Mecca, where he saw religious black and white Muslims together in harmony, he adopted a less confrontational approach.
The clips here are illustrative of Malcolm's earlier speeches, which are often characterized by provocative rhetoric and violent imagery.

62. Malcolm X (Malcolm Little) - Adolescent Life
malcolm X (malcolm Little) Adolescent Life. Soon after moving to livewith his aunt in Mason, Michigan, malcolm grew up fast. Following
Malcolm X (Malcolm Little) - Adolescent Life
Soon after moving to live with his aunt in Mason, Michigan, Malcolm grew up fast. Following his aunt’s suggestion, Malcolm first roamed the streets of Boston to become accustomed to the surroundings. In becoming accustomed to his surroundings Malcolm experienced many things for the first time. "I had never tasted a sip of liquor, never even smoked a cigarette, and here I saw little black children, ten and twelve years old, shooting craps, playing cards, fighting. … children threw around swear words I’d never heard before…" Once back in Boston Malcolm took up another illegal trade, house robberies. Along with two other black men, a white women, and Sophia, Malcolm committed a series of these robberies in a residential area of Boston. Sooner or later, they were caught by a very appalled police force. In yet another act of racism, the judge gave Malcolm 10 years imprisonment due to his association with the white women. The normal sentence for a first offender of such crimes would be 2 to 3 years. In those seven years Malcolm, upon pressure from his family, became a follower of the Nation of Islam and totally turned around his life. As you probably know, he then became one of the most influential leaders of blacks and whites alike during the civil rights movement.

63. Top 100 Movie Lists - Malcolm X
Brief review of the film.
Home Submit List Best Director Poll Movie Still Trivia ... Links Sound Bites: 1) Music from the Malcolm X Soudtrack: Windows Media 2) Music from the Malcolm X Soudtrack: Windows Media Review: A review I read recently summed it up as follows, " Malcolm X was a figure whose life no other director could have tackled but someone with the rage and the intelligence of Spike Lee ". Lee is, possibly, the last filmmaker left alive who has the balls to pull off some of the scenes that he did in this film. For instance, the beginning of the film shows the actual Rodney King the next shot the American flag (taking up the entire screen) slowly begins to burn. Hey, if that doesn't grab you by your throat your not alive. The film shows many of Malcolm X's faults as well as his many strengths. Denzel Washington is phenomenol in the lead role, along with an extrordinary cast. Denzel Washington ( Glory ) received an oscar nomination that year along with Al Pacino ( Scent of a Woman ) and Robert Downey Jr ( Chaplin ). Recently film critic Roger Ebert and director Martin Scorsese (

64. Speeches And Letters From Malcolm X
Writings Quotes.

65. :: The Official Web Site Of Malcolm X ::
CMG Worldwide malcolm X was an intransigent opponent of the U.S. government and its imperialist policies.
Malcolm X Family Fights Auction of Papers
Malcolm X was born Malcolm Little on May 19, 1925 in Omaha, Nebraska. His mother, Louis Norton Little, was a homemaker occupied with the family's eight children. His father, Earl Little, was an outspoken Baptist minister and avid supporter of Black Nationalist leader Marcus Garvey. BUSINESS INQUIRIES FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS FEEDBACK CMG WORLDWIDE ... SITE CREDITS

66. Biographie - Malcolm X (Malcolm Little)
Biographie de Malcolm Little (alias Malcolm X) Le jeune Malcolm est alors envoyé chez des amis de la famille, pour finalement atterrir à 13 ans dans une maison de détention où l'on envoyait les "mauvais garçons" dans le Michigan, ce centre n'étant qu'une étape vers la maison de redressement. Malcolm habite alors chez une dame blanche qui prendra en charge son éducation. Il suit l'école au milieu des blancs, est très bon élève, et devient la "mascotte" de la classe : le gentil nègre que tout le monde aime. Il ne partira finalement pas en maison de redressement et commençera des études dans un lycée où il s'apercoit vite que bien qu'étant le nègre dont tout le monde recherche la compagnie, il n'en n'est pas moins un nègre et de ce fait les portes des professions réservé au blancs se ferme à lui.
"Cher Papa, je t'aime tant. Mon Dieu, mon Dieu, comme je voudrais que tu ne sois pas mort". (Attilah Shabbazz, 6 ans)

67. Review On Autobiography Of Malcolm X - Malcolm X By Endora60 --
Review On Autobiography of malcolm X malcolm X by endora60, read consumerreviews on thousands of products and services -
Join Free Login Tell a Friend Community Center Search in All Products Members Automobiles Books Business Computers Education Electronics Entertainment Fashion Government Household Internet Media Personal Finance Sports Travel Browse : All Products Automobiles Books Business Computers Education Electronics Entertainment Fashion Government Household Internet Media Personal Finance Sports Travel Home Books Book Title A ... Autobiography of Malcolm X - Malcolm X >>endora60's opinion About The Author MS ID: Name: Laurie Interest : Trusts 13 members
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Opinion Rating The Autobiography of Malcolm X
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Not Recommended by 3% : nachoakachris Rate This Opinion! Highly Recommend Recommend Somewhat Recommend Not Recommend Write a Review Help others decide Need Help? Request a Review Title : The Autobiography of Malcolm X By : Date : Mar-16-01 9:53 PM Product Rating : Average Product Rating : (based on 1 Member Reviews) Pros : fascinating story, honestly told

