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         Stoll Clifford:     more books (21)
  1. Silicon Snake Oil by Clifford Stoll, 1995-01-01
  2. High-Tech Heretic: Reflections of a Computer Contrarian (Paperback) by Clifford Stoll (Author), 2000
  3. El gato y el ratón by Clifford Stoll, 1991
  4. Silicon Snake Oil: Second Thoughts on the Information Highway.: An article from: The Futurist by Lane Jennings, 1995-07-01
  5. Silicon Snake Oil: Second Thoughts on the Information Highway. (book reviews): An article from: Technical Communication by M.E. Cathcart, 1996-05-01
  6. The Cuckoo's Egg: Tracking a Spy Through the Maze of Computer Espionage. (book reviews): An article from: Security Management by Samuel W. Daskam, 1990-06-01

21. Clifford Stoll - Logout -
Translate this page Zum Autor stoll, clifford clifford stoll, geboren 1951, ist Astronom,Buchautor und Spezialist für Datenschutz und Computersicherheit.
(Anzeige) Es war ein langer Weg von Trinidad nach Stockholm Zum [ Verlag ] Clifford Stoll

Warum Computer nichts im Klassenzimmer zu suchen haben und andere High-Tech-Ketzereien
S. Fischer Verlag, Frankfurt 2001, ISBN 3100402200
Gebunden, 252 Seiten, 15,29 EUR
Buch bestellen bei
[ Klappentext ]

Aus dem Amerikanischen von Carl Freytag. Müssen Klassenzimmer tatsächlich verkabelt sein, damit unsere Kinder sich in der Welt zurechtfinden? Können Computer gute Lehrer ersetzen? Werden wir bald nur noch mailen, statt von Angesicht zu Angesicht zu kommunizieren? Wie interaktiv ist das Internet wirklich? Mit einer gehörigen Portion Aufsässigkeit geht Clifford Stoll diesen Fragen nach und scheut auch vor provokanten Thesen nicht zurück. Im Mittelpunkt seiner Auseinandersetzung stehen jedoch die wesentlichen Werte und Fähigkeiten, die wir unseren Kindern vermitteln wollen: Inspiration und Konzentration, Disziplin und Verantwortung - Eigenschaften, die sich von keiner CD-ROM lernen lassen.
Zum Seitenanfang Zum Autor
Stoll, Clifford

22. The Cuckoo's Egg (in MARION)
The cuckoo's egg. Title The cuckoo's egg tracking a spy through themaze of computer espionage / Cliff stoll. Author stoll, clifford.

23. Beats Biblionetz - Personen: Clifford Stoll
Translate this page clifford stoll. Zum Seitenanfang Bücher von clifford stoll. Kuckucksei Die Jagdauf die deutschen Hacker, die das Pentagon knackten, The Cuckoo's Egg, (1989).
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Clifford Stoll
Dies ist keine offizielle Homepage von Clifford Stoll, E-Mails an Clifford Stoll sind hier nicht möglich!
This is not an official homepage of Clifford Stoll and it is not possible to contact Clifford Stoll here!
Die Jagd auf die deutschen Hacker, die das Pentagon knackten
The Cuckoo's Egg
Die Wüste Internet
Geisterfahrten auf der Datenautobahn
Silicon Snake Oil
Warum Computer nichts im Klassenzimmer zu suchen haben und andere High-Tech-Ketzereien
High Tech Heretic
LogOut (Vortrag)
Vortrag im Kunsthaus-Saal Zürich, 14.3.2001
Bemerkungen von Clifford Stoll
Von Clifford Stoll gibt es im Biblionetz Bemerkungen zu:
Bücher The Future Does Not Compute Fragen Was bringt das Internet in der Ausbildung? Aussagen, Empfehlungen, Thesen ICT-Einsatz spart keine Lehrkräfte ein. Internet ermöglicht Expertenmeinungen im Unterricht. Begriffe Computer Internet in der Schule
Clifford Stoll wird erwähnt in:
  • Hacker für Moskau (1989) (Thomas Ammann, Matthias Lehnhardt, Gerd Meißner, Stefan Stahl)

