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81. (Georgia TAYLOR - Elizabeth UNK ) Index of Persons Georgia taylor elizabeth UNK 1333 individuals, 455 families fromfile C\My Documents\Family Tree\FAMILY TREE\Current\George00.GED (30 Nov http://agronomy.ucdavis.edu/calrng/web_tree_html/index/ind0057.html | |
82. TAYLOR, Elizabeth Translate this page cycling fans ! Plaquette. taylor, elizabeth Photo signée - Signedpicture. elizabeth taylor (°1932), actrice américaine. Un seul http://www.europe-autographs.com/p472.html | |
83. Taylor, Elizabeth encyclopediaEncyclopedia taylor, elizabeth. taylor, elizabeth, 1932,AngloAmerican film actress, b. London. Regarded as one http://www.factmonster.com/ce6/people/A0847986.html | |
84. Allesklar - Größter Deutscher Webkatalog: Taylor, Elizabeth Translate this page Thema taylor, elizabeth. elizabeth taylor (Deutsches Entertainment Magazin, Simmern/Hunsrück)Über viele Jahre galt Liz taylor als schönste Frau der Welt. http://www.allesklar.de/s.php?jump=100-540-1428-62077-43707-73001 |
85. John TAYLOR/Elizabeth 1624 at Carlisle, ENG Died ABT. 1700 at unknown FatherThomas TAYLORMotherMargaret SWINDERLY Other Spouses Wife elizabeth Born ABT. http://incolor.inebraska.com/chrisbry/fam00774.htm | |
86. Classic Movies taylor, elizabeth (Rosemond); elizabeth taylor Biographie (german);BIOGRAFIA DE (spanish). Infoplease Encyclopedia - taylor, elizabeth. http://www.thegoldenyears.org/taylor2.html | |
87. Genealogy Data Family Spouse taylor, elizabeth Birth 1740 Gender Female Parents Father taylor,Zachary I Mother Lee, elizabeth Children Bell, Thomas Gender Male Bell http://homepages.rootsweb.com/~afreeman/tree/dat49.htm | |
88. Genealogy Data Scott, Beatrice Birth Rhode Island Gender Female Parents Father Scott, EverettMother taylor, elizabeth Family Marriage unk Spouse Bellwood, James http://homepages.rootsweb.com/~chiarico/Pastore/dat12.htm | |
89. Elizabeth Taylor Posters, Pictures & Photos elizabeth taylor Posters, Pictures and Photos. elizabeth taylor Posters, Picturesand Photos. elizabeth taylor Cleopatra, elizabeth taylor, elizabeth taylor. http://www.celebrityposters.biz/Actresses/actresses_d-i/Elizabeth Taylor.html | |
90. Spinal Tap A To Zed : Elizabeth Taylor taylor, elizabeth According to actor Martin Short, Larry Fortensky met the actressone evening at the rehab clinic when she went to his door to complain that http://spinaltapfan.com/atozed/TAP00542.HTM | |
91. Walter TAYLOR/Elizabeth SILVER Walter taylor and elizabeth Silver. Having a desire to travel, becamecarpenter on a ship trading to the Levent. there is no record http://homepages.ihug.co.nz/~taylgl34/fam00035.html | |
92. William TAYLOR/Elizabeth MANDELL William taylor and elizabeth Mandell. William Name taylor, elizabeth Born20 Dec 1802 at Southampton Married at Died at Spouses Name http://homepages.ihug.co.nz/~taylgl34/fam00174.html | |
93. TAYLOR, ELIZABETH (2) - taylor, elizabeth (2) This limited edition ink print is created from a paintingby New York City Celebrity Artist, Michael. taylor, elizabeth (2). http://michaelevers.safeshopper.com/5/4.htm?622 |
94. TAYLOR, ELIZABETH (1) - taylor, elizabeth (1) This limited edition ink print is created from a paintingby New York City Celebrity Artist, Michael. taylor, elizabeth (1). http://michaelevers.safeshopper.com/5/3.htm?622 |
95. Bullock, William/Taylor, Elizabeth Buried Place Father Richard Bullock. Mother Anne Henley. Other Spouses UnityWright. Wife elizabeth taylor 2. Born Place Died Place Buried Place http://www.bargeron.com/genealogy/gsb/f4066.html | |
96. Elizabeth Taylor Aids Foundation Welcome to the Official Web site of The elizabeth taylor AIDS Foundation (ETAF). elizabethtaylor invites you to join her in the fight against AIDS. http://www.elizabethtayloraidsfoundation.org/ | |
97. (George Taylor - Elizabeth Whiting Thurston ) Index of Persons George taylor elizabeth Whiting Thurston 5189 individuals,1905 families from file E\Genealogy\Ftw\boynton.GED (14 Nov 2001). http://www.pluvoy.com/html/ind0048.html | |
ELIZABETH LU ENTERTAINMENT RAVE REVIEWS FOR UNFINISHED BUSINESS BY elizabeth LUCAStaylor elizabethLUCAS-taylor DELIVERS UNFINISHED BUSINESS - SEXY, JUICY, INTENSE http://www.majornewswire.com/artman/publish/printer_322.shtml | |
99. Ztayz Elizabeth Taylor Trivia And Quizzes elizabeth taylor 1932. 1, Life and Times of elizabeth taylor. elizabeth taylor,Tough, 10, 151, Dec 01 01, NalaMarie. 2, The Wonderful elizabeth taylor. http://www.funtrivia.com/quizlistgold.cfm?cat=6060 |
100. Genealogy Data Genealogy Data. Back to Main Page. taylor, elizabeth Birth 1787 Southampton,England Death Guernsey? Gender Female Parents Father http://www.gendocs.demon.co.uk/famhis/dat13.html |
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