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61. P patterson, Marnette; @ patterson, melody; @ Patton, Billy Dallas; @Patton, Charley; @ Patton, Fiona; @ Patton, George S; @ Patton, Will; http://www.ad.com/Reference/Biography/P/ | |
62. P Mandy; Patric, Jason; Patrick, Robert; patterson, Marnette; patterson,melody; Patton, Will; Paul, Adrian; Paul, Alexandra; Paxton, Bill; http://www.ad.com/Arts/Celebrities/P/ | |
63. Pottawatomie County, Oklahoma History, Pg 6 JH 39 patterson, JR - 372 patterson, James - 389 patterson, Juanita - 437 patterson,Martha Daniel - 372 patterson, melody Ann - 571 patterson, Michael Allen http://www.genealogy4all.com/OkPottHis6.html | |
64. WB-alltime Belinda Arterberry, 8184, 83, 636. Leone patterson, 82-86, 108, 613. melodyEarle, 92-95, 100, 499. Leone patterson, 82-86, 108, 388. melody Earle, 92-95,100, 288. http://www.chapman.edu/athletics/Records/WB-alltime.htm | |
65. NEWS.TERADEX.COM - Entertainment/Celebrities/P Patrick, Robert, Pomers, Scarlett, patterson, Marnette, Pope, Carly, patterson,melody, Popowich, Paul, Patton, Will, Porretta, Matthew, Paul, Adrian, Porter,Cole, http://news.teradex.com/Entertainment/Celebrities/P/ | |
66. P's FS, Parker, Dorothy, 7941072, BHTC. PF, Parr, Janine, 796-5265, QC2-258.PS, patterson, melody, 8250, Outreach. FF, Payton, Michael, 8245, Outreach. http://www.bhc.edu/directory/Ppage.htm | |
67. Allzone Arts/Celebrities/P Parker, Trey Parkinson, Dian Pasdar, Adrian Patel, Amisha Patinkin, Mandy Patric,Jason Patrick, Robert patterson, Marnette patterson, melody Patton, Will Paul http://dir.allzone.com/Arts/Celebrities/P/ |
68. Boop.ca Everyone's Portal Jason@ 4 Patrick, Robert@ 11 Patrick, Vincent@ 1 patterson, Gervase@ 1patterson, James@ 3 patterson, Marnette@ 2 patterson, melody@ 1 Patton http://www.boop.ca/boop/cgi-bin/odp/index.cgi?base=/Reference/Biography/P/ |
69. Electricbrain Home Index Arts Celebrities P Bobbie Powell, Jane Penn, Chris Prepon, Laura Phillips, Morton Pampolina, DamonPintauro, Danny Pelka, Valentine Post, Markie patterson, melody Petty, Lori http://www.electricbrain.com/index/Arts/Celebrities/P/ |
70. Searchalot Directory For P patterson, Gervase (1); patterson, James (3); patterson, Marnette (2);patterson, melody (1); Patton, Billy Dallas (0); Patton, Charley http://www.searchalot.com/Top/Reference/Biography/P/ | |
71. P Website Results :: Linkspider UK Patrick, Vincent@ (1); patterson, Gervase@ (1); patterson, James@(3); patterson, Marnette@ (2); patterson, melody@ (1); Patton, Billy http://www.linkspider.co.uk/Reference/Biography/P/ | |
72. P Website Results :: Linkspider UK patterson, Marnette (2); patterson, melody (1); Patton, Will (3); Paul,Adrian (11); Paul, Alexandra (2); Paxton, Bill (9); Payne, Bruce http://www.linkspider.co.uk/Arts/Celebrities/P/ | |
73. Browsing Reference Biography P Category Paton, Sir Joseph Noel Patric, Jason Patrick, Robert Patrick, Vincent patterson,Gervase patterson, James patterson, Marnette patterson, melody Patton, Charley http://www.uksprite.com/search/search/Reference/Biography/P/ | |
74. The Unofficial Blue Beetle Index Bruce D. patterson (inker); John Constanza (letterer); Carl Gafford (colorist);Julius Schwartz (editor) Supporting Characters melody Case, Jeremiah Duncan http://home4.inet.tele.dk/sjum/Blue_Beetle.htm | |
75. RootsWeb: QC-ETANGLO-L Archive (February 2000) 3) by Margaret Nex; QCETANGLO REMARGUERITE DOCKSTEADER sometimes spelt Doxtaderby melody Campagna; QC-ETANGLO RollCall patterson, PHILLIPS, OVERNORF, MAY http://archiver.rootsweb.com/th/index/QC-ETANGLO/2000-02 | |
76. Tino Lugano, Simon Gibb Colin Patterson Hooligan X Dancin (Redcat) Agora Latin Connection EP (2) Sweet melody - Dubs (Mo Hop Rhythm)Flasher/Hooligany - The Flasher (white label) Colin patterson (30 mins http://www.tracklistings.org/broadbybid.php?bid=42 |
77. RAM State Rankings - Women 35+, 5, GORNO, melody, 50, 400. 35+, 6, GREEN, KAREN, 40, 2475. 35+, 7, patterson,LAURA, 30, 155. 35+A/B, 1, GORNO, melody, 300, 300. 35+A/B, 1, GREEN, KAREN,300, 300. http://www.michiganracquetball.org/rankings/rank_wom.htm |
78. Zeal.com - United States - New - Entertainment - Celebrities - Actors - Actors P Patric, Jason; Patrick, Mathew St. Patrick, Robert; patterson, melody;Patton, Will; Paul, Adrian; Paul, Alexandra; Paulson, Sarah; Paxton http://www.zeal.com/category/preview.jhtml?cid=300011 |
79. Modern Screen 11/71 This article appeared in the November 1971 issue of MODERN SCREEN. JAMESMacARTHUR AND melody patterson Charlie, 10, and Mary, 5, with Jim. http://teresafogarty.com/modernscreen1171/modernscreen1171.htm | |
80. Photoplay 10/70 My thanks to Carol Coley for the article. JAMES MACARTHUR melody patterson.Marriage On The Rocks. Then, he met melody patterson at a party. http://teresafogarty.com/photoplay1070/photoplay.html | |
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