24. Reviews By Jim Henry: Books By Clifford Stoll
Books by clifford stoll. Author. High Tech Heretic. T Silicon Snake Oil SecondThoughts on the Information Highway %A stoll, clifford.
Books by Clifford Stoll
Silicon Snake Oil by Clifford Stoll
examines the computer networks that we have today, compares the actuality with the myths believed by many net-denizens and the hype presented to those who aren't connected yet, and considers the drawbacks and unintended consequences of the use of computers and networks. It is good to see a balanced treatment of such topics from someone who has been active upon Usenet and bulletin boards for years and cannot be dismissed as an ignorant Luddite. It is impassioned, carefully reasoned, and fun to read. Stoll examines such topics as the culture of discussion nets (including both Usenet and local bulletin boards), how email compares with letters sent by post, the shallowness and narrowness of the information available online, and how schools, libraries and businesses are affected by the introduction of computers and networks. One underlying theme runs through every chapter: that contacts by network are, at best, no substitute for personal, face to face contacts. This should be obvious, but we often forget it in practice. He sets up this theme very memorably in his opening chapter, in which he contrasts the original Adventure text game with a speleological expedition which followed from a discussion about whether the cave descriptions in the game were geologically accurate. He says little about the culture of Usenet that folks who have lurked there for a few months don't know already; he speaks of the rapid escalation of disagreement into flaming, of the periodic repetitiousness of nearly all newsgroups, and of the absurdly illogical newsgroup name hierarchy: "it's obvious that no librarian would ever develop such a freaky, byzantine system." He is fair, however; he also speaks of the more interesting, less flammable newsgroups, especially of mailing lists, and has high praise for local bulletin boards.

25. Dictionary Of Computers, Multi-Media And The Internet - Stoll, Clifford
What's On. TISCALI. About Us. Business Services. Investor Relations. Contact Us.INDEX A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z. COMPUTERS. stoll, clifford.
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Stoll, Clifford
US astronomer whose books The Cuckoo's Egg 1994 and Silicon Snake Oil 1995, express an oblique, and at times sceptical, view of the benefits and consequences of computerization.
Helicon Publishing LTD 2000.

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26. ARTE P BUCHLADEN , Hannover - Kuckucksei - Stoll, Clifford - Portofrei Fischer
Translate this page stoll, clifford - Kuckucksei- Ein Roman für Hacker und andere Anhänger, FTB 13984ISBN 3-596-13984-8 versandbereit in 2-24 Stunden Fischer, S. Euro 9,90
Stoll, Clifford - Kuckucksei-
Ein Roman für Hacker und andere
Anhänger, FTB 13984
ISBN 3-596-13984-8 versandbereit in 2-24 Stunden
Fischer, S
Euro 9,90 neue Suche: Bestellen LogOut Fischer Tb. Euro 8,90 Bestellen Die Wüste Internet Fischer Tb. Euro 9,00 Bestellen portofreie Lieferung innerhalb Deutschlands


Roman allgemein
Die Jagd auf die deutschen Hacker, die das Pentagon knackten. Eine Empfehlung von
PeKö, ARTE P Ausgangspunkt ARTE P EDV/Technik
Roman allgemein
... Arte P Buchladen GmbH , Hannover Grafische Gestaltung der Web-Site Technische Betreuung

@BOOK{stollclifford, Author = stoll, clifford , Title = The cuckoo's eggtracking a spy through the maze of computer espionage , Edition = 1st,_clifford

