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41. Film Journal : Svetlana Svirko . Credits Director(s), alexander sokurov . Screenplay by, alexander sokurov , Anatoly Nikiforov . http://www.filmjournal.com/PublSystem/objects/MovieCommon/_detail.cfm/StructID/7 | |
42. Second Circle On VHS Alexander Sokurov Second Circle Susan Sontag calls alexander sokurov 'perhaps the most ambitiousand original serious filmmaker of his generation.' In this film, considered http://www.buyindies.com/listings/2/2/FCTS-22522.html | |
43. Alexander Sokurov - Resources Center (info, News, Fan Mail, Photos, Web Sites, P Your source for alexander sokurov information including last news, selective filmographyand discography, fan mail addresses, photos and posters, books, videos http://www.world-of-celebrities.com/Sokurov,_Alexander | |
44. Alexander Sokurov @ Www.zeroemcomportamento.org alexander sokurov (1991). . http://home.no.net/zeroemc/realizadores/sukorov.htm | |
45. Alexander Sokurov @ Www.zeroemcomportamento.org .Filmografia. 2002 RUSSIAN ARK 2000 TAURUS 1999 MOLOCH 1996 MOTHERAND SON 1993 WHISPERING PAGES 1992 STONE 1990 THE SECOND CIRCLE http://home.no.net/zeroemc/realizadores/sukorov-f.htm | |
46. NGA - Film Series - Sokurov Elegies Of all Russian filmmakers past or present, alexander sokurov has achieved the distinctionof being hailed as the most unreservedly spiritual in a country where http://www.nga.gov/programs/flmsokurov.htm | |
47. Home Contact Disclaimer Features By Gabe Klinger Alexander By Gabe Klinger. alexander sokurov is in a slump. It remains to beseen whether the recent decision to bring his films to the high http://www.24fpsmagazine.com/Features/Sokurov1.html | |
48. Sokurov2 We could call it the curse of film, the nonartistic component. Paintingis therapy, film is still a kind of surgery. . - alexander sokurov. http://www.24fpsmagazine.com/Features/Sokurov2.html | |
49. Director's List Translate this page Ruiz, Raul, Schmid, Daniel, Sirk, Douglas. Sjoberg, Alf, sokurov, alexander,Strand, Chick. Sturges, Preston, Suzuki, Seijun, Tanner, Alain. http://www.mip.berkeley.edu/cinefiles/directors.html | |
50. Directory :: Look.com Antivirus WebtoolsWeb Tools. sokurov, alexander (1) See Also. Arts/Movies/Titles/M/Motherand Son - 1997. Sites. The Island of sokurov http://www.look.com/searchroute/directorysearch.asp?p=169465 |
51. Classic Video Club: Video Search Found 1 film with Director containing alexander sokurov Mother and Son/Maty Sin Directed by alexander sokurov, /Russia, 1997. 1 hr 13 min. Drama. http://www.classicvideo.ch/Films.cfm?Arg=Director&TRM=Alexander Sokurov |
52. 23 ª Mostra - "Moloch" , De Alexander Sokurov (Rússia-Alemanha-França) Translate this page Moloch foi o título escolhido pelo diretor alexander sokurov para fazerum estudo da vida cotidiana de Adolph Hitler e sua amante Eva Braun. http://www.mostra.org/23/portug/filmes/5.htm | |
53. 26ª Mostra BR De Cinema - Mostra Internacional De Cinema De São Paulo alexander sokurov, discípulo do http://www.mostra.org/exib_jornal.php?jornal=96&lang=en |
54. CineClick : : : Primo Piano Translate this page alexander sokurov Russian Ark di alexander sokurov, coproduzione russo-tedesca,resterà nella storia del cinema come una impresa tecnica straordinaria un http://www.cineclick.it/primopiano/archiv/cannes_rassegnastampa5.asp | |
55. June 1 Gaumont Presents 700 Parisette (Episodes 1-6) 2 Gaumont Ivens 730 AvantGarde Films. 5 alexander sokurov 730 And NothingMore. 6 Joris Ivens 730 Song of the Rivers and Indonesia Calling. http://www.bampfa.berkeley.edu/pfa/filmseries/fs-06-02.html | |
56. Movies.com - alexander sokurov. Russian Ark (2002) Director ; Writer Dolce(2000) Director ; Writer Mother And Son (1998) Director, http://movies.go.com/filmography/Filmography?person_id=436694 |
57. Movies.com Filmography! Russian Ark Director(s) alexander sokurov Writer(s) alexander sokurov Anatoly Nikiforov Producer(s)Andrey Deryabin Jens Meurer Karsten Stoter CoProducer(s) Sergey http://movies.go.com/filmography/Credits?movie_id=44133 |
58. Lospettacolo.it - CINEMA, Programmazione Delle Sale Cinematografiche Italiane, R Translate this page alexander sokurov. Profilo. Alexandre sokurov nasce a Podorvikha,nelle regione del Irkutsk, Russia, nel 1951. Compie i suoi studi http://cinema.lospettacolo.it/registi.asp?comando=id&dato=753 |
59. Central Europe Review - Film: Aleksandr Sokurov Links A Dialogue on sokurov's Moloch 1999 International Festival of New Cinema, New MediaIncludes a section on Moloch Moloch, alexander sokurov Cannes's cautious http://www.ce-review.org/00/3/kinoeye3_links.html | |
60. NYFF 2002 REVIEW: When Mise En Scene Trumps Montage; Sokurov's "Russian Ark" A scene from Russian Ark Photo courtesy of Wellspring. Russian Ark, the newmasterpiece by Russian director alexander sokurov, is an ode to the sumptuous http://www2.indiewire.com/movies/movies_021212RussianArk.html | |
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