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41. Eeggs.com - Movies : Directors : King, Stephen Search. Home Movies Directors king, stephen, Add an Egg Help Discussion.Click Here SlipUp Search. stephen king in all of his movies? 5.8 with 87 votes. http://www.eeggs.com/tree/1866.html | |
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44. Stephen King: News Everything anybody ever wanted to know about stephen king and probably more. No longer being updated.Category Arts Literature Horror K king, stephen Fan Pages...... Uncollected stories and nonfiction articles; Index of collected pieces; king's GarbageTruck - An index of all his columns from his college newspaper. Ed Nomura. http://www.eddog.com/sk/ | |
45. King, Stephen encyclopediaEncyclopedia king, stephen. king, stephen, 1947, Americanwriter, b. Portland, Maine. He writes horror stories influenced http://www.factmonster.com/cgi-bin/id/A0827682 | |
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47. ::Casa Del Libro:: king, stephen, Portland, (1947- ). http://www.casadellibro.com/fichas/fichaautores/0,1463,KING32STEPHEN,00.html | |
48. Stephen King http://home.tiscalinet.de/stephen-king/ | |
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50. Guardian Unlimited Books | Authors | King, Stephen stephen king (1947). I've turned into America's version of the Great Pumpkin. CriticismThe stephen king Companion by George Beahm. On this site. http://books.guardian.co.uk/authors/author/0,5917,-98,00.html | |
51. Guardian Unlimited Books | Links | King, Stephen Go to Guardian Unlimited home. http://books.guardian.co.uk/links/sites_on_writers/f-k/links/0,6135,97436,00.htm | |
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53. King, Stephen Profile stephen king graduated with a Ph.D from Harvard University in 1991.His specialisation was in Applied Microeconomic Theory; and http://melbecon.unimelb.edu.au/staffprofile/sking/home.html | |
54. King, Stephen. Hearts In Atlantis. How to subscribe to Booklist Magazine king, stephen. Hearts in Atlantis.Sept. 1999. 528p. Scribner, $28 (0684-85351-5). Sixth-graders http://www.ala.org/booklist/v95/adult/jul/02king.html | |
55. King, Stephen encyclopediaEncyclopedia king, stephen. king, stephen, 1947, Americanwriter, b. Portland, Maine. He writes horror stories influenced http://www.infoplease.com/cgi-bin/id/A0827682 | |
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59. Used Books, Out Of Print Books And Rare Books - Horror - Stephen King 1. king, stephen 'Salem's Lot Doubleday, 1985, 439 pp., Hard Cover, ISBN 03850075152. king, stephen Abgrund Nightmares and Dreamscapes Heyne, 1993, In http://members.tripod.com/bestbooks_family/horrorsk.html | |
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