28. Alphamusic - Clifford Stoll
Translate this page Freitag, den 07. Februar 2003. stoll, clifford LogOut. Buch (TB/Informatik/EDV/Allgemeines/Lexika)Fischer Taschenbuch Vlg. VÖ-Datum 8/2002 Bestell-Nr.
Sehr geehrter Kunde,
unsere Produktdatenbank wird derzeit aktualisiert. Daher können wir Ihnen im Augenblick nicht das von Ihnen gesuchte Original-Produkt anzeigen, sondern stellen Ihnen interessante Auktionen zu Ihrem Suchbegriff vor. Melden Sie sich jetzt bei Ebay an und bieten Sie für diese interessanten Produkte mit. Ihr Alphamusic-Team Produkt Preis Gebote Endzeit Kuckucksei von Clifford Stoll EUR 2.50 Clifford Stoll: *Die Wüste Internet* EUR 1.00 Clifford Stoll - Kuckucksei EUR 1.00 Alle 3 Artikel bei eBay aufrufen Ausschlussklausel

29. Frühjahrsbuchwoche 2001, Clifford Stoll
Translate this page Querdenker und Netbeschmutzer zu clifford stoll von Christian Schoen Mittenin der Goldgräberstimmung des beginnenden Informationszeitalters, als
Querdenker und Netbeschmutzer
zu Clifford Stoll
von Christian Schoen
Mitten in der Goldgräberstimmung des beginnenden Informationszeitalters, als Medienstrategen die neuen technischen Errungenschaften euphemistisch priesen und Theoretiker die Heilserwartungen philosophisch zu untermauern suchten, gab es auch immer wieder Menschen, die vor übertriebener Euphorie warnten – damals, Mitte der 90er Jahre. Besonders bitter war es, wenn die Kritik aus den eigenen Reihen dieser Avantgarde kam. Clifford Stoll ist einer dieser Querdenker, der seit dem Erscheinen seines Buches "Die Wüste Internet" (S. Fischer 1996) den Menschen in einer computerisierten Welt die Augen zu öffnen sucht und damit sein eigenes Nest beschmutzt.
Der Umgang mit dem Computer im Unterricht wird in Clifford Stolls jüngstem Werk "Logout. Warum Computer nichts im Klassenzimmer zu suchen haben und andere Hightech-Ketzereien" an den Pranger gestellt (S.Fischer 2001, aus dem Englischen von Carl Freytag) . Stoll spricht damit ein Problem an, das seit mehreren Jahren diskutiert wird: die Wissensvermittlung durch neue Medientechnologien. Tatsächlich eröffnet das Internet den Schülern zwar den Zugang zu einer Überfülle an Informationen, doch ist das nicht gleichzusetzen mit Wissensaneignung.
Wie aus den Visualisierungsmöglichkeiten der neuen Medientechnologien Wissen generiert werden kann, war 1999 in München Thema eines von der Burda-Akademie zum Dritten Jahrtausend organisierten Fachkongresses. An das dort – und nicht nur dort - diagnostizierte Potential neuer Technologien für die Wissensvermittlung will Clifford Stoll allerdings nicht glauben. Für ihn ist das Internet nicht das "Pfingstwunder weltweiter Verständigung und Einheit” (McLuhan), sondern kommerziell diktiertes Instrument, das den Menschen von sich selbst und der Natur entfernt. "Das Internet ist ein Ort, wo Millionen von Menschen herumschreien, aber niemand zuhört. Eine Kakofonie.”

30. Greatest Hackers In The Whole World
clifford stoll We'll admit this Berkeley astronomer doesn't qualify as one of theusual suspects He thinks the Net amounts to one vast cultural wasteland.
Hacking History Prehistory    
(before 1969)    
Elder Days    
The Golden Age    
Hacking Latest
News Legendary computer hacker released from prison Hacker discloses new Internet attack software Nvidia settles Dutch hacking case Hackers launch attacks to 'teach' RP a lesson
Clifford Stoll We'll admit this Berkeley astronomer doesn't qualify as one of the usual suspects: He thinks the Net amounts to one vast cultural wasteland. But Cliff Stoll had the brains and persistence to track KGB cracker Markus Hess through the Ethernet to Hanover, Germany then package the feat as a bestselling, real-life thriller. For many The Cuckoo's Egg was their first introduction to the hacking underworld. It's still a great read. So what if its author thinks the Net is a big dose of Silicon snake oil. check out:
 by: Orly D. Selim
Main Page
Hacker's Glossary Sign Guestbook Pinoy Hackers ... Tsutomu Shimomura

