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101. Queery.com - Gay Lesbian Community lawless, lucy lucy In The Sky with Mystic Diamonds. Site dedicated to actresslucy lawless. lawless, lucy - The lawless Files The lucy lawless Files http://www.queery.com/sybfusion.cgi?templ=cnl_list.tpl&idx=7018 |
102. Entertainment Tonight - Lucy Lawless At Home lucy lawless At Home February 04, 2002. lucy lawless knows the misery of miscarriage.She had one! lucy lawless The XFiles Interview November 16, 2001. http://www.etonline.com/celebrity/a8837.htm |
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105. USA WEEKEND Magazine As a girl, lucy lawless thought women could do anything. Her immensely popularTV character, Xena, may prove it true. Battle on! By Jennifer Mendelsohn. http://www.usaweekend.com/99_issues/990117/990117lawless.html |
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109. Lucy Lawless Name lucy lawless Character Name Xena Birth Date 29th March 1968 Birth PlaceAuckland, New Zealand Family daughter Daisy, son Julius, husband Rob Tapert. http://www.xenaville.com/cast/lucy.html |
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112. Lucy Lawless Photo, Picture @Celebrity-Image.Com lucy lawless photo Occupation, Actress. Birth Place, AucklandNew Zealand. Birth Date, March 29 1968. Known For, as Xena http://www.celebrity-image.com/pages/lucylawless01.html |
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120. Lucy Lawless Prints And Posters Gallery lucy lawless prints and posters gallery. Search . lucy lawless prints and postersgallery You are here Home Actresses lucy lawless ( 1 of 1 ). Browse http://www.celebrityposters.net/c12967.htm |
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