68. Shabazz By Paul DeRienzo.

By Paul DeRienzo
Informants are the stock in trade of the FBI when the bureau sets out to destroy popular movements. During the height of the civil rights movement in the 1960s, the FBI, under director J. Edgar Hoover, launched their so-called COINTELPRO operation against black radicals. The stated purpose was to prevent the rise of what the bureau termed a "black messiah" who Hoover feared could unite African-American people against the United States government. After COINTELPRO was exposed in the 1970's, the FBI claimed the operation had been discontinued and that reforms in the Bureau would prevent any similar assault on American citizens' right to peaceful protest. But the recent federal indictment in Minneapolis of Qubilah Shabazz, a daughter of Malcolm X, for allegedly plotting the assassination of Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan seems to indicate the spirit of J. Edgar Hoover is alive and well at the Federal Bureau of Investigation. At the heart of the government's case against Shabazz is a long time informant for the FBI, Michael Fitzpatrick, 34, who is currently facing charges for possession of cocaine in Minneapolis. Prosecutors say Fitzpatrick tipped off the FBI after Shabazz allegedly let him in on her desire to kill Farrakhan, a man suspected of having been involved in her father's assassination in a fusillade of bullets on February 21, 1965 in Harlem's Audubon Ballroom. Qubilah, her mother Betty Shabazz, and three of her sisters witnessed the slaying.

69. Reviews On Autobiography Of Malcolm X - Malcolm X -
Reviews On Autobiography of malcolm X malcolm X, read consumerreviews on thousands of products and services -
Join Free Login Tell a Friend Community Center Search in All Products Members Automobiles Books Business Computers Education Electronics Entertainment Fashion Government Household Internet Media Personal Finance Sports Travel Browse : All Products Automobiles Books Business Computers Education Electronics Entertainment Fashion Government Household Internet Media Personal Finance Sports Travel Home Books Book Title A ... Autobiography of Malcolm X - Malcolm X
Average Product Rating : (based on 1 Member Reviews) Autobiography of Malcolm X - Malcolm X : is recommended by of members. Official Description : Sort by : Opinions are sorted as per Opinion rating. Click on a criteria to sort them differently. Product Rating Opinion Description Date Opinion Rating The Autobiography of Malcolm X by 16-Mar-01
9:53 PM Highly Recommended A second-class intellect and a third-class criminalMalcolm Little before Allah came into his life. More precisely, before the Black Muslims became his way of life. A poor kid suffering the effects of both racism and a bad attitude, Little... more Win Prizes!

70. Movies: Reviews: Malcolm X , 8 Stars
Includes a synopsis, cast and crew, message board, and trivia.

Similar pages malcolm X (malcolm X)malcolm X ( malcolm X ). REZYSERIA Spike Lee SCENARIUSZ Arnold PerlSpike Lee NA PODSTAWIE KSIAZKI Alex Haley malcolm X ZDJECIA

72. Psalms For The Church Year, Volume X - Malcolm Kogut
CD429 Psalms for the Church Year, Volume X (malcolm Kogut) - CD $ 15.95. CS-429Psalms for the Church Year, Volume X (malcolm Kogut) - Cassette $ 10.95.
Psalms for the Church Year, Volume X
Malcolm Kogut
GIA's venerable Psalms for the Church Year series has a fresh face with this new volume from Malcolm Kogut, who brings his gift for melody and his comfortable jazz-tinged style to this important new collection of psalms. Malcolm fills some repertoire "holes" with these settings. He has set Psalm 47: "God Mounts His Throne to Shouts of Joy" for Ascension, and Psalm 45: "The Queen Stands at Your Right Hand" for Assumption, along with a mix of other common and lesser-known psalms. Using primarily ICEL refrains and several Grail translations, this volume is a worthy addition to the Psalms for the Church Year series. And, as with the other volumes, it includes reprint boxes of all refrains and a liturgical use index. CONTENTS: Psalm 4: Let Your Face Shine upon Us • Psalm 17: Lord, When Your Glory Appears • Psalm 22: I Will Praise You, Lord • Psalm 24: Let the Lord Enter • Psalm 42: Like a Deer that Longs • Psalm 45: The Queen Stands at Your Right Hand • Psalm 47: God Mounts His Throne to Shouts of Joy • Psalm 51: Create in Me a Clean Heart • Psalm 67: May God Bless Us in His Mercy • Psalm 69: Lord, in Your Great Love • Psalm 78: The Lord Gave them Bread • Psalm 80: Lord, Make Us Turn to You • Psalm 89: For Ever I Will Sing • Psalm 90: Fill Us with Your Love, O Lord • Psalm 112: Like a Lamp in the Darkness • Psalm 137: Let My Tongue Be Silenced • Psalm 145: The Hand of the Lord Feeds Us. CD-429 Psalms for the Church Year, Volume X (Malcolm Kogut) - CD

73. Welcome To Webcorp Multimedia!
Webcorp Multimedia The clips here are illustrative of malcolm's earlier speeches, which are often characterized by provocative rhetoric and violent imagery.