31. Festival III: Clifford Stoll
Festival III clifford stoll 900 am March 21, 1997 University Theater FestivalIII Academic Conference Keynote Speaker Topic Digital Backlash .
Clifford Stoll 9:00 am
March 21, 1997
University Theater
Festival III Academic Conference Keynote Speaker
Topic: "Digital Backlash"
Visit the Festival III Guestbook
Page maintained by Julie A. Duncan , Information Designer.
Cameron University

32. "Silicon Snake Oil" By Clifford Stoll
Silicon Snake Oil. Second Thoughts on the Information Highway. by clifford stoll.Doubleday, 1995. A division of Bantam, Doubleday, Dell Publishing Group, Inc.
Silicon Snake Oil
Second Thoughts on the Information Highway
by Clifford Stoll
Doubleday, 1995 A division of Bantam, Doubleday, Dell Publishing Group, Inc. Hardcover $22.00 Flap copy: Ah, the information highway. No phenomenon in modern times has received more attention, held out more promise, nor achieved more mythic stature than the information highway. This computer utopia is said to educate, entertain, and inform. It will supply us with vast amounts of information, put us in close touch with one another, and turn our fractious world into a global village. Not so, says Cliff Stoll. Stoll knows. He's the author of "The Cuckoo's Egg"the bestselling book about how he caught German spies prowling through computersand a genuine legend on the Internet. Involved with networks since their earliest days, Stoll has watched the Internet grow from an improbable research project into a communications juggernaut. He knows computers; he loves his networked community. And yet... Stoll asks: when do the networks really educate, and when are they simply diversions from learning? Is electronic mail useful, or might it be so much electronic noise? Why do online services promise so much, yet deliver so little? What makes computers so universally frustrating? Silicon Snake Oil is the first book that intelligently questions where the Internet is leading us. Stoll looks at our network as it is, not as it's promised to be.

33. -11A- Clifford Stoll; The Cuckoo's Egg -11A-
clifford stoll's The Cuckoo's Egg Book reviewed by Bluefish. The reviewedbook was a swedish translation. This is one of the absolute
Clifford Stoll's "The Cuckoo's Egg"
Book reviewed by Bluefish . The reviewed book was a swedish translation. This is one of the absolute classics in computer security. It's the story about how, by coincidence, Stoll becomes the hunter of a new kind of crimminal, with questionable interrests. You simply must read the book. Fun, informational, and exciting. The book is based upon a true story, but... I've gotten some e-emails from germans who claims to be remotely part of the story, who does not think that Stoll present the story correctly. I do not take any responsibilities for correctness in Stoll's book, I like it though. It's the late 80ies. Security is an abstract concept, not fully grasped, by the computing communities. And suddenly, more and more people starts using computers - and some of them gets access to the new datanetworks. And suddenly, accross networks such Tymnet and Internet, there's something new. A cracker, a cracker with most unexpected interrests. Basicly, Stoll's not needed by his faculty. There simply are too many scientist astronomy. Since he's pretty ok with computers, he's moved to the computer department. Squeezed between a Unix wizzard and a VAX expert fighting the religious war of which operating system being the best, who else would get the assignment of finding out why the mainframe accounting went wrong with 72 cents this month? After analyzing the weird mix of Cobol, Fortran and Assembly that handles the accounting, Stoll reaches the conclution that the accounting program is correct. So why then are 72 cents lost?

34. Untitled Document
stoll, clifford (1995). Silicon Snake Oil. Second Thoughts on the InformationHighway. New York, Doubleday. KEY READING stoll, clifford.
Cherie Bowers, (1996)
Cherie's Review of Silicon Snake Oil

Duncan, R. (1996).
The Network as a half-empty cup.

