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81. Www.spaceclub.de / James A. Lovell Translate this page james A. lovell führte zusammen mit Borman in der Raumkapsel ?Gemini7 vom 4. bis 18. Dezember 1965 den bis dahin längsten http://www.spaceclub.de/enid/83.html | |
82. AMCTV.com BIOGRAPHY - James Lovell DID YOU KNOW? Go2Broadband, james lovell Original Story , Apollo 13(1995). an error occurred while processing this directive. unsubscribe http://www.amctv.com/person/detail/0,,140648-1-EST,00.html | |
83. Royal Russia : From The James Blair Lovell Archive Royal Russia From the james Blair lovell Archive. by Carol Townend,james Blair lovell See More Details. St Martins Pr (Trade); ISBN http://hallbiographies.com/royalty/86.shtml | |
84. Educate The USA: Biography Of James Lovell The biography of james lovell founding father and signer of the Articlesof Confederation. The biography james lovell. 17371814. james lovell http://educatetheusa.com/lovell.htm | |
85. Welkom Bij De Site Van Scouting James Lovell Bathmen http://home.planet.nl/~horst625/scouting/ |
86. Astronaut Scholarship Foundation james A. lovell. james A. lovell piloted Gemini 7, commanded Gemini 12, orbitedthe moon on Apollo 8 and commanded the aborted Apollo 13 moon flight. http://www.astronautscholarship.org/lovell.html | |
87. James A. Lovell Jr - Apollo 8 Translate this page Equipaggio Frank Borman, Comandante james A. lovell Jr., Pilota modulo di comandoWilliam A. Anders, Pilota LEM. Equipaggio di riserva Non Assegnato. Lancio http://www.keycomm.it/~lovell/apollo1.htm | |
88. Space Frontier Foundation - 2001 Clarke Gala Report And Photos Celebs VIPs spotted Patrick Stewart, james lovell, james Cameron, Morgan Freeman,Bill Paxton, Bob Crippen, Buzz Aldrin, Fred Clarke (Arthur's brother http://www.space-frontier.org/Events/clarkegala2001.html |
89. The James Beard Foundation Events: February 2003 like an ambitious undertaking. But for Jay lovell, son of astronautJames lovell, Jr., it's only natural to reach for the stars. http://www.jamesbeard.org/events/2003/02/004.shtml | |
90. Katalog - Wirtualna Polska Serwis Katalog w Wirtualna Polska S.A. pierwszy portal w Polsce. http://katalog.wp.pl/DMOZ/Arts/Celebrities/L/Lovell%2C_James | |
91. Biography Of James A. Lovell, Jr. - Apollo Astronaut Search for. HOME, CART, CONTACT, NEWS, NEXT, Welcome! An introduction toGalactic Voyager. Spacecraft Models for skilled model builders and beginners. http://imagine5.com/bios/Lovell.html | |
92. James M. Mayer - Selected Publications The First Transition Metal Selenonitrosyl Complex. Thomas J. Crevier, Scott LovellJames M. Mayer, Arnold L. Rheingold and Ilia A. Guzei, J. Am. Chem. Soc. http://depts.washington.edu/chemfac/mayer_pubs.html | |
93. Www.lovellsoflakeforest.com/ http://www.lovellsoflakeforest.com/ |
94. Discovery World Educator Website A whole world of science and technology awaits you at Discovery World. And if theworld isnt big enough for you and your students, then youre in luck! http://www.discoveryworld.org/edguide/Index.html | |
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