74. Untitled
X, malcolm. Alex Haley Interviews malcolm X. Playboy Magazine (May 1963). http//, malcolm.
MALCOLM X: A SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY Compiled by Dorothy Ann Washington, Librarian, Black Cultural Center, Purdue University
  • Asante, Molefi. Malcolm X As Cultural Hero. In Malcolm As Cultural Hero and Other Afrocentric Essays . Trenton, N.J.: Africa World Press, 1993. (Black Cultural Center)
  • Breitman, George. The Last Year of Malcolm X: The Evolution of a Revolutionary . New York: Schocken Books, 1968, c1967. 297.870924 X105B B748 (Black Cultural Center; HSSE Library)
  • Breitman, George. The Assassination of Malcolm X . New York: Pathfinder Press, 1976. 301.45196073 B748a (Black Cultural Center)
  • Cone, James H. . Maryknoll, N.Y.: Orbis Books, 1991. 973.0496073022 K585Z C756 1991 (Black Cultural Center; Undergraduate Library)
  • Davis, Thulani. Malcolm X: The Great Photographs 320.54092 X105B D298 1993 (Black Cultural Center)
  • Johnson, Timothy V. Malcolm X: A Comprehensive Annotated Bibliography : New York: Garland Pub., 1986. 016.297870924 X103C J637 (Reference Black Cultural Center)

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76. Malcolm X's Little Blonde Co-Ed
Essay discussing the effect of an incident in the life of Malcom X, and its portrayal in Spike Lee's film.
Malcolm X's Little Blonde Co-Ed
She touched his life, but he never knew her name
by Kevin Cassell
In his movie about Malcolm X, Spike Lee flippantly depicts (and hence distorts) a very significant incident that made a long-lasting impression on slain black leader. In the scene, Malcolm has just given one of his fiery college speeches and is walking away from the platform when a white female college student momentarily blocks his path and asks him what she, as a white person, could do to help the cause of which Malcolm had been speaking. Malcolm abruptly answers her with one word"Nothing"and passes her by. Spike Lee does a disservice to the real Malcolm X by diminishing the importance of the actual incident this brief snippet from his film was based on. Let's take a look at how profoundly Malcolm was affected by the young white college student he rebuffed when she sought his advice. In his autobiography, Malcolm X described the brief encounter he had with "one little blonde co-ed" after giving a speech at her New England college. "I'd never seen anyone I ever spoke before more affected than this little white girl," he wrote (p. 286). This young woman had actually flown to New York after the speech and tracked down Malcolm at the Muslim restaurant he frequented in Harlem. "Her clothes, her carriage, her accent," he wrote, "all showed Deep South breeding and money." She confronted Malcolm and his associates inside the restaurant with the question: "Don't you believe there are any

77. Associazione Culturale Malcolm X
Translate this page

78. MSN Learning & Research - Malcolm X
Encarta Online Concise malcolm X (1925- 1965), black American leader, born in Omaha, Nebraska, as malcolm Little.

Archives of malcolmX@MAELSTROM.STJOHNS.EDU. Discussions of the life,philosophy influences of malcolm X. Search the archives; Post
Back to the LISTSERV home page at MAELSTROM.STJOHNS.EDU.

80. Malcolm X
Audio of eight speeches Ballot or the Bullet, The Democrats are Dixiecrats, Racist in Reverse? Black Nationalism Can Set Us Free, The Cure of White's Disease Race War, End Police Brutality, and Don't SitIn, Stand Up.
MIA Reference Archive : Malcolm X Ballot or the Bullet April 12, 1964. Detroit, MI. This is a 18:33 minute recording, the file size is 25.5 MB. "I don't believe in fighting today in any one front, but on all fronts. In fact I'm a Black Nationalist Freedom Fighter. Islam is my religion, but I believe my religion is my personal business.... The economic philosophy of Black Nationalism only means that we should own and operate and control the economy of our community." "This government has failed us, the government itself has failed us. The white liberals, who have been posing as our friends, have failed us. Once we see that all these other sources to which we've turned have failed, we stop turning to them and turn to ourselves. We need a self-help program, a do it yourself philosophy, a do it right now philosophy, an it's already too late philosophy. This is what you and I need to get with... Black Nationalism is a self-help philosophy... this is a philosophy that eliminates the necessity for division and argument." The Democrats are Dixicrats This is a 13:07 minute recording, the file size is 18 MB.

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