Russell D. Hoffman (1995)
Highlights of radio interview with Stoll

MENU Step 4 : Stoll
"Does the internet really bring us together, or does it isolate us from each other?"
"Stoll is a good antidote for assigning too much power to our tools"
Clifford Stoll's book has been heavily criticised, as can be seen by the online reviews. However, his pleas to be cautious about rushing into the new technologies is surely a reasonable one! His book is available in most libraries if you want to read further. Stoll, Clifford (1995).

35. The Cuckoo's Egg By Clifford Stoll /head
The Cuckoo's Egg. By clifford stoll. Á x ÁThe book The CuckoosEgg by clifford stoll was kind of good. It was about Cliff stoll
The Cuckoo's Egg
By Clifford Stoll
ÁxÁThe book The Cuckoos Egg by Clifford Stoll was kind of good. It was about Cliff Stoll who was a astronomer who turned into a system manager at Lawrence Berkley Lab when a 75ªcent accounting error alerted him to the presence of an unauthorized user on his system. The hacker's code name was "hunter", a mystery invader hiding inside a electronic labyrinth, breaking into U.S. computers and stealing important military and security information. Cliff Stoll began a one man hunt spying on the spy and went into an incredible international probe that finally gained interest to some of the top U.S. computerªintelligence agents. The Cuckoo's Egg is a true story of a year of broken codes , satellites, missile bases and the ultimate sting operation and how one american trapped a spy, spying on him. email Frankie Fernandez

36. Clifford Stoll
Translate this page clifford stoll spricht über sein neues Buch LogOut Warum Computer nichts imKlassenzimmer zu suchen haben und andere Hightech-Ketzereien Background.
Clifford Stoll
spricht über sein neues Buch
Warum Computer nichts im Klassenzimmer zu suchen haben
und andere Hightech-Ketzereien



Museum für Kommunikation

Amerika Haus
S. Fischer Verlag
Datum / Uhrzeit
Mittwoch 19:30 Uhr Ort Museum für Kommunikation, Schaumainkai 53, Frankfurt am Main Eintritt frei Vortrag in englischer Sprache Clifford Stoll beim S. Fischer Verlag Clifford Stoll ist einer der Pioniere des Internet und war schon 1972 am Aufbau von dessen Vorläufer, dem "Arpanet", beteiligt. Als brillianter Naturwissenschaftler und Computerexperte und bekannt als mitreißender Redner warnt er jedoch vor der grassierenden Computer-und Interneteuphorie und stellt, ganz entgegen dem allgemeinen Trend, ketzerische Fragen. "Müssen Klassenzimmer tatsächlich verkabelt sein, damit unsere Kinder sich in der Welt zurechtfinden? Können Computer gute Lehrer ersetzen? Werden wir bald nur noch mailen, statt von Angesicht zu Angesicht zu kommunizieren? Wie interaktiv ist das Internet wirklich? Mit einer gehörigen Portion Aufsässigkeit geht Clifford Stoll diesen Fragen nach und scheut auch vor provokanten Thesen nicht zurück. Im Mittelpunkt seiner Auseinandersetzung stehen jedoch die wesentlichen Werte und Fähigkeiten, die wir unseren Kindern vermitteln wollen: Inspiration und Konzentration, Disziplin und Verantwortung - Eigenschaften, die sich von keiner CD-ROM lernen lassen."

