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21. Celebrities/K/Kurtis, Bill - Fractured Atlas Links Directory LINKS A bill kurtis Tribute Links, interviews, transcripts, picturesand historical records on the craft of the TV journalist. http://www.fracturedatlas.org/site/links/Celebrities/K/Kurtis__Bill/ | |
22. Current Online | Bill Kurtis Leaves Public TV, 1997 bill kurtis departs, with regrets. Under looser underwriting rules, producer saysNew Explorers series could stay. Originally published in Current, July 21, 1997. http://www.current.org/people/peop713k.html | |
23. CelebrityFiles : K: Kurtis, Bill K kurtis, bill (3). bill kurtis God of Television and Journalism- Includes news, guides, quotes, photos and links. bill kurtis http://www.celebrityfiles.net/htmls/Celebrities/K/Kurtis,_Bill/ | |
24. Bill Kurtis The New Explorers Science curriculum based on bill kurtis' The New Explorers programs. billkurtis, The New Explorers. TOP. Slide show of bill´s travels. http://www.eldln.com/about_bill_kurtis/about_bill_kurtis.html | |
25. Marmot Library Network /Marmot Performer, Host, bill kurtis. Note, Broadcast as an episode of the televisionprogram Investigative reports. Auth/illus, kurtis, bill. Davis, Kate. http://www.millennium.marmot.org:90/kids/1899,1901/search/aq/aq/1,874,2752,B/fra | |
26. Terry Savage Talks Money With Bill Kurtis Terry Savage talks money with bill kurtis. January 28, 2001. BY TERRY SAVAGE SUNTIMESCOLUMNIST. And how would bill kurtis assess his own life on that scorecard? http://www.suntimes.com/savage/talk/terry281.html | |
27. Terry Savage Talks Money With Bill Kurtis Terry Savage talks money with bill kurtis. January 28, 2001. BY TERRY SAVAGE SUNTIMESCOLUMNIST. And how would bill kurtis assess his own life on that scorecard? http://www.suntimes.com/savage/talk/bill_kurtis.html | |
28. The New Explorers With Bill Kurtis The New Explorers with bill kurtis. The New Explorers portrays scientistsin the field. This exciting science series moved to the http://www.nsf.gov/od/lpa/events/fow/resources/thenewexplorers.htm | |
29. Executives Breakfast Club Of Oak Brook bill kurtis Television Journalist/Investigative Reporter. Over the decades, bill kurtishas been the recipient of scores of awards for excellence in journalism. http://www.executivesbkfclub.com/kurtis02.html | |
30. Bill Kurtis Bio bill kurtis Biography. By Lori Wilson. bill kurtis, the anchor of threeA E Network series, including the Emmy Awardwinning Investigative http://www.dce.ksu.edu/dce/broadcast/boyd/bio/bill_bio.html | |
31. National PTA: Common Sense: Visiting Experts: Bill Kurtis From the Visiting Experts bill kurtis. bill kurtis, television journalist,talks about Common Sense topics Get Involved I'd like http://www.pta.org/commonsense/6_help/experts/641_kurtis.html | |
32. Bill Kurtis Joins KANU Advisory Board March 15, 2000. Contact Cheri Hawke, KANUFM, (785) 864-5968 or chawke@ku.edu.bill kurtis joins KANU advisory board. LAWRENCEbill http://www.ur.ku.edu/News/00N/MarNews/Mar15/bill.html | |
33. Broadcaster Bill Kurtis To Speak At KU April 2, 1999. BROADCASTER bill kurtis TO SPEAK AT KU. LAWRENCE Television broadcaster and former CBS anchorman bill kurtis will http://www.ur.ku.edu/News/99N/AprNews/Apr2/kurtis.html | |
34. Books: Bill Kurtis Latin Art African Art Fine Arts Magazines Painting Instruction VideosVideos on Art Artists DVDs on Art Artists. bill kurtis. http://www.designstore01.com/searchpages/books/Bill Kurtis/14/2/ salesrank | |
35. KGS--Broadcaster Bill Kurtis To Speak At KU KGS Home General Info Index Page News Releases News Release, Kansas GeologicalSurvey, March 17, 1999. Broadcaster bill kurtis to Speak at KU. http://www.kgs.ukans.edu/General/News/99_releases/kurtis.html | |
36. RealScreen - Investigating Bill Kurtis Investigating bill kurtis. With three toprated series, executive producer/hostbill kurtis is riding high on the success of current affairs on cable. http://www.realscreen.com/articles/magazine/19980501/21745.html |
37. Bill Kurtis To Deliver Huck Boyd Lecture In Community Media At K-State, Aug. 8, bill kurtis to deliver third annual Huck Boyd Lecture in CommunityMedia. There's no place like Kansas for bill kurtis. kurtis, the http://www.mediarelations.ksu.edu/WEB/News/InView/80802billkurtis.html | |
38. A&E's Bill Kurtis Has His Dream Job -- And In Kansas, His Dream Home A E's bill kurtis has his dream job and in Kansas, his dream home They're waitingto hear from us. . bill kurtis smiles and adds, So I've come full circle. . http://www.tvbarn.com/2002/kurtis99story.html | |
39. Subatomic Humor -- If I Call Bill Kurtis Crazy, Is That Libel? Random Column If I Call bill kurtis Crazy, Is That Libel? First published3/10/1999. I think bill kurtis is a big sick freak. You know http://www.subatomichumor.com/old/kurtis.html | |
40. Fooling With Words With Bill Moyers: Kurtis Lamkin http://www.pbs.org/wnet/foolingwithwords/main_lamkin.html |
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