37. Clifford Stoll, Composing Cyberspace
clifford stoll, Computers in the Classroom What's Wrong with This Picture .clifford stoll leading society. clifford stoll's home page.
Clifford Stoll,
"Computers in the Classroom: What's Wrong with This Picture" Clifford Stoll
(b. 1950), trained as an astronomer, is a computer security expert and writer and speaker about the computer revolution. His first book, The Cuckoo's Egg: Tracing a Spy through the Maze of Computer Espionage (Doubleday, 1989), chronicles how he tracked and caught a German spy ring operating over the Internet. This selection is excerpted from his second book, Silicon Snake Oil: Second Thoughts on the Information Highway (Doubleday, 1995), in which he explores his ambivalence about where the Internet and computer technology are leading society. Clifford Stoll's home page "Computers in the Classroom: What's Wrong with This Picture?" Composing Cyberspace p. 396) is not available online.
2. Why are computers not essential to most college courses, in Stoll's view? What kinds of learning does Stoll suggest are most important, and why does he think technology can be counterproductive to that learning? How would you compare your own experiences, or those of classmates or fellow readers, in any of the academic fields (from the humanities, sciences, or engineering) that Stoll discusses?
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38. Citations: Silicon Snake Oil: Second Thoughts On The Information Highway - Cliff
stoll, clifford. Silicon snake oil second thoughts on the information highway.New York Doubleday, 1995. Retrieving documents stoll, clifford. 1995.
4 citations found. Retrieving documents...
Stoll, Clifford. 1995. Silicon Snake Oil: Second Thoughts on the Information Highway . New York: Doubleday.
Document Not in Database Summary Related Articles Check
This paper is cited in the following contexts: Net Surfers Don't Ride Alone: Virtual Communities As Communities - Wellman, Gulia (1997) (6 citations) (Correct) oriented, community sociologists that community can stretch well beyond the neighborhood. By contrast, members of virtual communities take for granted that computer networks are also social networks spanning large distances (e.g. Rheingold 1993; Jones 1995; Hiltz and Turoff 1993; Stoll 1995) Such computer supported social networks (CSSNs) come in a variety of types such as electronic mail (email) bulletin board systems (BBSs) multi user dungeons (MUDs) newsgroups and Internet Relay Chat (IRC) All CSSNs provide companionship, social support, information and a sense of belonging. ....
con most likely overstate the actual nature of virtual community life. Pundits seem to get most media attention when they unequivocally assert that virtual community will greatly change life as we know it for good or ill.

39. Citations: The Cuckoo's Egg - Stoll (ResearchIndex)
stoll, clifford. The Cuckoo's Egg. Doubleday, 1989, 326pp, ISBN 0370-31433-6. Nocontext found. stoll, clifford. The Cuckoo's Egg. London Pan, 1991.
23 citations found. Retrieving documents...
C. Stoll. The Cuckoo's Egg . Pocket Books, 1989.
Document Not in Database Summary Related Articles Check
This paper is cited in the following contexts: Machine Learning Techniques For The Computer Security Domain Of.. - Lane (2000) (Correct) ....via signature matching detectors [15, 13, 14, 16] and longer term attacks which are often approached with statistical or learning techniques (as in this work) Documented events in the latter class have occurred at such high pro le sites as the University of California at Berkeley, Mitre Corp. , the Air Force s Rome Labs, Harvard University, and Citibank Corp. 18] 1.3 Scope of Results Before examining empirical results, we feel it important to clarify the nature of the data we are employing and the scope of conclusions that can be reasonably drawn from this data. We acknowledge that ....
C. Stoll. The Cuckoo's Egg . Pocket Books, 1989. Machine Learning Techniques for the Domain of Anomaly Detection.. - Lane (1998) (Correct) ....items per second. If the anomaly detection system is to run real time then it is imperative that the system be both fast and resource conservative (history has shown that a security measure that is sufficiently obtrusive will not actually be used, and will, therefore, be useless for example

40. Critics And Cybercranks
stoll, clifford Silicon Snake Oil http// stoll, clifford - in brief http
These holdings represent some of the most passionate, scathing, and sometimes amusing attempts to criticize and resist the public and private campaigns to promote cyberschooling, online education or distance learning. Business Week Online - CyberWasteland: A Talk with Clifford Stoll Kraut, Robert, et. al. - Internet Paradox: A Social Technology That Reduces Social Involvement and Psychological Well Being? Mohammed, Emir A., So Your Interested in Post-Secondary Distance Ed., huh? Oppenheimer, Todd - The Computer Delusion Shalizi, Cosma Rohilla - What Are the Alternative Technologies? Shalizi, Cosma Rohilla - What are the Links? So Your Dog Has a Ph.D.: Diploma Mills and Accreditation Policy in Ontario - the Node networking

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